Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 71 Hogsmeade Village

Aaron and Harry waited quietly by the stairs.Not long after, they heard a door open very close by.

"Get another box of jelly slugs, honey, they're almost done with our stock..." a woman's voice came down from upstairs.

Then a pair of feet walked down the stairs.Aaron quietly moved to the side of the stairs and waited for the man to leave the stairs.He saw a man coming down the stairs and walking to the opposite wall to move boxes.

Aaron took his chance and walked quickly and silently up the stairs.He looked back and saw an extremely broad back and a shiny head buried under a box.Aaron walked to the door at the top of the stairs, slipped out, and found himself behind the counter of Honeydukes.

Honeydukes was crowded with Hogwarts students, and Aaron slipped among them, looking around.The store is lined with shelf after shelf filled with the most fascinating candies imaginable.Chunks of creamy peanut brittle, shimmering chunks of pink coconut sorbet, neatly arranged assortments of chocolate, buckets of braised beans, sizzling bees and floating sherbet drinks .

Along another wall next to it are various candies with "special effects": Chuibao Super Bubble Gum (which fills the entire room with blue bellflower-colored bubbles that won't pop for days), Strange of crumbly Fluffy Tooth Mints, tiny black pepper urchins (“Blow fire out of your nose for your friends!”), Ice Mouse (“hear your teeth chattering and squeaking!”) , buttermints shaped like toads (“literally jump in your stomach!”), crunchy sugar quills and popping bonbons.

Aaron pushed his way through the sixth graders and into the sunshine outside Honeydukes.

A Christmas notice on the door of a candy store.

——By order of the Ministry of Magic——

Customers note:

Dementors will patrol the streets of Hogsmeade every day after sunset until further notice.This move was purely for the safety of the residents of Hogsmeade and would be canceled as soon as Sirius Black was captured again.Customers are expected to complete their purchases before evening.

Merry Christmas!

Then Aaron saw Ron.He walked over, touched Ron's back, and whispered, "It's me."

"Why are you late?" Ron asked in a low voice.

"Snape hanging around there..."

"Where is Harry?"

"I'm here." Harry's voice came from the side.

They took to the streets.

"Where are you?" Ron kept asking from the corner of his mouth, "Are you still there? This feels so weird..."

They went to the post office.Ron pretended to find out how much it would cost to send an owl to Egypt, giving Aaron and Harry time to look around.The owls sat there and hooted lowly.There were at least three hundred owls there, everything from large gray hawks to tiny bard owls ("local delivery only") that were so small they could sit on the palm of Aaron's hand.

They then went to Zuko's Joke Shop, which was so packed with students that Aaron had to be very careful not to step on anyone, lest he cause a panic.There was enough material there for jokes and tricks to satisfy even Fred and George's wildest dreams.Aaron heard Harry whisper instructions to Ron, and handed Ron some Galleons from under the invisibility cloak.They left Zuko with pockets stuffed with dung bombs, burp candy, frog egg soap, and a nose-biting teacup each.

It was a nice, breezy day and none of the three wanted to stay indoors, so they walked past the Three Broomsticks and up a slope to the Shrieking Shack, the most haunted residence in Britain.It sat slightly higher than the other houses in the village, and its windows were boarded up.The garden is dank and overgrown with weeds, which makes people feel scared even when they see it in broad daylight.They leaned against the fence and looked up at the haunted house.

"Even the ghosts of Hogwarts don't come here," said Ron. "I asked Nearly Headless Nick and he heard that there was a group of very rough people living here. No one could get in. Fred and George apparently tried, but all the entrances were sealed..."

At this moment, they heard someone talking nearby, and someone was climbing towards the haunted house from the other side of the hill.After a while, Malfoy appeared, followed closely by Crabbe and Goyle.

Malfoy was talking: "... My dad's owl may fly here at any time now. He must attend the hearing and tell them about my arm... about my arm not being able to move for three months..."

Crabbe and Goyle both snickered.

"I really wish I could hear that big, hairy, stupid guy trying to defend himself... 'It's harmless, really!' That hippogriff is dead."

Malfoy suddenly saw Ron, and a malicious smile appeared on his pale face.

"What are you doing, Weasley?" Malfoy looked up at the crumbling house behind Ron. "Maybe you'd like to live here, wouldn't you, Weasley? Dream of having your own bedroom, right?" I heard that your whole family lives in one room, is that true?"

Aaron grabbed the back of Ron's robes to stop him from lunging at Malfoy.He heard Harry whisper, "Let me deal with him."

"No!" Aaron wanted to stop Harry from taking risks, but he couldn't see Harry at all and could only watch him do what he did.

