Percy's Pokemon Adventure

Chapter 62: Chapter 61

The group of teens entered Oakdale city which was a tier 3 city. Oakdale city was well known for its heavy wood export and famous grass type gym leader. A beautiful women who came from humble beginnings into a large fortune through acting and being a powerful trainer.

Her ace Pokémon, A Meganium is renowned as the most beautiful Meganium in the continent. It's a Royal Pokemon with huge flowers spreading from its neck creating beautiful patterns.

It constantly releases a pleasant smell that people say is the best smell in the world. That's what Percys heard. Percy tried to talk to Fay. "Have you thought about challenging a gym?" He asked.

Fay looked puzzled for a second. "No, why would I."

"Why not. There's nothing better for development than battling against some of the best. It's free, and the experience is invaluable." Percy said.

She nodded. "Yeah I guess that does make sense. Actually that's a great idea. Imagine the headline. 'Future heir of Honey Clan defeats powerful gym leader. Honey clans future looks bright.'" Fay stared off into space and imagined great things.

Percy backed up and smiled to himself. He was hoping to challenge a gym, and maybe even start battling in the battler club. He lacked in trainer experience at the moment. If Fay challenged the gym along with all the other kids it would take about a week for all of them to either succeed or fail.

And Percy could challenge and in between all the time waiting Percy could battle at the club and gain experience. Fay addressed the whole group and told them her plan of challenging the gym.

They all agreed vehemently and told her how that was smart. They could prepare for the journey to Viridian City and gain great experience at the same time. The city was huge and beautiful. Large trees dotted the place and a woodsy rustic vibe was present nearly everywhere.

Giant pillars of ornately carved wood dotted the streets. Pokémon nestled in the trees and interacted with the general population. This City has 3 major clans that are backers of most of the businesses. There's the Falling Leaf clan.

It's a large clan that manages all the wood export and lumbering. They're the oldest clan with their beginnings dating a thousand years ago. Their strength comes mostly from strong grass type Pokémon that create trees.

They use them to export lumber at large numbers without heavily affecting wildlife. The second clan is the one that has deep set hatred against the Honey Clan. The Triterra Clan. They are a business focused Clan pretty much just managing the businesses in the city.

Tourism and restaurants and stuff like that. Then there's the third clan, the Butterdrill Clan. They are the military of the City. Their numbers make up 80 percent of the police force and gym memberships.

They take in many of the children of the city and give them Butterfree or Beedrill and train them. They manage all the crime and potential Pokémon threats. But generally they are disliked by the general population.

The reason goes a while back but essentially boils down to poor management in lower ranks. The bottom of the barrel of the Clan would bully everyday citizens and after years of mismanagement the people are starting to become frustrated.

Percy remained quiet as the group signed into a hotel. They pooled money together to get a room that had 12 separate bedrooms. Percy made sure to be extra careful and watched every person passing by very closely.

And to say the least if payed off. Percy saw people eye specifically Fay up and he knew their intentions were no good. 'Best to remain close.' Percy told himself.

"Let's go to the Gym and apply." Fay suggested. When they arrived at the gym Percy was amazed by the structure. It was a huge dome like building that was at least 10 stories tall. Huge columns of wood decorated the entrance and the building looked like an ornately carved bowl.

Drawings of ancient stories that spoke of legendary Pokémon that wonder the forest. They arrived at the reception desk that had lines of people waiting in front of 5 desks. It looked like the wait would be at least an hour. The group groaned and cursed. "I hate waiting." Aiden said.

They waited in the line before a man walked up to them. "Huh, if it isn't the future heir of the Honey Clan." He had dark hair and a full beard. The way he stood Percy knew that he was at least decently powerful.

"Who are you?" Fay asked. Her eyes narrowing In suspicion.

"Me? Im just a captain of a team here at the Oakdale gym. But I recognize you. Hey, instead of waiting in this line, how about I take you and your friends and get you want you want. Come over here."

The group hesitantly followed the man. "So what are you here for?" The man asked.

Theo spoke up, "We are challenging the gym."

"Challenging the gym you say. Can remember when I used to do that back in my day. Well let's get you signed up. Just this way." He began leading them down a nearly empty hallway. Percy did not trust this man. There was no way he had to go this far to sign up.

The others seemed uncomfortable but suspected nothing. 'That's it.' Percys eyes widened. A group of six trainers walked toward them from the opposite side of the hallway. Their hands lay tensely on their Pokémon belts.

These guys weren't professionals. And at the same time. A woman with her hands tucked deep inside her coat pockets came from a corridor perpendicular to theirs. Percy pressed himself against Fay as the woman tried to pass to the hallway on the left she tried to move right in front of Fay.

Percy tried to feel her emotions with his aura. He knew it. Unhooking his axe from his belt he leaped forward grabbing the woman by her face and pressing his blade against her neck. She reacted quickly, but not fast enough.

She held a knife dripping with poison and was poised to strike Fay. But the threat on her life by Percy was to much. The group was surprised at Percys sudden movements.

The blade was pressed against the woman's neck and her eyes shook with fear. Smiling the man turned around and made eye contact with Percy. "Huh. Seems like one of you had his wits." He put both of his hands in his pockets.

Percy gritted his teeth. "Should've hired pros." The teen said.

The man raised his hands. "What gave it away?"

The group of teens stumbled backward. "What the hell is going on here." Fay said. Her eyes darted between Percys axe and the man.

