Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 62 Harry and Black

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore." Aaron changed the topic at this time, "What happened in Hogsmeade last night? Why might it make Harry change his mind?"

Neither Hermione nor Ron answered, and looked at each other, as if hesitating whether to tell Aaron.

Seeing their looks, Aaron quickly said: "Hey, if this matter has something to do with Blake, you can't hide it from me."

"Okay." Under Aaron's pressure, Ron had to say, "We can tell you, but you can't tell it."

"I promise." Aaron said quickly.

"Yesterday, after we left Honeydukes, because the weather was too cold, we went to Three Broomsticks to drink some butterbeer to warm up." Ron said, "While we were drinking happily, the Minister of Magic Fudge and the school The professors came into the tavern. You know, Harry wasn't allowed to go to Hogsmeade, and we couldn't let them know he was there. So, we hid and overheard their conversation."

"We learned from their conversation that Black and Harry's father were good friends at Hogwarts. When Harry's parents got married, Black was the best man. Then they made Black Harry's godfather." Ron continued, "When the mysterious man hunted down Harry's parents, they decided to hide using the Fidelity Charm, and Black was their secret keeper..."

"What is the Loyalty Curse?" Aaron suddenly asked.

"It is an extremely complex spell." Hermione explained, "It can hide a secret in a person's soul forever. The secret is hidden in the heart of the chosen person - the secret keeper, so it will last forever. Will not be discovered - unless the secret keeper voluntarily leaks it. As long as the secret keeper does not reveal it, no one can obtain the secret. Therefore, theoretically speaking, no one can find Bo except Blake and those who heard him reveal the secret himself. The special family.”

"But, Harry's parents were both killed by the mysterious man. That means Black revealed the secret to the mysterious man, right?" Aaron tried hard to understand the meaning of Ron and Hermione's words.

"Yes." Ron said, "It is said that Harry's father took the initiative to ask Black to be their Keeper of Secrets. Originally, Dumbledore wanted to be their Keeper of Secrets himself, but Harry's father believed in Black. He Thinking that Blake would rather die than tell where they are..."

"But obviously, he was wrong about Blake." Aaron said.

"Yes." Hermione nodded, "It can be said that it was precisely because of Black's betrayal that Harry's parents died."

"Harry looked very bad after learning about this yesterday." Ron said, "We were worried that he would seek revenge from Black."

Then, Aaron asked Ron and Hermione some details about last night.I learned a lot of information that I didn't know before.

For example, the wizard killed by Black was named Peter Pettigrew.He was also a good friend of Harry's father, James Potter, when they were students at Hogwarts.After he learned that something happened to Harry's father, he went after Black alone and was killed by Black.Another example is that Bright was not affected by most dementors in Azkaban and still maintained a clear consciousness.You must know that most prisoners will slowly lose their souls and consciousness and become dementia after staying in Azkaban for a long time...

After that, the three of them discussed ways to stop Harry from going to Black.

To be honest, if Harry goes to find Black, it will be the best news for Aaron who wants to find Black.Originally, Black's target was Harry. If Harry took the initiative to look for Black again, then the chances of Aaron, who followed Harry, to find Black would be greatly increased.However, doing so would put Harry in danger.Aaron doesn't want to put his friends in danger because of his revenge.

After a brief discussion, the three of them decided to persuade Harry first before making other plans.

Afterwards, the three of them waited in the common room for Harry to come out.Aaron and Ron played wizard chess, while Hermione came to the table nearby to do her homework.Because she had taken all the elective courses, she had an unusually large amount of homework, and the spread textbooks took up three desks.

Harry didn't come out of the dormitory until it was close to lunch.

"Where have everyone gone?" Harry asked, looking at the empty lounge.

"Let's go! It's the first day of vacation, remember?" Ron observed Harry carefully and said, "It's almost lunch. I was going to wake you up right away."

Harry sank into the chair by the fire.Snowflakes are still flying outside the window.Crookshanks lay stretched out in front of the hearth like a big ginger blanket.

"You look very bad, do you know that?" Hermione said anxiously looking at Harry's face.

"I'm fine," Harry said.

