Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 855: Paradise Walk·The Truth (4)

Some things, once you can't stand the temptation, there will be a second time and a third time after the first time.

And now, Earl Hertha is at the first trough in his life that slipped from the peak of his life-and unlike any problems he encountered before, he is now the emerging "rich family" of the Hertha family. "The pillar of the foundation, father and grandfather can no longer give themselves any advice or protection. He has been naked and directly exposed to all possible blows that may ensue—for example, this time, with almost no warning, the entire trade industry chain collapsed due to the serious shortage of a single product. Although he has tried many ways, but with little effect. After making the last effort he could do, he and other nobles and merchants who were hit by the crisis could only wait quietly for what would happen next.

In this kind of anxious and restless waiting, Count Hertha was almost madly tortured by the mental pressure. On several occasions, he wanted to do something completely inconsistent with his own status and image. Fortunately, having a housekeeper would prevent him from losing his way.

However, now--he accidentally thought of a method that might be useful.

That kind of cigar aroma-seems to have a certain effect on calming down one's emotions? He thought so. Since bringing this box of cigars home, he has not touched it, and quietly placed it in the drawer under the study. But this time, Earl Hertha had already taken the cigar cutter handed over by the butler, and according to the butler's instructions, divided the cigars into small sections.

When the first fragrant smoke radiated to the entire room centered on the burning cigarette butts-Earl Hertha seemed to have discovered a new world in an instant. The kind of fragrance that I felt before is more pleasant and refreshing when I am alone at this time, and the one who tastes this fragrance seems to have gradually forgotten the troubled and sad self before.

The sweet breath began to accompany Earl Hertha all year round. With the help of the gift from the Earl of Omancia, the Earl of Hertha had a great time for the next two weeks. Although things have not changed, the situation in the trade market is still severe, but the Earl of Hertha is not so painful. Up. He started to get a good night's sleep, and went to his work the next day energetically. Perhaps he was infected by the completely new look of Count Hertha. The people under him seemed to work harder and optimistically. Count Hertha seemed to see the situation getting better.

"The last one...." Looking at the originally full box, only the last cigar was left lying there alone, Earl Hertha couldn't help feeling a little sad: After all these things were used up, he What should we do? These two weeks may have been the happiest time since I became the head of the family.

Although during this period of time, I still experienced the turbulence of the situation and market volatility, as well as the strong pressure behind it-but I did not seem to have any real sense of these. How is this going? Well, forget it, don't delve into these. Deep down, Earl Hertha, who had some suspicions about all of this, finally convinced himself not to entangle these things too much.

After the last cigar disappeared from the box, Earl Hertha finally found the feeling of tension and oppression in real life-the difference is that besides these, this time he felt a little panic inexplicably. He found that he seemed to be inseparable from the cigars with the strange fragrance that he wanted to come to now. Whenever he encounters difficulties, his first reaction is no longer to find a solution to the problem, but to come to this so-called fragrance-although he has not determined the specific situation, he vaguely feels that, There seems to be something wrong.

Fortunately, this torture did not last long. After the winter passed, the market began to gradually recover and restored the original normal order. Count Hertha finally took a sigh of strength at this moment: if this continues, he must be crazy.

After a banquet, Count Hertha, who was a little too drunk, walked back home staggeringly, but unexpectedly found that a beautiful small box was quietly placed at the door of his home-the same as before. The gift box given to him by the Earl of West Asia is exactly the same. Perhaps because of the power of the wine, Earl Hertha didn't think too much, and after experiencing this or two months of depression, he also needed a little relaxation to celebrate for himself. So, while still half asleep and half awake, the drunk he had already lit the fragrance he had missed for a long time. Driven by a strong desire, he didn't even realize that these cigars had already been processed-he didn't need to use a cigar cutter to separate them, he had already immersed himself in the aroma.

He learned afterwards that the whole winter was a conspiracy created by the Earl of Amancia. The sudden collapse of the fur market was caused by the Earl of Omansia who gritted his teeth and used his assets to disrupt the market. Naturally, the cigars were made by "Paradise" using the technology of the "DG Order". Some of the by-products of experimental drugs are designed to make Earl Hertha become addicted when his mood is down. After that, use this point again, looking for opportunities to further attack Count Hertha, making him inseparable from this medicine, and ultimately-completely degenerate.

Of course, in this process, the properties that originally belonged to the Count Hertha's family will naturally become vacant and be scrambled by others. The Earl of Amancia tried his best, and naturally it was impossible just because he was jealous and wanted to let out a sigh of relief. In his opinion, those physical industries and status originally belonged to their family’s glorious history. He just took them again. It's just coming back.

In any case, so far, the plan of the Earl of Amancia has been carried out successfully. Earl Hertha, who hadn't tasted that ecstatic pleasure for a long time, fell completely unsuspecting. He began to feel panic and anguish about this situation, but he couldn't restrain himself-he ran out of this box of so-called "cigars" faster than the last time, and when the situation was already in a good condition, he started to start Feel the endless pain. Under this situation, he couldn't help but finally walked into the home of the Earl of Amancia in this manner.

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