Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 8 Sorting Ceremony

Not long after he got on the boat, Aaron saw the red-haired girl named Ginny and a blonde girl with messy hair whom he had met at Flourish and Blotts running over.

"The other boats are full, can we sit here?" Ginny asked.

"Of course," Aaron replied.

Ginny and the blonde hurried onto the boat.

As soon as the two of them sat down, they heard Hagrid shout: "Are you all on the boat?" He was sitting alone on a boat, "Okay, let's set off."

Immediately a fleet of small boats sailed across the glass-flat surface of the lake.

"Hello, Ginny, I'm Aaron Elf." Aaron greeted Ginny opposite. "We met at Flourish and Blotts, do you remember?"

"Oh, you guys, Aaron." Ginny said cheerfully, "Of course I still remember you. You went to the bookstore with Professor McGonagall that day, right?"

"That's right." Aaron nodded.

"Is this your friend, Aaron?" Colin interrupted from the side.

"I just met once." Aaron replied.

"Hello, I'm Ginny Weasley." Ginny introduced herself to Colin.

"Colin Creevey." Colin also said his name.

"What's your name?" Aaron asked the blonde girl who had been silent.

"Luna Lovegood." The blonde girl said in a daze.

After that, the four of them stopped talking.Everyone was silent, staring at the huge castle towering into the clouds.As they approached the cliff on which the castle stood, it seemed as if the castle towered above them.

As the fleet approached the cliff, Hagrid shouted, "Look down!"

Everyone bowed their heads obediently, and the boat carried them through the ivy curtain covering the cliff and entered a dark tunnel.They walked along this waterway that seemed to run through the underground of the castle, and finally came to a place that looked like an underground dock, and landed on a piece of land full of cobblestones and small gravels.

After that, under the guidance of the lantern in the hands of the big man, the freshmen began to climb up along a tunnel in the rock, and finally arrived on a damp and flat grassland in the shadow of the castle.

They walked up a set of stone steps and came to the main entrance of the castle.It was a huge oak door.

"Is everyone here?"

Hagrid said, raising a huge fist and knocking on the door three times.

The door opened immediately, and a black-haired witch in an emerald green robe stood in front of the door. It was Professor McGonagall that Aaron had seen before.

"First-year student, Professor McGonagall," Hagrid said.

"Thank you, Hagrid. Leave the rest to me."

Professor McGonagall pushed the door fully open.Behind the door is an astonishingly large foyer, with blazing torches all around the stone walls. The ceiling is so high that you can barely see the top. In front of it is a luxurious marble staircase leading upstairs.

The new students followed Professor McGonagall into the castle. Aaron heard a buzzing sound coming from the door on the right. It was obvious that students of other ages in the school had arrived.

Professor McGonagall did not take the freshmen to the door on the right, but took them to a small empty room at the other end of the hall.Everyone was rubbing shoulders and crowded together, looking around nervously.

"Welcome to Hogwarts." Professor McGonagall said. "The opening dinner will begin soon, but before that, you all need to confirm which house you will enter. Sorting into a house is very important. Ceremony, because while you are at school, the college is your home at Hogwarts. You will have classes with other students in the college, live together, and spend your spare time together in the college common room."

"The names of the four houses are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Each house has its own glorious history and has produced outstanding wizards and witches. You are in Hog During your time at Watts, outstanding performance will earn points for your house, while any violations will deduct points for your house. At the end of the school year, the house with the highest scores will receive the House Cup. This is a high honor. I hope that no matter which college you are assigned to, you can bring glory to your college."

"In a few minutes, the sorting ceremony will be held in front of all the teachers and students of the school. I suggest that you tidy up and be more energetic while waiting." Her eyes wandered on Luna's messy hair, " While you're waiting, stay quiet. I'll come to pick you up when it's ready over there."

After saying that, Professor McGonagall left the room.

Aaron tidied his clothes and hair a little and waited quietly for the sorting ceremony to begin.

Suddenly, a shrill scream came from behind him, startling him.He turned around quickly and saw more than twenty ghosts coming out of the wall behind him.

These ghosts all have translucent bodies as white as pearls. They float across the room while whispering to each other, paying no attention to the freshmen below.

