Chapter 59: Chapter 58
Percy awoke to his alarm, quickly turning it off and standing up. He ran his hands through his hair fixing it from sleeping and fed his Pokémon. He explained to his Pokémon what they'd be doing in the future and how it was extremely important they do their best to protect the other teens.
After that he finished all messaging conversations he had with other people making it clear he was going to be less attentive for a month.
Percy assured Grace he would show up. Recently Percy had been chatting with Claire about their adventures and life. Although Percy kept a lot of his stuff under wraps, it's still refreshing talking to other people. Claire had been training with her group and has been having a better time than before.
Ash had been sending them money to take care of their families and focus on their training. Now that they didn't have to scramble for money every month they made some serious progress.
Not much compared to the alien like growth Percy showed but enough to be reasonably impressive for average trainers. Percy enjoyed talking to Claire and Claire loved talking to Percy.
Although Claire had a huge crush on Percy, she knows that pursuing him now would most likely result in heartbreak. From her point of view Percy is clearly very committed to getting stronger and keeps his other stuff to a minimum.
She reasoned she should spend her time getting stronger to stand with him later. Finally Percy scanned his Pokémon to measure his change in strength.
Percys Pokémon:
Pokémon:Croconaw, Crash
Level: 28
Abilities: Sheer Force, Torrent
Gender: Male
Potential: Light Blue end
Moves: Scratch, Leer, Water Gun, Rage, Bite, Scary Face, Rest, Ice Fang, Flail, Rock Tomb, Ice Punch, Aqua Tail [E] (Inherent Move), Scald [E] (Inherent Move), Crunch (Inherent Move), Protect (TM), Hone Claws (TM)
Pokémon: Mankey, Fúria
Level: 24
Abilities: Anger Point, Vital Spirit
Gender: Female
Potential: Orange
Moves: Leer, Scratch, Low Kick, Retaliate, Swagger, Karate Chop, Bulk Up (Inherent Move), Dig (Inherent Move), Protect (TM), Double Team (TM), Taunt (TM), Focus Energy (TM)
Pokémon: Growlithe, Pharaoh
Level: 28
Abilities: Flash Fire, Justified
Gender: Male
Potential: Light Blue
Moves: Bite, Roar, Ember, Leer, Odor Sleuth, Helping Hand, Flame Wheel, Reversal, Fire Fang, Agility, Flamethrower [E] (Inherent Move), Metal Claw (Inherent Move), Swords Dance (Inherent Move), Protect (TM)
Pokémon: Ekans, Jormun
Abilities: Intimidate
Gender: Female
Potential: Light Red
Moves: Leer, Poison Sting, Bite, Iron Tail (Inherent Move), Wrap (Inherent Move), Protect (TM)
Pokémon: Cascoon
Abilities: Shield Dust, Run Away,
Gender: Male
Potential: Light Blue
Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Poison Sting, Harden
His Pokémon have been making explosive progress and would soon crest the level of 30 making them much more powerful. Once there their leveling will slow considerably and Percy will think of adding more higher quality Pokémon to his roster.
Even after all this time he hadn't even left the first city of the trainer Route. Theres still so much to do and so much to accomplish. Percy returned all his Pokémon except Cascoon who sat on his shoulder making small sounds.
He's not completely sure where Fay would bring the group on their first day. So he wore boots with dark grey sweatpants and a tight fitting black t shirt. He had removed the bandaging on his body but his arm still hung loose on his side.
His limp was still there meaning he would be slow when compared to the rest of the group. He began leaving his room with the majority of his stuff inside his Pokédex and just a bag of clothes and other things he can't remove from the Pokédex when the need arises.
Part of his blending in included not using his Pokedex to store stuff. His backpack was full of potions, antidotes, clothes, pokeballs, and other stuff. As Percy left his room he saw a kid leave the room right next to his.
Percy recognized him as someone he had met last night. The kids name was Ezra and he's a combat specialist. He's a big guy standing at about 6 feet with a tightly tied back bun of brown hair. His brown eyes looked at Percy analyzing his new colleague.
On his back was a large metal shield with gold trim and designs. It was square and only a little smaller than Percy. It took up the kids entire back with a small backpack on top of the shield.
As Ezra approached Percy he flashed a big smile. "Nice to meet you like this Percy. I was hoping to talk to you alone." Ezra pointed his thumb at the shield on his back. "My job is to take attacks with this shield and a huge part of that is trust. I thought I'd introduce myself because I've heard about the dangers of the wild and it would be good to establish trust now. You seem to be a pretty standup guy so I hope you can cover my back while we're out there." Ezra offered his hand in what looked like a hand clasp.
Percy smiled and clasped hands with Ezra. "It's good to meet you."
Percy and Ezra went to the meeting spot chatting and getting to know each other. Percy learned Ezra is one of the physical only people.
Like he said he just protects people with his giant shield. Percy didn't exactly know what to expect but he felt confidence radiate off of Ezra. Eventually they arrived before a small podium.
The others in the group looked at them weird and returned to their small conversations. After waiting a few minutes standing by himself Percy felt a presence watching him. He turned around and saw the Honey Clan Head slowly approaching the group from the podium.
The old looking man cleared his throat before speaking. "Future of the Honey Clan, you are here today to be sent off into the world. You will strengthen yourselves and your resolve. Make a name and become strong, but until then, you are officially temporarily exiled from the Honey Clan." His voice boomed over the group.
