Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 87 Time Converter

One of the two wizards following Dumbledore and Fudge was a very old wizard. He looked very withered, as if a gust of wind could blow him away.The other one was a tall and well-proportioned wizard with a sparse mustache. He also held an ax in his hand.The two of them should be representatives of the Committee to Dispose of Dangerous Creatures, and the one with the ax is undoubtedly the executioner McNeil.

"We're coming out!" Hermione whispered.

Sure enough, after a while, Hagrid's back door opened, and Aaron saw himself, Harry, Ron and Hermione coming out with Hagrid.This was undoubtedly the most bizarre experience in his life, standing behind a tree and seeing himself in a pumpkin patch.

"It's okay, Piccolo, it's okay..." Hagrid said to Buckbeak.Then he turned to Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione and said, "Come on. Come on."

"Hagrid, we can't..."

"We need to tell them what's really going on."

"They can't kill it!"

"Let's go! If you get into trouble, things will get even worse!"

Aaron watched Hermione put the invisibility cloak over Harry and Ron's heads in the pumpkin patch, and he cast the Disillusionment Charm on himself.

"Go quickly, don't listen..."

There was a knock on the front door of Hagrid's hut.The execution team has arrived.Hagrid turned back to his cabin, leaving the back door open.

Aaron heard himself suggest that Buckbeak should be released, but was rejected because he was concerned that it would cause trouble for Hagrid.Then, he saw the grass around the hut being flattened piece by piece, and he, Harry, Ron and Hermione were gone...but Aaron, Harry and Hermione who were hiding in the bushes could now hear the hut through the back door. what happened.

"Where did that beast go?" A cold voice came from the hut.

"Outside...outside." Hagrid said hoarsely.

Aaron saw MacNeil's face staring out at Buckbeak through the window.

Then they heard Fudge's voice: "We... oh... must read you the official announcement of the execution, Hagrid. I'll read it quickly. And then you and MacNeil will sign it. MacNeil, You should also listen, this is the procedure.”

McNeil's face disappeared from the window.

"We must act now," Aaron whispered to Harry and Hermione, "or we'll never get another chance."

Aaron, Harry, and Hermione darted out from behind the tree, rounded the fence into the pumpkin patch, and approached Buckbeak.

Fudge's voice sounded again: "The Committee on the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures has decided that the Hippogriff Buckbeak, hereafter referred to as a convicted person, should be executed at sunset on June [-]th..."

Aaron, Harry and Hermione came to Buckbeak.Staring into Buckbeak's fierce orange eyes, Aaron asked Harry and Hermione: "What should we do next?"

"You just wait here and I'll do it," Harry said.

Then he stepped forward and bowed to Buckbeak.Buckbeak bent his scaly knees and stood upright again.Harry began to fumble with the rope that tied Buckbeak to the fence.

In the hut, Fudge was still reading the announcement: "...Beheading will be carried out by Walton McNeil, the executioner designated by the committee..."

"Come on, Buckbeak," Harry murmured, "come on, we're going to help you. Quietly... quietly..."

"...The following serves as a witness. Hagrid, you sign here..."

Harry put all his weight on the rope, but Buckbeak was already firmly planted on his front feet.

"Okay, let's finish this thing." A high-pitched voice came from Hagrid's hut, and Aaron guessed it was the voice of the old wizard of the committee. "Hagrid, don't come out of the house, so Maybe it’s better…”

"No, I...I want to be with it...I don't want it to be alone..." Footsteps echoed in the hut.

"Buckbeak, go!" Harry hissed.

Harry tugged harder on the rope around Buckbeak's neck.The monster began to move around, flapping its wings in annoyance.They were still ten feet away from the Forbidden Forest, and could completely see the back door of Hagrid's hut, and the sound of footsteps walking toward the back door could already be heard in the house...

"Please wait a moment, MacNeill." came Dumbledore's voice, "You also want to sign."

The footsteps stopped.

"We have to hurry up." Aaron knew that there was not much time left for them, so he quickly stepped forward and pulled the rope hard.

Buckbeak's beak snapped and he walked faster.

"Faster! Faster!" Hermione moaned, grabbing the rope and adding her own weight to make Buckbeak go faster.

Buckbeak reluctantly broke into a trot.They reached the woods.

Aaron looked back. They could no longer see Hagrid's hut, and the people inside could no longer see them.

"Stop!" he whispered to Harry and Hermione. "They might hear us..."

Hagrid's back door opened with a bang.Aaron, Harry, Hermione, and Buckbeak stood listening, and even the hippogriff seemed to be listening nervously.Silence...and then...

