Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 10 Goodbye Harry

The dinner was going on in a lively and noisy manner.After everyone has filled their stomachs, the remaining food disappears from the plates, and all the plates and cutlery become shiny and new again.Immediately afterwards, a variety of desserts appeared on the plate.Not only are there various pastries and puddings such as apple pie, chocolate sponge cake, jam donuts, jelly, strawberry pudding, but also various flavors of ice cream.

Aaron was already very full, so he only took a jam donut, a piece of strawberry pudding and a cup of chocolate ice cream, but nothing else.

By this time, the matter of Harry and Ron had spread to other colleges.On the first day of school, we encountered such a wonderful thing, and everyone was talking about it.What does it look like to talk about flying cars?What's it like to drive a car like this?How is it different from riding a broomstick?And what punishment will Harry and Ron receive?

After everyone couldn't eat anything anymore, the desserts disappeared.

Dumbledore stood up again, and the auditorium suddenly returned to silence.

"Oh, now everyone has eaten and drank enough. I want to say a few more words to you. At the beginning of the semester, I want to put forward a few things to pay attention to."

"First-year students, please note that the woods outside the castle are forbidden to students. Some of our old students should also keep this in mind."

When Dumbledore said this, he glanced at the Gryffindor table.

"Furthermore, the administrator, Mr. Filch, once again asked me to remind everyone not to cast magic in the corridors during class time. There are also prohibited items including dung bombs and stink bombs that are prohibited from being used in the castle. The specific list is posted on the fee page. On the door of Mr. Erci’s office.”

"Also, a new teacher will be joining our ranks this year. Let us welcome Professor Gerald Lockhart. He will be the Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts."

Aaron saw Lockhart, wearing a robe the same color as the blue forget-me-not, stand up from the teacher's chair and bow to everyone.

There was a burst of warm applause in the auditorium.Especially some little witches looked at Professor Lockhart with even more admiration.Aaron clapped along with everyone.

Dumbledore continued: "Finally, the selection of Quidditch players will be held in the second week of this semester. Anyone who is interested in participating in the college varsity team, please contact Mrs. Hooch. Okay, now it's bedtime, Everyone, go to bed quickly."

After the dinner, the students returned to their common rooms.Aaron and other first-year Gryffindors followed Percy through the noisy crowd, walked to the Great Hall, and climbed the marble stairs.The walls next to the stairs are covered with moving portraits. When Aaron and others pass by, they will whisper and point at the freshmen.

At this moment, the people walking in front of Aaron suddenly stopped.Aaron looked up and saw a bundle of canes floating in the air in front of them.As soon as Percy took a step forward, the cane began to hit him.

"It's Peeves, a ghost who likes to cause mischief." Percy explained to the first-year students, and then shouted loudly, "Peeves, show yourself!"

"Pfft..." He was answered with a harsh sound like a balloon deflating.

"Do you want me to find Bloody Barro?"

As soon as Percy finished speaking, a dwarf with a pair of evil black eyes and a big mouth suddenly appeared. He sat cross-legged in the air, holding the bundle of canes firmly with both hands.

"Giggle!" he said with a sly smile, "Turns out he is an annoying first-grade kid. How fun it is!"

As he spoke, he threw his cane downwards.

Everyone held their heads and dodged around.

"Go away! Peeves! Or I'll tell Bloody Baron! I'm not kidding!" Percy yelled.

Peeves stuck out his tongue and made a face, then flew away.

"You should be on guard against Peeves." Percy led everyone forward, "He doesn't even listen to us prefects. Only Bloody Balor can control him. We are here."

On the wall at the end of the corridor hangs a portrait of a fat woman wearing a pink silk skirt.

"Password?" the woman in the portrait asked.

"Honeyeater," Percy answered.

The painting moved forward unsteadily, revealing a round hole in the wall.After Aaron and other first-year students climbed in with Percy, they found themselves in a warm and comfortable round room filled with soft armchairs.This is the Gryffindor common room.

At this time, the common room was full of people, and everyone was still talking about Harry and Ron.Although they must be all sleepy now after traveling all day, no one wants to go to sleep.

Percy shouted twice to tell everyone to go to bed, but no one listened to him.

