Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 6 Departure

During the last more than half a month that Aaron stayed in the orphanage, he stayed in his room every day and looked at the newly purchased textbooks.These textbooks opened the door to a new world called "Magic World" for him.

He even secretly tried out a few spells in "Standard Spells (Elementary)" when no one was around.As a result, I don’t know whether it’s because the magic in “Standard Spells (Elementary)” is too simple, or because Aaron’s talent is good. He can successfully cast all magics after trying them three times at most.

Of all the textbooks, the ones that surprised Aaron the most were those written by Gilderoy Lockhart.Because, after reading it carefully, Aaron discovered that those books were actually novels, and the protagonists were all Gilderoy Lockhart himself.Because he already knew that Gilderoy Lockhart would be the professor at Hogwarts, Aaron already knew why these books became textbooks.But even so, using novels directly as textbooks still surprised Aaron.But thanks to these novels, Aaron had a deep impression of Gilderoy Lockhart.

[No matter what Lockhart’s true level is, he must be an extremely narcissistic person.However, if the things written in these books are true, then Gilderoy Lockhart must be a very powerful wizard. 】




Time passed quickly in the hot summer, and soon it was the day when Aaron was about to set off.

According to the instructions on the ticket, he needs to board the train at platform 9? before eleven o'clock.So, he took the bus to King's Cross Station at 10:30.

However, after arriving at the station, Aaron discovered a problem, that is, he could not find platform 9?.I saw a big "9" written on a plastic sign at a platform.There is a big "10" written on the plastic sign at another platform.But there is no platform with "9?" written on it anywhere.

Aaron stopped a passing guard and asked him where Platform 9 was.But the guard said there was no platform 9 in the station.Aaron asked the guard where the train to Hogwarts was, and he also said he had never heard of this place.And when the guard discovered that Aaron couldn't even tell the specific location of Hogwarts, he even thought that Aaron was deliberately teasing him.Aaron had no choice but to ask which trains left at eleven o'clock.The answer I got was none.

Finally, the guard strode away angrily, complaining all the way that some people waste other people's time.

At this time, Aaron had no idea what to do next and could only try to tell himself to calm down.He stood in the middle of the platform, with a large box on the luggage trolley beside him that he could barely lift, helpless.

At this moment, a word suddenly floated from behind him.

"...Don't get hit by those Muggles..."

Aaron turned around quickly and saw a round-faced boy and an old woman walking past him.They were all wearing weird robes and looked very similar to the wizards in Diagon Alley.

Aaron's heart was pounding, and he quickly pushed the cart to follow them.When they stopped, he stopped not too far away.

"Are you ready, Neville?"

"Okay, grandma."

"let's go."

Aaron watched the round-faced boy and his grandmother walking towards the middle of Platform 9 and Platform 10. He stared at them intently, not even daring to blink for fear of missing something.But when the round-faced boy and his grandmother walked to the junction of platforms 9 and 10, a large group of passengers suddenly swarmed in front of Aaron.When they passed by, the round-faced boy and his grandmother were gone.

Aaron quickly walked to the place where they disappeared and looked around, but he couldn't find them anywhere.

After finally getting some clues, they disappeared like this, which made Aaron feel very disappointed.However, he already knows that the secret of platform 9? is between platform 9 and platform 10.So, he stood between the two platforms, paying close attention to the passengers passing by, hoping to see if there was the next special passenger.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Aaron did not see any passengers who were suspected of being wizards, which made him a little anxious.

But at this moment, the old woman who disappeared with the round-faced boy suddenly appeared between platforms 9 and 10.Aaron was sure that he had been staring there, but he didn't see where she came from.The other people around him didn't seem to notice this strange situation.

Seeing that the old woman seemed to be preparing to leave the station, Aaron hurriedly walked forward and said, "Excuse me, madam."

"What's the matter?" The old woman stared at Aaron with vigilant eyes.

Aaron bravely asked: "I want to ask, do you know where platform 9? is?"

"A new student at Hogwarts?" the old woman asked, looking Aaron up and down.

"Yes." Aaron replied.

The old woman gradually lowered her guard and said: "My grandson Neville is also attending Hogwarts. He enrolled last year. Dumbledore wrote a letter saying that he performed very well in school and helped his college last year. Won the Academy Cup. He is a good boy, caring and courageous, just like his parents." At this point, her eyes were filled with nostalgia.

