Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 4 At Lihen Bookstore

Afterwards, Professor McGonagall led Aaron to a store called "Thrift Store" on the south side of Diagon Alley.

As soon as he entered the store, Aaron saw a tall boy with red hair standing there and reading a book attentively. The title of the book was "How Prefects Gain Power" written on the cover.

"Percy." Professor McGonagall asked the boy, "Are you buying things for the new semester?"

"Oh, Professor McGonagall, why are you here?" The boy named Percy raised his head and asked, "Can I help you?"

"This is Aaron, this year's freshman." Professor McGonagall pushed Aaron forward and said, "I'll take him to buy something."

"Hello, Aaron. I'm Percy Weasley, Prefect of Gryffindor House." Percy said, extending his hand to Aaron.

"Aaron Elf." Aaron shook Percy's hand.

"Did you come here on your own?" Professor McGonagall asked at this time, "Where are Arthur and Jasmine?"

"They went shopping with my sister." Percy replied, "My sister Ginny, she is also going to Hogwarts this year."

"Is the last child of the Weasley family coming to Hogwarts?" Professor McGonagall said, "Okay, Percy, I have to take Aaron to buy his school supplies. Time is limited, and he still has I have a lot to buy, so I won’t talk to you any more.”

After that, Professor McGonagall took Aaron to buy products in the store.

In the thrift store, Aaron bought a second-hand crucible, a pair of dragon leather gloves that were not too badly worn, a second-hand but still accurate brass balance, a second-hand folding telescope and a set of small glass medicine bottles .

Originally, Aaron wanted to buy a broken wand, but Professor McGonagall stopped him: "Aaron, the most important thing for a wizard is his wand. Casting spells with a broken wand is very likely to cause trouble." Your spells are not under control. So, you can use second-hand items for everything else, but you must buy new wands."

Later, Aaron found half of the required textbooks in a thrift store, except for the few books written by Gilderoy Lockhart.Aaron picked out a few books that were not obviously broken and bought them.

In order to buy Qiaren's remaining textbooks, Professor McGonagall took him to a bookstore called "Floor and Blotts".When they arrived at the door of the bookstore, they were surprised to find a large group of people crowded outside the store, most of whom were witches in their 50s and [-]s.A tired-looking wizard stood at the door and said: "Ladies, be quiet... don't crowd... watch out for the books..."

Above the door of the bookstore, there is a large banner that reads:

【Gilderoy Lockhart】

[Autobiography for sale with autographs]

【I know magic】

【Today 12:30-4:30 pm】

Gilderoy Lockhart!

When Aaron saw the name, he couldn't help but be intrigued.Aaron came to the bookstore this time just to buy his books, and half of the books on the book list that he needed to prepare for the beginning of school were written by him.Now that he was about to meet him in person, how could Aaron remain indifferent?

Aaron and Professor McGonagall queued into the bookstore.A queue stretched from the door to the back of the bookstore, where Gilderoy Lockhart was signing books.He sat behind a desk, surrounded by large photographs of himself, faces winking at the crowd, flashing dazzlingly white teeth.The real Lockhart wore robes as blue as the forget-me-nots, matching his blue eyes.The pointed wizard hat is playfully tilted on his curly hair.

A grumpy short man held a large black camera, jumping back and forth to take pictures, and occasionally shouting to the crowd crowded around him: "Jean, this is for the Daily Prophet." Taken."

Each time the flash flashed blindingly, streams of purple smoke spewed out of the camera.

Aaron and Professor McGonagall were moving slowly with the crowd while looking at the surrounding environment.I saw bookshelves reaching to the ceiling filled with books.There were leather-bound books as big as paving stones, and silk-bound books the size of postage stamps.Some books are filled with all kinds of strange symbols, while others are completely blank.

Aaron was originally excited when he saw so many strange books here.He picked up a book from the bookshelf next to him: Curses and Curses Breakers (Trick your friends and bewitch your enemies with the latest revenge spells: hair loss, weak legs, tongue-tie and many more) by Winn-Dixie Winridian. technique.) I read it with gusto.Professor McGonagall finally managed to drag him away from the book.

Suddenly, Lockhart, who was signing books, jumped up and shouted, "Isn't this Harry Potter?" He rushed into the crowd.

People moved out of the way, murmuring excitedly.Lockhart grabbed a boy's arm and pulled him forward, and the audience burst into applause.It was a thin boy with a thin face, messy black hair and a pair of emerald green eyes. He wore a pair of round-framed glasses held together with a lot of transparent tape.Lockhart held his hand and allowed the photographer to take the picture.The short man pressed the shutter button frantically, and thick smoke erupted from the camera.

