Percy's Pokemon Adventure

Chapter 64: Chapter 63

Percy and Pharaoh walked silently through the woods around the border of the Beedrill area. They were looking for a sign of another Pokémon group. Their senses were turned up to the max to avoid any threats.

While they walked Percy had something to think about. His light red Beedrill. What did Percy want to do with it. At first he was pretty set on just selling it. Get it out of his hair and make a serious buck. But then, after some consideration, he thought against it.

In the world, there are a lot of war threats. At the moment there was relative peace. But when Percy was young, war was fought between nations. Fortunately he was never near the front. When war comes around, there will be a national draft.

Millions of trainers, from the ages of 16-50 will be brought into war. Many regular civilians are sent as well. Them and their Pokémon were sent to kill others from far away places. They are allowed to bring all the Pokémon they own. But most trainers only have a group of 1-10 Pokémon that they can depend on.

Normal people are assigned Pokémon that the government gets from the gyms. What if Percy could develop a group of elite, but also common Pokémon that he could call on for more firepower. Although Crash and Pharaoh will be cornerstones of his team in the future, there will always be a difference between two elites, and 30 normal soldiers.

And quite frankly there were tons of times that Percy wished he could've had more Pokémon. Of course Percy can just catch any half decent Pokémon, but in the end they wouldn't be able to match up to his main team. He would develop an emotional connection and more harm than good would be caused.

So Percy's plan was to gather groups of light red potential or higher Pokémon and make a group of elites that can fight with him when necessary. He would start by having a designated space for them. He could call Professor Oak and get a habitat for them. He would have to find a Pokémon that he has a strong relationship with, and put them in charge of this group.

The plan is to find more Beedrill with good potential and befriend them. This step is probably the hardest since it's always hard to befriend a Beedrill after the Kakuna stage. He would then find preferably a blue potential Beedrill who would take charge. This Beedrill would be like a manager, teaching and helping the others to become stronger while maintaining a healthy hierarchy system.

Percy would think about the specifics later. Pharaoh growled a little as he sniffed the ground. Percy stopped and looked at his surroundings. He had found another clan. And by the looks of it, it looked like some kind of bird. Percy knew it wasn't a Spearow or Pidgey group, but he couldn't identify it with ease.

If he had to guess it wasn't native to Kanto. Percy felt something watching him. And on a branch of a tree a Pokémon silently watched the duo. A Noctowl watched the group it's eyes zeroing in on them. Percy raised his hands to show his lack of aggression and bowed slightly to the bird Pokémon.

It watched as if waiting for Percy to cross its territory. "Noctowl, I mean you and your family no harm. I have come with a proposition that will help both of us." It twitched and screeched softly.

Percy deciphered it as a warning. "He and I," Percy pointed at Pharaoh, "are willing to defeat and spread out this large group of Beedrill. If you are willing to take me to your leader, maybe we can make some kind of deal." The Noctowl looked at them as if thinking.

After a minute of silence it flew off silently into the forest. Pharaoh looked up at Percy and followed the Pokémon. They walked through the dark forest and began to feel nervous. They were deep in unknown territory, and there wasn't much to do if the Noctowl decided they were enemies. After about 15 minutes of walking they arrived at a bigger than average tree.

On many branches HootHoot and Noctowl sat quietly their eyes glowing. Percy gulped loudly as a huge Noctowl landed in front of him. It shuffled its feet and talked to Percy. Percy began deciphering its words, 'Human. My son tells me you have a preposition.'

Percy bowed slightly and said, "Yes. My Pokémon and I have come here to train. As well as a group of friends. I am willing to try and take out many members of the Beedrill group you are next to. I hope we can come to some sort of deal that can help both of us."

'Hmph. A single Pokemon and you are going to do real damage to the Beedrill. How?'

Percy reached down to his belt and released the Beedrill he had caught immediately calling it back before it could realize where it is. "I have already caught one of the stronger ones. It has great potential, and I am sure as I adapt to them it will come only easier." Percy explained. "This deal is low risk, it means nothing if I can't do what I wanted to do."

'What kind of deal are you proposing?'

"I wish for one of your group members to join me on my adventure." Percy said.

The Noctowl stood silently as if thinking it over. "Yes. If you can take out at least 40 of their numbers and one of my clan wishes to join you, than I will permit it. But there must be a witness. My oldest son will go with you and make sure you are not trying to fool me." The original Noctowl flew in silently and perched on a branch next to Percy.

"I don't enjoy fooling Pokémon. Thank you." He bowed slightly and began to walk away with Pharaoh at his side. He knew the Noctowl would follow him as he tried to hunt down the Beedrill. Now all they had to do was go hunting.

