Chapter 63: Chapter 62
The group quickly left the city. Their eyes were darting around the whole time as if groups of assassins were about to jump from a trash can. Percy kept a vigilant eye but believed that the Clan Head would deal with the problem via politics.
Percy didn't know much about Clan politics between these huge bodies of organizations but it wasn't serious enough for the Clan Head to personally facilitate their return so Percy expected it to be at least something he could handle.
They jogged for an hour straight until they were several miles away from the city. They walked the path to Viridian City. On this path in particular there wasn't much Pokémon activity.
Large vehicles traveled the dirt road transporting goods and they passed by someone every five minutes. Each time a group of people passed they all eyed them carefully until they were out of sight.
Percy had become tired of their extremely careful attitude and approached Fay. "Fay. You are losing this group of people. Look at how paranoid they are. You got to tell them that your grandpa has taken care of the assassin problem. And you yourself need to believe he took care of it." Percy tapped her shoulder.
The only human threat left would be criminals who are doing things of their own volition. The Triterra group would not pay anyone else. There are huge groups of intelligence gatherers who would tell for the right price. And once the Honey clan finds who payed someone, there would be hell to pay.
Fay thought for a long time before informing her peers there was nothing to worry about. After a small speech she had succeeded in pulling their reins back in, and with a little assistance from Theo, they were motivated to get stronger by leaps and bounds.
They checked their Pokédex's for areas that had aggressive Pokémon Clans. "What do you guys want to do?" Ezra asked.
"I'm thinking of trying to get faster. Maybe we can fight some fast Pokémon. Like Beedrill." Aidan said.
"Oh yeah Beedrill work. I wanted to check out how I can make my Beedrill stronger."
"For sure, look right here. There's a small Beedrill nest to the north of here. Not too strong. We can make some decent money off of the higher potential ones too." Theo showed everyone his Pokédex where in fact there was a decently small Beedrill nest.
Percy raised his hands. "Woah guys, shouldn't we take our time? We can always slow down. Look right here. A group of Butterfree. Doesn't that sound fun and challenging!" Percy poised with a wide grin.
They all turned to him and turned away, disregarding him entirely. A Beedrill clan was no fun. Beedrill are dangerous because of their high numbers and mindset. If you attack one, you attack all of them. It's not a pleasant experience.
Despite much more protesting Percy was unable to stop their march to the Beedrills territory. The borders weren't far and Percy pulled out most of his Pokémon. His team was countered super hard by Beedrill.
They are resistant to fighting, grass and poison. This already knocked down Fùria, Shroomish and Jormun a peg. They haven't had the time to supplement their move arsenals with other typing. And without ranged moves in Fúria and Ekans it made fighting Beedrill not easy.
Pharaoh would certainly shred them with his strong fire ranged moves. That would make his training faster and easier. Crash would fare well enough but it certainly wasn't the best training space. And who would have known, the second they stepped into their territory that was marked by huge gouges in the ground, a large group of Beedrill buzzed toward the group.
Percy pulled his hatchet from his belt and wielded it. The group of kids seemed unaffected by the Pokémon and met the group with their own pokemon and weapons. Percy scanned the group of Beedrill and cringed.
There were 24 of them spanning from levels 13-29. Only three in particular concerned Percy. One who was level 29 with light red Potential, another who was level 28 with Orange potential, and finally a level 27 with orange potential.
This group was surprisingly talented for just being a patrolling party. The problem with these Pokémon, was that they were actually good at communicating with eachother. Percy immediately saw them separate into 3 groups of 8.
Each of the strongest Beedrill took leading positions and separated enclosing the kids from three angles. Fay also tried to direct the group of kids before it turned into a mess. The kids didn't listen to her words as volleys of attacks came from three different angles. "On me!" Percy shouted.
He gathered the attention of Ezra and Alexander who fell in line behind him. "Shroomish, use Stun Spore on that group over there." He pointed to the group on their west. "Fùria! I need you to be there to distract and Protect. Go over to Elsa and help her out." Elsa was a trainer who's primary goal was to heal.
Her Ribombee was incredibly inexperienced in battle. Percy heard a whistling as he stepped back. Ezra lunged in front of Percy grunting as a large stinger glanced off of his shield. The level 27 Beedrill had targeted him seeing his ability to rally his allies.
