Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 55 New Defense Against the Dark Arts Class

The first class in the afternoon is Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Gilderoy Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts class last year was a farce, and Aaron learned nothing from him.Aaron hopes this year's class won't be as bad as last year's.Judging from the experience on the train, Professor Lupine is a man of real ability, so Aaron is looking forward to today's class.

When Aaron came to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Professor Lupine was not there.He sat down and took out his book, quill, and parchment.It wasn't until all the students sat down in their seats that Lupine finally entered the classroom.Lupine smiled slightly and placed his tattered suitcase on the lectern.He was as ragged as when he arrived, but looked healthier than he had on the train.

"Good afternoon," he said. "Please put all your books back in your bag. Today is a practical lesson. All you need is your wand."

Everyone put their books back in their bags, and several students exchanged glances.They had never had a practical course in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Seeing that everyone was ready, the professor said, "Well, will you follow me?"

The students were a little confused, but also found it interesting.Everyone stood up and walked out of the classroom with Professor Luping.He led them down a deserted corridor and turned a corner.There, the first thing they saw was the prankster Peeves, floating head down in the air, stuffing gum into the keyhole nearest to him.

It wasn't until Professor Lupine was two feet away from Peeves that he looked up, and then he wiggled his toes and sang: "Stupid, confused Lupin, stupid, confused Lupin." Ping, stupid and confused Lupine..."

Peeves has always been rude and difficult to rule, but he usually has a certain respect for teachers.All eyes turned quickly to the professor to see how he was being treated; to their surprise, he was still smiling.

"If I were you, Peeves, I would take the gum out of the keyhole," said Lupin cheerfully. "Mr. Filch can't go in and get the broom."

However, Peeves ignored Professor Lupin's words and just blew a big bubble with his gum.

Professor Lupin sighed slightly and took out his wand.

"This is a useful little mantra." He turned back to the class and said, "Please watch it."

He raised his wand, pointed it at Peeves and said, "Wadi Wasi!"

The small piece of gum shot out of the keyhole like a bullet, directly into Peeves' left nostril.Peeves immediately turned around and climbed steeply, cursing all the way as he fled.

"Well done, sir!" said Colin in amazement.

"Thank you, Colin." Professor Lupine put away his wand. "Shall we keep walking?"

They walked on again, and the whole class showed a lot of respect for the ragged professor.He led them down a second corridor and stopped outside the faculty lounge.

"Come in." Professor Lupine opened the door and took a step back.

The students all walked into the faculty lounge, with Professor Lupine entering last and closing the door behind him.

"Now, come here," Professor Lupine said, beckoning the class to the end of the lounge.There was nothing there but an old wardrobe, where professors kept their surplus robes.

Professor Lupine walked to the closet and stood still. The closet suddenly shook and hit the wall with a bang.Several students were immediately frightened and jumped up.

"Don't worry," Professor Lupin said calmly, "There's a Boggart in there."

Professor Luping's words did not reassure everyone. Everyone still looked at the shaking cabinet door handle in fear.

"Boggarts like dark, enclosed spaces," Professor Lupine said. "Wardrobes, the space under the bed, the cupboard under the sink - one time I came across an old clock hidden inside an ancestral home. This one is today As we moved in in the morning, I asked the principal and asked the faculty if we could leave it undisturbed and give my second graders some practice. So, the first question we must ask ourselves is, what is a boggart? ?”

Luna raised her hand and replied, "It's a shape-shifting thing that can take on whatever image it thinks will scare us the most."

"I couldn't have said it better myself," Professor Lupin said. "So, the Boggart sitting in the darkness in the closet has not yet taken on any form. It doesn't know what can scare it yet. The person outside the door. No one knows what the Boggart looks like when it is alone, but when I release it, it will immediately become the thing that each of us fears the most. This means that when we start We used to have a huge advantage over Boggarts. Have you found that advantage, Ginny?"

"Oh - because there are so many of us, it doesn't know what kind of beech it should be, is that right?" Ginny tried to answer.

"That's right." Professor Lupine said. "The best way to deal with a Boggart is to have more people. It will become confused. What should it look like? A headless corpse or a carnivorous slug." ? Once I saw a boggart make the mistake of trying to scare two people at the same time, so he turned himself into a half-slug. Not scary at all. The spell to repel the boggart is simple , but it takes willpower. You see, what really scares away a Boggart is laughter. All you have to do is force it into something you think is ridiculous. Let's say this spell without a wand. Please follow me. Say... funny and funny!"

