Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 79 Lupine and Black

At this moment, a low sound of footsteps came from downstairs, and someone was walking downstairs.

"We're here!" Hermione shouted immediately, "We're here...Sirius Black...quick!"

Blake was taken aback, and Crookshanks was almost shaken when his body moved.The door to the room was knocked open in a burst of sparks, and Aaron turned around quickly.Professor Lupine burst into the room, his face bloodless, his wand raised, ready at any moment.His eyes flickered past Ron and Hermione lying on the floor, and then tremblingly past the door, past Harry and Aaron, who were still standing there pointing at Black with their wands.Then, his eyes glanced at Blake.At this time Blake was lying at the feet of Aaron and Harry, still bleeding.

"Expelliarmus!" Lupine yelled.

Aaron's wand flew out of his hand again, as did Harry's and Hermione's.Lupine nimbly seized the four wands, and entered the room, glaring at Black, who still had Crookshanks crouched protectively on his chest.

Aaron stood there, suddenly feeling empty.He knew that he could not kill Black in front of Professor Lupine. Black would be handed over to the dementors, and he would lose the chance to kill Black.

At this time, Lupine spoke.His voice was a little strange, with some suppressed emotion: "Where is he, Sirius?"

Aaron quickly looked at Lupine.He didn't know what Lupine meant.Who was Lupine talking about?He turned back to Blake.

Blake's face was expressionless.After a few seconds, he remained motionless.Then, very slowly, he raised his free hand and pointed it directly at Ron.Aaron was confused and looked at Ron, who looked confused.

"But..." Lupine murmured, looking at Black intently, as if reading his mind, "Why didn't he show his true colors before? Unless..." Lupine's eyes suddenly widened, as if he was watching Something other than Black that no one else could see, "Unless he's the one...unless you just...changed without telling me?"

Black kept his gaze on Lupin's face and nodded slowly.

Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione were confused by Lupine's behavior.

Harry immediately said: "Professor Lupin, what's going on..."

But before he had finished speaking, Lupine put down his wand, walked up to Black, grabbed his hand, and pulled him up, causing Crookshanks to fall to the floor.Lupine hugged Black like two brothers.

Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione were all stunned by what Lupine had done.

"I don't believe it!" Hermione screamed.

Lupine let go of Black and turned to her.

Hermione had already stood up from the floor, pointing at Lupin, her eyes wide open: "You...you..."


"you and him!"

"Hermione, calm down."

"I didn't tell anyone!" Hermione screamed, "I've been covering up for you..."

"Hermione, please listen to me!" Lupine shouted, "I can explain..."

"I trust you," Harry shouted back to Lupine, his voice shaking out of control, "and you have always been his friend!"

"You are wrong," Lupine said. "For twelve years I was not Black's friend, but I am now...let me explain..."

"No!" Hermione screamed, "Harry, don't believe him. He has been helping Black enter the castle, and he wants you dead too, he is..."

"Werewolf!" Aaron's voice suddenly sounded from the side.

There was silence.Now all eyes turned to Lupine.

Lupine's face trembled strangely. Although his face was quite pale, he was very calm: "I didn't help Black enter the castle. I certainly don't want Harry to die...but I don't deny that I am a werewolf."

Ron tried to stand up again, but failed, grunting in pain and falling again.Lupine walked towards him, looking concerned, but Ron gasped: "Get off me, werewolf!"

Lupine stopped, motionless.Then, with obvious effort, he turned to Aaron and Hermione and said, "How...how long have you known?"

"It's been a long time." Hermione whispered, "I knew it after I did the paper assigned by Professor Snape."

"Me too." Aaron agreed.

It was indeed when Aaron was reviewing information to complete the paper assigned by Snape that he noticed that certain characteristics of Lupine were similar to those of a werewolf.However, at that time, because he felt that Dumbledore was unlikely to find a werewolf to be a professor in the school, he just regarded it as a coincidence.But after a year, there were more and more suspicions about Lupine, especially since he fell ill every month during the full moon. Aaron would be foolish not to confirm his werewolf identity.

"He will be happy," Lupine said coldly. "He assigned that paper in the hope that any of you would understand what my symptoms mean. You have looked at the lunar cycle and you know that I always have a full moon. Is it sick? Or else you know that the silver ball that the Boggart saw me turning into is the moon?"

"Both things," Hermione said quietly.

"It's so obvious that you get sick once a month, and every time you get sick, it's during the full moon." Aaron added, "You should be more careful about hiding it."

Lupine forced a smile and said: "As far as I know, you are the smartest wizards and witches of your age, Aaron and Hermione."

