Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 81 The Truth 2

Lupine's face straightened, and he said with self-loathing in his voice: "This year, I have been fighting with myself, undecided whether to tell Dumbledore: Sirius is an Animagus. But I Didn't say it. Why? Because I was too cowardly. Telling him would mean that I had betrayed his trust when I was a student, and it would mean admitting that I had led others to be with me... And for me, Dumbledore His trust is extremely important. When I was a child, he accepted me into school. As an adult, he gave me a job when I struggled to find gainful employment because I was a werewolf. In this way, I convinced myself that I think Sirius used the evil magic he learned from Voldemort to sneak into the school, and his becoming an Animagus has nothing to do with it... So, in a sense, Snape's view of me has always been Yes."

"Snape?" Black said hoarsely, looking away from Scabbers for the first time in several minutes and looking at Lupin. "What does Snape have to do with this?"

"He's here, Sirius," Lupine said heavily, "and he teaches here too." He looked up at Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione, "Professor Snape is in school with We were together. He had fought so hard against my appointment as Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. He had been telling Dumbledore that I couldn't be trusted. He had his reasons... You see, Sirius had joked to him once, It almost cost him his life, and that joke had something to do with me..."

Blake made a mocking sound: "He deserves it. He is sneaking around, wondering what we are going to do... He hopes to get us expelled..."

"Severus is particularly interested in where I go every month," Lupine told Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione. "We're in the same year. You know, we're... oh... not that old. Like each other. He particularly disliked James. Jealousy, I suppose, of James' talent on the Quidditch pitch... Anyway, Snape saw me walking across the field with Madam Pomfrey one evening, She led me to the Whomping Willow to transform. Sirius told Severus that as long as he touched the knot on the trunk with a long stick, he could follow me into the tree hole. Sirius thought that if you do this...oh ...Interesting. Well, of course that's what Snape tried...if he'd come as far as the house, he'd have been met by a full-on werewolf...But your dad, when he heard what Sirius had done, he just went with Behind Snape, he pulled him back, risking his own life... But Snape saw me, at the end of the tunnel. Dumbledore forbade him to tell anyone, but from then on From then on, he knew what I was..."

"No wonder Snape doesn't like you." Harry said slowly, "Because he thought you were participating in the joke?"

"Yes," said a grim voice from the wall behind Lupine.

Severus Snape pulled off his invisibility cloak and pointed his wand directly at Lupine.

Everyone present was startled by Snape's sudden appearance, and Hermione even screamed.

"I found it under the roots of the Whomping Willow." Snape tossed the invisibility cloak aside, still being careful not to let his wand stray from Lupin's chest. "Very useful, Potter. I thank you... "

Snape was a little out of breath, but he had an overwhelming sense of victory on his face.

"Perhaps you don't understand how I knew you were here?" His eyes were shining. "I just went to your office, Lupin. You forgot to take your medicine tonight, so I brought a large cup over. .luckily I did... I mean, I was lucky, there was a map on your desk. Just one look and I understood everything I needed to understand. I saw you walking down this aisle , and then disappeared.”

"Severus, you are wrong." Lupine said urgently, "You did not hear the whole story...I can explain that Sirius did not come here to kill Harry..."

"Two more people are going to Azkaban tonight." Snape's eyes flashed feverishly, "I'm interested to see what Dumbledore will do when he hears this... He believes you are harmless. 's, you know, Lupine...a tame werewolf..."

"You fool," Lupine said gently, "can a student-level complaint send an innocent man to Azkaban?"

boom!Snake-like ribbons erupted from the end of Snape's wand and wrapped themselves around Lupin's mouth, wrists, and ankles.Lupine lost his balance and fell to the floor, unable to move.

Black roared and rushed towards Snape, but Snape pointed his wand directly between Black's eyes and whispered: "Give me a reason to kill you and I swear I will do it."

Blake didn't move.At this time, people couldn't tell whose face showed more hatred.

At this time, Hermione hesitantly took a step toward Snape and said, "Professor Snape...listen...listen to what they have to say. This doesn't hinder anything, does it?"

"Miss Granger, you are already in danger of being temporarily suspended from school." Snape spat. "It's so shameful for you, Elf, Potter and Ron to have an affair with a proven murderer. There are werewolves in the company. Just keep silent. Even if it's just this once in your life."

"But if...if the previous verdict was wrong..." Hermione was still trying to get Snape to listen to what Lupine and Black had to say.

But Snape shouted frantically: "Shut up, you silly girl! Don't talk about things you don't understand!" A few sparks came out from the end of his wand, which was still pointed at Black's face.

Hermione fell silent.

"The taste of revenge is so sweet." Snape said to Black, "How many times have I dreamed that I was the one who caught you..."

"That joke is working on you again, Severus." Black growled, his head tilting towards Ron. "As long as that boy brings Scabbers back to the castle, I will follow him quietly. you go……"

"To the castle?" said Snape flatteringly. "I don't think we have to go that far. All I have to do is call the dementors as soon as we step out of the willow tree. They will be very happy to see you. , Blake...I dare say, I will be happy to give you a little kiss..."

The remaining color on Blake's face was gone now, and he said hoarsely: "You... you must listen to me, that rat... look at that rat..."

But there was a crazy light in Snape's eyes, and he flicked his fingers, and the ends of Lupin's straps flew into his hands: "Come on, all of you. I'll drag the werewolf. Maybe the dementors." I will also kiss him..."

But at this moment, Harry suddenly crossed the room, blocked the door, and blocked Snape's way.

"Get out of the way, Potter, you're in enough trouble as it is," Snape growled, "if I weren't here to save you..."

"Professor Lupine has had a hundred chances to kill me this year," Harry said. "I have been alone with him many times, learning from him how to resist dementors. If he is one of Black's gang, then Why didn't he kill me then?"

"Don't ask me about the mentality of a werewolf," Snape said sharply, "Get out of the way, Potter."

"Professor Snape, don't let hatred cloud your reason." Aaron walked up to Harry at this time and persuaded in a calm voice, "Maybe Black did do something very excessive to you, but"

"Elf, I originally thought you were a smart student, different from the common idiots in Gryffindor." Seemingly affected by Aaron's tone, Snape's mood calmed down a little, "But Now it seems that I was wrong. You are just as stupid as the other Gryffindors and have no idea what you are doing. Come on, get out of the way!"

"You're so pathetic!" Harry yelled. "It's just because they made fun of you when they were students and you don't even listen to them..."

"Shut up! Don't talk to me like that!" Snape screamed, looking even crazier. "Like father, like son. Potter! I just saved your life. You should kneel down and thank me! If he kills you, you deserve it! You will be like your dead father, Arrogant and arrogant, you don't believe that you made a mistake with Black...Now, get out of the way, or I'll force you to get out of the way. Get out of the way, Potter!"

Looking at Snape's ferocious expression, Aaron understood that his eyes were completely covered by hatred and he had completely lost his mind.Snape just wanted to hand over Black to those dementors, and it was useless to say anything to him now.

In a matter of moments, Aaron made up his mind.Before Snape could take a step forward, he had his wand raised.

"Expelliarmus!" he yelled.

But he's not the only one doing this.There was an explosion that shook the door from its hinges.Snape rose off the ground, hit the wall, and slid to the floor, a trickle of blood seeping from under his hair.He was knocked unconscious.

Aaron looked to his left and right and saw that Harry, Ron and Hermione had all managed to disarm Snape at the exact same moment.Snape's wand flew high in an arc and landed next to Crookshanks on the bed.

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