"Funny!" the students said in unison.

"Okay, very good," said Professor Lupin, "but I'm afraid that's only the easy part. You know, saying this spell is not enough. Which of you will be the first to try it?"

Colin raised his hand.

"Okay, Colin." Professor Lupine said, "First thing: What are you most afraid of in this world?"

Colin muttered something under his breath.

"I'm sorry, Colin. I didn't hear you," said Professor Lupin cheerfully.

"It's a basilisk, Professor," Colin whispered.Obviously, what happened last year left enough shadow in his heart.

"Basilisk...well..." Professor Lupine fell into deep thought, "Colin, are you imagining a snake with its body knotted in knots?"

"It should be okay." Colin replied with some uncertainty.

"Colin, when the Boggart bursts out of the closet and sees you, it will take on the appearance of a basilisk." Lupine said, "As for you, pick up the wand - hold it like this - — yelling 'Funny' - and trying to concentrate on the way the snake's body would look in knots. If all goes well, the Boggart will be forced to tie itself up."

The wardrobe began to shake again.

"If it succeeds, the boggart may turn its attention to each of you." Professor Lupine said, "Now, I hope that each of you will take a moment to think about what you are most afraid of." What is it, and imagine how you could force it into something that looks ridiculous..."

The room was very quiet.Aaron thought: What scares him most in the world?

He thought of many scary things, but he couldn't tell what he was most afraid of.

After a while, Professor Lupine asked: "Is everyone ready?"

Everyone was nodding and rolling up their sleeves.But Aaron still didn't know what he feared most.

"Colin, we are going to retreat to give you an open space, okay?" Professor Luping said, "Now, everyone, please move back and let Colin have an open space."

Everyone backed up, back to the wall, leaving Colin standing alone by the closet.Colin had rolled up the sleeves of his robe and held his wand.

"I'm counting to three, Colin." Professor Lupine said, pointing his wand at the wardrobe, "One... two... three... start!"

A burst of sparks shot from the end of the professor's wand, which struck the closet doorknob.The closet door burst open.A big green snake rushed out of the closet and stared at Colin with piercing eyes.


There was a gasp of air in the room.

The students were frightened by this terrifying creature.But in Aaron's opinion, there is a big difference between the Boggart-turned-basilisk and the real basilisk. At least the real basilisk is much bigger.I guess it was because Colin was petrified last year before he could fully see the basilisk's appearance.

Because this basilisk is just a Boggart and does not have the abilities of a basilisk.Therefore, even though Colin had clearly seen its big yellow eyes, he was still unscathed.

Colin stepped back, his wand raised, speechless.The basilisk advanced toward him menacingly, opening its mouth above his head.

"Slippery!" shrieked Colin.

There was a noise, like the cracking of a whip.The big snake suddenly twitched and tied its body into a knot.

The basilisk coiled into a ball kept rolling on the ground. The students screamed and ran away. The big snake rolled and rolled to a stop at Professor Lupin's feet.

Then the basilisk disappeared, and a silver-white sphere hung in the air in front of Professor Lupin.Lupine said almost lazily: "Funny!"


A funny smiling face appeared on the ball and a festive hat was put on.

The whole class burst into laughter.The boggart paused, bewildered.Professor Lupine shouted: "Green, come forward!"

Greene Abbott stepped forward, his face stern.The white ball with a smiling face walked around her.There was another crackling sound, and a female|ghost appeared in front of Green. Her black hair was dragged to the ground, and her face was only a skeleton, and it was still green.She opened her mouth wide and let out a long, horrifying scream.

"Funny!" Green yelled.

The female ghost grabbed her own throat and made a tearing sound.Then her voice was gone.

"Tom!" cried Professor Lupine.

Tom Lawrence hurried forward past Green.

Snapped!A mummy wrapped in bandages and stained with blood appeared where the female ghost had been. Its sightless eyes turned to Tom, raised its stiff arms, shuffled its feet, and began to walk slowly towards him.

"Funny!" cried Tom.

The bandages on the mummy's feet were untied, and it stumbled under the loose bandages. It fell forward on its face and its head rolled off.

Snapped!The mummy turned into a mouse, spinning around in circles looking for its own tail, and then - snap!The mouse transformed into a severed hand, which jumped up and down and began to crawl along the floor like a crab—and then—POP!It turned into a bloody eyeball again.

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