"I'm not," Hermione whispered. "If I had been smarter, I would have told everyone you were a werewolf!"

"Don't be stupid, Hermione. The teachers must all know that Professor Lupine is a werewolf, at least Dumbledore must know." Aaron refuted Hermione's self-blame.

"You said all the teachers knew?" Hermione looked very surprised.

"Yes," Aaron said, "Think about how we found out Professor Lupine was a werewolf?"

Before Hermione could think about it, Aaron said the answer: "It's a paper assigned by Snape. As Professor Lupine just said, the reason why Snape insisted on giving us a lecture regardless of the normal teaching progress is Werewolf, and assigning such homework, is just to let us discover Professor Lupine’s little secret.”

"Professor Snape knows that you are a werewolf." Aaron turned his eyes to Lupine and said, "And Professor Snape has always been... um... not very friendly to you, so I don't think he will keep it a secret from you. . And you have stayed safely in school until now, which means that the professors have known that you are a werewolf for a long time, at least Dumbledore knows about it. Am I right? "

Yes, Aaron thinks that the teachers at school have known for a long time that Lupine is a werewolf, at least Dumbledore has known for a long time.This is also the reason why he has never told this matter.

"Yes." Lupine looked at Aaron with admiration and said, "The teachers all know about this."

"Dumbledore knew you were a werewolf and still hired you?" Ron gasped, "Is he crazy?"

"Some teachers thought the same way," Lu Ping said. "He had to do a lot of work to convince some teachers that I could be trusted..."

"But he's wrong!" Harry shouted, "You've been helping him get into the castle!"

He pointed at Blake, who had walked over to the bed and collapsed on it, covering his face with a shaking hand.Crookshanks jumped up to him and settled into his lap, purring with satisfaction.Ron slowly left them dragging his injured leg.

"I haven't always helped Sirius," said Lupine. "If you give me a chance, I'll explain. Look -"

He separated Aaron's, Harry's, Ron's and Hermione's wands and tossed them back to their respective owners.Aaron caught his own and was surprised.

"Okay." Lupine put his wand back into his belt. "You have weapons, we don't. Now will you listen to me?"

"If you hadn't been helping him." Harry glanced angrily at Black. "How did you know he was here?"

"The map," said Lupine, "that Marauder's Map. I was looking at it in the office just now..."

"Do you know how to use it?" Harry asked doubtfully.

"Of course I can use it." Lupine waved his hand impatiently, "I helped draw that. I am Moon Face, which is the nickname my friend gave me when I was in school."

"Did you draw it?" Harry obviously didn't expect that this would be the case.

"Importantly, I'm looking at this map carefully tonight because I think you, Ron, and Hermione might have snuck out of the castle to see Hagrid's Hippogriff before he was executed. Him. I'm right, aren't I? But I didn't expect Aaron to be with you." He started to watch them pace back and forth, some dust rising from his feet, "You might be wearing your Dad's invisibility cloak, Harry."

"How did you know I had that invisibility cloak?"

"How many times have I seen James disappear under that dress!" Lupine waved his hand impatiently again, "The problem is, even if you put on the invisibility cloak, it will be shown on the map. I see He walks you across the grounds and into Hagrid's hut. Ten minutes later, you leave Hagrid and walk back to the castle. But you have other companions."

"What?" said Harry, "No, we don't!"

"I don't believe my eyes." Lupine was still pacing, ignoring Harry's interruption. "I thought the map was malfunctioning. How could he be with you?"

"No one is with us!" said Harry.

"Then I saw another dot, moving very quickly towards you. That dot was labeled Sirius Black... I saw him collide with you, and I watched him pull two of you into the fight. Go into the secret passage under the willow..."

"One of us!" said Ron angrily.

"No, Ron, there are two." Lupine stopped, looked at Ron, and said flatly, "Can I take a look at your mouse?"

"What?" said Ron, "What does Scabbers have to do with this?"

"It matters a lot," said Lupine. "Can I see the rat?"

Ron hesitated, then reached into his robe and took out Scabbers.Scabbers shook desperately in Ron's hand.Ron had to hold on to the long, bald tail to prevent it from escaping.Crookshanks stood up on Black's lap and growled.

Lupine moved closer to Ron.He held his breath and looked at Banban intently.

"What are you looking at?" Ron held Scabbers nervously, "Is there something wrong with my mouse?"

"It's not a rat," Black suddenly said hoarsely.

"What do you mean? Of course it's a rat..."

"No, it's not a mouse," Lupine said calmly, "He's a wizard."

"It's an Animagus," Black said. "His name is Peter Pettigrew."

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