Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 80 The Truth 1

After a few seconds, everyone fully understood the meaning of this sentence.Then Ron said, "Both of you are mentally ill."

"That's ridiculous!" Hermione said weakly.

"Can you prove it?" Aaron didn't think Black and Lupine would make up such a bizarre lie. Since they said so, there must be some basis.

"Peter Pettigrew is dead!" Harry pointed at Black, "He killed him 12 years ago!"

Blake's face twisted convulsively.He showed his yellow teeth again and roared: "I wanted to kill him, but little Peter had the upper hand... But it can't be done this time!"

Black lunged at Scabbers and Crookshanks was thrown to the floor.Blake's body pressed against Ron's broken leg, and Ron screamed in pain.

"Sirius, don't!" Lupine dragged Black away from Ron, "Wait! You can't just do it... you have to make them understand... we must explain..."

"We can explain it later!" Black roared, trying to push Lupine away, one hand still grasping in the air, as if he wanted to catch Scabbers.

Scabbers screamed like a pig and scratched Ron's face and neck, trying to escape.

"They... have the right... to know... everything!" Lupine gasped, still trying to catch Black, "Ron kept him as a pet! There are some things that even I don't understand! And Harry... …You must tell Harry the truth, Sirius!"

Black stopped struggling, but his sunken eyes were still fixed on Scabbers, who was clinging to Ron's hands that were bleeding from bites.

"Well," said Blake, still looking at the mouse, "tell them what you want, but quickly. I was imprisoned for murder, and now I am here to commit murder." .”

"You are crazy, both of you." Ron said uncertainly, turning to look at Harry and Hermione for support, "I've heard enough. I'm leaving."

He tried to stand up on his good leg.

Lupine raised his wand and pointed it at Scabbers, and said calmly: "You should hear me out, Ron. While you are listening, hold on to Peter and don't let him escape."

"It's not Peter, it's Scabbers!" shouted Ron, trying to force the rat back into his pocket.But Scabbers struggled so hard that Ron staggered and lost his balance.

Harry supported Ron and pushed him back onto the bed.Then, Harry ignored Black and turned to Lupin: "There are witnesses who saw Peter Pettigrew die. A street of witnesses!"

"They didn't see what they thought they saw!" Black said furiously, still staring at Scabbers who was struggling in Ron's hands.

"Everyone thinks that Sirius killed Peter." Lupine nodded and said, "I used to believe so myself, until I looked at the map tonight. Because the Marauder's Map never lies... Peter is still alive. Ron's got him, Harry."

Aaron looked at the mouse in Ron's hand and pondered the truth of what Lupine had said.As far as Gu Yalun knew, Banban had been at Ron's house for several years.If Scabbers is really Peter Pettigrew, it means that he has maintained his mouse form all these years.Can one person really pretend to be a rat for so many years?

At this time, Hermione said in a trembling voice: "But Professor Lupin... Scabbers can't be Peter Pettigrew... This can't be true, you know this can't be..."

"Why can't it be true?" Lupine said calmly.

"Because... because if Peter Pettigrew was once an Animagus, people would know. We learned about Animagus in Professor McGonagall's class. I looked up this kind of stuff after I finished my homework ...The Ministry of Magic supervises wizards and witches who can turn into animals. There is a list recording what animals they have turned into, as well as their markings and characteristics... I checked Professor McGonagall's records. In this century There are only seven Animagus, and Peter Pettigrew's name is not on that list."

"You're right, Hermione!" said Lupin, "but the Ministry of Magic never knew there were three unregistered Animagus at Hogwarts."

"If you want to tell them, do it quickly, Lupin," Black growled, still watching every desperate struggle of Scabbers. "I've been waiting for 12 years and I don't want to wait any longer."

"Okay...but you have to help me, Sirius," said Lupine. "I only know the beginning..."

Lupine stopped talking.There was a loud cracking sound behind him and the bedroom door opened on its own.All five people looked at the door.Lupine walked over and looked toward the landing.


"This place is haunted!" said Ron.

"No." Lupine was still looking at the door in confusion. "The Shrieking Shack has never been haunted...the screams and howls that the villagers often hear are from me."

He brushed the gray hair away from his eyes, thought for a moment, and then said: "This is where it all started... After I turned into a werewolf, if I hadn't been bitten, none of this would have happened... If I hadn't been so reckless..." He looked sober and tired.

Ron tried to interrupt, but Hermione said, "Shh!" She looked at Lupine intently.

