Percy's Pokemon Adventure

Chapter 58: Chapter 57

Percy arrived back in his room not longer after and thoroughly read the folder. Before he had scanned it to see if there was anything he should bring up to Xavier in the moment.

He decided that it was best to break down the contents and organize what his goal should be and how to best accomplish it. After thoroughly combing through the contents he knew what the general gist was.

He has to protect and be on the lookout for two major human threats. Team Rocket apparently has a history of kidnapping high level members of Honey Clan and using them as ransom for money. The Honey Clan has enough money that the ransom can be paid with ease and forgotten.

Apparently most of the captured has been the grandchildren who were bailed out almost immediately. Although the parents didn't follow up with the criminals the Clan Head made sure that the people who captured them wouldn't do anything again.

Of course he could just pay the ransom if they were captured but it is almost a certainty that the criminals will take Fay's Pokémon. This would be terrible for her development and should be avoided. The other potential threat would be a Kanto clan that had some deep set hatred for the Honey Clan.

It's called the Triterra Clan. It was mostly located in Oakdale. After being forced out of Honey City many years ago they moved to Oakdale City and have made a decent name for themselves. Occasionally Honey Clan members will be attacked by them.

Xavier is worried that the reaction will be more extreme to the potential heir of the clan and is hoping Percy will be vigilant. In regards to his protection Xavier left some details. Percy is to protect Fay at all costs and she comes first.

The other teens will be second in his view but can be helped as well. But Percys biggest responsibility is to teach them how to survive and stay safe in the wild. The mortality rate of young trainers entering the wild for the first time is about 80%.

Fortunately the Honey Clan trainers are all professionally trained and prepared. But nothing can prepare someone for the real thing. For example Percy almost died several times in his first month despite his 5+ years of training and practice.

The only reason he survived those times was his incredible ability and intellect. He must show them how to identify where to go and where to avoid if they want to live. Also one of his jobs is to develop their combat skills in a practical context. There are three kinds of trainers in their group.

1. Pokémon trained and physically trained

2. Pokémon trained

3. Physically trained

Some of them were trained in different ways and are basically inept in the things they aren't trained in. For example the Pokémon trained are kids that were tested at a young age on their compatibility with Pokémon and physical training.

The people who are deemed not good at intense physical work are given a Pokémon and put most of their time into that. Although the trainers still are training physically they aren't trained to the level that others are. Just basic training to stay fit but they couldn't last two seconds against any Pokémon above level 10.

Unlike Percy who had his own training that helped him develop a body strong enough to clash against Pokémon. Although he can't be a real threat to a decently leveled Pokémon he's good enough to avoid being killed. Actually no one in the Prodigies have been trained in the intense way one had to, to be strong against Pokémon.

Most of them are better than the average person and can defend against attacks but in a battle with just them and a level 25 Pokémon will end in a loss. Kai however can just incinerate his opponent and Ishigami can crush his.

When people are tested and have difficulty getting trust from a Pokémon they are deemed unable to work with one efficiently. If they are able to handle the intense training then they become weapon specialist that can become powerful. The training is extremely intense with almost every training session ending in throwing up and passing out.

It takes an extremely tough person to become strong and break the limits their body has. Although most of them don't have aura, after a couple of years of training they can become strong enough to beat Pokémon in fights. If they can graduate from their training then a human super soldier is born.

Percy had yet to encounter anyone like this as many give up before reaching their goal. It would be an incredible feat if some was able to reach a level like that by the age of 18. So Percy doubted that they had entered the stage of being as strong as Pokemon and were only training for that.

Xavier had made a whole profile for Percy that included a fake background. His name is still Percy but he comes from an exiled branch of the clan. The reason he had been recently introduced into the clan is because he was thought to be promising and the clan was willing to take his family back.

He had gotten the Pokémon at some point outside of the clan. Most of the people in the Honey Clan are business like and stay off of media so it was unlikely they would know a D tier celebrity, so Percy was safe.

After double reading the folder Percy called Pharaoh out and had him burn the folder until nothing remained. He organized his belongings and looked outside his window. He could see the other kids training on the training grounds.

It's late evening so it only makes sense to pop out introduce himself and go back to sleep for the days ahead. Hanging around them would lead to some uncomfortable interactions and it would be easier for Percy to prove himself on the road.

So Percy left his room and approached the teens his age. At the very least they seemed his age but most were actually older by a year or two. The group of 11 teens watched Percy approach warily before Fay whispered something to a large boy next to her.

The boy nodded seriously and walked to Percy and extended a hand for a greeting. He's about 5 inches taller than Percy and his forearms bulged. Percy could see a giant bicep hidden beneath a sleeve. "Theo." He said simply.

His buzz cut and blocky jaw made him intimidating. He had broad shoulders and was honestly super buff. A lot of his features remind Percy of Hunter the militant looking deputy of the Honey Gym.

Bushy eyebrows and intense eyes with an intense look.

Percy looked the boy in his eyes smiled and said "Percy, it's nice to meet you Theo." Percy gripped Theos hand but was surprised by a firm but not violent grip. Percy had expected this to be a bully situation but Theo shook his hand and turned to the rest of the group.

Theo quickly introduced Percy to the group in a professional manner. Theo seemed to be the second in command right after Fay and tried to make Percy feel fit in. After being introduced to the entire group Percy received some extremely distant nice to meet yous and greetings.

