Chapter 61: Chapter 60
4 days later Percy and the gang of kids were walking back into the city. He had shown them how to handle themselves well enough, and surprisingly they had found enough decent potential Pokémon to pay for their supplies.
There had been a lot of close calls where life and death were possible. But fortunately, Percy was able to prevent it. They were now a little aware of the dangers.
One of the girls, Billie, was being foolish and playing with one of the baby Rattatas they had found. She was struck in the eye by a Pokémon she had failed to seen and she lost her eye.
So she was rushed to the hospital where she had her eyeball regrown. She had to take a loan out from a bank to pay for it. Percy thought that they realized that there wasn't any money to fall back on, no safety net.
Just them and their Pokémon. There was nothing to make them safe. From then on they took their training in the wild more seriously. Percy found this change in attitude amusing.
He had surprisingly been pushed back to the edge of the social circle. Occasionally only Ezra and Alexander talked to him for anything other than strictly business.
But Percy got so much personal time that it was worth it. Jormun had gotten to level 15 and was showing some real loyalty to Percy. She had become attached to her older siblings and was constantly asking for advice. Crash although was not a very supportive figure to her.
Which when in private Pharaoh bombarded Crash on his lack of support. There was a dynamic developing in his group of Pokémon. Crash and Pharaoh were the most experienced and were essentially the leaders. Two sides of the same coin.
Pharaoh gently but strictly allowed no room for errors. Crash lazily directed Fúria or Jormun but was a battle master correcting them where they made mistakes.
They both had drastically different styles but they both knew what they were doing. Percy had been talking to Pharaoh about how he felt about being hidden from the public. Pharaoh was beginning to feel resentment and Percy couldn't blame him.
So Percy explained to Pharaoh that they would both be in great danger if anyone found out. So they would have to get to the Elite level to be able to have a decent amount of security from robbers.
Percy promised Pharaoh that as soon as at least one of his Pokémon hit that level Pharaoh can be out whenever. Wether it's to just eat or if he wanted to sit on top of Percys head. But by then Pharaoh would've evolved to an Arcanine.
That was actually a problem for Percy at the moment. Percy had to find the best quality Fire stone he could get. This probably meant getting close to Kai or Zoe to get one from their clans.
Of course on the market there are some but they can't be compared to the quality the clans have. Percy predicted the time he had to get the stone before they reached elite level (level 40) was about 3 months.
Fay was still pretty set on cutting through all that foliage to get straight to Viridian City. And despite the large amount of advice Percy gave against it, she seemed to ignore it.
There was a kind of unspoken tension between them that they could never iron out. Fay was attracted to Percy and quite frankly Percy was always on her mind.
But she never approached him since they were always in the company of the others.
They set off into the wilds inbetween Honey City and Viridian City. It was rarely traveled forest that held tons of Pokémon. Pokémon that were much more rare than what they were finding in the plains.
Percy was planning on adding two more Pokémon two his roster in this trip if they weren't forced to stop early. His standards now were at least light red potential.
But that could change depending on the Pokémon. After a day of walking they were already getting attacked by Pokémon. These areas were beginning to be full of Pokemon with some guts.
Injuries were still higher than they should be but that's okay. And after the day of walking Percy went out at night. The goal tonight was to look for the better Pokémon that were in those areas.
So he checked his Pokédex for reports by fellow trainers that told of rare Pokémon spottings. The area was heavily forested. There was an entry on a group of Paras and Parasect about a mile from their camp.
And with his Pokémon, a group of Parasect wasnt his biggest worry. So he set off with just a slithering Jormun at his side. The forest was a dark carcophony of sounds. The trees were big enough to the point he couldn't wrap his arms around them.
The foliage wasn't super thick so he could walk without being entangled. Jormun hissed a warning to Percy. At Jormun there was a set of tracks that seemed to be left by a Paras.
Percy rubbed Jormuns head and followed the trail closely. Soon enough they found a group of Paras and Parasect. They scrounged in the dirt ground looking for roots to eat apparently oblivious to Percys presence in the dark.
Percy slowly scanned the 2 Parasect and 4 paras but was disappointed. 3 of the paras had white potential while all the others only had green. It wasn't even worth messing up this family of Pokémon for the few thousand dollars. So Percy moved on.