"I was very young when I was bitten. My parents tried everything, but at that time it was hopeless. The potion that Professor Snape gave me was only recently discovered. You must know that this potion It makes me safe. As long as I take this potion a week before the full moon, I will stay sane when I transform...I can curl up in the office, be a harmless wolf, and wait for the full moon to pass . However, before discovering the Wolfsbane potion, I would turn into a full-fledged wolf once a month. There was no way I would have come to Hogwarts, and there was no way other parents would be willing to let their children come into contact with me. But then Dumbledore became the headmaster, and he was very sympathetic. He said that as long as certain precautions were taken, there was no reason why I shouldn't be allowed to come to this school..." Lupine sighed and faced Harry.

"A few months ago, I told you that the whomping willow was planted the year I arrived at Hogwarts. In fact, it was planted for me to arrive at Hogwarts. This house..." Lupin Looking around sadly, "The tunnel that leads here... was opened for my use. Once a month, I am secretly left from the castle and come here to transform. Plant that tree at the entrance of the tunnel, It’s to prevent anyone from encountering me when I’m a danger to people.”

Besides Lupin's voice, the only sound in the room was Scabbers's screams of fear.

"In those days, when I transformed, it was... very scary. Being a werewolf was very painful. I wanted to bite people but stayed away from people, so I bit myself and scratched myself. The villagers heard the noises and screams screamed, thinking they were hearing the sound of a particularly ferocious ghost. Dumbledore encouraged people to spread such rumors... Even now, even though the house has not had such sounds for many years, the villagers dare not leave Close to it... But at that time, except when I was transformed, I was happier than before. For the first time, I had friends, three good friends. Sirius Black... Peter Pettigrew... Of course, there are also There's your dad, Harry... James Potter. Well, there's no way my three best friends wouldn't notice me disappearing once a month. I make up all kinds of stories. I tell them my mom is sick and I have to Going home to see her...I was extremely worried that they would ignore me once they found out I was a werewolf. But of course...Hermione, like you, they figured out the truth...and they didn't ignore me at all. . Instead, they did something for me, so that I could not only endure the pain of transformation, but also make the transformation period the happiest time in my life. They learned about the Animagus."

"My dad too?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Yes, it is true," said Lupine, "It took them almost three years to do this. Your father and Sirius are the brightest students in the school. They are lucky because practicing Animagus The Transfiguration process could go horribly wrong, with irreparable consequences, so the Ministry of Magic kept a close eye on those who tried to do it. Peter needed a lot of help from Sirius and James. Finally, in our fifth year, Hou, they learned to shapeshift. Each of them could transform into a different animal at will."

"But how does this help you?" Hermione asked, seeming confused.

"They couldn't keep me company in human form, so they kept me company in animal form." Lupine said, "Werewolves are only dangerous to people. They sneak out of the castle every month wearing James' invisibility cloak. They Metamorphosis... Peter transformed into the smallest animal, so that he could slip under the beating branches of the Whomping Willow and press the knots that made the tree still. Then they slid down the tunnel to find me. Under their influence, I Less dangerous. My body is still a wolf, but when I'm with them, my mind is less wolf-like."

"Lupin, hurry up!" Black roared.He was still looking at Scabbers, a look of terrible longing on his face.

"That's it, Sirius, that's it... Now that we were both shapeshifters, the possibilities opened up before us in a very exciting way. We soon left the Shrieking Shack and made our way to the school at night and wandering around the village. Sirius and James turned into very large animals and were able to scare werewolves. I don't think any students at Hogwarts understand Hogwarts and Hogsmeade as well as we do... so we We drew the Marauder's Map and signed it with our aliases. Sirius was Padfoot, Peter was Wormtail, and James was Prongs."

"What kind of animal...?" Harry asked.

But Hermione interrupted him: "But it's still very dangerous! Running around with a werewolf in the dark! What if he accidentally bites someone?"

"This thought still makes me uneasy." Lupine said seriously, "And there have been many incidents where I almost bit someone. We would make jokes about such things afterwards. At that time, we were young and ignorant, so we just I am proud of my intelligence. Of course, sometimes I feel guilty and feel that I have betrayed Dumbledore's trust... When none of the other headmasters were willing to accept me, he accepted me, and he had no idea that I broke the rules. , this code was formulated by him for my safety and the safety of others. He never knew that I led three classmates to illegally learn to become Animagus. Every time we sit down to plan our adventures for the next month, I I've been trying to forget this feeling of guilt, and I haven't changed..."

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