Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 56 New Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson

"It has lost its head!" Professor Lupin shouted, "We have taken another step forward! Ginny!"

Ginny hurried forward.

Snapped!The eyeball transformed into a black notebook with a two-page cover and began crawling along the floor.Aaron recognized it as Riddle's notebook.

"Funny!" shouted Ginny.

There was a crisp sound, and the notebook was caught in a mousetrap.

"That's great! Aaron, you're next!"

Aaron walked to the front, somewhat expecting what the Boggart would become.

Snapped!A white mist of frost appeared in front of Aaron, slowly drifting towards him.

【what is this? 】

Aaron was very surprised and didn't understand why the Boggart became like this.

[Is this what I fear most? 】

But Aaron wasn't afraid at all now.

Aaron's heart was full of doubts, but the movements of his hands were not slow at all.

"Funny!" cried Aaron.

Snapped!The boggart turns into a colorful puff of festive smoke.

"Come forward, Colin, and finish it off!" said Lupine.

Colin walked forward and the basilisk appeared again.

"Funny!" cried Colin.

In less than a second, the giant snake coiled into a ball appeared in front of Colin. Colin laughed: "Ha!" Then the Boggart exploded, exploded into thousands of wisps of smoke, and disappeared.

"That's wonderful!" Professor Lupine shouted, and the class applauded.

"Brilliant, Colin. Well done, guys. Let's see... Five points each from Ginny and Luna because they both answered my question correctly at the beginning of the course - give Five points to Colin because he dealt with two Boggarts." Lupine said easily, "Very good, everyone is fine, a great lesson. For homework, please read the one about Boggarts. Chapter, and write an abstract... due on Monday. No more."

Everyone left the faculty lounge talking excitedly.Aaron was still thinking about why the Boggart turned into a white mist of frost when facing him.He didn't remember that he had seen anything similar, but he vaguely realized that he seemed to know the answer.This seemingly contradictory feeling confused him very much.He didn't know what the white mist was, but he instinctively felt that it was important.

While Aaron was distressed, other students were having a heated discussion about the class just now.

"Did you see me deal with the ghost?" Green yelled.

"And the mummy!" said Tom.

"And my rat!"

"And my eyeballs!"

"I wonder why Professor Lupin is afraid of crystal balls?" Ginny mused.

"This is the most exciting Defense Against the Dark Arts class we've ever had, isn't it?" Colin said excitedly to Aaron as they walked back to the classroom to get their schoolbags.

"He is indeed a good professor." Aaron said approvingly, "At least he is much better than Gilderoy Lockhart."

The Defense Against the Dark Arts class was the last class of the day. After getting their school bags, Aaron and other Gryffindor students returned to Gryffindor Tower together.On the stairs, they met Harry, Ron and Hermione who had just finished their Care of Magical Creatures lesson.All three of them looked sullen, as if someone owed them a lot of money.

Seeing that they looked strange, Aaron stepped forward and asked, "What happened?"

"It's Malfoy," Hermione said. "He got hurt in Hagrid's class."

"What happened?" Aaron asked.

"Oh, in today's Care of Magical Creatures class, Hagrid found us a hippogriff." Harry said, "It's a half-horse, half-bird creature. They have the body and hind legs of a horse. and tail, but their front legs, wings and heads are those of an eagle. They are beautiful with all the colors of feathers and fur. Hagrid let us bow to them, pat their beaks, and even let me ride one of them It only flew once in the sky. Then, Malfoy..."

"Malfoy deliberately angered the hippogriff assigned to him," Ron said, "and then, he was scratched by its claws."

"Yes." Harry said, "Malfoy had a deep and long gash on his arm, and he left a lot of blood."

"You think he'll be okay?" Hermione said nervously.

"Of course it'll be fine. Madam Pomfrey can sew up the wound in about a second," Harry said.

"But it's too bad that something like this happened in Hagrid's first lesson, isn't it?" Ron said worriedly, "Malfoy will definitely make a mess..."

"By the way, how was your Defense Against the Dark Arts class today?" Hermione asked Aaron at this time.

"A very interesting class." Aaron said, "Professor Lupine teaches well. I believe you will like his class."

