Percy's Pokemon Adventure

Chapter 60: Chapter 59

Percy limped behind Fay while directing Fúria to follow the groups flank and to alert Percy if anything happened. Crash was placed between Percy and Fay for protective purposes.

Fay seemed to be disgusted at being close to the growling Pokémon but seemed unwilling to make Percy move it. She released a few Pokémon of her own. Ponyta, Vespiquen, and Cutiefly. Percy scanned the Pokémon with his Pokédex.

Although their levels were fairly impressive at 26, 27, and 22, their combat skill can't be compared to Percys Pokémon. Like the others, these Pokémon seemed to be childish and soft.

The Ponytas flames burned softly and seemed to be no more powerful than a candle. The other kids released some of their Pokémon and revealed they all has the same Pokémon as their clan offered Percy.

He didn't bother scanning all the Pokémon right now and just walked behind Fay, albeit difficultly. Ezra had the unconscious boy tossed over his shoulder as they left the path and began venturing the plains.

Percy knew this area around Honey City and it didn't have any group of Pokémon controlling it. This was good news. It meant less large groups of Pokémon and more family oriented groups.

The kind that would show up with 5 or so at the most and be more interested in individual survival than anything. This meant no super large groups of Pokémon obliterating them. Although it did mean that on average their levels would be higher.

After about a half an hour of walking Fay decided that they should set up camp. Her general plan was to have them go out in groups to find decent Pokémon to catch and sell back in the city for some cash.

Then with that cash they would buy supplies for about a two week journey. Percy just had to buy enough Pokémon food for his Pokémon to last. They set up camp.

Fay tried to organize them into two groups. One to guard the camp and another to find Pokémon. Guarding the camp included finding firewood and getting food. Wether that included berries or Pokémon.

The groups would then rotate. Percy fought hard to be put in Fay's group and succeeded although he could tell that the others found that weird. Of course everyone else wanted to get as close as possible to the future heir. The groups were led by Fay and Theo. Fay's group would stay with the camp first while Theos explored.

Percy sat on a log of wood and sharpened his axe with a whetstone. He had the axe secured against his leg because of the lack of a second arm.

He was tapped on the shoulder. A girl about a year older than him smiled. "I couldn't help but notice you are injured. My Pokémon can use healing moves if you want it to." He looked over to the Ribombee who flew next to the girl.

Percy smiled and stood up. "That would be nice." Percy thanked the Ribombee as a warmness spread through his body. He sighed. He didn't predict that one of their Pokémon would know healing moves.

But this was a welcome surprise. With his healing speed and this assistance he would recover in a few days. Just long enough until they get into the real journey. Fay avoided Percy and for good reason.

Percy wasn't in a particularly good mood. And even though he wanted to think he was projecting a pleasant energy, he wasn't. Really it was a miracle that girl decided to approach him.

Her name was Elsa, and from what Percy could tell she was the most agreeable of the group. Ezra plopped down on the ground next to Percy. "I was going out to get food if you wanted to come with me?" He said.

Percy shrugged. "Sure. But we should ask Fay first."

Ezra hit himself on the head. "Oh yeah, duh." They stood and approached Fay who was petting her Pokémon just outside of her tent. All the other people in the group sat around her.

"Future heir." Ezra said, "Percy and I were going to go out to gather food. I am requesting permission to go out." He bowed his head to her. Percy didn't.

Fay rose an eyebrow. "Sure. Fresh food. Why not. Someone else should go with them. Alexander, join them." She waved to the timid boy with the Spearow.

He stood up and joined them, Ezra retrieved his shield from his tent and they left the camp. Percy left Crash behind with express orders to protect them. He had noticed that not a single one was vigilant. "I would always keep that on you." Percy said.

"Huh, my shield?" Ezra said confused.

"Yeah. What happens if we had been attacked. You shuffle into your tent to retrieve your shield. If your whole thing is being good with a shield, than you should never be caught without it in arms reach." Percy explained.

Ezra nodded. "That makes sense." Alexander was an oddity among all the kids. He didn't have the standard Honey Clan Pokémon with just a Spearow on the verge of evolution.

It was a pretty good Spearow, at least better than anyone Percy's seen. It had light red potential and was big. a pretty good specimen. It was aggressive and was flying far above them.

But Alexander was a timid guy, barely responding to Percys questions. And resorting to yes or no answers. Percy learned that Alexander was one of the rare cases that people were brought in from orphanages into the clan.

