Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 57

Time has come to October in a blink of an eye.

One night, Aaron returned to the Gryffindor common room after the library had closed.As soon as I came in, I found that people in the lounge were buzzing about something and were very excited.

"What happened?" he asked Colin, who was doing his History of Magic homework.

"The first Hogsmeade weekend." Colin pointed at a notice on the bulletin board and said with some envy, "At the end of October, Halloween. Those senior students are all excited about it."

Looking at Colin's envious eyes, Aaron comforted: "We can go there next year."

At this moment, Ron's roar suddenly came from the side: "Does it have to eat in front of us?"

Aaron turned around and saw Hermione's pet cat, Crookshanks, on her lap, holding a large dead spider in its mouth.

"Clever Crookshanks, did you catch it yourself?" said Hermione.

Crookshanks chewed the spider slowly, its yellow eyes fixed on Ron.

"Just let it stay there, please." Ron said angrily, "Scabbers is sleeping in my schoolbag."

Crookshanks still looked at Ron without blinking, wagging the tip of his hairy tail gently.Then, without a word, it struck suddenly.

"Oh!" Ron yelled and grabbed his schoolbag.

At this time, Crookshanks' four claws had firmly grasped the schoolbag and began to bite viciously.

"Let go, you stupid beast!" Ron tried to take the schoolbag back from Crookshanks' paws, but he held on tightly and foamed at the mouth.

"Ron, don't hurt it!" Hermione screamed.

The whole lounge was watching the excitement.

Ron spun around quickly with his school bag, but Crookshanks still held on to it, and Scabbers jumped out from the top of the bag.

"Get that cat!" Ron yelled.

At this time, Crookshanks let go of his schoolbag, jumped on the table, and chased the frightened Spot.

George Weasley lunged forward to grab Crookshanks, but missed.Banban flew between Twenty Legs and rushed under a chest of drawers.Crookshanks stopped suddenly, squatted low, and began to dig furiously under the chest of drawers with his front paws.

Ron and Hermione ran over quickly.Hermione grabbed Crookshanks by the waist and struggled to lift it and place it somewhere else.Ron lay on the ground, and with great effort, he grabbed Scabbers' tail and pulled it out.

"Look!" Ron said angrily to Heta while swinging Scabbers in front of Hermione, "It's all skin and bones! Don't let that cat get close to it!"

"Crookshanks doesn't know what he's doing is wrong!" Hermione's voice trembled. "All cats catch mice, Ron!"

"This beast is really weird!" Ron said while trying to put the struggling Scabbers back into his schoolbag. "It heard me say that Scabbers is in my schoolbag!"

"Oh, that's nonsense, Crookshanks will smell it," Hermione said impatiently, "Ron, you think it can -"

Everyone around started laughing.

"That cat just stares at Scabbers!" Ron ignored them, "Scabbers was here first, and he's sick!"

With that, he strode past the common room and up the stairs to the boys' dormitory.




Soon, it was the end of October.

The day before Halloween happens to be the weekend.Early that morning, students from third grade and above came to the gate of the castle in groups, preparing to leave the school and go to Hogsmeade.

In the common room, only Aaron and other first- and second-year students were left, as well as a few senior students who had obviously been to Hogsmeade many times and no longer had a fresh feeling about it.They gathered together and talked and laughed with each other.

Suddenly, the portrait at the entrance to the common room opened and Harry walked in.

"Harry! Harry! Hello, Harry!" Colin saw Harry and hurriedly came forward, "Aren't you going to Hogsmeade, Harry? Why not? Hey - if you are willing , come sit with us, okay?”

"Oh - no, thank you, Colin." Harry said a little incoherently, "I - I have to go to the library, I have to go there to finish my homework." Then he just turned back and turned from the portrait again. Got out of the hole on the top.

After Harry left, Aaron listened to several senior students talk about Hogsmeade for a while, then left the common room and went to the library to read.He had expected to meet Harry there, but the reality was that Harry wasn't there.Although this made Aaron feel a little strange, it was his own freedom to go there, and Aaron was not here to find Harry.Therefore, Aaron did not delve into it, found the book he wanted and started reading.

Aaron didn't leave the library until the Halloween dinner was about to begin.He came to the auditorium on the first floor and prepared to attend the dinner.