"We were talking about your friend Hagrid," Malfoy said to Ron, "trying to imagine what he would say to the Committee on the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures. When they chopped off his hippogriff head, you thought He will cry..."

Snapped!A piece of mud suddenly hit Malfoy on the back of the head. His head tilted forward, and his pale blond hair suddenly dripped with mud.

Ron had to hold on to the fence to stay upright, he was laughing so hard.Aaron also smiled silently.Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle were spinning around stupidly, looking around wildly, Malfoy still trying to wipe his hair clean.

"What is it? Who did it?" Malfoy said angrily.

"It's pretty haunted here, isn't it?" said Ron, as if he were commenting on the weather.

Crabbe and Goyle looked scared. Their bulging muscles were no match for the ghost.Malfoy looked around like crazy at the deserted scenery.

Snap!More stinking green sludge was thrown over.Crabbe and Goyle also shared some this time.Goyle immediately jumped furiously, trying to wipe the mud away from his small, dull eyes.

"It's from over there!" Malfoy said, wiping his face and staring at a particularly muddy spot on the path.

Crabbe stepped forward in panic, stretching out his long arms like a fool, but caught nothing.Suddenly, a branch hit Crabbe on the back.Crabbe turned around quickly to see who had thrown it.Ron was the only one Crabbe could see, so he aimed at Ron and charged at him.But as soon as he took two steps, he tripped.Then, Harry's head suddenly appeared in mid-air.But when Crabbe tripped, he stepped on the edge of Harry's invisibility cloak and pulled the cloak off his head.

Malfoy stared at Harry for about a minute.

"Ah!" he yelled, pointing at Harry's head.Then he turned and ran desperately down the hill, Crabbe and Goyle following him.Harry pulled the invisibility cloak back on, but the trouble was already there.

"Harry!" Ron stumbled forward, looking at the place where Harry had just appeared, "Run! If Malfoy tells anyone... you go back to the castle, quickly!"

Harry just said "Goodbye." and then there was no more movement.

"Let's go back quickly." Aaron said to Ron. "Malfoy will definitely complain to the professors. Maybe we can help Harry."

"You're right," Ron said.

Afterwards, Aaron and Ron began to return to the castle.Because there are dementors surrounding the castle, and dementors can see through invisibility, Aaron cannot go back through the gate, but has to return through the secret passage from whence he came.

Aaron returned to Honeydukes, entered the cellar unnoticed, walked through the floor door and returned to the passage.Because he was anxious to go back and learn about Harry's situation, Aaron started running forward with all his strength after entering the secret passage, without slowing down along the way.When he ran to the stone ramp, his sides were already stinging.He took a few breaths and was about to climb up, when suddenly a silver light flashed in a dark corner next to him.

Aaron walked over carefully and found something hidden there.He took out the thing and it turned out to be Harry's invisibility cloak.This shiny silver fabric felt strange in the hand, as if it was woven with water.

[Strange, why did Harry put the invisibility cloak here? 】

Aaron was extremely curious, but he soon figured out why.

Malfoy will definitely report his experience in Hogsmeade to the professors, and the person he is most likely to talk to is Professor Snape.If Professor Snape found Harry with the invisibility cloak on him, the situation would undoubtedly be very disadvantageous for him.To prevent this from happening, Harry hid his cloak here.

But Harry can't wear the invisibility cloak now, but Aaron is fine.No one except Harry and Ron knew that he had ever been to Hogsmeade, and no one would suspect him and search him.The cloak is hidden on him, and as long as he doesn't tell it, no one can find it.So he tucked his cloak under his robes and began to climb.

Aaron climbed into the hunchback of the one-eyed witch statue, tapped it with his wand, and the hunchback opened outwards.As soon as he got his head out of there, he heard footsteps approaching quickly.He saw Harry standing in front of the statue and Snape walking quickly down the corridor.

Snape's black robes were fluttering and he stopped in front of Harry.

"That's right." Snape had an irrepressible expression of victory on his face, "Follow me, Potter."

Then, Harry followed Snape downstairs.

After Harry and Snape left, Aaron climbed out of the statue.The hunchback closed again.Aaron lifted the disillusionment spell from his body and walked quickly down the stairs.

In the lobby on the first floor, Aaron met Ron who had just returned.

"Where is Harry?" Ron asked Aaron.

"He was taken away by Snape," Aaron said quickly.

"I'll go take a look," Ron said, running to Snape's office in the dungeons of the castle.

Aaron did not go to Snape's office with Ron.When Malfoy was teased by Harry, Ron was there and he could speak for Harry.Logically speaking, Aaron shouldn't be there.Even if he went with Ron, he couldn't provide any help, so he stayed in the lobby on the first floor and waited for news.

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