Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 45 The Monster Book of Monsters

"Professor McGonagall, I didn't expect to see you here. Are you going to Diagon Alley too?" Arthur Weasley came over and said.

"Yes." Professor McGonagall said, "Mr. Elf has been staying at school during the summer vacation for some reasons. He couldn't come to Diagon Alley by himself, so I took him here to buy textbooks for the new semester."

"We also brought the children here to buy textbooks." Arthur said, "Maybe we can sit together and have a drink afterwards."

"I'm afraid this won't work." Professor McGonagall said, "School will start tomorrow, and I still have a lot of things to do. Aaron and I must hurry up and buy things and go back as soon as possible."

"If you are in a hurry to go back, you can let Aaron stay with us." Mrs. Weasley on the side said, "He can go shopping with Ron and Ginny."

"We will stay in the Leaky Cauldron today. Aaron can stay here. I think he can sleep in a room with Ron." Arthur said, "He can take the Hogwarts Express to school with Ron and the others tomorrow. .”

Professor McGonagall was a little moved, and immediately asked Aaron: "What do you think?"

Seeing that Professor McGonagall seemed really busy, Aaron nodded.

"Arthur, it's so troublesome for you." Professor McGonagall thanked the Weasley family.

"It's nothing," Molly said, "Besides, Aaron saved Ginny with Harry last semester, and we haven't thanked him for it yet."

After entrusting Aaron to the Weasley family, Professor McGonagall used Floo powder to return to Hogwarts.

After sending Professor McGonagall away, Mr. Weasley called the tavern owner.

"Tom, give us four or five rooms." Mr. Weasley counted the number of people and said to the boss.

"Okay, come with me." Tom agreed and led everyone up the stairs leading to the second floor.

"Hello, Aaron." Percy greeted Aaron on the stairs.

"Hello, Percy," Aaron responded.He looked at Percy's strange attire and couldn't help but ask, "Why are your family dressed so...um...strangely?"

"We just came back from Egypt," Percy said. "My dad won the Daily Prophet's annual award, the Galleon Prize. With the money, our family went to Egypt for a month."

Suddenly, Aaron noticed a shiny silver badge on Percy's chest that said "Headboy", and he quickly asked in surprise: "Are you the boy's representative?"

"Yes." Percy seemed happy that Aaron noticed this and puffed out his chest to make the badge more visible.

At this time, Aaron heard Mr. Weasley in front ask the tavern owner Tom: "I heard that Harry also lives here, where is he now?"

"Mr. Harry Potter went out after breakfast." Tom said, "He should be in Diagon Alley now. For this month, Mr. Potter will go out in the morning every day and will not come back until evening."

Going up to the second floor, Tom arranged rooms for Aaron, Hermione and the Weasley family.After moving their luggage to their respective rooms, everyone left the Leaky Cauldron and came to Diagon Alley.Their first stop was Gringotts.

Gringotts is a wizarding bank and the only wizarding bank in the wizarding world.This bank is opened by goblins and is one of the safest places in the entire wizarding world. Almost all wizarding families store their property here.It is said that the most heavily guarded vaults in Gringotts are located hundreds of miles beneath London and are guarded by fire dragons.

Aaron came to Gringotts for the first time. He saw a snow-white building standing tall in a circle of shops. Next to the shiny bronze door, stood a figure wearing a scarlet uniform with gold. He was an elf. .

The goblin was about a head shorter than Aaron, with a dark face that showed intelligence, a pointed beard, and extremely long hands and feet.The goblin bowed to them as they entered.

After that, a second door appeared in front of them, which was silver. The following words were engraved on the two doors:

"Come in, stranger. But beware,

What will happen to greed.

Blindly ask for, get for nothing,

will be severely punished.

So if you want to buy from our underground vault

Take away a wealth that never belonged to you,

Thief, you have been warned,

Be careful not to bring treasures, but evil rewards. "

After entering, two more goblins bowed to them and led them into a tall marble hall.There were about a hundred goblins sitting on high stools behind a row of long counters. Some used copper scales to weigh coins, and some used eyepieces to examine gems, while making hasty entries in the large ledger.There are countless doors in the hall, leading to different places, and many fairies guide visitors in and out of these doors.

The Grangers, led by Hermione, went to the counter across the entire marble hall and exchanged pounds for gold galleons.The Weasley family was led by a goblin to their underground vault.Aaron, on the other hand, was waiting for them alone in the hall.

Not long after, the Grangers finished changing the money, and the Weasley family came out of the vault.