"I knew it," said Ron. "Professor Lupine is a very powerful wizard. Think about what he did when he faced the dementors on the train. It seems that we can finally have normal Defense Against the Dark Arts classes this year. .”

During dinner, almost everyone knew about Malfoy's injury in Hagrid's class.At the Slytherin table, a large group of people, including Crabbe and Goyle, were huddled together and talking animatedly.They were making up exaggerated stories about how Malfoy got hurt.

Everyone in Slytherin House believed that Hagrid should be expelled.The Gryffindor people generally believed that Malfoy's injury was his own fault. He had humiliated the monster before he was attacked. Hagrid had clearly said in advance that if you insulted the monster, it would attack. .As for most people in Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff House, they felt that although Malfoy was wrong, Hagrid was also wrong. He was too adventurous and should not have found such a dangerous monster in the first class.

Aaron takes no position on the matter.Although Malfoy was clearly at fault in this matter, Hagrid was obviously not prepared in advance to deal with emergencies that might arise in the classroom.Aaron guessed that Hagrid probably brought the hippogriff to the students just because his head was hot.

To be honest, Aaron is not optimistic about Hagrid's teaching career, because his taste is obviously different from that of most people. This can be seen from his choice of textbooks and the Acromantula he kept as a pet when he was a student. come out.Coupled with Hagrid's careless character, Aaron felt that even if nothing happened in today's class, something would happen sooner or later in the future.




In this way, time passed day by day, and Aaron officially began his second year of study at Hogwarts.

Campus life in the second year was not much different from the first year. The only difference was that Aaron adapted to this school better.There are no new courses, and the professors are all familiar, except for Professor Lupine, who teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts.

And Professor Lupine obviously did a good job.In less than a month, Defense Against the Dark Arts has become a favorite subject for most people.

Only Draco Malfoy and his gang of Slytherins spoke ill of Professor Lupin.

When Professor Lupin passed by, Malfoy would always say loudly: "Look at his robes, he's dressed like our elf."

But no one except them cared that Professor Lupine's robe was patched and frayed.His subsequent classes were as lively and interesting as the first.After the boggart, they studied the red hats, which are unpleasant little guys like monsters. They lurk wherever someone bleeds, in the main building of the castle, and on the deserted battlefield. In the potholes, they wait to pounce on those who are lost.From the Red Caps they went on to the Kaaba, a crawling aquatic creature that looked like a scaly monkey with webbed hands, busy strangling waders who strayed into their ponds.

In addition to regular classes, Aaron spent almost all his spare time in the library and practicing magic spells, just like last year.He'd been helped a lot by the Room of Requirement he'd discovered last year, which gave him a place to practice his spells in privacy.

Aaron has never forgotten the magical creature pulling the carriage that only he could see when school first started.Through a large amount of research, Aaron finally knew what the creature pulling the cart was - the Thestral, a magical creature that can only be seen by people who have seen death.

At this time, Aaron knew the reason why only he could see this kind of creature, but Harry and others could not - that must be because he had seen death before, but Harry and others had not.

However, Aaron couldn't remember when he had seen death.Death should be a very unfamiliar thing to him.But Aaron soon realized that he might have actually witnessed death, he just didn't remember it.

Aaron remembered the reason why he grew up in a Muggle orphanage because his parents died under a spell cast by Sirius Black.The staff at the orphanage once told Aaron that his parents died at home, and he was also there at the time, which means that he probably witnessed the death of his parents with his own eyes, but because he was too young at the time, he is now Can not remember.

But at this moment, Aaron thought of Harry again.Harry's situation should be the same as him.As Gu Yalun knew, the Potters were also killed by a mysterious person next to Harry.So Harry should have witnessed his parents' death (even if he didn't remember it), but why couldn't Harry see the Thestral?

However, Aaron only thought about it briefly and did not delve into this issue.There are many reasons. It is possible that although the Potters were killed beside Harry, Harry did not see it with his own eyes. It is also possible that the Potters hid Harry in advance, so that he did not witness the murder of his parents. After... There are various reasons.Nowadays, no one except Voldemort knows what happened that night.

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