Percy assumed it would be hard to integrate with the group but it would be harder than he thought. After committing all of their names to memory Percy turned to the group and said, "I'm looking forward to working with all of you. I hope you all come around to trusting me." Percy flashed his most charming smile which made the 5 girls there soften a little.

Theo clasped Percy on the shoulder and said, "I am also hoping that we can become great friends. Say Percy, do you want to join us in our last hour of training?"

Percy nodded and asked, "What's the training?"

"Right now we are just training what we individually need to work on." Theo said.

"Yeah sure, I'll join in. I'm sorry for my injuries." Percy raised his bandaged arm. Which no longer had any exterior injuries but his muscles underneath are still torn up and his bone scraped.

In about a week he would definitely be at full capacity again unless someone healed him and sped up the process. Theo assured Percy there's nothing to be sorry for and returned to his Pokémon to begin training. Percy scanned Theos two pokemon with his pokedex to try and understand their strength.

Pokemon: Beedrill

Level: 25

Abilities: Swarm, Sniper

Gender: Male

Potential: Dark Orange

Moves: Fury Attack, Harden, Poison Sting, String Shot, Bug Bite, Fury Cutter, Laser Focus, Focus Energy, Venoshock, Protect (TM), Drill Run [E] (Inherent Move), Sharpen (Inherent Move)

Pokemon: Beautifly

Level: 25

Abilities: Swarm

Gender: Female

Potential: Dark Orange

Moves: Gust, Harden, Tackle, String Shot, Poison Sting, Bug Bite, Absorb, Stun Spore, Morning Sun, Air Cutter, Mega Drain, Leech Life, Protect (TM), Solar Beam [E] (Inherent Move), Whirlwind (Inherent Move

Percy mentally whistled at the impressive stats. Although it's potential wasn't the best they still had an incredible foundation. From just looking at the Pokémon he could tell that they were toned and extremely fit for their kind.

Both were fairly larger than average as well. Though they did lack something that was extremely important. Every single Pokémon that these teens had clearly lacked practical experience.

Most of the Pokémon were around level 22 except for Theo and Fay's Pokémon. But still despite that Percy believed that Crash, Fúria and Pharaoh could beat the other 6 Pokémon at level 22 in a fight to the death. Even in a 5v3 against Theos Pokémon and Fay's Pokémon it is possible for Percy to win.

The Pokémon Fay was training with was a Ponyta, Vespiquen, and a Cutiefly.

Percy isn't super worried about looking at their stats as he has plenty of time for it later. The other trainers warily eyed Percy as they returned to their Pokémon and began their training. Most of their Pokémon were the standard of Pokémon owned by the Honey Clan except for an odd Spearow training with a timid looking boy.

Percy pressed the buttons on his pokeballs releasing his Ekans, Croconaw, Mankey and Cascoon. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the kids sneak some Pokédex scans at his Pokémon before whispering secretively. Percy ignored it and explained to his Pokémon how he wanted them to train today.

Cascoon only has to train its Harden move and try to develop it into Iron Defense. The little guy seemed relatively committed to its training and practiced diligently. Seeing as how Percy specifically made the training program as easy as possible for the form it was in it wasn't particularly difficult.

Crash and Fúria however were worked to the bone. Crash and Fúria especially had it hard. Crash trained his accuracy and speed on his attacks and Fúria trained her evasion and acrobatics. Although they were both quite adept at those parts of their strengths it isn't enough for Percy.

Crash had to fire constant attacks at Fúria while Fúria did nothing but dodge them and spin around his attempts. Crash tried out all kinds of moves in his arsenal against Fúria. Ice Punch, Scald, Aqua Tail and Rock Tomb were just some of many moves he used. The game of cat and mouse was 30 seconds long and ends either when time runs out or Fúria is hit.

Although 30 seconds isn't long it becomes long when being constantly chased by an aggressive crocodile. Whenever Fúria failed to dodge Crash for the full 30 seconds she had to do one set of intense work outs. And when Crash failed to hit Fúria he had to do the same.

Jormun practiced her moves and skin toughness to master her battle style of choking her enemies to death. Her Wrap and Iron Tail made her solid and unmovable. Despite her young age Percy could see strong muscles coiling under her skin.

She could crush wood with ease now and was working on metal. Percy sat to the side correcting his Pokémon on what they could work on. He couldn't do much else at the moment or he'd be suffering right next to them.

After an hour Fúria and Crash collapsed on the ground finishing their most intense but shortest training session ever. Most of the awkward energy dissipated by the end and the group bid farewell to Percy.

Theo stopped once at the end complimenting Percy on his commitment to training. Percy received a small nod from Fay and returned to his room. He treated his Pokémon to a quality massage and sleep on his bed. After putting them to bed Percy released Pharaoh and told him to practice training his moves.

There isn't much open space to do anything crazy but there is enough for some simple move training. Percy knew that eventually Pharaoh will fall behind if Percy continues to hide him. So to combat this Percy had a general plan to avoid this temporarily.

Once they get on the road Percy will sneak out and do some intense private training with just Pharaoh. Percy just wanted to get his Pokémon to the Elite level (level 40) so he could reliably protect himself against most threats.

Percy lay down on the couch with his Pokédex in hand sighing. His Pokémon deserve the bed more than him and he could bare with sleeping on the couch. Percy set an alarm for early morning and closed his eyes to prepare for the next day.

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