Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 63 Sad Hagrid

So they took their cloaks from the dormitory, passed through the hole in the portrait, and passed through the empty space amid Sir Cadogan's cry of "Stop and fight, you yellow-bellied mongrels!" Castle, walk out the oak doors.

They walked slowly on the lawn, leaving shallow puddles in the dazzling white snow, their socks and the edges of their cloaks soaked and icy.They crossed the lawn and came to Hagrid's hut on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.The Forbidden Forest looked like it was enchanted, with every tree cast a silvery tint, and Hagrid's hut looked like an ice cream cone.

Ron knocked on the door, but no one answered.

"He didn't go out, did he?" Hermione was so cold that she shivered slightly under her cloak.

Ron put his ear to the door.

"There is a strange sound." He said, "Listen - is it Ya Ya?"

Aaron, Harry and Hermione also put their ears to the door and listened.There were waves of low, regular vibrating moans coming from inside the hut.

"We'd better get someone to take a look," said Ron uneasily.

"Hagrid!" Harry shouted, banging on the door, "Hagrid, are you home?"

There was a sound of heavy footsteps inside the house, and then the door creaked open.Hagrid stood there, his eyes red and swollen, tears falling on the front of his leather vest.

"You heard me!" he shouted, and then he was on Harry and threw his arms around Harry's neck.

Hagrid is at least twice the size of a normal human, and that's no joke.Harry almost collapsed under Hagrid's weight. Fortunately, he was rescued by Aaron, Ron and Hermione. They got under Hagrid's armpits and lifted him up.Harry also helped, and the four of them got Hagrid back to the hut.

This was the first time Aaron walked into Hagrid's hut.There was only one room in the hut, with hams and pheasants hanging from the ceiling, a copper kettle boiling water in the brazier, a huge wooden table and wooden chairs placed in front of the fire, and a large bed in the corner. Bedding patchwork of rags.

Aaron and the other two led Hagrid to sit on a chair.Then Hagrid threw himself on the edge of the table, sobbing uncontrollably, his face covered with tears, and the tears fell on his tangled beard.

"Hagrid, what's wrong?" Hermione asked in surprise.

"What's that, Hagrid?" Harry asked, pointing to an opened letter on the table.

Hagrid sobbed harder and pushed the letter towards Harry. Harry picked up the letter and read:

"Dear Mr. Hagrid:

We have further investigated the incident of hippogriff attacks on students in your class, and we have accepted Professor Dumbledore's assurance that you are not responsible for this regrettable incident. "

"Isn't that great, Hagrid!" Ron patted Hagrid on the shoulder.But Hagrid continued to sob and shook his huge hands, gesturing for Harry to continue reading.

"However, we must express our concern about this problematic Hippogriff. We have decided to uphold Mr. Lucius Malfoy's formal complaint and the matter will therefore be referred to the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures. A hearing will be held at the Commission's London offices on April [-], and we will ask you and your hippogriff to attend on that date. In the meantime, the hippogriff should be tethered and kept in isolation .Your colleagues... (below is a long list of school board members)"

"Oh," said Ron, "but you said Buckbeak wasn't an evil hippogriff, Hagrid. I bet he'll be fine..."

"You don't understand those weirdos from the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures!" Hagrid choked, wiping his tears with his sleeve, "They got involved with these interesting animals!"

Suddenly there was a voice from the corner of Hagrid's hut, and Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione turned around quickly.I saw a centaur and half-horse creature lying in the corner of the room, chewing something, causing blood to flow everywhere on the floor.

Aaron had never seen such a strange creature before. It had the body, hind legs and tail of a horse, but its front legs, wings and head seemed to be those of an eagle. It had a sharp beak the color of steel and bright orange. Colorful eyes.The claws on its front legs were half a foot long and looked deadly.

Even though it was his first time seeing the creature, Aaron recognized it as a hippogriff.Combined with the content of the previous letter, this should be the hippogriff that injured Malfoy. Its name seems to be Buckbeak.

"I can't rope it in the snow!" Hagrid choked up. "Alone! Big Christmas!"

Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at each other.Hagrid's definition of "interesting animals" seems inconsistent with others.In the eyes of most people, the Hippogriff is a dangerous animal.But on the other hand, Buckbeak didn't seem to have any intention of harming anyone.In fact, by Hagrid's usual standards, it's certainly endearing.