The bee buzzed angrily and flew back into its own ranks. Theo and Fay had taken to fighting with a group of kids against the two other groups. But they were out leveled. Between the two of them they had 4 level 27 Pokémon that couldn't match against the much more experienced Beedrill.
Even if Percy had Crash, Pharaoh and Fúria against the three leaders the fight would be close. "Jormun stay close. We might need you to-". A speeding Beedrill that was level 14 sped at Percy. Jormun coiled on the ground and shot up wrapping herself around it and began choking it out on the ground.
A volley of Poisonous needles came flying from the side. Crash stomped his feet and a well aimed Scald countered it. Crash roared at the Beedrill and used Rock Tomb summoning rocks to through at them. One of the rocks caught a Beedrill and pinned its wing on the ground. Alexander quivered behind Ezra who held up his shield dutifully next to Percy.
"Alex stay close and blast the Beedrill with aura when they get close. Keep your Fearow here to finish them off. Crash. Get your ass over here. We need to take down that leader. Let's push down to Fay." A scream came out of a girls mouth as a group of three Beedrill knocked her Pokémon unconscious.
Billie, a girl who was distant to Percy scrambled on the ground as the Beedrill closed in. The Beedrill thrusted a lance at her but was deflected by a perfect knife throw. Zaria came running and leaped onto the Beedrills back driving her dagger into its thorax.
The other Beedrill quickly reacted and buzzed at her. Green arcs of energy flew at Zaria. Crash countered their attacks with his Aqua Tail and stood in front of her. A blast of energy came from Alex pinning one of the Beedrill beneath a glob of glue like energy.
His Fearow dove from above smashing into the last Beedrill. They engaged in a small battle that the Fearow won quickly with its type advantage. The Fearow knocked out the stuck Beedrill and screeched overtop of their bodies.
Crash had bolted ahead to save Zaria and returned to Percy's side. "Ezra, stay with Billie and heal her Pokémon. Take this potion. Zaria get your knives and stick with me. Good stuff Alex." Percy commanded. Ezra nodded and bolted to Billies side his big shield ready for anything.
Zaria retrieved her dagger and came to Percy. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Fúria battling with a Beedrill. A Ribombee shot small useless attacks in a hope to help. Fúrias only non resistant attack was Scratch and she was at a large disadvantage.
She wouldn't lose anytime soon though. Shroomish stood by Theos side and peppered the group of Beedrill with Stun Spore to try and spread them apart. "What do we do now." Zaria shouted over the commotion.
Percys eyes scanned the battlefield. Aidan was wielding his sword against two level 20 beedrill. One stabbed its lance at his head which he deflected off of his blade. The other shot two arcs of green energy at him. He slashed the sword down and was blasted backward.
He remained on his feet and wiped sweat from his brow. "There. You two go help him. I need to help Fay." They nodded and ran over to Aidan. Percy turned and ran to Fay who was battling against the level 29 and 27 Beedrill.
7 other Beedrill battled against some of the kids next to her. "Oh god we are way in over our heads right now." One of them yelled.
"Shit. Dustox is taking huge hits!" Fay was losing the fight with her Vespiquen and Ponyta. The better Beedrill was suppressing the Ponyta completely. It was so much more experienced to the point it dodged every single attack.
The other Beedrill was just barely better than the Vespiquen. It was faster. Fay pulled the golden lance off of her back and spun it over her head. She stabbed when the Beedrill got close but could never catch it off guard.
As the Beedrill avoided a thrust from her lance, a speeding jet of hot water blasted it.
It was sent flying though the air and vanished behind some leaves. Beedrill don't have much health or defense but that shouldn't have knocked it out. Crash and Ponyta looked around the trees ready for it to appear anywhere.
After a few seconds of silence a yellow figure blasted through a tree only feet from Percy. It's lances stabbed at Percy. Percy powered his body with aura to the point his bones were groaning from the effort. The lances ripped through his clothes but just barely missed his skin.
He grabbed the Beedrills wing as it passed him and held on for dear life. The Beedrill lost its balance and sped off into the forest with Percy hanging off of it. It did spins and dives to try and throw Percy off but he held on.
Until it swerved right in front of a tree slamming Percy into the wood. "Uhghuh." Percy groaned as his body slid to the ground. He had been flown about a hundred feet from the battlefield. And he could hear the Beedrill only feet away in a bush.
