Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 72 Transition

Aaron waited in the front hall for about 10 minutes before he saw Ron and Harry walking out of the dungeon.To Aaron's slight surprise, Professor Lupine was with them.

Aaron walked quickly to Harry and asked, "Harry, are you okay? I saw you being taken away by Professor Snape."

"It's okay." Harry shook his head and said, "Thanks to Professor Lupine and Ron."

Then Harry turned to Professor Lupin and said: "Professor, I..."

"I won't listen to explanations," Lupine said shortly.

He glanced at the empty front hall and lowered his voice: "I happen to know that this map was confiscated by Filch many years ago."

Aaron, Harry and Ron all had surprised looks on their faces.

"Yes, I know this is a map." Lu Ping looked at the faces of the three people and said, "I don't want to know how this map got into your hands. However, I am surprised that you didn't hand it over. Especially on The last time a student left information about the castle lying around. I couldn't let you have it anymore, Harry."

Harry didn't explain anything, just asked: "Why did Snape say that I got it directly from the maker?"

"Because..." Lupine hesitated, "Because the people who made the map may want to lure you out of school. They think this map will be fun."

"Do you know them?" Harry asked eagerly.

"We have met," Lupine said briefly, looking at Harry more seriously than ever before, "Don't expect me to cover for you anymore, Harry. I didn't ask you to take Sirius seriously. Black. But I thought what you heard when the dementors approached you would have had a greater impact on you. Your parents sacrificed themselves to keep you alive, Harry. It's not a good way to repay them - with Their sacrifice in exchange for a bag of magic tricks." Then he walked away.

Aaron, Harry and Ron slowly walked up the marble stairs together.

"Your cloak." Aaron took out Harry's invisibility cloak and gave it back to him, "I found it in the secret passage."

"Thank you." Harry took the cloak and put it away.

"It's my fault." Ron said suddenly, "I advised you to go. Lupine was right, it was stupid to do this. We shouldn't do this..."

At this time, Ron suddenly stopped talking. They had already walked to the corridor patrolled by security guards, and Hermione was walking towards them.

Aaron took one look at her and concluded that she had heard what was going on.

"Are you here to gloat?" Ron said angrily, and Hermione had already arrived in front of them. "Or did you just report us?"

"No." Hermione held a letter in her hand, her lips trembling, "I thought you should know... Hagrid lost the lawsuit. Buckbeak is going to be executed."

"He - he brought me this," Hermione said, holding the letter out to them.

Aaron took it.The parchment was wet, and the ink was blurred by large teardrops, making it difficult to read in some places.

Dear Hermione:

we lose.They allowed me to take it back to Hogwarts.

The execution date is yet to be determined.

Buckbeak loved London.

I will never forget all the help you gave us.

"They can't do that," said Harry. "They can't. Buckbeak is not dangerous."

"Malfoy's dad threatened the Council into doing this," Hermione said, wiping her eyes. "You know him. The Council is a bunch of old, trembling fools, and they're intimidated by him. That's fine though. Appeal, but I see no hope... Nothing will change.”

"No! That will change," Ron said angrily. "You don't have to do it all alone this time, Hermione. I'll help."

"Oh, Ron!" Hermione threw her arms around Ron's neck, completely collapsed.Ron was startled and awkwardly patted the top of her head in comfort.

Finally, Hermione stood away.

"Ron, I'm really, really sorry about Scabbers..." she sobbed.

"Oh - well - it's old." Ron looked completely relieved that Hermione had let him go. "And it's kind of useless. You don't know, my parents might get me one now." Where’s the owl?”

Although it was a bit sudden, Ron and Hermione reconciled.

Because of this letter, the four of them are now very worried about Hagrid.Since Black broke into the castle for the second time, security for the students had been increased, making it impossible for Aaron, Harry, Ron, and Hermione to visit Hagrid at night.Harry, Ron and Hermione could still talk to Hagrid in Care of Magical Creatures class, but Aaron could only wait for news.

This morning, Harry and the others happened to have a Care of Magical Creatures class.During lunch, Aaron found Harry and Ron and asked them, "How is Hagrid?"

"Not good," said Harry. "He looks desperate."

"Yes." Ron also said, "During class this morning, I saw that he couldn't even speak."

Although Harry and Ron were talking about unhappy things, they had cheerful expressions on their faces.

When Aaron saw this, he couldn't help but feel a little strange: "You guys look - something is wrong."

"Oh, it's the Happy Charm," said Harry.

"Yes," said Ron. "This spell keeps us in a good mood."