Because Percy wanted to buy a book at the thrift store, Fred and George saw their friend Lee Jordan from Hogwarts.Mrs. Weasley and Ginny are going to a second-hand robe shop.Mr. Weasley insisted on going back to the Leaky Cauldron for a drink with the Grangers.Ron and Hermione want to find Harry, and Ron wants to buy a new wand.So everyone decided to split up next.They parted on the marble steps outside the bank.

"Let's meet at the Leaky Cauldron for dinner." Mr. Weasley said as he pulled Mr. and Mrs. Granger away.

Everyone split up, and Aaron got together with Ron and Hermione, who were also going to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore first.Thanks to the fact that he only needs to buy two new books this year and basically does not need to buy any other items, Aaron's newly received scholarship is quite sufficient. He does not have to sell used books this year and can go directly to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore to buy new books.

On the way to the bookstore, Ron said to Aaron and Hermione: "Look around when you walk, and if you see Harry, tell me. I want to ask him if he really put his Auntie blew up."

"Harry inflated his aunt?" Aaron heard a piece of news that surprised him, "What's going on? Also, does Harry have an aunt?"

"I also heard from my father that Harry used magic to inflate one of his aunts." Ron said, "They said she was Harry's aunt, but she was actually his uncle's sister. You know, Harry and his aunt The family has always been on bad terms.”

"Is Harry okay?" Aaron asked worriedly, "I remember that underage wizards can't use magic outside of school, right?"

"Yes." Hermione on the side replied, "According to the third paragraph of the "Act Restricting the Use of Magic by Minors" promulgated in [-], underage wizards are not allowed to use magic outside of school. If it is violated, At worst, you will receive a warning from the Ministry of Magic, or at worst, you will be directly expelled from the school."

"So, Harry was warned by the Ministry of Magic?" In Aaron's opinion, if Harry was expelled from school, Ron would never be so relaxed, so there was a high probability that Harry was just warned.

"No," but Ron denied Aaron's guess, "I heard from my father that the Ministry of Magic did not give Harry any punishment. Even after Harry left his aunt's house, Minister Fudge personally arranged for him to live in a poor house. Cauldron Bar.”

While they were talking, the three of them had arrived at the entrance of Flourish Blossom Bookstore.

Aaron looked at the bookstore window and was startled.I saw that all the spell books with golden reliefs as big as floor tiles that were originally displayed in the bookstore window were gone, replaced by a large iron cage containing about a hundred books that were furiously wrestling.The books have beautiful green covers with a uniform gold title: "The Monster Book of Monsters."Aaron saw them snapping and fighting belligerently in the cage, with broken pages flying everywhere.

Hermione and Ron obviously saw the scene in the window.Ron took out his book list and said: "The monster book of monsters. This seems to be the textbook for the Care of Magical Creatures class."

"Yes." Hermione, who had already memorized all the titles on the book list, said, "And this is the first time in history that this book has been listed as a textbook for the course on Care of Magical Creatures."

As soon as the three of them entered the bookstore, a clerk came forward to greet them.

"Students at Hogwarts?" he asked, "Are you here to buy new books?"

"Yes." Ron said, looking at the book list in his hand, "I need a copy of "The Monster Book of Monsters"."

"I want one too." Hermione said quickly.

"Oh, Merlin! Two copies of "The Monster Book of Monsters."" The clerk immediately made an annoyed voice, "This is simply terrible. There is nothing worse than this. Why do so many people want this book?" Book?"

I saw the clerk push Ron aside with a sad face, put on a pair of thick gloves, picked up a thick, knotted cane, and walked towards the iron box containing "The Monster Book of Monsters" cage.

In the cage, two "Monster Books of Monsters" are working together to grab the other "Monster Book of Monsters" and want to tear it apart.

"Stop! Stop!" The clerk shouted quickly when he saw this, stretched the cane between the iron bars, and opened the books.

After driving away several books that were tearing at each other, the clerk opened the iron cage and reached out to grab a book that was crawling in the cage using its two-page cover as a foot.


The book closed with a snap in the clerk's hand, twisting back and forth, struggling, and making shrill screams.

At the same time, the surrounding books rushed over one after another, biting at the clerk's hand holding the book through his gloves.

The clerk held on tightly to the book in his hand while tapping the books that were biting around him with his cane.After driving away the other books, the clerk took the books out of the cage and hurriedly closed the cage door.Then he walked to the counter, took out a rope, and tied the books in his hands tightly.The book trembled with annoyance, but it could no longer fidget and scream.

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