Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 61 The Patronus Curse

The bell rang, and everyone packed up their things and headed for the door.

Aaron walked up to Professor Lupine, who was covering the box containing the Hinkpunks, and asked, "Can I ask you a question, Professor?"

"Of course." Professor Lupine stopped what he was doing, "What do you want to ask, Aaron?"

"I want to know what was the magic spell you used to deal with the dementors on the train?" Aaron asked his question directly.

Lupin's briefcase slipped off the table and he had to bend down quickly to pick it up.

"Why do you want to know this?" Lupine straightened up and asked.

"Did you hear what happened on Saturday?" Aaron asked.

Lupine glanced at him quickly: "Yes, I heard about it. I don't think any of us have ever seen Professor Dumbledore so angry. Over the past few days, those guys have become more and more restless... because they can't enter the campus to be angry. Go ahead..."

“The way I think about it, since they enter the school for the first time, they may come in for the second time,” Aaron said. “So, I think we need some ways to fight them so that when they break into the school again, , able to protect yourself and those around you.”

"Well -" Lupine frowned and said, "I don't think you need to worry about this problem. With Professor Dumbledore here, those dementors will not dare to enter the school easily. Even if they do break in, Dumbledore The professor will also..."

"But there are so many people in the school, and the principal can't watch all of us all the time." Aaron interrupted Lupine, "We can't always count on Professor Dumbledore to protect us."

Lupine was silent for a moment, then said: "Listen, Aaron. Dementors are some of the most evil creatures on earth. They swarm in the darkest and filthiest places, breathing corruption and despair, Suck all the peace, hope and joy out of the air around them. Even Muggles feel their presence, even though they can't see them. Get too close to a Dementor and you lose any good feeling, any happiness. All the memories will be sucked away by it. If it can do it, it will live off you for a long time, and eventually make you like it - soulless and evil. You will be left with only the worst memories of your life. If a wizard stays with a dementor for too long, they will cause the wizard to lose his powers. The best way to protect yourself from dementors is to stay away from them."

"However, sometimes it is difficult for us to stop them from approaching, like on the Hogwarts Express." Aaron said, "We always need some other ways to deal with them. You just let the one on the train The dementors retreated."

"Yes. There is a defense method that allows people to deal with Dementors." Lupine said. "I asked the Dementor to retreat, but there was only one of those guys on the train at the time. The more there were of them, the more likely they would be." Hard to defend against. I don't pretend to be an expert at fending off Dementors, Aaron. In fact, it's quite the opposite..."

"What kind of defense method is it?" Aaron asked immediately, "Can you teach me?"

"That is a very advanced magic." Lupine said hesitantly, "much higher than the level of ordinary wizard examinations. I have a lot of things to do recently. I'm afraid I don't have time to teach you."

"Then at least tell me the name of that magic."

Lupine looked at Aaron's determined eyes, sighed, and said, "Okay. It's called the Patronus Charm."

After learning the name of the magic that could be used to deal with dementors from Professor Lupine, Aaron came to the library and began to look for information about the "Patronus Charm."

There are a few books in the library that mention the "Patronus Charm", but none of them explain in detail how to cast this magic.Finally, Aaron found the details of the "Patronus Charm" in a magic book in the Room of Requirement.

According to the book, the Patronus Charm can summon a Patronus for the wizard who casts the spell.The Patronus is a kind of guardian that can be used to protect against many evil things, including Dementors. It can act as a shield between wizards and Dementors.The patron saint has no fixed form, and its appearance is related to the wizard who summoned it.

The Patronus is a positive force, and what it advocates is exactly the food of the Dementor - hope, happiness, the desire to live - but it cannot feel despair like a real person, so the Dementor cannot hurt it.This spell is so advanced that many adult wizards cannot use it.

The incantation of the Patronus Charm is "Calling the Guardian".When using this spell, the wizard must concentrate his thoughts and try his best to recall a happy event.

After understanding all the key points of the Patronus Charm, Aaron began to try to cast this magic.

He took out his wand and began to try to recall his happy memories, and then shouted: "Calling the Gods to protect you!"

What looked like a plume of silvery gas suddenly and rapidly erupted from the end of his wand.

