Path of The Dragonborn

Vol 2 Chapter 857: Paradise Walk·The Truth (6)

When trying to wake up from this shallow coma again, Earl Hertha was unsurprisingly blocked again by the headache that seemed to be splitting apart. But this time, the pain seemed to be much weaker than before, which made Count Hertha begin to regain a little consciousness.

What were you doing just now?

Together with the Count of Amancia, we departed from the international airport of the capital of the Duchy of Remifilia, which was chartered by them.

Meet the "host" who looks very young. The Earl of Amancia seemed to be talking to him.

The three of them left the prosperous capital of the Principality together, and then under the leadership of that person, walked a long way, and finally came to somewhere close to the border with the Republic of Kalvard.

At the door of the strange, lonely building, he introduced himself to the next plan-first use a special medicine to temporarily paralyze his perception of the outside world, and then use some kind of hint. Kind of magic techniques to get rid of drug addiction. The person also specially explained it-it was similar to how it would feel to make Count Hertha and the others forget the medicine they had taken before-naturally, there was no problem.

In this regard, the Count of Hertha naturally did not believe it—the same was true for the Count of Amancia. He asked sternly that he had deliberately turned off a lot of important work and came here to solve this troublesome matter, but the other party used such absurd so-called "methods" to deal with himself. But the young man argued that this was an ancient treatment method that existed in the underground world of Kalvard before Remifila’s developed modern medical system began to become famous, and that the “Seven Lunar Church” has always had similar methods. Treatment. He also said that if this treatment method still does not work, they are willing to pay any price to compensate for their losses-after all, their identities, locations and relevant industry contacts have already been figured out by the Earl of Omansia. .

So, with this kind of suspicion, the two walked into the strange-looking building. As a house on the outskirts of the city, it is a bit too big, and if it is not deliberately searched for, it seems difficult for ordinary people to find its location.

The interior of the whole building can be said to be very empty. However, the smell in the air made Count Hertha feel a little uncomfortable-and for some reason, he seemed to vaguely see a pair of unremarkable shoes in a corner near a room just now.

That is-children's shoes. He thought so, wouldn't it be a bit strange?

However, before he had time to react to this, an old man in the hall had already handed a cup of light blue liquid to him.

"Forget it... let the dead horse be used as a living horse doctor." Looking at the Count of Amancia taking the same thing, Count Hertha became bored with this mentality after drinking it.

The effect of the medicine came quickly--like the young man himself brags about. Count Hertha began to feel that his body was not under his control, and his soul seemed to have floated into the sky higher than the maximum altitude of the airship. It was an unprecedented joy-he thought so, more exciting than that **** stupid poisonous weed smoke. In this medicine, what he got was that his imagination was too fragile to say that his imagination was too fragile, and he couldn't play the maximum value of this medicine.

There seemed to be laughter and crying in the ethereal sky? No, that must be my own illusion.

Whenever he wanted to wake up from such a dream, the tingling deep in his brain would make him give up the idea. Yes, if you don't enjoy such a beautiful reality, isn't it a waste of yourself?

Stay a while.

Stay a while...just a while...

Before I knew it, the sky gradually dimmed. The extreme happiness and freedom before, slowly turned into panic.

This is where? What am I doing? What did I do just now? Count Hertha woke up suddenly-a strong headache made him almost unable to think. However, he knew that it was time-it was time to get rid of this **** illusion and return to reality.

"--Huh...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , A peculiar smell wafting in the whole room that made him a little puzzled. He lifted up the quilt that he did not know when, and looked at the messy clothes on his body and the blood stains left on his pants for some reason.

"You are awake." Just when he was frantically wondering what was going on-the door of the room had been pushed open, and the person who came was the young man who seemed a bit solemn when they first arrived. However, this young man at this moment has completely lost the feeling he had before. The look he looked at his eyes made Count Hertha shudder.

"Yes... I... what happened? Where did that guy from Amancia go? My illness...Is my illness cured?" He asked incoherently.

"You have used our services here and got plenty of rest-the cost required, the friend of yours has paid in full, you don’t need to worry about it. Then, according to the regulations, it’s time to ask You have left-by the way, your friend said that he is waiting for you at the airport in Aldant, the capital." The man ignored the doubts of Count Hertha, but said to himself.

"Answer my question!" Count Hertha was a little irritated-even if he was not arrogant to the common people like most nobles, he was still a high noble, and he had never been ignored so much.

"After the service, we have nothing to do." The young man's expression remained unchanged, but there was a little more dangerous tone in his tone, which made Count Hertha shiver, "If you have any questions, please contact your friend. Yes—not far away. Please."

In this way, he was taken directly out of the building, and came to the street far away-Earl Hertha was still a little bit angry. He wanted to go back the same way and ask that guy carefully, but he thought that he would probably be a closed door, and if he couldn't hold back his face when yelling in front of the other person, he had to give up.

At this time, he finally thought of the somewhat unusual behavior of the Earl of Amancia-before his mind was focused on other things, he had no time to pay attention, but now that he thinks about it, there are too many things wrong with him.

Ask this guy to understand.

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