Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 9 Dinner

Aaron suppressed his inner nervousness, walked to the stool, picked up the hat and put it on his head.

The hat was so wide that when put on the head, it completely covered even the eyes.Aaron could only wait for the result in darkness.

"Well..." Aaron heard a small voice in his ear, "It's difficult, very difficult. You have outstanding talent, full of wisdom and courage, perseverance, and ambition. Then, I should assign you Where to go?”

"Wisdom, courage, perseverance and ambition?" Aaron grabbed the edge of the stool and thought in his mind, "Do I have to choose one of the four? Why can't I have them all?"

"Oh, you want it all?" said the small voice, "What a greedy idea."

"This is not greed." Aaron continued in his heart, "These four qualities are complementary to each other. Efforts without goals will not yield results. But without enough perseverance, ambition is just vain. Even a cowardly person No matter how wise you are, you will eventually become a coward who follows the crowd. And bravery without wisdom is just reckless. Only those who possess the four qualities at the same time can achieve greatness."

"Is that what you think, then..."

The hat shouted, "Gryffindor!"

The table on the far left immediately burst into cheers, and people applauded Aaron.

Aaron didn't understand how the Sorting Hat made its judgment.However, he didn't have a specific academy that he wanted to join or didn't want to join, so he didn't object to this result.So he took off his hat and walked to the Gryffindor table amid applause.

As soon as Aaron walked to the table, he saw a tall boy with red hair standing up. It was the boy named Percy whom he had seen in Diagon Alley.

Percy shook his hand and said, "Welcome, Aaron. Remember me? I'm Percy Weasley. We met in Diagon Alley."

"Of course I remember. I remember you were the prefect of Gryffindor House." Aaron shook hands with Percy and sat down next to him.

"Yes." Percy seemed very happy to see that Aaron remembered his status as a prefect, "When I first saw you, I knew you were a Gryffindor. Gryffindor is a member of the four houses. The best, we..."

Percy immediately talked non-stop to Aaron, and Aaron also wanted to know more about the magical world from Percy, so he kept asking him various questions.

The sorting ceremony continues, and freshmen are continuously assigned to the four colleges.Aaron found that sometimes the hat would call out the name of the college right away, and sometimes it would take some time to make a decision.

Not long after, all the new students were assigned.In terms of proportion, the most people are assigned to Hufflepuff, followed by Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, while the least people are assigned to Slytherin.

Among the people Aaron knew, Colin and Ginny were sorted into Gryffindor like him, while Luna went to Ravenclaw.

As the last student was assigned to Hufflepuff, Professor McGonagall rolled up the parchment and left with the Sorting Hat.

At this time, an old wizard sitting on a big golden chair in the middle of the teacher's chair on the high platform stood up, smiled and opened his arms and said: "Welcome! Welcome! Welcome everyone to come to Hogwarts to start a new life. school year!"

Aaron recognized his identity at a glance, it was Albus Dumbledore, the current principal of Hogwarts.His face looked exactly like the picture on the Chocolate Frog card.

Just listen to Dumbledore continue: "Before the banquet starts, I..."

Suddenly, the door of the auditorium was pushed open, and a black-haired wizard with greasy hair and sallow skin came in from the door, walked quickly up the high platform, came to Dumbledore, and communicated quietly with him and Professor McGonagall sitting next to him. .

"Who is that?" Aaron asked Percy, pointing at the black-haired wizard.

"That's Professor Snape, who teaches Potions," Percy replied.

At this time, Professor McGonagall stood up from her seat with a solemn expression, and then quickly left the auditorium with Snape.

Seeing this scene, everyone immediately started talking quietly and asking each other what happened.But apparently no one knew what happened.

In the midst of everyone's discussion, Dumbledore said: "Please listen to me."

Silence gradually returned to the auditorium, and everyone turned their attention to Dumbledore, wanting to hear his explanation of why Professor McGonagall and Snape left.

However, Dumbledore did not provide any explanation for this, but said: "Let us put the boring lecture after the banquet and eat happily now."

I saw all kinds of delicious food immediately appearing on the originally empty dinner plate: roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, steaks, custard tarts, baked potatoes, French fries, snow pears, carrot soup , chilled pumpkin juice, ketchup...etc.

Aaron had never seen so much food before, so he immediately picked up the tableware and started to eat.To be honest, although Aaron was a little ostracized when he was in the orphanage, he was never hungry.But the orphanage is just a welfare institution after all, with limited funds, so the food cannot be very good.A sumptuous meal like this was a luxury for Aaron in the past.

