Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 86 Awakening

"Snape hates Sirius." Hermione said desperately, "It's all because of the stupid jokes Sirius played on him..."

"Sirius didn't act like an innocent person, the attack on the Fat Lady, entering Gryffindor Tower with a knife... Without Peter Pettigrew, alive or dead, there would be no way we could overturn the attack on Sirius judgment."

"But you trust us."

"Yes, I believe you." Dumbledore said calmly, "But I have no power. I cannot order others to believe you, or overthrow the Minister of Magic..."

"What we need now," Dumbledore's light blue eyes looked from Harry to Aaron to Hermione, "is more time."

"But..." Hermione's eyes widened, "Oh!"

"Now, pay attention." Dumbledore whispered, "Sirius is locked in Professor Flitwick's room on the eighth floor, which is window No. 13 counting from the west tower. If everything goes well, you can save more than [-] people tonight. An innocent life. But remember this, all three of you must remember, never let anyone see you. Miss Granger, you know the rules, you know the dangers... never... let... let... see."

Before Aaron understood the meaning of Dumbledore's words, he had already turned around and walked to the door.

"I'm locking you here. It's..." he looked at his watch, "it's five minutes to midnight. Miss Granger, just turn it three times. Good luck to you."

"Good luck?" Harry repeated as Dumbledore closed the door.

"Three times?" Aaron was also very confused. "Hermione, what is he talking about? What should we do?"

Hermione fumbled at the collar of her robe, pulled out a very long and fine gold chain from under the robe, and said eagerly: "You two, come here, quickly!"

Aaron and Harry walked over to her, completely confused.She pulled out the gold chain completely.Aaron saw a small, shiny gold-hand timepiece hanging from the gold chain.

"Here..." She wrapped the gold chain around Aaron and Harry's necks and asked breathlessly, "Are you ready?"

"What are we going to do?" Aaron asked, looking at the chain around his neck.

Hermione turned the timer three times.The dark ward suddenly disappeared.Aaron felt like he was flying, flying very fast and backward.Various blurry clouds and shapes passed before my eyes, and something pounded in my ears.He wanted to scream, but he couldn't hear his own voice... Then he felt his feet touch solid ground, and everything came into focus again... He stood next to Hermione and Harry, standing in the empty front hall , a golden ray of sunlight hits the floor from the open front door.

"Hermione, what's going on?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Come here!" Hermione grabbed Aaron and Harry's arms and dragged them through the front hall to a broom cupboard door.

She opened the cupboard door and pushed them in to join the bucket and rag, then followed her in, closing the door behind her.

"What are you doing? Hermione, what happened?" Harry asked again.

Aaron also looked at Hermione with surprise.

"We went back in time." Hermione whispered, taking off the gold chains from Aaron and Harry's necks in the dark, "went back three hours..."

Going backwards in time?

Aaron was extremely surprised and was about to say something when he saw Hermione put her ear to the cupboard door and said: "Shh! Listen! Someone is coming! I think... I think it might be us! There are footsteps in the hall... …Yeah, I think that’s when we go find Hagrid!”

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked confused, "We are in this cupboard, how can we be outside again?"

Hermione, still with her ear pressed against the cupboard door, said, "I'm sure that was us...it sounded like there were four of us...we were walking very slowly because we were wearing the invisibility cloak...we had already descended the stone steps. …”

Harry still looked confused, but Aaron already somewhat understood what Hermione meant. He said to Harry: "I think I somewhat understand what Hermione meant. If we really travel through time and go back three hours ago, then There should be another us here."

"That's right." Hermione nodded.

A look of understanding appeared on Harry's face.

Aaron asked Hermione, "What is that timer? Where did you get it? It's how we tell time, right?"

"It's called the Time-Turner," Hermione whispered, sitting on an upturned bucket. "I got it from Professor McGonagall the first day we came back. I've been using it all year, okay. Catch up on all my classes. Professor McGonagall made me swear not to tell anyone. She had to write various letters to the Ministry of Magic so I could have a Time-Turner. She had to tell them: I was a model student and I will always Not using it for anything other than studying... I've been turning it back hour by hour, which is why I'm able to take several classes at once, you know? But... I don't understand what Dumbledore wants us to do What to do. Why did he tell us to go back three hours? Would it do anything to help Sirius?"

