Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 856: Paradise Walk·The Truth (5)

"Is this really okay?" Sitting on a secret airship flying to the border between the Duchy of Remifila and the Republic of Kalvard, Count Hertha said nervously to the Count of Amancia.

What he never expected was that when he found the Earl of Amancia with an uneasy mood, he found that the latter was also very surprising-looking as haggard as himself. After a little exchange, it turned out that the Earl of Omansia was the same as himself, because some things discovered that the ingredients contained in this cigar can calm and paralyze their emotions, but the rebound afterwards is even more fierce. Craving. And the second box of cigars was just the one that the Count of Omancia thought Hetha would like, and sent someone to send it later-almost not long after that, the Count of Omancia himself got it because of excessive dependence. The same drug addiction.

The key is that this situation has affected their daily lives and even their future-Earl Hertha, who knew this well, almost immediately fell into panic. The Earl of Amancia quickly comforted him, apologizing, and said that since the matter has been done, he will be responsible for handling everything, so that the Earl of Hertha will wait for news at home with peace of mind.

In the next week, the Earl of Hertha was almost on pins and needles. He didn't even think about it. In his work, he often imagined what the Earl of Omancia would do to solve this problem. , Fortunately, this time he didn't wait too long, and news came—Through various efforts, the Earl of Omancia had contacted the underground factory that made the cigar. The Earl of Amancia came fiercely, and the other party had no choice but to admit that the cigars were actually made with ordinary cigar materials and added some traditional herbs from the Kalvard Republic. Some of these herbs can restore people's health, but the remaining waste has this kind of ecstatic and addictive effect. Since this feature was discovered, various drugs based on it have quietly spread in the underground world. Under the threat of the Earl of Omancia, the other party promised to provide corresponding treatment plans to help the two solve their distress. As a way of expressing their sincerity, they also sent some strange little pills and said that this medicine can alleviate their dependence on this herb.

So, in a half-belief, with the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Count Hertha drank this strange medicine-unexpectedly, the effect was surprisingly good. Only a few days later, both he and the Earl of Amancia found that their strong desire for that cigar was not so strong anymore, but occasionally felt a little greedy.

In this case, because he has won the initial trust of the Earl of Omansia, the Earl of Omancia has no objection to the other plan arranged by the other party-some drugs that have to be decocted in person are needed to help them thoroughly Get rid of this dependence. Because the production of this medicine requires some special techniques and equipment, the Earl of Omancia and the Earl of Hertha had to go there in person.

After the two had packed up, they were ready to go. However, before leaving, Earl Hertha finally suddenly remembered one thing in the gradually calming mood-the Earl of Omansia, who seemed a little different from himself.

First of all, the most suspicious is the second box of cigars in his hand-the Earl of Amancia admitted that he sent it to him because he thought he would be happy to accept the gift. However, why, by coincidence, that gift appeared in front of me, who was in a relaxed state after getting rid of the difficulties in real life? According to the Earl of Amancia, when did he clearly feel the attraction of this cigar to him? If it was before his drunk, how could he let people send things to himself?

In this regard, the Count of Omansia explained that it was sent by him on this day, and he did not specify the date at the time. He was just the steward in charge of the foreign affairs of the Count of Omansia. Give it out before getting rid of that trouble"—in other words, this is a gift that has been prepared a long time ago. But just the steward of the humble servant, it is naturally impossible to know that the Earl of Amancia and the Earl of Hertha themselves had been addicted to a drug of unknown origin. After the grand banquet where the Earl Hertha and others celebrated that the economic crisis had finally passed, the butler naturally learned the news, and according to the owner’s instructions, gave the gifts prepared in advance, but did not know at all. The master of my own home is already suffering from drug addiction, just like the place where his gift is about to go.

This explanation, at first glance, actually has a lot of points and loopholes worth studying. But Count Hertha was already a little absent-minded about the truth of the matter-compared with what would happen next. For now, you can put these things aside for now and wait for some time to deal with them.

On the airship, Count Hertha began to imagine where the destination of this journey would be? What will it look like there? What is the process and content of this treatment? What if it recurs afterwards?

And beyond thousands of Celestial moments, somewhere at the junction of Carvald and Remifilia—


"Um... get everything ready today." A well-dressed adult man in white was talking to the young man beside him in a casual manner, "This is a great business. If you are lucky, We can complete all the required indicators in the next few days."

"Understood...Your Excellency, the person in charge." The young man said nervously, "Is it a task assigned by the "Headquarters"? "

"No... it's a great nobleman from Ereponia. He laid down his blood and asked us to do something for him." The man who was called the chief showed a cruel smile. " Don’t ask about the specific content—you just need to know that the amount he promised is enough for our headquarters to buy a batch of very important alchemy books. For improving the efficiency of the “experimental body”, It is very helpful. "

"So... so that the son of God can wake up as soon as possible..." After hearing this, the young man seemed to realize that he had to nod his head.

" this is very important." The man repeated this sentence again, frowning while looking at the file in his hand, "'s a pity, this time "15th" seems to be impossible to come out. ... Since the last time, she has not recovered. "

"In that case... In order to make up for this loss, you have to prepare more carefully." The young man was taken aback, and then said with a smile.

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