There were hundreds of jack-o-lanterns hanging in the auditorium, as well as a group of fluttering bats and many orange streamers that breathed flames. They floated lazily under the ceiling, like brilliant water snakes.

The dinner was very rich and Aaron ate two portions of almost everything.Aaron also met Ron and Hermione who had returned from Hogsmeade at the banquet.Their first trip to Hogsmeade went well, and they told him about their experiences and gave him some Honeydukes candy.The professors were also very happy. Aaron saw Professor Lupine and Professor Flitwick from the Charms class talking animatedly.

The fun time always passed quickly and the dinner ended with entertainment provided by the ghosts of Hogwarts.Ghosts suddenly appeared from walls and tables to perform a gliding procession, and Gryffindor's nearly headless Nick successfully recreated his beheading.

Aaron followed the rest of the Gryffindors along the usual route to Gryffindor Tower.But when he walked to the portrait of the Fat Lady, he found that there were many people crowded in the corridor.

Aaron heard Ron say from behind: "Why doesn't everyone go in?"

Aaron looked over the head.I noticed that the portrait seemed to be closed.

"Please let me pass." Percy walked out from the crowd proudly at this time, "Why are you all stuck here? You all must have forgotten the password - I'm sorry, I am the boy's representative -"

The crowd suddenly became quiet from the front, and then spread in the corridor like a cold wave.Then, Aaron heard someone's voice screaming: "Someone please invite Professor Dumbledore. Quick!"

People looked forward one after another, and those standing behind stood on tiptoe. Everyone wanted to know what happened.

"What happened?" said Ginny, who had just arrived.

After a while, Professor Dumbledore came, and he hurried towards the portrait.The Gryffindor students all crowded together to let him pass, and Aaron took the opportunity to follow Dumbledore and squeeze forward. He wanted to know what the trouble was.Harry, Ron and Hermione did the same thing as Aaron.

The four of them followed Dumbledore and pushed their way to the front of the crowd, finally seeing clearly what was going on.

"Oh my God -" Hermione screamed.

The Fat Lady had disappeared from the portrait. The portrait had been vandalized. Small pieces of canvas were scattered on the ground, and large pieces of canvas were completely torn from the frame.

Dumbledore glanced quickly at the damaged painting and turned around. His melancholy eyes saw Professor McGonagall, Professor Lupin and Professor Snape hurrying towards him.

"We have to find her," Dumbledore said. "Professor McGonagall, please go to Filch immediately and tell him to look for the Fat Lady on every painting in the castle."

"You'll be lucky!" said a hoarse voice.It was Peeves, the trickster, dancing over the heads of the crowd, looking very happy, as he always did at the sight of destruction and sorrow.

"What do you mean, Peeves?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

Peeves' smile faded a little.He did not dare to laugh at Dumbledore, and instead adopted a smooth tone that was better than the hoarse voice and said happily: "She is deeply ashamed, Mr. Headmaster. She doesn't want to be seen. She made a mess. I saw She ran past the landscape on the fifth floor and hid among the trees, crying and saying horrible things.”

"Poor thing," he added, without any pity for anyone else.

"Did she say who did it?" Dumbledore asked quietly.

"Oh, I told you, Mr. Professor." Peeves looked like he was holding a big bomb in his arms. "She wouldn't let him in. He was very annoyed, you know." Peeves somersaulted in the air. , grinning at Dumbledore from between his own legs, "He's got a bad temper, this Sirius Black."

A low exclamation suddenly sounded from the crowd.

Thanks to the reports in the Daily Prophet and the Dementors around the school, almost everyone in the school knew about Sirius Black.But most of them never thought that one day, this notorious wanted criminal would appear in the school.This made them panic.

And a few people like Aaron, who knew the "purpose" of Black's escape from prison, knew that Black would appear in Hogwarts sooner or later (if he was not caught in advance), but they did not expect that he would appear so silently. .Neither the guards from Azkaban nor the professors at the school found any trace of him.

[Blake has arrived at Hogwarts. 】

Although Aaron was mentally prepared, there was still a ripple in his heart.Knowing Black's "target", he turned to look at Harry, and saw a look of shock, nervousness, and irritation mixed on Harry's face.

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