Harry stared at her face in the darkness and said slowly: "Something must have happened that he wants us to change. What happened? Three hours ago, we walked to Hagrid..."

"This was three hours ago. We were walking towards Hagrid," Hermione said. "We just heard ourselves leaving..."

"Buckbeak." Aaron suddenly said at this time, "Dumbledore just said that we may save more than one innocent life! In addition to Black, there is another innocent person who is about to lose his life tonight. Then That’s Buckbeak.”

"But... what about saving Buckbeak and helping Sirius?" Hermione wondered.

"Dumbledore just told us where that window is." Harry frowned and said, "Professor Flitwick's office! They have locked Sirius in there! We can let Buckbeak fly to that window Go save Sirius! Sirius can ride on Buckbeak's back and they can escape together!"

"This is indeed a warning." Aaron thought, "but in this process, it is difficult for us not to be seen."

"Well, we have to give it a try, right?" Harry stood up and put his ear to the cupboard door. "It sounds like there's no one there... Come on, let's go..."

Harry opened the cupboard door. No one was in the front hall.They rushed out of the cupboard door and down the stone steps as quietly as possible.The shadow has become very long, and the treetops of the Forbidden Forest are once again coated with a layer of gold.

"If anyone looks out the window..." Hermione squeaked, looking up at the castle behind her.

"Let's run," Harry said firmly. "Go straight to the woods, okay? We have to hide behind a tree or something and look out."

"Okay, but we have to go around the conservatory!" Hermione gasped. "We have to get out of Hagrid's front door or they'll see us! We must be approaching Hagrid's hut by now!" "

"It doesn't have to be like this." Aaron shook his head and said, "Although we don't have an invisibility cloak now, I can use magic spells to have the same effect."

With that said, Aaron took out his wand and cast the Disillusionment Charm on himself, Harry and Hermione.

Then, the three of them walked hand in hand across the grass in silence until they reached the edge of the woods.They caught a glimpse of Hagrid's hut and heard a knock on the door.They quickly walked behind a thick-trunked oak tree and looked out from both sides.Hagrid appeared in the doorway, trembling all over and pale. He looked around for the person who knocked on the door.They heard Harry's voice.

"It's us. We're wearing invisibility cloaks. Let us in and we can take off our invisibility cloaks."

"You shouldn't have come!" Hagrid whispered.He stepped back and quickly closed the door.

"That's the weirdest thing I've ever done," Harry said enthusiastically.

"Let's move a little," Hermione whispered. "We have to get closer to Buckbeak!"

They walked through the trees until they came upon the nervous hippogriff, chained to the fence of Hagrid's pumpkin patch.

"Are we letting it go now?" Harry whispered.

"No!" said Hermione, "If we steal it now, those on the committee will think Hagrid set it free! We have to wait until they see it chained outside!"

"Then we have to finish everything within one minute." Aaron said, "This is impossible."

"But we can't cause trouble for Hagrid." Hermione said, "There will always be a way."

At this time, the sound of broken porcelain came from Hagrid's hut.

"That was Hagrid breaking the milk jug," Hermione whispered. "I'm about to find Scabbers..."

Sure enough, a few minutes later, they heard Hermione scream in surprise.

Aaron suddenly said: "If we...we would run in now and catch Peter Pettigrew..."

"No!" Hermione whispered, "Don't you understand? We cannot break one of the most important laws of the wizarding world - no one can change time, no one! You heard Dumbledore say, if we are People see..."

"We will only be seen by ourselves and Hagrid!" Harry said from the side.

"Harry, if you saw yourself rushing into Hagrid's house, how do you think you would react?" Hermione said.

"I would...I would have thought I was crazy," Harry said, "or I would have thought I had seen something evil."

"That's right! You won't understand, and you'll even attack yourself! Don't you understand? Professor McGonagall told me what terrible things happened to wizards when they got confused about time - and there were many of them. People accidentally kill their past selves or future selves!”

"Okay!" said Harry, "it doesn't look like this idea is going to work."

"Looking at it this way, traveling through time is a very dangerous thing." Aaron said thoughtfully, "No wonder you have to think about the Ministry of Magic before you can use it, Hermione."

But Hermione didn't reply. Instead, she nudged him and pointed toward the castle.Aaron moved his head a few inches so he could see the front door in the distance.Dumbledore, Fudge, and two other wizards were walking down the stone steps.

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