"Harry, listen." Hermione exchanged glances with Aaron and Ron, "You must be upset about what we heard yesterday. But the important thing is that you must not do anything stupid."

"Like?" Harry asked.

"Like going after Black," Ron said sharply.

"You wouldn't do that, would you, Harry?" said Hermione.

"It's not worth dying for Black," Ron said.

"Do you know what I saw and heard when the dementors approached me?" Harry asked.

Aaron, Ron and Hermione all shook their heads, looking worried.

"I heard my mother scream, heard her plead with Voldemort." Harry said excitedly, "If you heard your mother scream like that, just before she was killed, you would never forget it. If you find someone whom everyone thought was her friend, but he betrayed her and asked Voldemort to chase her..."

"You can't do anything!" Hermione said worriedly, "The dementors will catch Black, and Black will go back to Azkaban, and - and he deserves it!"

"You heard what Fudge said. Black wasn't affected by Azkaban like a normal person. The punishment wasn't the same for him as it was for everyone else."

"What are you talking about?" Ron looked very nervous, "Do you want to kill Black or have other plans?"

"Don't be stupid." Hermione's voice was filled with panic. "Harry didn't want to kill anyone, did he, Harry?"

Harry didn't answer.

"Malfoy knows," Harry said suddenly, "Do you remember what he said in Potions class? 'If it were me, I would hunt him down myself... I want revenge.'"

"Are you going to listen to Malfoy's advice instead of ours?" Ron said angrily, "Listen... do you know what Peter Pettigrew's mother got after Black killed Peter Pettigrew? Dad told me - it was the Order of Merlin, First Class, and the finger of Peter Pettigrew that was in the box. It was the biggest piece of his remains that had ever been found. Black was mad, Harry, and he was dangerous. of--"

"Malfoy's father must have told him," Harry ignored what Ron just said, "he is the core figure of Voldemort -"

"Speaking of You-Know-Who, okay?" Ron interrupted angrily.

"So, the Malfoy family obviously knows that Black is working for Voldemort." Harry continued to talk to himself.

"And Malfoy would also like to see you explode into a million pieces, just like Peter Pettigrew!" Ron became even more angry. "Let's understand, Malfoy is eager for you to seek death before the Quidditch match." Woolen cloth."

"Harry, please." Hermione's eyes were shining with tears. "Please be sensible. Black did a very, very terrible thing, but don't put yourself in danger. That's right." It's what Black is dying to see... Oh, Harry, if you go to Black, you're delivering yourself into his hands. Your mum and dad don't want you to get hurt, do they? They never would I want you to find Blake!"

"I'll never know what they think because, thanks to Black, I've never spoken to them," Harry said testily.

No one said anything for a while, then Crookshanks stretched greatly and flexed his four paws.Ron's pockets trembled.

"Listen, Harry." Aaron said at this time, "I can understand how you feel. But you have to understand that Black is a dangerous person. If you don't make any preparations and go to him impulsively, not only will you not be able to get revenge, He will also allow himself to die. At that time, Black can happily claim credit from his master. Is this what you want?"

Harry said nothing.But the determined look on his face certainly said it all.

"Okay." Aaron sighed, "Harry, if you must go find Black, then I hope you can ask me to go with you."

"Aaron -" Hermione looked at Aaron in shock, as if she didn't expect him to say this, "Harry shouldn't go to Black, why do you still want to go with him?"

"Is this better than letting Harry face Black alone?" Aaron said, "Looking at Harry, it's obvious that he has decided to go find Black. We can't lock Harry up."

"Look, it's a holiday! Christmas is coming soon! Let's - let's go down and see Hagrid. I haven't seen him for a long, long time!" Ron obviously planned to change the topic.

"No!" Hermione said immediately, "Harry can't leave the castle, Ron -"

"Ah, let's go." Harry said, sitting up straight. "I can also ask him why he never mentioned Black when he told me all the things about my parents!"

Discussing Black further was clearly not something Ron was in the mood for.

"Or we can play chess." Ron quickly changed his words, "Or we can play with stones. Percy left a set..."

"No, go see Hagrid," Harry said firmly.

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