"Okay." Aaron understood Harry and Ron's situation.

He looked around and saw that Hermione was not here, so he asked, "Where is Hermione?"

"I don't know," Harry said. "She disappeared before we started Charms."

"And she didn't show up for the entire class," Ron added.

After lunch, Aaron, Harry and Ron returned to Gryffindor Tower.

On the way back to the tower, Ron suddenly said: "Do you think Hermione was tricked by Malfoy?"

"Why do you think so?" Aaron asked a little strangely, "Although Malfoy has always been at odds with Hermione, he won't punish her for no reason, right?"

"Well, at the end of Care of Magical Creatures, Malfoy laughed at Hagrid, and then Hermione slapped him," Ron explained.

"Wha—!" Aaron couldn't help but whistle.He didn't expect Hermione, who had always been a model student, to have such courage.

At this time, they had passed the dwarf security guard and came to the portrait of the Fat Lady.They gave the Fat Lady the password ("Dude") and climbed through the hole in the portrait to the common room.

As soon as they entered the common room, they saw Hermione sitting at the table, sound asleep.Her head rested on an open Arithmancy textbook.They went over and sat next to her.Harry woke her up.

"Wha-what?" Hermione woke up and looked around in panic, "Is it time to go? What class should we have now?"

"Divination, but there are still two and ten minutes left." Harry said, "Hermione, why didn't you go to Charms class?"

"What? Oh, no!" Hermione screamed. "I forgot about Charms!"

"But how could you forget?" Harry said, "You were with us until we walked outside the classroom door!"

"I can't believe it!" Hermione lamented. "Did Professor Flitwick get angry? Oh, it's Malfoy's fault. I've been thinking about him and forgotten everything else!"

"Do you know what's going on, Hermione?" Ron looked down at the big book Hermione was using as a pillow. "I think you're going to collapse. You want to do too much."

"No, I didn't!" Hermione brushed her hair away from her eyes and looked around hopelessly for her school bag. "I just made a mistake, didn't I? I'd better go find Professor Flitwick and apologize. ...See you in the divination class!" After saying that, she ran out of the common room carrying her schoolbag.

"Don't you think she should take a good rest?" Aaron said to Harry and Ron, looking at Hermione's back.

"We have long advised her to take fewer classes, but she doesn't want to give up anything," Ron said.

"Hmm." Aaron thought for a while and said, "I think I can understand her mood. If possible, I don't want to give up a single class."

"No," said Ron. "You've seen what Hermione is like. You don't want to be like her, do you? You're too busy, mate. Some classes have conflicting times."

"Then how did Hermione solve this problem?" Aaron asked curiously, "I don't think she missed any classes."

"I don't know," Ron said. "She never told us about it. She just said that she had discussed it with Professor McGonagall."

"Maybe I should ask Professor McGonagall." Aaron muttered, "If possible, I would also like to take a few more courses next year."

"I really don't understand why you and Hermione didn't go to Ravenclaw?" Ron said somewhat unbearably.

"You have to ask the Sorting Hat." Aaron said.After a pause, he continued: "Actually, the Sorting Hat considered Ravenclaw when we sorted the houses. But in the end, it still sorted me into Gryffindor."

"Hermione seems to be the same way." Ron said with some uncertainty.

"That's because you chose Gryffindor." Harry said, "The Sorting Hat will consider your opinions."

"How do you know?" Ron turned around and asked.

"That's how I am," Harry said. "The Sorting Hat considered letting me go to Slytherin. But I chose Gryffindor over Slytherin."

Ron's face immediately showed a look of surprise: "You never told me about this."

"I never specifically asked where I wanted to go." Aaron said from the side. "I thought it didn't matter which house I went to. The Sorting Hat chose Gryffindor for me."

"How come it's the same no matter which house you go to?" Ron widened his eyes and said, "Are you willing to go to Slytherin? There are people like Malfoy everywhere, and Snape is the head of Slytherin."

"If I were in Slytherin House, I would think Snape is a good dean." Aaron said, rubbing his chin, "Because no matter what I do, he will not deduct points from me."

Ron thought for a while and said with a strange expression: "What you said - seems to make sense."

Aaron shrugged.

"I think Snape would have given me trouble even if I was in Slytherin." Harry said at this time. "His dislike of me is not because I am in that house."

"What's that for?" Aaron asked.

"It's because of my dad," Harry said. "I heard that the two of them were enemies when they were in school."

"Like you and Malfoy?" Aaron said.


"It seems there is nothing we can do." Aaron finally said.

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