Percy repeated this a few times each night. He found groups of uncommon Pokémon but their potential didn't satisfy. One night he came upon a group of Pikachu and Raichu that chased him out.
Another night a huge rove of Beedrill chased him out of potentially catching a high potential Spearow. Things during the day were tense.
Groups of Pokémon would drop in and try to kill the group. At first the group thought it was just an odd coincidence. But then they realized they were in over their heads.
The Pokémon were getting stronger and they were getting more tired. Percy napped whenever he could. So Fay smartly diverted to Oakdale City on the path.
They were still a few days away so Percy could try to get some more Pokémon. Percy had fully healed at this point and was demonstrating his full ability.
He was swinging around in combat commanding his Pokémon with scary efficiency. Before he was kind of a burden. But now his axe was a constantly working machine.
Deflecting attacks. They were so impressed that Theo had tried to catch Percy before he went to get fire wood by himself. Which was a risky act. "Percy." He called out.
Percy looked over his shoulder. "What's up." He said. Theo had demonstrated that he was a competent second in command so Percy was willing to give him a chance.
"I was just hoping to catch you. Let's get fire wood together." Theo smiled.
Percy raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Sure."
Theo jogged lightly to get to Percy. "You've adapted surprisingly well to our group." Theo said.
"Doesn't really feel like it." Percy commented.
"Oh don't let Aidan and Ellen get you down. They aren't very friendly. I must admit I was suspicious on how this would work out originally but you've really shown your value." Aidan and Ellen were a pair that were pretty much bullying Percy.
Making him do the worst jobs or plain insulting him. Aidan was a physical specialist while Ellen had a Beedrill. Aidan was strong enough. Skilled with a sword and a little stronger than Percy physically.
While Ellen was just all around worse than Percy. She's better than average but that's pretty much where the lines drawn. "Yeah. I'm just hoping they'll stop or I will have to step in and show them why they should stop." Percy side eyed Theo.
Percy was trying to convey the message that if Theo couldn't contain his underlings, then Percy would be forced to act.
And Theo got the message. "Yeah for sure. Anyway how did you become so good at commanding your Pokémon. Your Mankey seems like it would do anything for you. And your Croconaw never hesitates. Such trust." Theo said.
Percy smiled and bent over chopping at a tree that had fallen over. "Well. There's a lot. But mainly I think communication is really important. Crash was difficult but he's mellowed out. I talk to him about what he wants and we follow through. We are in a partnership. I help him get stronger, and we become good friends. But really it depends on the Pokémon." Percy wiped his forehead of sweat and sat down on a large mushroom.
He jumped as he felt he made a mistake. The mushroom was living! The brown mushroom with green spots stood up and looked around sleepily. Percy fell backwards while whipping out his Pokédex.
He had never thought of encountering a Shroomish here before.
Pokémon: Shroomish
Level: 23
Abilities: Effect Spore, Poison Heal, Quick Feet
Gender: Female
Potential: Red
Moves: Absorb, Tackle, Stun Spore, Leech Seed, Mega Drain, Headbutt, Poison Powder, Low Sweep [E] (Inherent Move), Bullet Seed (Inherent move)
Normally Shroomish and Breloom were only found in more tropical places and not in Kanto, so this was a decently rare find. The Shroomish looked up at Percy and Theo and was suddenly filled with fear.
It began dashing away weaving through the forest. "Fúria catch it!" Percy shouted while sprinting behind. This little thing was much faster than Percy was expecting.
It's little legs moved in a blur as it dodged Fúrias grabs. "Just knock it out!" It turned around and a flurry of green seeds spat out of its mouth.
They were fast and Percy was too close. He tried to avoid as many as possible but they made contact with his left side. Later huge purple welts would show up. Percy was on the ground groaning and holding his side. Theo was chasing after it with Fúria and they disappeared out of sight.
Percy groaned as he pushed himself up. It felt like each individual seed was a baseball being thrown at 90 mph and he was hit by 4 of them. A few minutes later Theo and Fúria returned with an unconscious mushroom.
