Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 54 Bad Omen

"Here you are, the new curriculum for third grade." George handed Harry, Ron and Hermione their new curriculum.

Hermione looked at her new course schedule and said happily: "Wow, okay, there are a few new courses to take today."

"Hermione, they messed up your class schedule." Ron looked at the class schedule over her shoulder and frowned, "Look - they have scheduled ten classes for you in one day. There is not enough time. .”

"I will find a way. I have already discussed it with Professor McGonagall."

"But did you see the schedule for this morning?" Ron laughed. "Nine o'clock, Divination. Next, nine o'clock, Muggle Studies, and -" Ron moved closer to the timetable. , couldn't believe it, "Look - below here is Arithmetic Divination, nine o'clock. I mean, I know you are very good, but no one is so good as this. How can you take three courses at the same time?" "

"Don't be stupid," said Hermione grumpily, "Of course I can't take three classes at the same time."

"Well, then-"

"Pass me the jam," said Hermione.


"Oh, Ron, my course schedule is a little full, but what does that have to do with you?" Hermione snapped, "I told you, I have completely settled it with Professor McGonagall."

At this time, Aaron had finished breakfast and was getting ready to go to class.

Aaron's first class of the semester was Herbology, with the Hufflepuff students.Aaron left the castle and walked through the vegetable fields toward the greenhouse, where various magical plants were cultivated.

When Aaron came to the greenhouse, he saw other students standing outside, waiting for Professor Sprout.As soon as Aaron joined in, he saw Professor Sprout striding across the lawn.Professor Sprout is a short witch with a patched hat on her flowing hair and a lot of mud on her clothes.

"To the third greenhouse today!" Professor Sprout said, with his usual cheerful demeanor.

The students whispered with interest.They had only entered the first greenhouse before.The plants in the third greenhouse are more interesting and dangerous.Professor Sprout took a large key from his belt and opened the door.Aaron smelled the smell of damp earth and manure, mixed with the rich scent of flowers.The flowers were as big as umbrellas and hung from the ceiling.The students walked into the greenhouse one by one and sat down on the stools.

Professor Sprout came behind a bench in the middle of the greenhouse.There are about twenty pairs of earmuffs of different colors placed on the stool.Just listen to her say: "We are going to repot the mandrake today. Now, who can tell me what properties the mandrake has?"

Aaron raised his hand and replied: "Mandrake, also called mandrake root, is a powerful restorative agent used to restore deformed people or people under a spell to their original state."

This problem is not difficult for Aaron, who often spends time in the library.

"Excellent, ten points for Gryffindor." Professor Sprout said, "Mandrake is an important part of most antidotes. Last year, several students were petrified by the basilisk, using Mandrake. It can be saved by the prepared antidote. But it is also very dangerous. Can anyone tell me why?"

Aaron raised his hands again and blurted out, "Hearing a mandrake cry will kill you."

"Absolutely correct, plus ten points." Professor Sprout said, "Look, the mandrakes here are still very young."

she said, pointing to a row of deep-bottomed plates.Everyone moved closer to get a better look.There were about a hundred green and purple seedlings arranged there.

"A pair of earmuffs each," said Professor Sprout.

There was a lot of looting, no one wanted to get a pair of pink fluffy earmuffs.

"When I tell you to put on earmuffs, be sure to cover your ears tightly," Professor Sprout said. "When it's safe to take off the earmuffs, I'll give you a two-thumbs up. OK - put them on." Put on earmuffs.”

Aaron quickly followed the instructions, and suddenly the sounds outside were no longer heard.Professor Sprout himself put on a pair of pink fluffy earmuffs, rolled up his sleeves, firmly grasped a blade of grass, and pulled it up with all his strength.What was pulled out of the soil was not grass roots, but a very ugly baby with leaves growing on its head.His skin is light green with spots on it.Although Aaron already knew what mandrake looked like from the book, he still almost screamed.The little guy opened his mouth wide and was obviously shouting at the top of his lungs.But Aaron's ears were covered tightly with earmuffs, and he couldn't hear its cry at all.

Professor Sprout took a large flower pot from under the table, stuffed the Mandrake in it, and buried him in dark, damp compost until only the clump of leaves stood out.She patted the mud off her hands, gave them two thumbs up, and took off her earmuffs.

"Our mandrakes are just seedlings, and hearing their cries is not fatal," she said calmly, as if she had just watered the begonias. "But, they can knock you out for a few hours, and I don't think any of you want to miss the first day of school, so make sure you wear earmuffs while you work. When it's time to pack up, I'll try to get your attention of."

