Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 59 An Accident on the Field

After Halloween, the first Quidditch match was approaching, but the weather was getting worse and worse.For a week, the sky never cleared up and there was always a storm.During this period, Blake never appeared again.Most people thought he had left school.As a result, most students are no longer nervous.Only a small number of students and professors who knew Blake's "purpose" knew that Blake would come back sooner or later, so they did not relax their vigilance.

On the first Saturday after Halloween, the first Quidditch match of the school year begins.

Originally, the game was Gryffindor versus Slytherin.But the Slytherin team used the excuse that their Seeker, Draco Malfoy's injured arm had not healed yet, and found a way to postpone their game.So the game became Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff.

On the day of the game, there was a storm outside.But this did not affect everyone's enthusiasm for Quidditch.After breakfast, all the teachers and students of the school came out as usual to watch the game. They ran across the lawn to the Quidditch pitch, lowering their heads to resist the strong wind, because their umbrellas would be blown away by the strong wind halfway. .People gathered in the stands despite the wind and rain, waiting for the game to start.

To be honest, Aaron didn't want to come out to watch the game in this weather. He would rather sit in a warm room and read a book.But Harry was the Gryffindor Seeker and would undoubtedly be at the game.If Black wants to find Harry, this game is undoubtedly a good opportunity.In order not to miss this opportunity to find Blake, Aaron had no choice but to watch the game.

In the violent wind and rain, players from both teams staggered into the stadium.With Mrs. Huo Qi's whistle, the game began, and the players from the two teams rushed into the wind and rain on broomsticks.

Aaron followed the members of the two teams and looked into the sky.The dense rain curtain blurred his vision, and he could only see blurry red and yellow figures galloping across the court.In the strong wind, he could not hear the explanation.This makes it difficult for him to keep track of how the game is going.

However, Aaron didn't come to watch the game, and he didn't care whether he could see the game clearly.He looked around at the stands, looking for Black's figure that might be hiding there.However, everyone's faces were hidden under cloaks and umbrellas that were blown out of shape by the wind, and the heavy rain blurred his vision.In this case, even if Blake was really in the crowd, he wouldn't be able to find him at all.There was nothing Aaron could do about it, he could only try his best to find it.

As time went on, the sky grew darker, as if night had decided to arrive earlier.The rain is getting heavier and heavier.Even though he was wearing a cloak, Aaron still felt wet and uncomfortable.

He took out his wand, pointed at the cloak, and said, "Waterproof and moisture-proof!"

The spell worked immediately.

All the moisture on Aaron's body was immediately drained away, and he became dry again.Although the raindrops from the sky would still fall on him, they would no longer penetrate into his clothes, which made him feel much better.

At the first flash of lightning in the sky, Mrs. Hooch blew her whistle.This is the first timeout of the game.Players from both teams splashed and landed on the muddy court.At this point, Gryffindor was fifty points ahead of Hufflepuff, but could not win the game unless they caught the Golden Snitch.

After a short break, the game resumed.

The sky is getting darker and darker, the rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the lightning in the sky is getting denser and denser.Suddenly, a flash of lightning illuminated the stands, and Aaron saw a huge black dog covered in shaggy hair appearing on a row of empty seats at the top of the stands opposite.

[Why is there a dog appearing somewhere? 】

Aaron was greatly confused and hurriedly looked towards the stand carefully.But by this time, the big dog had disappeared.If its silhouette hadn't been clearly reflected in the sky before, Aaron would have thought he had seen it wrong just now.

At this time, the audience in the stands suddenly became noisy.

Aaron followed everyone's gaze and looked above the field, only to see Cedric Diggory, the Hufflepuff team's Seeker, diving rapidly.In front of him, a small golden patch flashed back and forth in the rain-covered sky. It was the Golden Snitch.Cedric Diggory discovers the Golden Snitch!

Aaron saw Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor team, shouting something to Harry, and then Harry quickly turned his broom and rushed towards the Golden Snitch.

Suddenly, a strange silence enveloped the entire stadium.Although the wind was still as strong as before, it no longer roared, as if someone had turned off the sound of the wind.Then Aaron felt a familiar, terrifying chill rush over him and enter his body.At this time, Aaron used the corner of his eye to catch something moving on the ground below the court.He shifted his gaze to the ground and saw at least a hundred dementors standing there, looking at the sky above the stadium.