Fúria was a little banged up and carried it keeping it far from Theo. "Yeah. Fúria! Give me some." Percy high fived Fúria and pressed a pokeball to the Shroomish's forehead, capturing it with ease.
Percy sprayed Fùria with a potion and thanked Theo for helping out. "No problem. That's the first red potential Pokémon I've seen in the wild. What are you going to do with it?" Theo asked.
His tone seemed innocent enough. "I think I'm gonna try and add it to my team. We will see how that goes." Percy grabbed a large bundle of firewood under his arm and began walking back.
"Fay has been kind of weird around you. Do you know why?" Theo said suddenly.
Percy side eyed Theo and said, "When I was trying out to be a part of this group we had a friendly spar."
"And who won." Theo said.
Percy was silent. "Look, we're back." Percy entered the camp and dropped the logs of firewood. It was beginning to become night, and someone was cooking up a bunch of Pidgey. Percy sat down at the fire and pulled out his axe and sharpened it.
Theo gave up trying to talk to Percy and went to find Fay. Crash set next to him and practiced some of his less intense moves. A girl sat next to Percy and tapped him on his shoulder. Her hair was black and tied back in a ponytail.
Her name is Zaria, and she's a weapon specialist in the group. She used two daggers to quickly attack Pokémon. "What's up." Percy said.
She seemed mildly embarrassed. "Can I use your whetstone. I lost mine." Percy sighed and passed his whetstone. This group was a mess.
But maybe Percy just had it so good that he had never seen inexperience. "Hey." She said. "You know that move where you threw your axe today to stop that projectile." Percy knew what she was talking about.
A group of Gloom had attacked the group and a seed bomb had almost impacted with Fay injuring her. But Percy threw his axe just in time to deflect the bomb into the ground. "Yeah. What about it." Percy said.
"How did you learn to throw your axe? They never taught me in the academy." Percy grabbed his axe and flipped it in his hand. Nobody had taught him how to use weapons. He just swung it.
These other kids clearly had techniques and martial arts that incorporated their bodies. It is scary to think how good Percy would be with proper training. "Well. I learned by practicing. I picked it up almost immediately. I just grabbed on the axe where I wanted it to spin to. Look,"Percy stood up and walked to a more secluded area where Zaria followed.
"A lot of it was just skill. I grab my axe in a specific spot depending on where my target is from me." He held the axe by the end of the handle. "Like that tree for example. I would grab here." He cocked back and chucked the axe slamming perfectly into the tree.
"It depends on the kind of spin you naturally put on it and what you what the axe to make contact with." He retrieved his axe. "Let's say I wanted to knock someone unconscious with the back of my axe." He readjusted his axe and threw it.
The back blunted end bounced off of the tree into the bushes. "For me it was just kind of innate. Like I already knew. It's worth learning though, especially for you. The difference between life and death can be between a good throw and a bad one." Percy tapped the axe lightly to his head.
Zaria gulped. 'Totally badass.' She thought to herself. "Thank you. I'll practice right now." Zaria picked up one of her daggers and tried throwing it at a tree. She missed the tree. Percy smirked and left the camp. He wanted some private time to talk to his newly caught Shroomish.
So that's what he did. Percy released the Shroomish and sprayed a potion over it to heal it from the beating it took from Fúria. Once it had come to fully Percy crouched down to it and introduced himself. "Hello. My name is Percy. And I want you to be my Pokémon. Help me and I will help you become powerful and lead a life of purpose."
The Pokemon stared at Percy for a second before shooting spores out of its head at Percy. Percy ran away covering his mouth. He came back a few seconds after the spores dissipated.
Reaching out a hand to touch the Pokémon he used the other to cover his face with his shirt. Gently Percy placed his hand on the mushrooms head and rubbed it. The Shroomish leaned into his touch and said, "Shroom." That Percy translated to, 'Maybe we can work something out.'
Percy got to know the little Shroomish pretty well. He introduced her to the crew of Pokémon he had and she adapted pretty well. Apparently she had been separated from her family in Viridian Forest and ended up a few hundred miles away.
She had been close to dying many times to predators. Pidgeotto and Fearow. She was happy to join the team and vowed to contribute as hard as she could as long as Percy would try and find her family. Percy vowed that they would try to find her family.