Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 82 The Truth 3

"You shouldn't do this," Black said, looking at Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione, "You should let me deal with him..."

"We attacked the teachers... We attacked the teachers..." Hermione sobbed, looking at the lifeless Snape in fear, "Oh, we are in big trouble..."

Lupine was breaking free.Blake quickly bent down and untied him.

Lupine stretched his limbs, stroked the marks on his arms where the straps had made them, and said, "Thank you, Harry."

"I didn't say I believed you yet," Harry retorted.

"Then it's high time we gave you some evidence," Black said. "You, boy, give me Peter. Now."

Ron grabbed Scabbers closer to his chest and said feebly: "Don't move it. Are you going to say that you escaped from Azkaban just to attack Scabbers? I mean..."

He looked at Aaron, Harry and Hermione, trying to seek their support: "Well, let's just say that Peter Pettigrew will become a rat... There are thousands of rats in the world... He is locked up in Azka Ben, how does he know which mouse he is looking for?"

"You know, Sirius, that's a fair question." Lupine turned to Black, frowned slightly and said, "How did you find out where he was?"

Black reached into his robe with a claw-like hand and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper.He smoothed the paper and showed it to everyone.

It was a photo of Ron's family that appeared in the Daily Prophet last summer. Ron had spots on his shoulders.

"How did you get this newspaper?" Lupine asked Black, startled.

"Fudge," Black said, "when he was inspecting Azkaban last year, he gave me this newspaper. That was Peter, on the front page of the newspaper... over the boy's shoulder... I recognized him immediately "How many times have I seen him transform? The caption under the photo says that the boy will go back to Hogwarts... to where Harry is..."

"Merlin." Lu Ping looked at Banban, then at the photo in the newspaper, and then at Banban, "its front paws..."

"So what?" Ron said regardless.

"It's missing a toe," Black said.

"Of course," Lupine whispered. "How simple...how clever...did he break it himself?"

"Just before he transformed," Black said, "I forced him to the point where he had no place to escape, and he screamed so loudly that the whole street heard him saying that I had betrayed James and Lily. Then, before I could Before he was cursed, he blew up the whole street with the wand hidden behind his back, killing everyone within twenty feet of him, and then fled into the gutter with the other rats..."

"You hear that, Ron?" said Lupine. "The biggest piece of Peter's remains that's ever been found is his finger."

"Well, Banban may have had a fight with another mouse or something else! It has been in our house for many years..."

"Twelve years, right?" Lupine said, "Have you never thought about how it can live so long?"

"We...we've been taking good care of it!" Ron said.

"But he doesn't look too good now, does he?" said Lupine. "I guess he's been losing weight since he heard Black was at large..."

"It's for that crazy cat!" Ron nodded to Crookshanks.Crookshanks was still purring contentedly on the bed.

"This is wrong, Ron." Aaron suddenly said at this time, "Scabbers was not right before he met Crookshanks. Have you forgotten? We met Scabbers just to go to the pet shop to treat him. Crookshanks’.”

"But...but this crazy cat made the disease worse." Ron still said harshly.

"The cat isn't crazy," Black croaked, reaching out a bony hand to stroke Crookshanks' hairy head. "He is the smartest cat I have ever met. He knew immediately what Peter was. When he met me, he knew I was not a dog. It took him a while to believe me. Finally, I I tried to find a way to communicate with it and tell it what I wanted to do, so it kept helping me..."

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked in a low voice.

"It started out trying to bring Peter to me, but couldn't... so it stole the password to Gryffindor Tower for me... from a boy's bedside table, as far as I know... But Peter got wind of what was going on and ran away... The cat... Crookshanks, is that what you call it? Tell me Peter left blood stains on the sheets... I think he was Bite myself... Well, pretending to be dead, this approach has been successful once..."

Harry suddenly became furious and said, "Why is he pretending to be dead? Because he knows you will kill him, just like you killed my parents back then!"

"No, Harry..."

Lupine wanted to say something, but Harry did not listen to him and continued: "You are here to kill him!"

"Yes, that's my plan." Black looked at Scabbers fiercely and said.

"Then I should let Snape catch you!" Harry shouted.

"Harry." Lupine said hastily, "Don't you understand? We always thought that Black betrayed your parents, and Peter hunted Black... But the actual situation is exactly the opposite, you know? Peter betrayed your mother. Tracking down Peter with dad and Sirius..."

"That's not true!" Harry shouted, pointing at Black, "He's their secret keeper! That's what he said before you came, he said he killed them!"

Blake slowly shook his head and said in a hoarse voice: "Harry... I almost killed them. It was I who convinced Lily and James to change the secret keeper to Peter at the last moment... I thought it was a perfect plan. ...It was a clever plan...I thought Voldemort would definitely come after me, and never imagined that they would let the weak and stupid Peter be the secret keeper...The night they died, I went to see Peter to make sure he was safe. But when I got to the place where he was hiding, he was gone. But there were no signs of a struggle. I felt like something was wrong, and I realized that I might have made a big mistake. I was scared, and I came right to you. The place where my parents lived. When I saw their house, it had been destroyed, and I also saw their bodies..." He couldn't continue and turned around.

"Stop talking about these things." Lupine's voice was as solid as steel. Aaron had never heard him speak like this before. "There is a sure way to prove what really happened in the past. Ron, give me that rat." "

"What are you going to do to it?" Ron asked Lupin nervously.

"Forcing him to reveal his true form," said Lupine. "If it really is a rat, it won't hurt it."

Ron hesitated, but eventually he handed Scabbers over, and Lupine took it.Banban began to scream and twist, and his little black eyes bulged out.

"Are you ready, Sirius?" said Lupine.

Black had picked up Snape's wand from the bed.He approached Lupine and the struggling rat and asked calmly, "Together?"

"I think so." Lupine held Scabbers tightly in one hand and held the wand in the other, "Count to three. One...two...three!"

Both wands glowed blue-white.For a moment, Scabbers hung in the air, his little black body twisting wildly... Ron yelled... and the rat fell down and landed on the floor.Another blinding flash, and then... it was like a quick shot of a tree growing.A head appeared on the ground, and its limbs stretched out. After a while, a man stood where Banban was just now, wringing his hands in fear.Crookshanks growled contemptuously on the bed, the hair on his back standing on end.

The man was short, not much taller than Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione.His thin, light hair was unkempt and he had a large bald patch on the top of his head.His appearance is that of an obese person who has lost a lot of weight in a short period of time.His skin looked dirty, almost like Scabbers' fur, and his pointed nose and watery little eyes had the characteristics of a mouse.He looked at everyone, breathing quickly and weakly.Aaron saw his eyes flick toward the door and then quickly back away.

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