They seemed to be arguing about something, only to hear a chubby monk-like ghost say: "I think we should give him another chance..."

"My good monk, how many times have we given Peeves a chance? Think of the nasty nicknames he has given us... I say, what are you doing here?" A ghost in a wheel-necked tights Suddenly I discovered the freshmen below.

No one speaks.

Everyone held their breath and carefully observed the ghosts above.

"They are new students." The chubby monk ghost looked at the new students with a smile, "I think they are waiting for sorting?"

Some nodded quietly.

"I hope you can be sorted into Hufflepuff." The fat monk said, "I studied in that house before."

"It's time to move." At this time, Professor McGonagall came back, "The sorting ceremony is about to begin."

One by one, the ghosts left through the opposite wall.

"Now, line up," Professor McGonagall said to the new students, "and follow me."

Aaron stood in the queue, with Luna in front of him and Colin behind him.

The new students followed Professor McGonagall out of the room, through the foyer, through double doors, and into a gorgeous auditorium.

The other senior students have taken their seats at the four long tables, which are filled with glittering gold plates and goblets.Thousands of candles floated in mid-air, illuminating the entire auditorium.Ghosts were also mixed among the students, shining with dim silver light under the candlelight.On the stage at the top of the auditorium, there is another long table, which is the seat of the teachers.Looking up, I saw stars on the velvet-black ceiling, like a starry sky.If he hadn't seen the appearance of the castle before and was sure there was a ceiling, Aaron would have definitely thought that this auditorium was open-air.

Aaron had never seen such a magical and magnificent place, and he couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

Professor McGonagall led the freshmen onto the high platform and asked them to stand in a row facing the students and with their backs to the teachers.Then, Professor McGonagall placed a four-legged stool in front of the freshmen, and placed a wizard's pointed hat on the stool.The hat was dirty, old, and patched.

Aaron didn't understand why such a broken hat was placed at the sorting ceremony, but he found that after the hat was placed on the stool, the auditorium became silent, and everyone was staring at the hat.So he began to stare at it curiously.

The hat suddenly twisted, and a mouth-like slit opened on the edge.Then it began to sing:

"Maybe you think I'm shabby,

But I rise above all hats.

Because I am a thinking magic hat!

Any thought hidden in your mind,

No one can escape my fiery eyes.

Put me on your head,

I will tell you which college you should be assigned to.

You may belong to Gryffindor,

The people there are bold and adventurous;

You may belong to Hufflepuff,

The people there are hard-working, stoic and honest;

If you are sharp-minded and smart,

Maybe enter the wise Ravenclaw;

If you are of pure blood and full of ambition,

Should have gone to Slytherin the Cunning.

bring it on!Put it on me!

Don't be afraid!No need to panic!

Let me take a look inside your heads,

Sort you into each college. "

After the magic hat finished singing, the audience burst into applause. The magic hat bowed to each of the four dining tables, and then stood still.

"So, we just have to put on that hat," Colin whispered to Aaron.

"It seems so." Aaron responded softly.

"So have you decided which college you want to go to?" Colin asked again.

"What's the use of thinking about this? We can't choose where to go."

"That's true." Colin shrugged, "But I still want to go to Gryffindor. If that doesn't work, you can go to Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. As long as you don't go to Slytherin, I heard Most dark wizards graduate from there."

Aaron just smiled at this. He didn't think it would be bad to go to Slytherin.Just like Professor McGonagall said, the four colleges all have glorious histories and have their own meanings of existence.Maybe there will be some dark wizards among Slytherin graduates, but they will definitely be in the minority.If all the wizards who graduated from Slytherin were dark wizards, then Slytherin House would not still exist in the school.

However, Aaron didn't think he would be assigned to Slytherin either.Because obviously, only wizards with pure blood can enter Slytherin.The so-called pure blood obviously refers to those whose parents are wizards.According to what Aaron knows now, his parents are ordinary people (as Aaron thinks) and obviously do not meet the conditions.

At this time, Professor McGonagall took a few steps forward, holding a roll of parchment in his hand, and said to the freshmen: "Whoever's name I call will come over, put on this hat, sit on the stool, and wait for the sorting." .”

Then she unfolded the parchment and read: "Aaron Elf."

Aaron's name was the first one she read.

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