Although Aaron was not willing to interrupt an old man's memories, he was eager to know the location of platform 9?, after all, it was not far from the departure time.So he had no choice but to say sheepishly: "Then can you tell me how to get to the platform?"

"Don't know how to get to the platform?" The old woman nodded, "Don't worry, you just need to walk straight towards the partition wall between the ticket gate of Platform 9 and Platform 10. Don't be afraid, don't stop, just walk straight. It's important to rush in. If you feel nervous, you can just run away."

"Thank you, ma'am."

Aaron turned the car around and walked towards the partition wall between the two platforms.

I saw him walking faster and faster, and finally he was bent over the trolley and sprinting forward.

Seeing the wall getting closer, his instinct of self-preservation made him want to stop.But the trolley had also lost control, and the strong inertia prevented him from stopping.He could only close his eyes and pray that the collision wouldn't be too violent.

But... nothing happened.

Aaron opened his eyes and saw a dark red steam locomotive parked next to a platform packed with passengers.The sign on the train read: Hogwarts Express, eleven o'clock.

He looked back and saw that the place where the partition wall used to be had turned into an arch with the words: Platform 9?

He succeeded!

The steam mist from the steam locomotive lingered in the sky above the chatting crowd, and cats of various colors walked back and forth under people's feet.Amidst the hum of people talking and the noise of dragging luggage, the owls also hooted harshly, calling and answering.

The first few carriages of the train were already crowded with students.Some of them poked their heads out of the window to talk to their relatives, while others were playing with their classmates in their seats.Aaron pushed the trolley forward on the platform, preparing to find an empty seat.

A boy with dreadlocks is surrounded by a group of children.

"Show them too, Ali, come on."

The boy opened the box he was holding and stretched out a long furry foot, scaring the children around him who screamed and backed away.

Aaron struggled through the crowds and finally found an empty compartment at the end of the train.It took a lot of effort to move his suitcase into the car, and he almost hit his foot twice in the process.Then he pushed the suitcase to the corner of the private room and sat down against the window.

After a whistle, the train started.

The train continued to accelerate and soon left the station.Aaron looked at the houses flashing past the car window, and his heart was filled with excitement.A new world was about to unfold before him.Although he didn't know what he would encounter there, he must be sure that it would be a magical and wonderful world.

At this time, the door of the private room was opened, and a thin boy with light brown hair stood at the door with a camera on his chest, pointing to the seat opposite Aaron and saying: "Is there anyone else here? All other places are full. "

Aaron shook his head and said, "There is no one, you can sit wherever you want."

The boy immediately walked in dragging a large suitcase.

Aaron saw that he was struggling to drag the suitcase, so he got up and helped him put the suitcase in the corner.

"Thank you." The boy closed the door of the private room and sat down opposite Aaron. "I am Colin Creevey. What is your name?"

"Aaron Elf." Aaron also returned to his seat.

"Hello, Aaron." Colin said, "Is anyone else in your family a wizard? My dad is a milkman. I never knew I would do the strange things until I got the letter from Hogwarts. The thing is magic.”

"I don't know either. I grew up in an orphanage. Before I met Professor McGonagall, I had never met anyone who knew magic. I didn't meet my parents. They were there when I was very young. They died because of a gas explosion accident. So, I don’t know if they are wizards. But I think they are not, otherwise they would not die like this."

"Oh, sorry."

"It's ok."

While they were talking, the train had left London and was speeding along fields filled with cattle and sheep.They fell silent and watched the fields and meadows pass before their eyes.

About an hour and a half later, there was a clicking sound from the aisle outside the private room.A woman with dimples appearing at the corners of her mouth when she smiled pushed open the private room door and asked, "Honey, would you like to buy some delicious food?"

Aaron had been working hard all morning and was already a little hungry.Thinking that I didn't know how long it would be before I could get to Hogwarts, and that I still had a dozen Knuts left in my scholarship, I decided to buy something to eat to satisfy my hunger first.He stood up from his seat, only to see Colin standing across from him.

The two smiled at each other and walked into the aisle together.

Aaron originally wanted to buy some food such as ham and sandwiches, but there were no such things in the truck.There are only Bibi's multi-flavored beans, Bubble Super Bubble Gum, chocolate frogs, pumpkin pie, pot cakes, licorice magic wands, and some weird foods that Aaron has never seen before.

Aaron picked up everything in the truck and looked at it, and finally spent all his money on a pumpkin pie, a pot cake, and a bag of chocolate frogs.Colin bought one more bag of Bibi's flavored beans than Aaron did.

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