Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 7 First introduction to the magical world

Aaron and Colin returned to the private room with the food they bought, and suddenly fell down on the empty seats.

"What is this?" Colin asked Aaron as he picked up a bag of chocolate frogs. "It can't be a real frog, right?"

I saw a frog-shaped chocolate moving around in the packaging bag, just like a real frog.

"I think not." Aaron opened his bag of chocolate frogs. "I think no matter how crazy the wizard is, he wouldn't use real frogs to make chocolate."

"But it's moving." Colin was still very doubtful.

"Actually, it's easy to know whether it's a real frog." Aaron took out a chocolate frog from the packaging bag. "You only need to take a bite and you will know."

Under Colin's uneasy gaze, Aaron put a chocolate frog with its limbs still moving around in his mouth and bit off its head in one bite.

Suddenly, a rich chocolate aroma filled his mouth.

"Okay, it's real chocolate. You can eat it without worry." Aaron said, throwing the remaining half of the chocolate frog into his mouth.

"There seems to be something else in here."

Aaron was about to throw away the empty packaging bag, but found that there seemed to be other things inside.He took the thing out and found that it was a card.It depicts a wizard with white beard and hair, wearing a pair of half-moon glasses, and a hooked nose.His name was written underneath the portrait: Albus Dumbledore.

Aaron turned the card over and saw that it read on the back:

Albus Dumbledore

Current Headmaster of Hogwarts

Recognized as the greatest wizard of our time.Dumbledore's well-known contributions include: defeating the dark wizard Grindelwald in [-], discovering the twelve uses of dragon's blood, and making outstanding contributions to alchemy with his partner Nicolas Flamel.Dumbledore loved chamber music and bowls.

Aaron turned the card over again, and was surprised that Dumbledore, who had put it down, was gone.

"He's gone!"

"What?" Colin, who was killing his own chocolate frog, quickly came over to take a look.

"The portrait up here is missing."

As Aaron spoke, Dumbledore slipped back onto the card and smiled at Aaron.

"He moves! It's amazing!"

Colin screamed when he saw this scene and hurriedly found the card in his chocolate frog.

Colin's card depicts a wizard named Cornelius Agrippa, and the portrait also moves.The introduction to him on the card is: Cornelius Agrippa was born in 1486 and died in 1535.He is the author of books related to magic and wizards.Important people thought his books were evil and had him imprisoned for writing them.

"This is so amazing!" Colin exclaimed, "How do they make these portraits move?"

"I guess it's the effect of some kind of magic." Aaron answered casually, picked up the pumpkin pie and took a big bite.

"Do you think we can make this kind of card in the future? Maybe I can take some moving photos." As he spoke, Colin held up the camera hanging on his chest.

Aaron and Colin chatted while eating and soon finished all the pies and cakes.Finally, they shared Colin's Braised Beans.Multi-flavor beans are indeed worthy of their reputation as multi-flavor beans, with a variety of flavors available.Each bean tastes completely different.It not only tastes like chocolate, mints, marmalade, etc., but also has many strange flavors such as spinach, sprouts, grass, sardines, curry, pepper, etc.It took a lot of courage for Aaron and Colin to eat each braai bean.

Aaron and Colin thoroughly enjoyed this bag of multi-flavored beans, even if the process wasn't quite what they expected.

After destroying all the food, Colin raised his camera and said, "I want to take some photos. Do you want to come with me?"

"No, I want to rest here for a while."

"Okay then, man. I'll see you later."

"See you later."

Colin walked out of the private room holding the camera.

Aaron sat alone in his seat, watching the scenery outside the window.

At this time, the fields flying past outside the car window became more and more desolate, and the flat farmland was no longer visible, replaced by dense woods, winding rivers and dark green hills.

Colin came back much later than expected, and he didn't return to the private room until it was getting dark.

"You must have taken a lot of photos after being there for so long, right?" Aaron asked.

"Yes, I took a lot of interesting photos." Colin closed the door of the private room and sat down in his seat. "In addition, I found out a lot about things related to Hogwarts. It is said that there are four colleges in the school, namely It's Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. After we enter the school, we will be assigned to one of the four houses through a sorting ceremony."

"Really?" Aaron was immediately interested in this topic, "So what kind of ceremony is that? I mean how will they allocate colleges?"

"I don't know." Colin shook his head and said, "Maybe there will be some tests or something. I hope to be sorted into Gryffindor. Everyone says it is the best house. I heard that the current principal Dumbledore came from Graduated there, and the savior Harry Potter is also studying in Gryffindor."

