Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 88 Save Buckbeak

"See?" Hermione whispered. "See what's going to happen? We must not be seen! No, Buckbeak!"

The hippogriff struggled wildly to get back to Hagrid, and Aaron, Harry, and Hermione held on to the rope and tried to pull Buckbeak back.They watched Hagrid stumble toward the castle.When Hagrid entered the castle, Buckbeak stopped struggling and his head hung sadly.

In less than 2 minutes, the door to the castle opened again, and Snape came out and ran towards the Whomping Willow.They saw Snape stop his feet by the tree, looked around, grabbed the invisibility cloak, and held it up.At this moment Harry's fists clenched.

"Keep your filthy hands off it," Harry growled.

"Shh!" Aaron and Hermione quickly covered Harry's mouth.

Snape picked up the branch Lupine had used, poked the knot, put on the invisibility cloak, and disappeared.

"So that's it." Hermione said calmly, "We are all down there... now we can only wait until we come up again..."

She took the end of Buckbeak's rope and tied it securely to the nearest tree. Then she sat down on the dry ground, folded her arms around her knees, and said, "There's one thing I never understood—dementors. Why didn't you catch Sirius? I remember them coming. Then I probably passed out... there were so many of them..."

"I seem to have passed out too." Harry also sat down, "Aaron, do you know what happened?"

Aaron shook his head and said: "I don't know. But before I fell into coma, I saw two rays of silver light flying over from the other side of the lake. Maybe it has something to do with this."

"But what is that?" Hermione asked confused.

"There's only one thing that can keep Dementors away," Harry said, "and that's a true Patronus. A powerful Patronus."

"Then who summoned it?" Hermione asked, "Aaron, did you see who summoned the Patronus? Which teacher was it?"

Aaron shook his head and said: "No, I didn't see who summoned the patron saint. And I don't think it was the professors in the school who did it. Because, if that professor saved us, he couldn't have left us like that. Leave it there, unless the person who saves us is Snape."

"That's impossible," Harry said. "You all heard what Snape and Fudge said. When he found us, the spirit monsters had already left. If he saved us, he wouldn't deny it. .”

"Then we can only find out who it is by taking a look with our own eyes later?" Aaron spread his hands.

About an hour later, there was another noise from the Whomping Willow.

"Here we come!" Hermione whispered.

They saw Lupine, Ron, and Peter Pettigrew clumsily emerging from the hole under the willow tree.Then there was the unconscious Snape, floating strangely upward.Behind them were Aaron, Harry, Hermione and Black.They started walking towards the castle.

Aaron glanced at the sky and asked the two companions next to him: "How about we catch Peter Pettigrew when he escapes later?"

"Aaron, we can only stay where we are." Hermione murmured, "We must not let anyone see us. We can't do anything now..."

"Then we have to let Peter Pettigrew escape again..." Harry said calmly.

"How are we going to find a mouse in the dark?" Hermione snapped. "We can't do anything! We came back to help Sirius, we shouldn't be doing anything else!"

"Okay!" Aaron and Harry looked at each other and could only give up this unrealistic fantasy.

Then they saw the tiny figures crossing the field stop.

"That's Lupin," Hermione whispered, "He's transforming..."

Aaron suddenly said, "I think we're going to get started!"

"No way," Hermione said quickly, "I've been telling you..."

Aaron interrupted her: "But Lupine is coming for us!"

"Quick!" Hermione gasped and moaned, and hurriedly ran over to untie Buckbeak's rope, "Quick! Where are we going? Where are we going to hide? The dementors are coming soon!"

"Go back to Hagrid!" said Harry. "It's empty now, come on!"

They hurried towards Hagrid's hut, Buckbeak jogging behind them, and they could hear the werewolf howling behind them...

The cabin is in sight.Aaron rushed to the door and opened it. Harry, Hermione and Buckbeak flew past him quickly. Aaron followed them and jumped in, locking the door.The hound fang barked loudly.

"Shhh. Fang, it's us!" Hermione hurried over and scratched its ears to quiet it down.

Then she turned back to Aaron and Harry and said, "It was so close!"

Aaron looked out the window and found that it was very difficult to see what was happening outside from here.Buckbeak seemed very happy to be back in Hagrid's hut.It lay down in front of the fireplace, folding its wings with satisfaction as if it wanted to take a nice nap.