It buzzed and slowly came out of the bush. Percy grimaced as he held his ribs and rolled on the ground. "Fucker." He reached down to his pokeball belt and touched a button. A soft and furry yellow dog appeared at Percy's side. "Don't kill it." Percy pushed out the words and fell back.
Pharaoh stood proudly next to Percy before looking angrily at the Beedrill. Pharaohs paw turned gray as he used Metal Claw. The Beedrills lances turned purple with poison energy and the two clashed. Sparks flew as they traded moves.
Pharaoh soon bested it and was preparing a flamethrower to defeat it finally. Out of no where Crash came barreling through some bushes. He jumped onto the unprepared Beedrill and pinned it to the ground by stepping on its wings.
Crash stood over it. It's lances slammed into Crashs chest but crash was unaffected. He opened his mouth and inside his body, water came to a boiling point.
The Beedrill struggled before a huge wave of boiling water slammed into its face knocking it unconscious.
To the side Percy was leaned against a tree nursing his ribs. Pharaoh and Crash looked at eachother for second before checking on their trainer. "Thanks guys. Let's get back. And don't worry Pharaoh. You'll have plenty of training against Beedrill tonight." Percy said.
He returned Pharaoh to his pokeball and pushed himself up. Looking down on the unconscious Beedrill he smiled. He caught the Beedrill and jogged back to the battle which was cleaning up all of the Beedrill were unconscious.
Many of the trainers were nursing wounds either on themselves or their Pokémon. "What the hell are you guys doing?" Percy said.
"We're recovering after the battle." Aidan scoffed.
"Get the hell out of the Beedrills territory. If even one got away we'll be fighting a much bigger swarm." They all seemed to understand in that moment. All the sudden they were all up and running away.
Eventually they had gotten to a safe location and began setting up camp. Percy was going around checking up on people and finding his Pokémon. His Shroomish had stuck with Theo the whole time and was severely injured.
Thankfully she was okay and made a complete recovery. Jormun had been picked up by Zaria and had only a few minor injuries. And finally Percy found Fúria on the shoulder of Elsa. She had taken her job to heart and hadn't left the girls side.
Fùria was also seriously injured, but a super potion brought her back up to health. Percy congratulated his Pokémon on their great performance. They had all done great, and accomplished what he asked and more.
Percy also found the group of kids he was fighting with mostly. Alex, Zaria, and Ezra were sat in a semi circle around a tumble of equipment. Alex was pretty much untouched but Zaria and Ezra were scratched up pretty good. Zaria carefully poured alcohol over Ezra's wounds.
He grimaced and looked up. "Oh Percy." He tried to stand and hug him but Zaria made him sit.
"Don't move." She said.
"Look man. You were super impressive just now. I would've been so lost if you hadn't taken control like that. If your directions weren't so good I'm afraid things could've been much worse." Ezra thanked Percy. Alex stood up to try and convey his sincerity as well. "Yeah, I was so afraid but you really brought me up. That was gnarly, and scary. Can't imagine being in the fight without you."
Percy smiled a little bit and sat down next to them. "Let's hope some of the others start to realize that. Or else we're all gonna die."
Zaria nodded as if she had been thinking that. "You're right. We keep getting into really dangerous situations. It's like we're in some kind of rush. I would like to idly train sometimes. I don't think it's good for us to almost die all the time. Did you end up catching that Beedrill?"
"Yeah." Percy said.
"What are you going to do with it?" Ezra asked.
"I'm not sure yet."
Ezra took off his backpack and set it on the ground. "If you aren't going to use it I'd gladly take it. I'm not sure I can stand not having a Pokémon in this world dominated by them. I'll owe you."
Percy shook his head. "No sorry. I think I'm gonna keep it. Anyway a Beedrill doesn't compliment you very well."
"Ahh, you're right." Ezra said nodding to himself. He was a bigger guy who was meant to tank hits. A Beedrill simply wouldn't compliment him well.
Percy put his bag behind his head and said "wake me up when we're doing something." His plan was to nap now, and raise hell on these Beedrill during the night. They didn't move for the rest of the day and just set up camp. Percy slept in his tent until midnight where he rose. He walked away from camp and let out Pharaoh. "Alright Pharaoh. We are gonna first go around to the surrounding Pokémon groups and see if we can't strike a deal with them. I'm sure any group won't like the Beedrill. Let's go."