Thanks to the card he got before, Aaron already knew who Dumbledore was.Aaron was also familiar with the other name. He had long been curious about this famous little wizard, so he asked: "Harry Potter, the savior? What did he do? Why do you call him the savior?" ?”

"Oh, this matter started more than ten years ago." Colin showed off the news he had just learned. "More than ten years ago, a very evil dark wizard appeared in the magic world. Very bad. Very evil. He gathered a group of henchmen and killed people everywhere. Many people were killed by him and his henchmen. People were afraid of him, and the entire magical world trembled under his power. But there were also some brave wizards. Harry Potter's parents were among them. Maybe their resistance angered the dark wizard, or maybe it was for other reasons. In short, in the dead of night, the evil dark wizard came to Potter. They were brutally killed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Te.”

"However, when he used a very powerful curse to kill Harry Potter, his magic suddenly failed. The fatal curse was only left on Harry Potter's forehead. A lightning-shaped scar. Moreover, the dark wizard was defeated by the infant Harry Potter. Some said he was dead, others said he was not dead, but he had lost all his magic power and was extremely weak. In short, since that day, the dark wizard has never appeared again. Because he saved the entire wizarding world, everyone calls Harry Potter the 'Savior'."

"Just last year, Harry Potter entered Hogwarts and not only became the youngest Seeker in the history of Hogwarts, but also helped Gryffindor win the House Cup."

[A baby defeated an evil dark wizard? 】

Aaron felt like he was listening to a legendary story. He thought for a moment and said, "Well...how did Harry Potter defeat the dark wizard? And what are the Seeker and the Academy Cup?"

"No one knows how he did it," Colin replied. "The Seeker is a character in Quidditch. The House Cup is an annual award at Hogwarts. At Hogwarts, students Every action you take will add or subtract points to your college. At the end of each school year, the college with the highest college points will win the college cup for that year."

"And what is Quidditch?"

"It's a wizarding sport. It's like a game of riding a broomstick."

"Okay." Aaron saw that Colin actually didn't know much about what kind of sport Quidditch was, so he didn't dwell on this topic and instead said, "The last question, which evil dark wizard What is your name?"

"I don't know." Colin shrugged. "I asked many people, but no one said anything. People seemed afraid to say his name, and they all called him the mysterious man."

At this moment, the announcement on the car rang: "We will arrive at Hogwarts in 5 minutes. Please leave your salutes on the car and we will take you to school for you."

As soon as the broadcast ended, Aaron felt that the speed of the train seemed to slow down a bit.

"It looks like we're about to arrive." He glanced out the window and saw that it was already dark outside, and the stretching mountains and dense woods could be faintly seen under the deep purple sky. "I think we'd better change into robes first. .”

Aaron and Colin took off their coats, put on black robes, walked out of the private room, and squeezed into the crowd in the aisle together.

The train kept slowing down and finally stopped.People pushed towards the car door and got off to a small, dark platform.The chill of the night made Aaron shiver.

At this time, a light appeared above the students' heads, shaking back and forth.Then, someone shouted: "First-year students! First-year students, come over here."

Aaron turned his head and looked around, and saw a tall man with disheveled hair, a thick beard, and a height as tall as a giant, holding an oil lamp and looking at everyone with a smile on his face.His face was almost completely hidden by long unkempt hair and a thick tangled beard, leaving only a pair of black beetle-like eyes shining beneath the hair.Aaron recognized him as Hagrid, whom he had met at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore.

Hagrid waved and shouted: "Come on, all come with me, first-year students, follow me! Are there any more first-year students? Okay, watch your step!"

Aaron and other first-year students followed Hagrid and stumbled downhill along a steep and narrow path.There was darkness on both sides of the path, which seemed to be dense woods.

After walking for a while, Hagrid turned back and shouted: "As long as you turn this corner, you can see Hogwarts."

When the new students heard that Hogwarts was just around the corner, they cheered up and quickened their pace.Soon we turned the last corner.


Immediately, a loud burst of admiration sounded from the crowd.

At the end of the long and narrow path, a large black lake spread out, and a towering castle stood on a high hillside on the other side of the lake.There are many spiers on the castle, and the glass windows shine under the twinkling stars.

"Each boat can only seat four people at most!" Hagrid said, pointing to a row of small boats moored on the shore.

Aaron and Colin got on a small boat.

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