"I think we'd better go outside again." Aaron said slowly, "We can't see what's going on outside, and we won't know when the time comes."

Hermione looked up at him.Her expression was puzzled.

Aaron said quickly: "How can we know when to save Sirius if we can't see what's going on outside?"

"That makes sense," Harry said. "We can't wait here."

"Um...Okay." Hermione said, covering her forehead, "Then...Buckbeak and I are waiting here...but you have to be careful...there are werewolves and those dementors outside..."

Aaron and Harry were outside the hut again.They walked alongside the cabin.They heard shouts in the distance, it was the Dementors approaching Sirius.And before long, they and Hermione would be there too.Aaron looked towards the lake, waiting for the person who sent the guardian spirit. Whoever it was, might appear at any time now.

Aaron and Harry were getting closer to the lake, but there was no one there.On the other side, they saw a small flash of silver, the patronus that Aaron himself had summoned.

There is a bush near the water.Aaron and Harry hid behind the bushes, peering desperately through the gaps in the leaves.The silver flash on the other side suddenly went out.Aaron looked up at the circle of dementors by the lake. One of them was lowering its hood.The savior should have arrived by now, but no one came.

Aaron was stunned for a moment, and then it dawned on him—the savior was himself.

Aaron jumped out from behind the bushes, drew his wand and shouted, "Call the Guardians!"

A dazzling silver animal emerged from the end of his wand.Different from the previous blurry images, the patron saint summoned by Aaron this time was extremely clear.

He squinted his eyes, trying to see what it was.It looks like a horse.It left him and sped away across the black lake.He saw it lower its head and charge towards the large group of dementors.It ran in circles around the black shapes on the ground. The dementors retreated, collapsed, and disappeared into the darkness...

The patron saint turned around.It jogged back across the calm water towards Aaron.It does look like a white horse, with a strong body, slender limbs, and clearly visible loose hair.But it wasn't a horse. It had a spiral horn on its forehead. It was a unicorn.Its whole body shines like the moon in the sky.

It stopped on the shore, its hooves leaving no trace on the soft mud.Its big silver eyes looked at Aaron.Slowly, it lowered its horned head.But when Aaron stretched out a trembling finger toward it, it was gone.

Aaron stood there, his hand still stretched forward.Then he heard the sound of hooves behind him.He turned around and saw Hermione rushing towards him with Buckbeak in hand.

"What have you done?" she said angrily, "You said you were just going outside to take a look!"

"I just saved all of our lives," Aaron said to Hermione and Harry, who looked at him in surprise. "Come behind, behind these bushes, and I'll explain."

Aaron told Harry and Hermione (mainly Hermione, because Harry had seen it with his own eyes) what had just happened.

After listening to Aaron's story, Hermione was so surprised that she couldn't even close her mouth.After a long time, she asked hesitantly: "Well... did someone... did anyone see you?"

"I don't think so," Aaron replied.

"I didn't expect you to be able to summon such a powerful patron saint, Aaron." Harry looked at Aaron with some surprise and envy.

"I can't believe it either." Hermione also said, "You summoned the Patronus that can drive away all those dementors! This is a very, very advanced magic..."

"To be honest, this is also the first time I have completely summoned the Patronus." Aaron said, "Although I have been practicing for a long time, today is undoubtedly the most successful one. Look, it's Snape."

As he was talking, Aaron saw Snape walking towards the lake and quickly motioned to Harry and Hermione.

The three of them peered out of the bushes to the other side.They watched as Snape summoned a stretcher and placed the lifeless bodies of Aaron, Harry, Hermione and Black on it.There was a fifth stretcher floating next to him, and Ron was already lying on it.Then, Snape raised his wand in front of him and moved the five stretchers and all the people on them to the castle.

"It's almost time." Hermione said nervously, looking at her watch. "We still have 45 minutes before Dumbledore locks the door to the colonel's hospital ward. We must rescue Sirius and return to the ward before anyone discovers that we are missing. …”

They waited, watching the clouds reflected in the lake as the bushes beside them whispered in the breeze.Buckbeak got bored and began to use his beak to look for bugs in the grass.

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