"You must prepare a strong defense, Hagrid." Hermione sat down and put her hand on Hagrid's thick forearm. "I'm sure you can prove that Buckbeak can't hurt anyone."

"That's useless!" Hagrid sobbed, "Those demons from the Disposal Committee, they are all in the hands of Lucius Malfoy! I'm afraid of him... If I lose the case, Buckbeak..." Hagrid He quickly drew his fingers across his throat, then whined and fell to the side, burying his face in his arms.

"What did Dumbledore say, Hagrid?" Harry asked.

"He's done enough for me," Hagrid groaned. "It's hard enough just keeping those dementors out of the castle, and Sirius Black wandering around..."

Aaron, Ron, and Hermione glanced quickly at Harry, remembering what Harry's main purpose for coming to Hagrid was.

But Harry didn't blame Hagrid for not telling him the truth about Black.

"Listen, Hagrid," he said, "you can't give up. Hermione's right, you have to prepare a defense. You can call us as witnesses."

"I must have read about a Hippogriff bait case," Hermione mused. "In that case, the Hippogriff was fine. I'll look for it for you, Hagrid, and wait until I find it. Let’s take a closer look at what’s going on.”

Hagrid howled louder.Harry and Hermione looked at Aaron and Ron, counting on them to help.

"Oh - how about I make some tea?" said Ron.

Harry glared at him.

"That's what my mother does when someone's in a bad mood," Ron muttered, shrugging.

"Maybe we can hide Buckbeak in the Forbidden Forest." Aaron came up with an idea. "I don't think the people from the Dangerous Creatures Committee can search the entire Forbidden Forest."

"Aaron, how could you come up with such an idea?" Hermione said in shock, "This is illegal."

"However, if it is determined that the Disposal Committee has made a verdict that is not conducive to Buckbeak, the only way to keep him alive is to prevent him from going to trial." Aaron continued to state his point of view.

"I thought about letting Buckbeak go..." Hagrid blew his nose on a handkerchief as big as a tablecloth and said, "I wanted him to fly away... but how could you ask a Hippogriff? Explain that it should hide? And--and I'm afraid of breaking the law..." He looked up at them, tears streaming down his face again, "I don't want to go back to Azkaban."

"Those dementors also make me upset," Hagrid's body suddenly shook. "Every time I want to go to the Three Broomsticks for a drink, I have to walk past them. It feels like I'm back in Azkaban. Like..."

Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at him breathlessly.When the basilisk wreaked havoc in the castle last year, Hagrid was taken away by the Ministry of Magic as a suspect for releasing the monster and stayed briefly in Azkaban.

After a short moment of silence, Hermione asked cautiously, "Is it scary there, Hagrid?"

"You can't imagine it," Hagrid said calmly, "There will never be a place like there again. I thought I was going crazy. I kept thinking about terrible things... I was expelled from Hogwarts. That day...the day my dad died...the day I had to let Norbert go..." His eyes filled with tears, "After a while you don't know who you are. And you don't know if you're alive. What does it mean? I often wish I could sleep to death... When they let me out, I seemed to have lived again and remembered everything. It was really the most wonderful feeling in the world. Remember, photography The spirit monster doesn’t want to let me go.”

"But you are not guilty!" said Hermione.

Hagrid snorted and expressed his anger: "Do you think they value this? They don't care. As long as they can get hundreds of people to be with them so that they can completely suck out the happiness of these people, they don't care who they are. Who is guilty and not guilty?"

At this time, a huge black hound suddenly came out from under the table, startling Aaron.

"Don't be afraid, this is Fang." Aaron looked frightened, and Hagrid introduced him, "It has a very docile temperament."

"Although Yaya looks ferocious, he is actually very timid." Ron also said at the side.

At this moment, Fang leaned his head on Hagrid's lap, drooling all over his robe.

"I haven't been feeling right recently." Hagrid stroked Fang's head with one hand and touched his face with the other hand. "I'm worried about Buckbeak, and no one likes my class..."

"We like it!" Hermione said immediately.But Aaron was keenly aware that there was not much sincerity in her words.

"Yeah, your class was great!" Ron said, crossing his fingers under the table to express hope that it was true. "Oh - how's the Flobberworm?"

"Dead," said Hagrid gloomily. "Too much lettuce."

"Oh, no!" Ron's lips quivered.

Hagrid was quiet for a while, and then said calmly: "You are right. I can't collapse. I must cheer up..."

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