Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 58 The Destroyed Portrait

Professor Dumbledore told all Gryffindor students to go back to the auditorium. Ten minutes later, students from Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin and other houses also came. I can't figure out my mind.

Professors McGonagall and Flitwick closed all the doors to the Great Hall.

Professor Dumbledore said to the students: "The faculty and I will conduct a thorough search of the castle. For your own safety, I think you may have to stay here overnight. I ask the prefects to stand guard at the entrance to the Great Hall. , the boys and girls representatives stay in the auditorium and are responsible for management. If anything happens, report it to me immediately." He added this to Percy, "Find a ghost to bring a message to me."

Percy looked like an important person.

Professor Dumbledore paused and was about to leave the auditorium, then said: "Oh, by the way, you will need..." He casually waved his wand, and the long tables flew to the edge of the auditorium and stood against the wall. .With another wave, the ground was covered with hundreds of purple sleeping bags.

"Sleep well," said Professor Dumbledore, closing the door behind him as he went out.The auditorium immediately filled with excited buzzing voices, and Gryffindor students were busy telling other students what had just happened.

"Everyone get into sleeping bags!" Percy shouted, "Quick, no one is talking! Lights out in 10 minutes!"

Aaron took a sleeping bag and lay down in a corner of the auditorium.Beside him, lying there were Harry, Ron and Hermione.At this time, the three of them had already got into sleeping bags with their clothes on, leaning their upper bodies on their elbows and talking.

"Do you think Black is still in the castle?" Aaron heard Hermione whisper anxiously.

"Dumbledore obviously thinks so," said Ron.

"We are so lucky that he chose to come tonight, don't you think?" Hermione said, "We are not in the tower tonight..."

"I guess he's living a confused life because he's been on the run." Ron said, "I didn't expect that today is Halloween. Otherwise he wouldn't have broken in."

Aaron saw Hermione tremble.

Everyone around them was asking each other the same question: "How did he get in?"

"Maybe he knows how to become invisible," said a Ravenclaw a few feet away. "Just appear out of thin air. You know."

"They probably came in disguise," said a fifth-year student from Hufflepuff House.

"Otherwise it would have flown in," Dean Thomas said.

"Honestly, am I the only one who has taken the trouble to read Hogwarts: A History?" Hermione said angrily.

"Probably," said Ron. "Why?"

"Because as you know, this castle is not only protected by walls. The castle is also enchanted with various magics to prevent outsiders from sneaking in." Hermione said, "Light stealth can't get in. And I think so. Let's see what kind of disguise can trick those Dementors. They guard every entrance. If he flew in, they would see it. And Filch knows all the secret passages and they will seal them all. stand up……"

"Lights out now!" Percy yelled. "I want everyone to get in their sleeping bags and stop talking!"

All the candles were extinguished immediately.The only light now came from the silver ghosts, who wandered about talking solemnly to the prefects.The enchanted ceiling was filled with stars like the sky outside.Under this circumstance, and with the fact that there were still whispers everywhere in the auditorium, Aaron felt as if he was sleeping outdoors in the breeze.

Every hour, a teacher appeared in the auditorium to see if everything was okay.At about three o'clock in the morning, when many students finally fell asleep, Professor Dumbledore came in.Aaron watched as he looked around for Percy, who was tiptoeing among the sleeping bags, snitching on anyone who spoke.Percy was not far away from Aaron and he quickly pretended to be asleep.At this time, Dumbledore's footsteps were getting closer and closer.

"Any sign of him, Professor?" Percy asked quietly.

"No. How is it here?"

"Everything is under control, sir."

"Fine. There's no need to ask them to change places now. I've found temporary guards for the portrait hole in Gryffindor House. You can send everyone back tomorrow."

"And what about the Fat Lady, sir?"

"Hiding in the Angel County map on the third floor. Apparently she wouldn't let Blake in without asking for the password, so he did. She's still in a bad mood, but once she's calmed down, I'll call Filch Fix her."

Aaron heard the hall door ring and open again, and heard more footsteps.

"Headmaster?" This was Snape's voice.Aaron still lay still and listened attentively.

"We checked the entire fourth floor and he's not there. Filch checked the main building of the castle and he's not there either."

"Where's the Astronomy Tower? Professor Trelawney's room? Where the owls roost?"

"Everything has been checked..."

"Very well, Severus, I didn't really think Black would linger."

"How did he get in? Do you have any idea about that, Headmaster?" Snape asked.