He was talented enough to have already awakened aura. And so he was assigned onto the personal guard. His aura type was 'sticky'. His aura was essentially sticky like honey. He could shoot out and manipulate energy that acted much like glue.

Percy didn't see it in action yet but he imagined it was useful. Fúria and Jormun followed Percy closely and never let down their guard. He could tell from the groups attitude they didn't take this seriously.

Even though this was something Percy wouldn't treat super seriously this was their first time in the wilds. And just cause Pokémon in the area were generally weak didn't mean there wasn't outliers.

Pokémon would generally avoid their area especially if they had no stake in the surroundings. So to find any sort of Pokémon they would have to encounter a stronger Pokémon, or go to a berry tree or something.

Or they could stealth. But Ezra's shield lacked efficient stealth options. After about a half an hour of walking and no Pokémon Ezra and Alexander started to become antsy. Percy knew how to find Pokémon if it really became important. There's a creek to the north that held some fish Pokémon.

Percy did have a fishing Rod but very little experience. And without Crash it turned into a game of luck. Fúria was best against little normal type Pokémon. Eventually they found a group of trees. But Percy noticed something weird. Long claw marks were across the trees bark. Ursaring marks. The Honey City area is notorious for its random bear Pokémon that are found around the area.

They could see a large berry tree in this grove however. "Let's not go in there." Percy stopped them.

"Huh why not?" Ezra said.

"Look at those marks. Ursaring. We are not equipped to fight an Ursaring right now." Ezra and Alexander thought for a second before coming to the conclusion that it was wise to not mess with them. After a bunch of searching they found a small group of Furrets and Zigzagoon fighting. 5 of them were on each side.

Percy stopped his group mates from alerting them and watched the battle play out. Eventually when the Zigzagoon barely won out with only one conscious Pokémon left Percy told Alexander to use his aura. Alexander spread out both his hands and a small shot of sludge looking yellow stuff shot out and stuck the Zigzagoon to the ground. Fúria killed it and they took the meat back to the camp.

When they returned the other group had returned to the camp. They had caught 2 Pokémon both of which had white potential. Pretty much worthless. Percy dropped the bodies and went to find Crash. He found Crash sitting on the unconscious form of a Raticate.

Apparently it had tried to steal from the camp but was caught by Crash. Crash told Percy the story, and apparently nobody had even noticed. Fay rounded the other group up and they set off into the wilderness.

Percy was still limping behind but he pushed himself to stay with the group. Pretty much no one talked to Percy and they all chatted with eachother. By chance they ended up by the grove of trees again.

The boy who was knocked out by the Clan Head spoke up. "Look! A berry tree." He said. "That means there's bound to be Pokémon close by."

Fay nodded and said. "Let's go. There's probably a good Pokémon guarding it." That was true. Better Pokémon tend to guard the best food source.

"I wouldn't do that." Percy said calmly. Most of the kids turned to him confused.

"Why not." Fay asked.

He pointed at the grove of trees. "There's probably an Ursaring in there. Look at those markings."

Aidan, the brash boy, laughed. "All the better. An Ursaring would be enough to get all the supplies we need." Percy made eye contact with Fay and tried to communicate it wasn't a good idea. But Aidan clearly didn't believe a word coming out of his mouth.

The group was composed completely of Ezra, Fay, Alexander, Percy, Elsa and Aidan. And they didn't voice their support for Percy in fear of being ostracized. Fay shrugged and pushed forward. Percy gathered his Pokémon and gave them express info on how they should be very careful. He also pulled Ezra aside and told him to stand next to Fay.

As they broke through the line of trees a huge brown body came flying from a tree. A huge Ursaring slammed into the ground in front of the group. Percy whipped out his Pokédex and scanned it.

Pokémon: Ursaring


Gender: Female

Potential: Dark Red

Moves: Covet, Scratch, Leer, Lick, Fake Tears, Fury Swipes, Payback, Sweet Scent, Slash[E], Play Nice, Play Rough, Scary Face, Takedown[E], Rest, Hyperbeam [E](Inherent Move), Hammer Arm [E](Inherent Move)

"Holy shit." Percy whispered. This was not something they could mess with. Immediately he urged his company to back up. And back up they did.

When they saw it's stats they felt fear as well. The bear roared and slashed toward them. Ezra stepped in front of Fay and raised his shield. The huge paw slammed into the shield sending Ezra flying into a tree and the shield skittering off into the trees.

Quickly Percy set Jormun and Fúria off on a mission and quickly circled around the bear. There was no chance here. Percy had to buy enough time. He bolted to the middle of the grove. And just like he predicted the bear followed.