Percy and Pharaoh slid down a steep embankment and scrambled into a bush. It was still pitch black out as loud buzzing approached their area.

A group of Beedrill being levels 23-27 were patrolling the area. They were all spaced out and looked for potential enemies. Percy and Pharaoh had been sneaking around plucking off the weakest of the Beedrill. As they worked their way up it became harder and harder to avoid making contact with just one Beedrill.

So far they had gotten six in a couple hours. Numbers advantage was an important advantage that Percy couldn't beat. This was Pharaohs training time. The rest of his Pokémon needed rest for their daily activities. He simply couldn't take on more than two of a similar level Pokémon.

Trainer and Pokemon held their breaths as the Beedrill searched the forest around them. They remained still until the Beedrill were satisfied they scared off the intruders and flew away into the forest. Percy breathed a sigh of relief as he left the bush.

Pharaoh was vigilant as he followed his trainer. The two crept through the dark forest with their senses tuned to their highest. Percy could look for Weedle or Kakuna with high potential but he simply couldn't spare the time to raise a bunch of Weedle or Kakuna into a powerful army of Beedrill.

He at least needed a few Beedrill that could help develop the younger generation. There was reasons most trainers didn't have more than 6 Pokémon on their team.

They simply couldn't develop that many Pokemon at once. When a trainer couldn't pay enough attention to each of their Pokémon things would break down. The relationship with Pokemon and trainer would be strained.

It was also expensive to pay for food for so many Pokemon. But there were trainers known for having an army of loyal Pokemon. So for now he would target Beedrill only. And maybe he'd try to gnab some honey while he was at it.

Pharaoh growled softly as his nose picked up a scent. He pointed in a direction and looked up at Percy. Percy started forward his movements as sneaky as possible. Buzzing could be heard as they zeroed in on the scent that Pharaoh had caught.

A Beedrill was hovering in the air between two large trees. On its lances was a Rattatas body, which was being picked apart by the Pokémon. Beedrill raised bits of meat up to its small mouth and ate.

It was only level 17 and would be easy prey for Pharaoh. Sensing his trainers thoughts Pharaoh pounced forward his body soaring through the forest. His claws glowed gray and smashed into the side of the unsuspecting bee. It buzzed painfully as it smashed against a tree.

It's unconscious form slowly fell to the ground. Quickly Percy captured the Pokémon and the two of them shot back off into the forest.

The sun was beginning to rise as Percy stumbled back into camp. Elsa and Zaria were both on the watch and turned their heads to see a slightly roughed up Percy. Zaria was crouched next to a small fire sharpening her daggers.

Her black hair fell down to here shoulders and shimmered in the suns rays. "Where've you been? I didn't even know you were gone." She said.

Percy had a tired look about him and he had a few branches poking out of his hair. "Training. Some of my Pokemon are stronger at night." He explained. It wasn't uncommon for people with nocturnal Pokemon to train at night.

The last thing he wanted was for these kids to start questioning him about what he does. "Ah I guess your Cascoon is technically nocturnal." Zaria nodded and offered Percy a piece of jerky.

He took the piece and popped it in his mouth. He quickly packed up most of his things as the rest of the camp awoke. He was able to squeeze a 30 minute nap out before everyone was ready to go.

Exhaustion was a problem that Percy struggled with. This was what he wanted though. He needed to struggle. Push himself. Fortunately it took only minutes for Percy to fall asleep.

They had to stop after every battle and take a small rest. "Hey does anyone else hear that whistling?" Ezra said suddenly as they sat around. Percy looked up and realized he had been missing this whistling sound.

It was quiet, but constant. Percy looked around and tried to pinpoint where this sound was coming from. It seemed to be everywhere and no where at the same time. But he knew it was coming from the tree canopy above them.

The rest of the group did their own looking around. Percy began scaling the tree. Ezra watched Percy and asked, "What do you think it is?"

Percy grunted as he pulled himself up the tree. "I'm not sure yet. Hopefully I'll see soon." He said and breached the the lower most branches into the leaves of the tree. Its branches were in weird shapes.

Percy wasn't particularly knowledgeable with plants but the trees around him had similar leaves and branch patterns. The wood curled itself up and created small spaces that when windy, whistle.

But why was the wind so intense in these branches and not on the ground. That could probably be because of the thick foliage and large trunks that broke up the wind. Percy kept climbing as his head breached the leaves.

Immediately wind started whipping at his face. His eyes widened as he watched rolling black clouds move quickly over the landscape. Lightning flashed almost constantly as the freak storm moved toward them.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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