Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 5 Elderberry Phoenix Tail Feather Wand

While Professor McGonagall was communicating with Hagrid, Arthur, Molly and others, Aaron carefully looked at the group of people in front of him.

In addition to Hagrid, Arthur, Molly and Ginny, there were six children and two adults.One of the children was Harry Potter, who had been photographed with Gilderoy Lockhart before. He was standing with a red-haired boy holding a stack of books.Next to them there were two older boys, both with red hair. Their appearance was almost identical, and they were obviously twin brothers.

A brown-haired girl stood with two adults shaking with fear.Their clothes were different from the wizards Aaron had seen, but rather looked like ordinary people.

After talking to each other for a while, Hagrid and the others left the bookstore.Professor McGonagall took Aaron to the store clerk and started buying the books he needed.

In the process of buying the book, Aaron overheard Lockhart discussing with the man who took his photo whether the fight could be included in the report. He thought this would definitely create a sensation.

Because the school season is approaching, almost all Hogwarts students will come here to buy textbooks, so the store clerks have already prepared the textbooks needed for each grade.After explaining their purpose to the store clerks, they quickly found the books Aaron needed.

The price of new books is indeed not cheap.The seven books Aaron bought at the thrift store together were not as expensive as one book here.Aaron spent more than half his budget on these books.

After buying the textbooks, Aaron bought quills, ink and some parchment from a stationery store next to the Quidditch boutique.Although these items are not on the item list, they are necessary for learning.

In the end, all he had left was the wand.

"Okay, it's time to buy you a wand." Professor McGonagall was relieved to be able to complete the shopping smoothly. "In the entire Diagon Alley, only Ollivander's store sells wands."

The magic wand - this is what Aaron desires most now.

He immediately followed Professor McGonagall to the wand shop full of longing.

This is a small and shabby store. The gold lettering on the sign hanging on the door has peeled off and reads:


[Exquisite wands have been made since 380 BC]

In the dusty window, a wand sat alone on a faded purple cushion.

When they entered the store, a bell rang out from somewhere in the store.The space in the shop is very small, with nothing but a bench.Behind the counter, there are thousands of cardboard boxes stacked almost to the ceiling.The environment in the store is dark and quiet, full of mystery.

"good afternoon."

A soft voice suddenly came from the front, making Aaron startled.

An old man stood in front of Aaron and Professor McGonagall at some point. His big silver-white eyes were like two shining moons in the dim store.

"Hello." Aaron said cautiously.

"Ollivander, this is Aaron Elf, the new student this year. He wants to buy a wand." Professor McGonagall said to the old man.

"Oh! Professor McGonagall! I'm so happy to see you again." Ollivander seemed very happy to see Professor McGonagall, "It's made of fir wood, and the core of the staff is the heart nerve of a dragon, right? "

"Yes." Professor McGonagall pursed her lips and replied.

"That is a good wand. It is flexible and powerful. It is especially suitable for transfiguration. You can achieve such achievements in transfiguration. That wand must have helped a lot, right?"

Professor McGonagall didn't seem to want others to attribute her achievements to a wand, so she said unhappily: "Let's not spend time talking about my wand. Please sell a wand to El as soon as possible." Mr. Husband, we still have to hurry."

Ollivander shook his head and said to Aaron: "Okay, Mr. Elf, let me take a look."

He took out a long tape measure with silver markings from his pocket and asked, "Which hand do you hold your wand in?"

"I'm right-handed," Aaron said.

"Okay, please raise your arms."

Ollivander used a tape measure to first measure the distance from the shoulder to the fingertips of Aaron's right hand, then measured the distance from the wrist to the elbow, from the shoulder to the floor, from the knee to the armpit, and finally measured his head circumference. .

Ollivander said while measuring: "Each Ollivander's wand has a core made of a magical substance with super magical power. This is the essence of the wand, Mr. Elf. We use unique The hair of a horned animal, the tail feathers of a phoenix and the heart nerves of a dragon serve as the core material. Every Ollivander's wand is unique because no two unicorns, dragons or phoenixes are exactly the same. Every wand Everyone has his own master, and if you use a wand that belongs to another wizard, there will be no good results."

When the tape measure began to measure the distance between Aaron's nostrils, he discovered that the tape measure was operating automatically.Mr. Ollivander was busy moving some long boxes out among the shelves.

"All right."

As soon as Ollivander finished speaking, the tape measure slipped to the ground and rolled up into a ball.

"Well, Mr. Elf, try this one. Made of beech wood and dragon's heart nerve. It's nine inches long. It's nice and pliable. Give it a try."