Silence fell quickly before Fay spoke up. "How do we know when we can return grandpa?"
A glint flashed in the Clan Heads eyes, "When you can take an attack from me, or when your Pokémon can take a hit from my Pokémon."
A snort came from one of the guys in the group. "And what if I can do that right now?" A smile lit up the old man's face almost as if he was hoping someone would say that.
"You think you can?" The old man asked. The person who spoke up smiled arrogantly. He's one of the combat specialists with no Pokémon and he's confident the old man wouldn't be able to knock him out in one hit. Percy knew better.
Not moments later a sudden gust of wind exploded at the boy. His body was sent flying toward Percy who raised his good arm stopping himself from being bowled over by the boys body. After straining his body he was only pushed back a few feet before stopping the boy.
Percy looked down at the boys face to see his mouth foaming and a deep imprint of a fist in his cheek. Some gasps of horror escaped from people before a girl rushed up to Percy. "Aiden!" She took him from Percys arm. The Clan Head stood in the same spot he was at, with a small smile on his face.
Nobody had even been able to perceive the speed in which he moved off the podium and back. "Xavier will show you out." The Clan Head made eye contact with Percy and nodded slightly.
Percy returned the nod and turned to Xavier who stood next to a Slowbro that seemed to be circulating psychic energy. Seconds later Percy felt a tug in his stomach before his surroundings changed. He found himself standing in front of an exit gate of Honey City. Other group members stood around him and looked around confused.
A girl with a Cutiefly tried her hardest to heal the unconscious boy. His jaw was most definitely cracked and his face began to swell aggressively. Xavier cleared his throat, "All of you are officially disconnected from the Honey Clan." After speaking he quickly teleported away leaving a group of disoriented teens.
While some people attempted to wake up the brash boy, others talked about the incredible show of strength from the Clan Head. Most of them had met the Clan Head only once or twice and plenty of fear had been instilled.
An awkward energy fell over the people not taking an active role in waking the boy up. It seemed that this is one of the first times any of these kids had been left without direct instructions. After so many years of being told what to do and only following the instructions, they are left with no sense of direction.
Their directed goal now is to serve the future heir of the Honey Clan who had zero experience in being a leader. The difference between this group and the Prodigies was made clear.
The Prodigies is a group of extremely talented individuals carving a future for themselves in the world. Each of them completely motivated to become what they wish to be. Meanwhile this group was raised in a controlled environment with a spoon feeding them.
They are just pawns of the clan and nothing more. Theo, sensing the awkward energy took up the responsibility of second in command. "Future Heir, what do you wish to do."
Fay looked up from the brash boy, "Call me Fay. All of you." She looked at the people around her. "Somebody pick him up, we are going into the wild to train and make some money."
Theo nodded before directing Ezra to pick up the boy, and directing the rest of the people. Seconds later their group was fully organized and prepared to exit the Honey City gates. Fay and Theo talked about their exact plans and where they planned on going.
Fay addressed the group as a whole with Theo standing at her side diligently. Percy stood at the back of the group leaning against a wall to relieve some pressure off of his leg. His Cascoon sat on his shoulder, it's red eyes glowing as it observed the foreign group around it.
Percy's tight black shirt made his muscles clear and displayed how wrong Fay was. She gulped and spoke, "I have decided, that to facilitate my growth we should immediately go straight to Viridian City where we can enter the Viridian Forest and assemble a team of Pokémon. We will cut straight toward Viridian and won't follow any paths." The last sentence made Percy raise a questionable eyebrow.
The way that paths and roads wind through cities meant there wasn't a direct shot to Viridian City. Wether there are Pokémon dominated areas or difficult terrain, the path winds around in a semi circle like shape. The path hits a few cities on the way making it a great choice for starting trainers.
But it seemed that Fay wished to cut through the wild straight to Viridian City. To say the least, this decision isn't wise. Even if the group didn't die on the way it's extremely likely that they will actually take longer to cut through, than follow the path.
In the wild there are so many things that could go wrong and take more time than just following the path. Pokémon that are far enough from cities or paths are several times more fierce and aggressive, many rarely seeing humans.
If one doesn't move stealthily they could be constantly attacked by wild Pokémon. Percy hasn't even gone that deep into the wilds yet and has had plenty of problems with Pokémon.
Percy might be able to make a time positive if he traveled alone through the wilds. But that's assuming he stays stealthy and avoids all confrontation while maximizing his speed.
Many new trainers overestimate their strength and end up dying in their first times in the wild. Percy now knows why he had been assigned to protect and guide these people. He didn't think that many people could possibly think so high of themselves and so low of the wilds.
No wonder the initial mortality rate of trainers beginning their adventure is so high. It seems the Clan Head is hoping to avoid the chance by assigning an "experienced trainer" to help her. Percy is not an experienced trainer. He's been on his journey for at most a month and a half.
Despite this he could be considered one of the most capable people for his age group. Percy had been particularly perceptive to his surroundings so it wouldn't be surprising if he was more knowledgeable than some trainers that have been on the road for more than a year.
Theo whispered into Fay's ear and she said. "First we will go to the surrounding area and try to find some Pokémon to make some money off of. After we get enough supplies we'll leave." Fay promptly turned and left through the gates with Theo ushering the others to follow.
It seems Fay isn't used to having to order people, and it also seems that no one here knows much about taking orders. So Percy took the first step, limping behind Fay. Releasing Crash and Fúria while quietly directing them.