Percy could only ignore it.He asked a female prefect to lead the first-grade girls through one door to their dormitories, and then he led Aaron and other first-grade boys to another door.

Just then, the door to the common room opened again.A black-haired boy wearing glasses, a red-haired boy and a brown-haired girl with thick unkempt hair were standing outside the door.

Immediately, a burst of thunderous applause broke out.People rushed forward and stretched out their hands to pull the two boys in.The brown-haired girl climbed in after him.

"That's awesome," shouted a black boy. "What a way! What a wonderful way! People will talk about it for years to hit the Whomping Willow with a flying car."

"It seems our speedster hero is back." Aaron said to Colin who was standing aside.

"So, which one is Harry Potter?" Colin craned his neck to look over there.

"The dark-haired one," Aaron replied, "I saw him at Flourish and Blotts in Diagon Alley."

"Then who are the two people next to him?" Colin asked, pointing to the red-haired boy and brown-haired girl who came in with Harry.

Aaron shook his head and said, "I don't know, but I guess one of them is Ron." Although he had seen these two people in Diagon Alley, he didn't know their names.

"Those are Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Those two are always with Harry." A senior student came over and said.

"Weasley?" Hearing this last name and seeing Ron's red hair, Colin couldn't help but ask, "Does he have anything to do with Percy?"

"They're brothers," the upperclassman replied. "The redheads are all Weasleys."

"Are they too?" Colin said, pointing to a pair of red-haired twins in front of Harry and Ron.

At this time, they were patting Harry and Ron on the arms and shouting: "Why don't you call us back?"

Aaron also met the twin brothers at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, but like Ron and Hermione before, Aaron also didn't know their names.

"Yes," the senior student replied again, "They are George Weasley and Fred Weasley, fourth years, the troublemakers at Hogwarts."

"And Ginny who was riding with us on the boat." Aaron recalled the scene when he saw Ginny with Harry, Ron, George, Fred and others at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, and added beside him, "She's their sister."

"Then they are really a big family." Colin said with some surprise.

At this time, Ron said loudly: "We have to go upstairs to rest, we are so tired!"

Then, he and Harry squeezed through the crowd and walked into the same door that led to the boys' dormitory.

After Harry and Ron left, people gradually calmed down from the excitement.Although they were still talking about Harry and Ron's feats, they were no longer as excited as before.Many people have already begun to return to their dormitories to rest.

Percy led Aaron and other first-year students to their dormitories.

After passing a spiral staircase, Aaron and Colin finally arrived at their dormitory.Like the common room, it was a circular room, only much smaller.There are five four-poster beds draped in red velvet.Their boxes had been brought up and placed beside the bed.

Affected by the atmosphere in the common room before, everyone was full of interest in Harry and Ron's special way of coming to school.Even after falling on the bed, everyone was still talking about it.Among the people who shared the same dormitory with Aaron and Colin, there was a child from a wizarding family who even revealed some true and false rumors about Harry Potter.

This made Colin admire Harry even more.Just listen to him saying: "Maybe I should take a picture with him. The portraits here move when I see them. Do you know how to make the people in the photos move?"

"It's easy." The kid from the wizarding family said, "You just need to use the right developing potion on the photo, and the people on it will move."

After running around for a day, everyone was exhausted. After chatting with each other for a while, they fell asleep one after another.

The next day, Aaron slept until about seven in the morning before getting up.After washing up for a while, we went to the auditorium to have breakfast.Breakfast consisted of milk, oatmeal, pickled herrings, toast, bacon and fried eggs.

Under the gloomy ceiling (the ceiling of the Great Hall was enchanted to show the weather outside, and it was cloudy today), Aaron came to sit down at the Gryffindor table, first brought a bowl of oatmeal and placed it on the table. In front of him, he then took a pickled herring, a fried egg, a piece of bacon and two slices of bread from his plate, and finally poured a large glass of milk, and then he enjoyed his breakfast.

Aaron was just halfway through eating when he heard a commotion coming from outside, and then saw hundreds of owls flying into the auditorium, dropping letters and packages into the talking crowd.

Aaron hurriedly reached out to protect his dinner plate to prevent the owl's feathers from falling into it.

Suddenly, an unusually loud voice sounded in the auditorium, startling Aaron.

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