Aaron took the wand and as soon as he waved it, Ollivander immediately took the wand away from his hand.Then, he changed another wand and handed it to Aaron: "It's made of willow wood. The core of the wand is unicorn hair. It's seven inches long and has good elasticity. Give it a try."

As soon as Aaron raised the wand, without even waving it, the wand was taken away by Ollivander again.

"No, no, it's very unsuitable. Let me see... try this one. It's made of cherry wood and dragon's heart nerve. It's seven and a half inches long and very elastic. Come on, try this one." Ollie Vander picked out a third wand for Aaron.

Just as Aaron was about to take the wand, a slender black shadow suddenly flew out from the back of the store, passed Ollivander's ear, and hit Aaron directly in the face.

Aaron hurriedly reached out to block it.The black shadow hit Aaron's palm.Aaron took the opportunity to hold it.

It was a fifteen-inch long wand, dark brown in color, with many pitted and raised wooden knots on it (please refer to the Elder Wand for the specific shape).This wand gave Aaron a completely different feeling from the previous wand.When Aaron held it, a strange feeling arose in his heart, as if he had seen an old friend he hadn't seen for many years, or met his destined lover.Aaron felt that the violent force that he could only occasionally feel in his body suddenly appeared and poured into the wand, turning into a force that could be easily controlled.At the same time, a clear chirping sound seemed to ring in his ears.

"Oh, I have never seen such a thing!" Ollivander shouted in surprise, "The wand will actually fly out to find its owner! It's amazing... it's amazing... it's amazing..."

After a while, Ollivander regained his composure and said, "This is a wand made by my grandfather. The body of the wand is made of elderwood, and the core is made of phoenix tail feathers. Elderwood is the rarest wand wood. They possess powerful magic, but disdain to accompany their masters who are no better than others, and only those who are very unusual can be compatible with elder wands."

"Phoenix tail feathers are also very rare wand cores. Wands with phoenix tail feathers as cores can cast the most types of magic, but they are also the most picky when choosing their owners. At the same time, phoenix feathers are the most proactive wand cores. Sometimes they even act according to their own will. This is because the Phoenix itself is one of the most independent and detached creatures in the world."

"The pickiest wand wood coupled with the pickiest wand core makes it almost impossible for any wizard to get its approval. It has been more than a century since it was made, and no wizard has been able to use it. My grandfather originally The reason why I made it was in the hope of making a wand that could surpass the legendary Elder Wand. However, no matter how powerful the wand is, it has no meaning if no wizard can use it. Isn't it?"

"Then after today, it won't be meaningless." Aaron said.

"Yes. I am very happy that it has found its owner." Ollivander hesitated, "However, I must remind you, Mr. Elf. This wand is undoubtedly powerful, but elderberry and phoenix The combination of tail feathers makes it almost impossible to tame it. You will have a hard time gaining its loyalty. This means that if you can't meet its requirements, it will abandon you. Maybe you should get a different wand. According to me According to research, elder wand owners will always be attracted by the rosewood wand. You can try this one, it is made of rosewood, and the core of the wand is..."

"No need." Aaron interrupted Ollivander.

Feeling the power in his body and the resonance of the wand in his hand, Aaron knew that this was the wand he wanted.

"I want this one. Since it chose me, there is no reason for me to give it up."

Ollivander stared at Aaron with sharp eyes and said: "Well, if you insist... remember, it is the wand that chooses the wizard. Since this special wand has chosen you, then I think you will definitely accept it in the future. Some special mission, accomplishing some great things..."

Aaron paid Ollivander seven galleons for the elderberry and phoenix tail feather wand.Ollivander put Aaron's wand into a box, wrapped it in brown paper, bowed and sent him and Professor McGonagall out of the shop.

After buying the wand, Aaron's financial aid was basically completely spent.There were only a dozen small copper coins (copper nuts) left in the purse.

At this time, it was approaching evening.The sun was almost setting when Aaron and Professor McGonagall left Diagon Alley.They walked through the wall, past the deserted Leaky Cauldron, and out onto the road.Then, he followed the path he came from and returned to the orphanage.Because Aaron carried many packages of various sizes and odd shapes, he attracted many curious eyes along the way.

At the gate of the orphanage, Professor McGonagall said goodbye to Aaron and gave him a train ticket: "This is your ticket to Hogwarts. It departs from King's Cross Station on September [-]st. The rest is written On the ticket. I look forward to seeing you again at Hogwarts, Mr. Elf."

After saying that, she suddenly disappeared in front of Aaron.

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