Just as Aaron began to enjoy the food, Dumbledore, who announced the start of the banquet, left the table and walked out of the auditorium.

Percy, who noticed this scene, said worriedly: "Dumbledore has also left. So something must have happened."

"So what do you think happened?" Aaron asked as he put a piece of steak into his mouth.

"I don't know." Percy shook his head. "Dumbledore didn't tell us, which means we don't need to know. Don't worry, no matter what the problem is, Dumbledore will solve it. He is the best person in the world today. The greatest wizard!"

At this time, Colin, who was sitting on the other side of Aaron, asked Percy: "Can you tell me who is Harry Potter? I have heard many people mention him on the train."

"Potter? I know him very well, let me show you."

Percy looked around the dining table a few times, and then said with some confusion: "Well... he... seems... not here."

"Are you talking about Harry Potter?" The ghost wearing a wheel-neck tights that Aaron had seen in the waiting room before came out of nowhere and said, "He might be fired. "

"What's going on?" Percy asked quickly.Then, he introduced to Aaron and Colin: "This is Nearly Headless Nick, the ghost of our Gryffindor."

"I think I prefer you to call me Sir Nicholas of Minsy." The ghost said a little unhappy.

"Almost headless?" Colin interrupted at this time, "How did you almost lose your head?"

Sir Nicholas looked even more unhappy, and said irritably: "Just like this."

He grabbed his left ear and pulled hard, and his entire head was pulled off his neck and placed on his shoulders. Only a small piece of skin remained connected between his head and neck.Apparently someone tried to chop off his head, but didn't do it completely.

Nick, who was almost headless, was very happy to see the stunned expressions of all the freshmen, and proudly put his head back in place.

"Okay, Nick, stop joking with the new students. Tell me what happened to Harry?" Percy asked anxiously.

"Oh, you know, Dumbledore rarely leaves in the middle of the opening dinner. This is unusual. So I went along to have a look." As Nick told the story, the attention of the surrounding students was attracted. Come over, which made Nick even more proud, "I followed Dumbledore to Professor Snape's office, where I met Harry and Ron."

"And Ron?!" Percy couldn't help but screamed.

Nick glanced at Percy dissatisfied, as if blaming him for interrupting his speech, and then continued: "Harry and Ron drove a flying car to school because they missed the train. As a result, not only were Muggles They saw it and broke a whomping willow, and were caught by Professor Snape. Now, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall are handling the matter."

"It's so cool to drive a flying car to school!" Colin exclaimed excitedly.

But Percy's focus was obviously different from Colin's. He asked Nick: "So how do Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall plan to deal with this matter."

"I don't know. When I came back, they hadn't reached an agreement yet." Nick said nonchalantly. "Professor Snape suggested expelling them, but Dumbledore seemed to have other considerations. Well, I still want to discuss this matter." Tell the other ghosts and I won’t talk to you anymore.”

After saying that, Nick happily floated towards another ghost next to him.After listening to Nick's speech, people also shared the breaking news they had just received with others.

"He looks very excited." Aaron looked at Nick's back and said to Percy who was standing aside.

"You have to know that Nick has been dead for 400 years. During these 400 years, he has been at Hogwarts Castle, and there is rarely anything new. What happened this time is enough for him to talk about for a year." Xi's tone was full of worry.

"Is this serious?" Aaron asked curiously.

"Of course." Percy said worriedly, "This is a serious violation of school discipline and the regulations of the Ministry of Magic. If not done well, they will really be expelled."

At this moment, the door of the auditorium was opened again.Dumbledore and Snape came in together, walked up to the high platform, sat down at the teacher's table, and began to enjoy the dinner.

Aaron observed carefully and found that Dumbledore's expression was very calm, but Snape had a trace of resentment on his face.Combined with what Nick said before, Aaron immediately understood the outcome of something.He said to Percy: "It seems you don't have to worry about Harry and Ron being expelled."

"How do you know?" Percy asked strangely.

"Look carefully at Professor Snape's face." After saying that, Aaron continued to enjoy his dinner regardless of whether Percy understood or not.

After a while, Professor McGonagall also returned to the auditorium with a serious face.

At this time, the news that Harry and Ron drove a flying car to school had already spread in Gryffindor House.Everyone was talking about their "brave" behavior.Except for a few people who were worried that they would be expelled, most people greatly appreciated their behavior and wished they were a member of the car.

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