Aaron raised his head a little to hear better with his other ear.

"I have many theories, Severus. But none of them hold true."

Aaron opened his eyes a little and secretly looked towards where they were standing.Dumbledore's back was turned to him, but he could see Percy's face, who was listening intently to Dumbledore and Snape's conversation.Aaron could also see Snape's profile, and Snape seemed angry.

"You remember our conversation, Headmaster, right before... oh... the start of term?" Snape's lips barely parted as he spoke, as if he didn't want Percy to take part in their conversation.

"Remember, Severus." Dumbledore's voice sounded like a warning.

"It seems... it's almost impossible... Blake wouldn't be able to enter this school without internal help. I did express my concern. After your appointment..."

"I don't trust anyone in this castle to help Black get in," said Dumbledore.His tone made it clear that this was the end of the matter, so Snape made no reply.

"I must go to the dementors," said Dumbledore. "I said I would notify them as soon as we finished our search."

"Are they going to help, sir?" said Snape.

"Oh, yes," said Dumbledore coldly, "but I'm afraid they will never be allowed to cross the threshold of the school as long as I am Headmaster."

Percy seemed slightly embarrassed.Dumbledore left the Great Hall, walking very quickly and lightly.Snape stood for a moment, watching the headmaster leave, a look of deep anger on his face.Then he left too.

Silent all night.

For the next few days, everyone in school was talking about Blake.The stories about how he entered the castle became more and more mysterious. A Hufflepuff student named Hannah Abbott heard that Black could transform into a flowering bush, so she took the flower in their next Potions class. She spent a lot of time telling everyone who would listen.

The mutilated portrait of the Fat Lady had been taken down from the wall, and in its place was a portrait of a knight on a gray pony named Sir Cadogan.No one is happy about this.Sir Cadogan spent half his time challenging people to duels with him.The rest of the time was spent figuring out ridiculously complicated passwords, which he had to change at least twice a day.

"He's really crazy," Seamus Finnigan said angrily to Percy. "Can't we just change him?"

"None of the other paintings were willing to do the job," said Percy. "They were frightened by what happened to the Fat Lady. Lord Cadogan was the only one who stepped forward."

Aaron didn't care at all about Sir Cadogan's affairs. He was now paying attention to Harry's movements every day.Whenever possible, he would make sure Harry was in his sights.This is the second time Aaron has spied on Harry.Last year, when he suspected that Harry was the heir to the Chamber of Secrets, Aaron also spied on Harry, so he was very familiar with it.Only this time, Aaron is out to find Blake.

Ever since he knew that Blake might be the enemy who killed his parents, Aaron had the idea of ​​revenge against Blake.Aaron knew this was dangerous, but wouldn't the basilisk and young Voldemort in the Chamber of Secrets - Tom Riddle - be dangerous?Last year, Aaron didn't back down when facing Basilisk and Riddle, so what reason did he have to back down now?

It is true that Black is a very dangerous and powerful wizard, and Aaron is probably not a match for him yet.But if we look at strength alone, Riddle's strength was still superior to Aaron's last year.However, didn't Aaron find a way to defeat him in the end?Since there was a way to defeat Riddle last year, there must be a way to defeat Black now.

When facing dangers and difficulties, do not think about escaping, but find ways to overcome them.From this point of view, Aaron is really a Gryffindor. No wonder the Sorting Hat sorted him into Gryffindor House.

The only problem Aaron faced now was that he couldn't find Blake.Black was able to escape from Azkaban, where no one has ever escaped before, and was able to sneak into Hogwarts without anyone noticing, and was wanted by the Ministry of Magic for so long without being found. There is no doubt that Black has hidden abilities. is outstanding.Aaron didn't think he could find him on his own.Fortunately, Aaron knew that Black's ultimate target was Harry. No matter how much he hid, he would always appear next to Harry in the end.So as long as you keep an eye on Harry, you will definitely be able to find Black.

However, Aaron also encountered a little trouble in the process of monitoring Harry, that is, he was not the only one monitoring Harry.Percy Weasley was like an extremely airy guard dog, following Harry around all day long.The professors were always finding excuses to walk with Harry in the corridors.Aaron didn't want them to know that he was spying on Harry too.At this moment, if others find themselves observing Harry's actions, it will inevitably cause some unnecessary misunderstandings.Therefore, when Aaron is monitoring Harry, he must also pay attention to avoiding the sight of Percy and the professors.

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