Despite it's heavy weight it was two times faster than Percy. So Percy jumped into the branches. He barely pulled himself up when the figure came clawing up the tree to catch him he was just out of reach. He jumped into the trees narrowly avoiding the attacks.

But he got enough time for his Pokémon to do what he wanted them to do. He had asked Fúria and Jormun to find some sort of child Pokémon. Normally Ursaring have younger children when they settle in a location like this.

And as long as there is a Teddiursa in there that is weaker than Fúria, he would be okay. He heard Fúria scream at the bear who turned around. Fúria held a egg in her arms with a red hand poised to break it.

A look of shock and horror fell on the Ursarings face. Percy dropped down onto the ground breathing heavily. "Ursaring!" He shouted.

The bear roared in rage but turned to him. 'What human.' Percy deciphered.

"We will not harm your egg. As long as you let us all go and promise to not pursue. I promise that we will never come back." Percy beckoned Fúria to come to his side.

'You humans are liars. If I let you go you will just come back with more powerful people.'

"No, no really." Compared to humans Pokemon lie very little. And Percy didn't doubt that Ursaring would hold its promise. "How do you want me to prove it." Percy knew that he had all the time in the world. Ursaring have an extremely strong bond with their children.

And though it would take seconds to kill Percy she wasn't willing to risk it. 'You must swear it.'

"I swear, on Mew, on Arceus, on Giratina, on Dialga that I will never come here again of my own will." Swearing on the legendaries like that was a fickle thing. Many people believe that breaking that oath results in the worst luck imaginable.

Percy believed a little of that as well. The bear grunted. 'Okay. I also swear on every legendary that I will let you go and not pursue you. Now drop my child.' Percy signaled to Fúria to drop the egg and they carefully backed up.

Percy couldn't find the group of kids outside of the grove of trees anywhere. The flat plains had only grass. Percy shrugged and returned to the camp slowly.

On his way he was fortunate enough to stumble on a decently rare find. An oddish bathing in the sun, as if nothing could go wrong. Percy scanned it and found it to have dark green potential. Not bad. That would make a quick buck.

Percy eventually ended up back at the group camped out. They had all returned without a care for his safety. Luckily Ezra was okay with only a broken forearm that was being healed by Ribombee.

They all seemed surprised by his survival. "Your alive." Fay said.

"Yeah. Did you miss me." Percy sighed. "Are you going to believe me now?" Percy said. He pulled a pokeball out of his pocket and released a chill oddish. "I found this." They marveled at him.

"What? How did you find a decent Pokémon around here."

"It's not that hard. If you want to keep going around here we can, but it'll be hard to find Pokémon in the big groups we have. I know places where we could find Pokémon." Percy smirked.

It had took some convincing but eventually he got them to pack up camp and follow him. He knew of a clan of Rattata and Raticate to the east. It was a perfect target for this group of developing trainers.

This group in general had a larger population but lower levels. Based on his calculations the top Pokémon would be level 30 Raticate. The beginning of the trainer circuit normally has low level Pokémon.

It was actually odd for Percy to have seen so many high level Pokémon so far. This group would be a good training experience. And Percy was started to get interested in powerleveling Jormun.

She hadn't been guided like Crash or Pharaoh had. Only really training for the theoretical. She was being raised to be especially powerful in her one on one combat. The sun was beginning to set and they set up camp just outside of the Rattatas territory.

The sun set and darkness surrounded them. A large campfire sat in the middle with roasting Pokémon on sticks.

Percy had suggested that the boy with the Dustox keep his Dustox up in the night to watch over the camp. Since Dustox are nocturnal and have difficulty being in the light it meant that someone could watch.

Percy had actually planned to find a really good Zubat so he could have a permanent and almost foolproof security system. But he hadn't gotten to it yet. Surprisingly they took his advice.

At 2 in the morning, Percy woke. He quietly crawled out of his tent. He left the camp and released Pharaoh and Jormun. The plan was to spend some time training with Jormun. Isolating her fights and giving her real combat experience.

And that's what they did. They found lone rodent Pokémon who were scrounging around. Then Jormun would quickly go into battle. Percy let her make her own decisions in battle and advised her on what she could've done better.

She traded a few basic moves like poison sting and bite before doing the combo of wrap and iron tail. Her body would become extremely hard and her opponent couldn't get her off. She eventually squeezed them unconscious.

As long as they are the same level there was no way at this stage that they could do anything. The second half of the night was spent obliterating anything they could find with Pharaoh.

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