"Your friend just saved your life. We were sent to kill you." The man said simply. He signaled to the group of trainers to stop in their tracks. "Let go of her boy." He said.

Percy smirked. "You think I'm stupid. What kind of poison is on this knife?"

"An Elite level Beedrills poison."

"So you guys are part of the Butterdrill Clan. Who sent you." Percy demanded pressing the blade into her neck. She whimpered in fear and her knees buckled. These guys were no more experienced in killing than anyone else.

Even now looks of horror were on their faces. "Who do you think." The man looked on at Percy calmly. This man was the only concern. Percy pulled the woman backward trying to go back the way they came. "Let go of my colleague kid." The man said.

Percy could feel anger begin to rise up in the man. The group of kids behind Percy were panicking. "Are you okay?" Theo said patting down Fay.

"Oh my god we have to get out of here." A girl said. They began running down the hallway. Only Ezra and Alexander stayed behind.

"Percy do you need help." Ezra shouted. It's clear they were all very shaken. They had never known other humans would be such a threat.

"No, just leave and don't let the others tell anybody." Percy said. If they told the police there was a high likelyhood that it would fall out. There's no evidence that the woman was going to attack anyone.

In the court of law she could've been using the knife to react in self defense. It was either wait to long, or be proactive so Percy had to act early. And the police force would be made of mostly the Butterdrill clan anyway. They wouldn't let their members be exposed like this.

Percy listened to the sounds of footsteps leave. "Let go of her." The man said gruffly. A vein bulged out of his head. Percy grit his teeth and pulled his axe back smashing the woman in the back of her head with the blunt side.

He pushed her forward and sprinted away. The man pulled a blow dart out of his pocket and blew hard into it. A purple dart flew out of it nearly making contact with Percy. Percy dove and was barely able to avoid it.

Percy scrambled away and was able to escape where other people mingled. He found the group. "We have to get the hell out of here." One of the boys said nervously. They were all shaking. This was horrifying to them.

Spending their whole lives with only people who wished them well did not adapt well with this. "Let's go back to the room and get our stuff to leave."

"Yeah let's hurry." They began jogging away leaving Percy behind. Percy ran to catch up. While they ran Fay's hands jumbled with her Pokedex. 'Grandpa.' She thought and called him.

'Hello.' He answered.

"Grandpa, Grandpa you have to help me."

'What's wrong sweetie. What happened.'

"They tried to assassinate me." She panted. Tears were beginning to roll down her face.

'What, who?'

"I don't know! We're here in Oakdale City and uh, we were in the gym and this man led us away and a group of people were going to kill us."

'Are you okay! Where are you right now?!'

"We're okay. We are going back to the hotel and getting our stuff to leave."

'How did you get away?'

"Percy noticed and stopped them." She explained.

The clan head sighed. 'Give the Pokédex to Percy.' And without argument she turned and handed Percy the Pokédex.



"Yeah, what's up."

'What the hell's going on.' The clan head demanded.

Percy slowed to break off from the group. "Someone tried to kill her." Percy said.

'You sound awfully calm.'

"That's just what I was thinking. It's not something to be very calm about. I think I'm getting used to it." Percy entered a line of people waiting for an oven baked pizza, apparently one of the cities specialties.

'Ah if you go far in the world you'll get used to it. Explain.'

"You need to teach her not to go walking away with random strangers." Percy said.


"This random guy 'recognized' her and gave us the opportunity to skip the line. Knew something was up." Percy explained.

'Who did this.'

"Well the attackers were the Butterdrill clan. But I believe that the Triterra clan payed them off." Percy guessed.

A short silence sat on the other side of the phone. 'Damn. I should've warned my contacts. Do not worry. I will handle this. Thankfully it wasn't a serious attack.'

Percy shook his head puzzled. "Huh. What do you mean?"

'If they really wanted to, the Butterdrill clan would've blown you guys out of the water. They could've just waited until you left the city and sent a true assassin. The higher ups want to accept the political payment for the assassination but don't want to accept the social ramifications from the Honey Clan. They assigned a group of low tiered trainers to the project as a sign of good will to the Triterra Clan while also not making direct enemies of the Honey Clan. It's essentially a bunch of political bungaloo. We are fortunate that you were able to stop it though.'

The Clan Head sighed and asked. 'I haven't had the chance to talk to you, how have things been?' Percy payed for a pie of pizza and began walking back to the hotel.

"It's been good enough. She would've been seriously hurt 2 separate times had I not been there. And don't even get me started on the extras. It's like babysitting. You have to change something about the curriculum you're teaching them. They think they're so good but end up almost dying, and then right back to thinking their so good." Percy explained.

'Do not hound me boy. I am trying my hardest, and it is certainly not my responsibility to design the kids curriculum. Do you think they will be good enough to be okay once you leave?'

"Maybe. The biggest problem is I'm the lowest in the social ladder. They don't find value in my suggestions or tutelage. I'm afraid that your rudeness problem isn't contained to just the main branch."

'I am very busy. Tell Fay that she no longer has to worry about assassinations. I will deal with it.'

Percy found the group of teens packing up their stuff as and heading out the door as he returned. He returned the Pokédex to Fay who asked, "What did he want with you."

Percy shrugged, "He wanted to know if I knew anything else. He also told me to tell you he will deal with the assassinations."

She clasped her hands and smiled. "I knew Grandpa would take care of it." She put her hand over her chest and closed her eyes. Percy raised his eyebrows and gathered his stuff. All of this was awfully dramatic.

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