At this moment, Aaron heard an exclamation from the person next to him.Aaron followed his finger to the sky, just in time to see Harry slip off his broom and fall towards the ground.

Suddenly, Aaron saw a person running onto the court, it was Dumbledore.Dumbledore waved his wand, and Harry's fall suddenly slowed down.Then, Harry fell to the ground, causing a large splash of water.

Dumbledore waved his wand at the Dementor and shouted: "Get out of my school!"

A silver object flew out of his wand and flew towards the group of dementors.Aaron saw it clearly, it was a silver phoenix.

Then, the dementors left the field in fear.

At this time, players from both teams noticed the accident, landed one after another, and gathered around Harry.Hufflepuff's Seeker Cedric still holds the Golden Snitch in his right hand.

Yes, Cedric caught the Snitch, just before Harry fell.

Mrs. Hooch brought a stretcher, and Dumbledore used magic to place Harry on the stretcher.He then floated the stretcher into the castle, himself following on foot.

Aaron got up and left the stands, intending to go see Harry.At the gate of the stadium, he met Hermione and Ron.Apparently, they had the same purpose as Aaron.So the three of them walked together.

Harry could only be in one place right now, and that was the hospital.

On their way to the hospital, they met Professor Flitwick.

"Are you going to see Harry?" Professor Flitwick asked Aaron and the others.

"Yes." Aaron replied.

"Then can you bring this to him?" Professor Flitwick said, handing over a bag.

"What is this?" Hermione asked, taking the pocket.

"Well," said Professor Flitwick, "after Harry fell from the sky, I noticed that his broomstick had been blown away by the wind. I found it in the Forbidden Forest. It hit - hit there. The Whomping Willow is up. You know the Whomping Willow, it doesn't like to be hit by other things..."

At this time, Hermione had already opened the pocket, and Aaron and Ron looked inside with her. They saw that there were more than a dozen pieces of wood and broom tail fragments inside.Apparently, this was the last remnant of Harry's broomstick.

"It was already like this when I found it," Professor Flitwick said sheepishly, "I'm sorry."




When Aaron, Ron and Hermione arrived at the hospital, Dumbledore had already left.Harry was lying unconscious on the hospital bed, and the members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, except Captain Wood, were surrounding his bed.They were covered in mud from head to toe and it was obvious they had come straight from the pitch.

Just listen to them discussing with each other:

"Luckily the ground is so soft."

"I thought he was going to die."

"But he didn't even break his glasses."

At this moment, Harry suddenly opened his eyes.

"Harry!" Fred said anxiously and concernedly, "What do you think?"

"What happened?" Harry suddenly sat up, startling everyone around him.

"You fell," Fred said. "About—fifty feet?"

"We thought you were dead," Alia Spinnet said.She is a fifth year Gryffindor student.

"But what happened in that game?" Harry said, "Can we play again?"

No one around him spoke.

"We didn't - fail, did we?" Harry asked anxiously.

"Digory caught the Snitch," said George, "right after you fell. He didn't understand what happened. When he looked back and saw you on the ground, he was going to stop the game. I want a rematch. But they won fair and aboveboard... Even Wood admitted that."

"Where is Wood?" Harry suddenly realized that Wood was not there.

"Still out in the rain," Fred said. "We think he's going to drown himself."

Harry buried his face between his knees and held his hair in his hands.

Fred grabbed Harry's shoulders and shook him emotionally: "Okay, Harry, you always caught the Golden Snitch before."

"There's always going to be a miss," George said.

"The game isn't over yet," said Fred. "We lost a hundred points, right? So, if Hufflepuff loses to Ravenclaw and we beat Ravenclaw and Slytherin …”

"Hufflepuff will lose at least two hundred points." George said, "But if they beat Ravenclaw..."

"No way, Ravenclaw is great. But if Slytherin loses to Hufflepuff..."

"It all depends on the score - no matter who loses or wins, it's all a matter of [-]%..."

Harry lay there without saying a word.

About 10 minutes later, Madam Pomfrey came over and told the team to let Harry rest.

"We'll see you again later," Fred told Harry. "Don't blame yourself, Harry. You're still our best Seeker."

The team walked away, leaving trails of mud in their wake.Madam Pomfrey closed the door behind them, looking unhappy.

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