"A plate for four - lots of pots here - the compost is in the bag over there - watch out for the poisonous tentacle, it's teething." She gave a sharp slap on a spiky crimson plant. It retracted the tentacles that quietly reached towards her shoulders.Aaron, Colin, Ginny and a curly-haired Hufflepuff boy stood over a basin.

They first filled the flower pots with dragon manure compost, then put their earmuffs back on and began to repot the mandrakes.I just saw Professor Sprout doing it very easily, but in fact it was not like that at all.Mandrake doesn't want to be pulled out of the soil, but it doesn't seem to want to go back.They twisted their bodies, kicked their feet, waved their pointed little fists, and gnashed their teeth.It took Aaron a full 10 minutes to stuff a particularly fat doll into the basin.

By the time class was over, Aaron, like other students, was sweating profusely, had backache, and was covered in mud.They walked wearily back to the castle and took a shower before the Gryffindors hurried off to their Transfiguration lessons.Transfiguration classes are always difficult, and today's class is no exception.Professor McGonagall asked everyone to turn a beetle into a button. It took Aaron a whole class to turn his beetle into a beautiful button before the get out of class ended.

After the Transfiguration class, everyone walked noisily to the auditorium to have lunch.

At the dining table, Aaron saw Ron and Harry sitting there depressed, so he walked over and asked, "What happened?"

"It's Professor Trelawney." Hermione said. "In the divination class in the morning, Professor Trelawney predicted that Harry would die. But Professor McGonagall said that Professor Trelawney has been predicting Harry's death every year since he came to this school. They all predicted the death of a student. Until now, none of them has died." Then she turned to Ron and said, "Ron, cheer up." She pushed a plate of condiments towards him, "You heard Mai What did Professor Ge say?"

Ron spooned a spoonful of the dressing onto his plate and picked up his fork, but did not eat.

"Harry," he said, his voice low and serious, "you haven't seen a big black dog anywhere, have you?"

"No, I saw it," said Harry, "the night I left the Dursleys."

Ron's fork clattered to the table.

"Maybe it's a lost dog," Hermione said calmly.

Ron looked at Hermione as if she had gone crazy: "Hermione, if Harry sees something ominous, then - that's terrible. My - my uncle Bilius saw one. , and then—then, 24 hours later he died!”

"It's just a coincidence," Hermione said lightly, pouring herself some pumpkin juice.

"You don't know what you're talking about!" Ron started to get angry. "The omen scares most wizards out of their wits!"

"Then you're right." Hermione said with a sense of superiority. "They saw the ominous and were frightened to death. The ominous was not a bad omen, but the cause of death! Harry is still with us because he didn't Stupid enough to see it and think: Well, I might as well die suddenly!”

Ron gaped at Hermione.

Hermione opened her school bag and took out her new Arithmetic Divination textbook. She leaned the book against the juice can and opened it. She flipped through the pages and said, "If you ask me, I think the Divination class seems confusing. There are a lot of things that are wrong." Just guessing."

"The ominous content in that tea cup is clear!" Ron said excitedly.

"You didn't seem so confident when you told Harry that it was a sheep." Hermione said coldly.

"Professor Trelawney said there's something wrong with your aura! You just don't like what you're not good at."

Ron had touched a sore spot.Hermione slammed the Arithmancy book onto the table so hard that minced meat and carrots flew everywhere.

"If doing well in Divination means I have to pretend to see the omen of death in a ball of tea leaves, then I'm not going to stop taking this class! Compared with my Arithmancy class, this class is completely different. It’s rubbish!”

She grabbed her schoolbag and left.

Ron frowned and watched her after her, then said to Harry: "What is she talking about? Her Arithmancy class hasn't started yet."

"If you are willing, can you tell me whether Harry saw a big black dog and whether it has anything to do with whether he will die?" Aaron said to Harry and Ron at this time, "Also, what is in the teacup?" What is unknown?”

"Oh, in today's divination class, Professor Trelawney taught us to use the tea residue after drinking tea to divination." Ron said, "There was an ominous omen in Harry's teacup - a large ghost-like dog."

"Are you sure you read it right?"

"At least that's what Professor Trelawney thinks, although I thought it was a sheep at first," said Ron.

"Okay. To be honest, I think it's a bit stupid to use tea leaves to predict the future." After saying that, Aaron left the table and prepared to go to the afternoon class.

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