"Where did it go?" came the shrill voice of the committee member. "Where did the beast go?"

"It was tied here!" the executioner said angrily. "I just saw it! It was right here!"

"How strange," said Dumbledore, his voice sounding interested.

There was a swishing sound, the dull sound of an ax being swung.The executioner seemed to vent his anger by driving the ax into the fence, and then let out a howl.

Then, they heard Hagrid sobbing and saying: "It's gone! It's gone! God bless it, it's gone! It must have broken free on its own! Piccolo, you are so smart!"

Buckbeak began to break free from the rope and return to Hagrid.Aaron, Harry and Hermione gripped the rope harder, trying to keep their footing to prevent Buckbeak from breaking free.

"Someone has untied the rope!" the executioner roared. "We should search the place and the woods..."

"McNeil, if Buckbeak was indeed stolen, do you really think the thief would have taken it away on foot?" Dumbledore said, still sounding amused, "Search the sky, if Would you like...Hagrid, I'd like a cup of tea, or a large brandy."

"Of course, Professor." Hagrid's voice sounded happy and weak, "Come in, come in..."

Aaron, Harry and Hermione listened carefully.They heard the footsteps, the executioner's low curse, and finally the door clicked, and everything fell silent again.

"What now?" Harry whispered, looking around.

"We have to hide here," said Hermione, looking nervously into the woods. "We need to wait until they get back to the castle. Then, when it's safe, let Buckbeak fly to the room where Sirius is being held. He It won’t be there for another two hours…”

"I think we should go to the whomping willow now." Aaron suggested. "We must keep track of the development of things, otherwise it will be difficult to seize the opportunity."

"Okay." Hermione tightened her grip on Buckbeak's rope, "But we must not be seen..."

They moved along the edge of the wood, and the twilight grew thicker, until at last they hid behind a clump of trees, where the willow could be seen.

"That's Ron!" Harry said suddenly.

A black figure jumped onto the lawn, shouting echoing in the silent night: "Let it go... let it go... Banban, come here!"

Then they saw three more people appear out of nowhere.Aaron saw himself, Harry and Hermione chasing Ron.Then he saw Ron bend down.

"I caught you! Let go, you stinky cat!"

"That's Sirius!" Aaron said.

The huge figure of the dog jumped out from the roots of the willow tree.They saw it knock Harry to the ground and then grab Ron...

"It's even worse from here, isn't it?" said Harry.

They watched as the dog dragged Ron under the tree.

"Wow... look, I just got beaten up by that tree... and so did you..." Harry exclaimed.

The whomping willow was creaking and lashing with its lower branches.They could see themselves rushing back and forth, trying to get to the tree trunks.Then the tree stopped moving.

"That's Crookshanks' knotting," said Hermione.

"We're going into the hole," Aaron said.

As soon as Aaron, Harry and Hermione disappeared under the Whomping Willow, the tree began to move again.A few seconds later, the three Aarons outside heard footsteps coming from not far away.Dumbledore, MacNeill, Fudge and the old wizards of the committee were walking towards the castle.

Hermione said at this time: "It would be great if Dumbledore could go to the Shrieking Shack with us..."

"Then McNeil and Fudge will come together." Aaron said, "I bet you that Fudge will let McNeil kill Sirius on the spot and won't listen to anything he says..."

They watched the four men ascend the stone steps of the castle and enter the Great Dream.For a few minutes there was no one around.Then……

"Here comes Lupine!" said Harry.

At this time, they saw another figure jumping down the stone steps and walking towards the Whomping Willow.They watched as Lupine picked up a broken branch from the ground and poked a knot in the trunk with it.The tree stood still, and Lupine disappeared into the hole in its roots.

"If only he had taken the invisibility cloak, it's there..." said Harry. "If I rushed out and got the invisibility cloak now, Snape would never get it, and... "

"Harry, we can't be seen!" Hermione interrupted.

"How can you bear it?" Harry asked Hermione eagerly, "Just stand here and watch things unfold? I'll get the invisibility cloak!"

With that said, Harry was about to run under the tree to get the invisibility cloak.

"Harry, don't!" Hermione reached for Harry's robes, but missed.Just then, they heard a burst of singing.

It was Hagrid, walking towards the castle, singing as loud as he could, swaying a little as he walked.The large bottle he held in both hands was also shaking.

Because of Aaron's Disillusionment Curse, Harry will not be seen now.But the Disillusionment Curse cannot be hidden from the Whomping Willow. Once Harry gets close, the branches of the Whomping Willow will start to riot, and then Hagrid will notice that someone is here.Therefore, Harry could only stop.

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