Aaron could see that the boy named Harry Potter looked extremely reserved when taking pictures, with a very stiff expression on his face, while Lockhart smiled extremely brightly, showing off his bright teeth.

After the picture was taken, Lockhart put an arm around Harry's shoulders, holding him firmly to his side.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Lockhart shouted, waving everyone for silence, "what an extraordinary moment this is! I want to take advantage of this wonderful occasion to announce a small announcement, which I have been suppressing for some time. Never said anything."

"When young Harry walked into Lihen Bookstore today, he just wanted to buy my autobiography-I would give him this book for free on the spot-" There was another round of applause, "-but he didn't know," said Luo Hart went on, shaking Harry so that his glasses slipped on the tip of his nose, "He will soon have something more valuable than my book I Can Be Magical, and in fact he and his classmates will Get a real, magical version of me. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it is with great pleasure and pride that I announce that this September, I will be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

The crowd immediately burst into applause and cheers.

When Aaron heard this, he immediately knew why there were so many books by Gerald Lockhart on the book list.However, he was now more interested in the boy named Harry Potter.He pointed at Harry and asked Professor McGonagall: "Is he also a student at Hogwarts? He seems to be very famous?"

"Yes." Professor McGonagall replied, "Harry enrolled last year. He is one year older than you. He will be in second grade this year. Because of some things in the past, he does have a great influence in the wizarding world. Reputation. However, I still hope that everyone can treat him as an ordinary little wizard. Well, you can learn about these things later when you go to school. Now let’s buy you books first, and there are a lot of things to buy later. Woolen cloth."

Aaron and Professor McGonagall were going to buy books when suddenly a commotion broke out in the bookstore.Aaron looked towards the place where the commotion occurred and saw two wizards struggling with each other.They bumped into a bookshelf and dozens of thick spell books fell on their heads.

The crowd backed away in panic, knocking down more bookshelves.

"Gentlemen, be well-behaved, be well-behaved," shouted the clerk.

Then a loud voice rose above all others: "Disperse, gentlemen, disperse—"

A tall man with disheveled hair, a thick beard, and a height as tall as a giant strode over with books all over the floor. In the blink of an eye, he pulled away the two wizards who were wrestling with each other.

At this time, Professor McGonagall also came with Aaron.

"Arthur, Lucius, what are you doing?" Professor McGonagall asked the two wizards who were fighting.

Among the two wizards fighting, a pale wizard with light blond hair, gray-blue eyes, and a pale complexion straightened his clothes, then put a worn book in his hand into a red-haired girl next to him who was carrying a large crucible. In his hand, with a vicious light in his eyes, he said: "Here. Little girl - take your book - this is the best thing your father can give you -"

Then, he broke free from the burly man's arm and waved to a boy with the same blond hair and blue eyes: "Draco, let's go."

After watching the blond wizard and his son rush out of the store, Professor McGonagall asked the other wizard who was fighting: "Arthur, why did you and Lucius start a fight?"

"We have some different opinions on who is the scum among wizards, Professor McGonagall." The wizard named Arthur was a thin man with a bit of baldness and a pair of glasses on his face.

"You shouldn't pay attention to him, Arthur." The burly man stretched out his hand to smooth Arthur's robe and almost lifted him up. "This guy is really bad, his whole family is, and everyone knows it. Mal The words of the Fu family are not worth listening to. The blood on them is bad, that's all. Come on, let's get out."

"Hagrid, we can't slander others without evidence." Professor McGonagall quickly stopped such inappropriate remarks.

"Professor McGonagall, I don't mean to speak ill of others." The burly man named Hagrid said, "But I have to say that Lucius Malfoy is indeed not a good person..."

"Hagrid!" said Professor McGonagall sternly.

"Okay, I won't say anything anymore." Hagrid scratched his head and stopped talking.

At this time, a short and fat witch came to Arthur and said angrily; "A good leader for the children... fight in public..."

"Molly." Professor McGonagall greeted the witch.

"Professor McGonagall," Molly responded, "are you also here to read Gilderoy Lockhart's new book?"

"No." Professor McGonagall pushed Aaron in front of him, "There is a freshman who is enrolling this year. I brought him here to buy textbooks."

"Oh, Ginny is also enrolling this year." Molly also pulled the red-haired girl holding the cauldron beside her, "I hope you can become friends in school..."

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