There was movement the first time he cast the Patronus Charm, which made Aaron very excited.He quickly kept up his efforts and shouted again: "Calling the Gods to protect you!" Another wisp of silver gas spurted out from the end of the wand.

Next, Aaron started practicing over and over again.

"...Call for God's protection! Call for God's protection!..."

With continuous practice, Aaron became more and more proficient in the Patronus Charm, and more and more silver gas was sprayed from the end of the wand.Finally, when he shouted "Calling God to protect you!" again, a huge silver shadow shot out from the end of Aaron's wand.

Although the shadow was extremely blurry, making it impossible to tell what it was, Aaron knew that it was his patron saint, and he had successfully cast the patron saint spell.

Next, as long as he keeps practicing to make the blurry shadow clearer, until the complete image appears, he will have completely mastered this spell.

It's December soon, and the weather is getting colder, with biting wind and rain all day long.During this period, Aaron saw no further traces of Dementors on campus, and it seemed that Dumbledore's wrath had restricted them to their posts at the school's entrance.However, this did not make Aaron give up practicing the Patronus Charm.After constant practice, the patron saint he summoned gradually became clearer. Although many details could not be revealed yet, the outline could be seen, and it seemed to be a horse.

Two weeks before the end of term, the sky suddenly cleared to a blinding opalescent color, and the muddy fields were covered with a shiny layer of frost one morning.Inside the castle, there is a Christmas atmosphere everywhere.Professor Flitwick, the Charms teacher, has decorated his classroom with shimmering light sources that are actually real fairies flapping their wings.The students were happily discussing their vacation plans.Aaron decided to stay at school for Christmas, just like last year.Harry, Ron and Hermione also seemed determined to stay.

On the first day of the Christmas break, Aaron finished his breakfast and returned to the common room.

Because most of the students have gone home, the usually bustling common room is now quite deserted.Ron and Hermione were the only two people in the huge room.When Aaron walked into the common room, the two of them were sitting on a sofa having a heated discussion.

Aaron immediately walked over and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Ron and Hermione looked at each other, and then Hermione said slowly: "We are discussing how to prevent Harry from going to Black."

"Harry is going to find Black?" Aaron was a little surprised. "Is he crazy? I mean he should know what Black wants to do? Moreover, when school started, he also said that he would avoid Black."

"Yes," said Ron, "but something happened in Hogsmeade last night that might make him change his mind."

"Wait a minute." Aaron immediately noticed a question, "Harry went to Hogsmeade yesterday? How did he go there." After one semester, Aaron already knew that Harry would not go to Hogsmeade. Moral reasons.Because no one signed his application form, he couldn't go to Hogsmeade.

"Well..." Ron hesitated immediately, but finally said the answer, "It was George and Fred. They gave Harry a Marauder's Map, which they said they stole from Filch. It has all the secret passages in Hogwarts and how to open them. Harry arrived at Hogsmeade through a secret passage from the school to the Honeydukes cellar."

"Wow." Aaron was immediately interested, "Where is that map now?"

"It's in Harry's hands," Ron said. "Harry is still sleeping. When he wakes up later, you can have him show it to you."

"I still think that map should be given to Professor McGonagall." Hermione suddenly said at this time, "Black may use a passage on that map to enter the castle! The teachers must know about this!"

"Are you crazy?" Ron glared at Hermione and said, "Handing over such a good thing? And didn't we already discuss it yesterday? There are seven secret passages leading to the outside of the castle, and Filch knows four of them. , one has collapsed and no one can pass through. The entrance to one is under the Whomping Willow in the Forbidden Forest. Once you enter, you cannot get out. The other is the one Harry walked yesterday, and the entrance is in the cellar of the candy shop. Here. Let’s not talk about whether Blake knows these secret passages. Even if he knew, as a wanted criminal, he would not be able to pass them."

"Aaron, what do you think?" Seeing that she couldn't convince Ron, Hermione began to seek Aaron's support.

Aaron looked at Hermione, then at Ron, and then said: "To be honest, if I had such a map, I would never hand it over."

"Look." Ron said proudly immediately, "No normal person would hand over such a good thing."

Hermione was immediately a little angry and muttered: "But Black has indeed entered the castle before. If not through these secret passages, how did he get in?"

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