Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 44 A New Beginning

Aaron spent his first summer vacation at Hogwarts at school.Because other students had gone home and professors were on vacation, Aaron stayed alone in school for more than a month.

For more than a month, apart from eating and sleeping, Aaron spent almost all his time studying the mysterious power in his body.

More than a month ago, during the duel with Riddle in the secret room, Aaron's body suddenly burst out with power, allowing him to avoid death by teleporting.Aaron had a strong curiosity about this power at that time, but because of time constraints at the time, he did not do any further research on it.Taking advantage of the summer vacation, I have just enough time to conduct research.

Aaron's research has two main purposes. One is to control this power, and the other is to figure out the source of this power.

In order to be able to control this power, Aaron kept thinking about the feeling when he teleported in the secret room in the Room of Requirement.It took more than a month for Aaron to successfully channel this power again, instantly traveling through time and space, from the room to the lawn outside the castle.With the first success, subsequent successes become natural.But Aaron soon discovered a problem, that is, although he was able to guide this power, he could not fully control it. This caused him to appear in random places every time he moved in space.A force that cannot be controlled, no matter how powerful it is, is of little use.Fortunately, Aaron discovered that as his practice increased, his control over this power also improved, and he may not be able to move in space according to his own wishes in the future.

On the other hand, the research on the source of power has not been smooth.Because this force is expressed in the form of spatial movement, Aaron's research direction is also focused on this aspect.There are three ways to move through space in the magical world, namely "floo powder", "portkey" and "apparition".Among these three methods, "floo powder" can only be used in places where a floo network is set up. "Portkey" can only take people to a preset location and can be used anytime, anywhere, allowing people to access the location at any time. The only way to appear is by "Apparition".But after careful research, Aaron discovered that his ability was completely different from "Apparition".The most favorable proof is that Hogwarts has an "Anti-Apparition Curse", but Aaron's abilities can be used normally at Hogwarts.Aaron's ability is likely to be a unique ability similar to "Parseltongue".

Usually, only those with ancient wizard blood will have unique abilities.

[Do I have some ancient wizard blood in me? 】After inferring that his ability is probably a unique ability, Aaron couldn't help but think in his heart.

At this time, Aaron suddenly remembered that when he entered school for the sorting ceremony, the sorting hat did not exclude "Slytherin".At that time, Aaron had just come into contact with the magic world and didn't know enough about it, so he didn't think deeply about it.Looking back now, I feel something is wrong.

["Slytherin" only accepts students with pure blood. Since the Sorting Hat believes that I am qualified to enter "Slytherin", it means that my blood is "pure", which means that at least one of my parents is a wizard. family. 】

As an orphan, Aaron once thought about what kind of people his parents would be, but he never expected that one of his parents would be a wizard.At this moment, he suddenly thought of something else.

[Wait, if my father or mother were a wizard, would they die from a simple gas explosion? 】

For the first time in so many years, Aaron had doubts about the cause of his parents' deaths.

On the morning of the second Monday in August, while Aaron was having breakfast, an owl suddenly flew into the auditorium and threw a yellow parchment envelope in front of him. The envelope had the same style as the one he had received a year ago. Same as arrived.

Aaron opened the envelope and took out the letter inside to read.The text on the letter was green, and the content was that he should still take the Hogwarts Express from King's Cross Station on September [-]st.At the same time, the letter also listed a list of new books he will use next year.

Second graders are required to read:

"Standard Spells (Level [-])" by Miranda Gorshak

Dark Powers: A Guide to Self-Defense by Quentin Trimble

After reading the letter, Aaron immediately found that he had a new problem to solve, that is, how to buy textbooks for the new school year.

In the entire UK, all the shops that sell the books on the book list are in Diagon Alley, so if he wants to buy the textbooks on the book list, Aaron must go to Diagon Alley.But Diagon Alley is in London, and Aaron is now in Hogwarts.Although he didn't know the exact location of Hogwarts, it was obviously not near London.

The most common way to travel from Hogwarts to London is to take the Hogwarts Express.However, the Hogwarts Express only runs during the beginning of school, summer vacation and Christmas holidays every year, and it is obviously unavailable now.In addition to the Hogwarts Express, other modes of transportation from Hogwarts to London include broomsticks, floo powder, portkeys, and space movement magic.But Aaron had neither his own broomstick, nor floo powder, nor a portkey whose destination was London.Although Aaron has mastered a kind of space movement magic with the power of blood, his control over this power is very low.Even after practicing for more than a month, he can only move accurately within two meters.In this state, he obviously cannot rely on this power to go to Diagon Alley.As for the "Apparition" magic commonly used by wizards, Aaron does not know it, and even if he learns it, he cannot use it at Hogwarts.

However, Aaron is not too worried about whether he will eventually be able to buy the textbooks.Because since this letter can be sent to him, it is obvious that the school knows where he is and must understand his situation, so there must be special arrangements for him.You just need to wait patiently.

So, time passed day by day as Aaron waited, and soon came the last day of summer vacation.

Seeing that school was about to start tomorrow, but no one had contacted him yet, Aaron became a little anxious. He began to wonder if the school had forgotten him.Just when he was about to borrow a broomstick from the school to fly to London, Professor McGonagall appeared in front of him.

As soon as he came up, Professor McGonagall said: "I'm sorry, Aaron. During this time, I have been busy recruiting new students, so I can't take care of you. You know, some Muggle parents don't believe in magic. Existence, it takes a lot of effort to get them to send their children to Hogwarts. I will take you to Diagon Alley now. Also, here is your bursary for this year."

With that said, Professor McGonagall handed a few gold galleons to Aaron.

Then, Professor McGonagall took Aaron to her office.

Professor McGonagall picked up a flower pot from the mantelpiece and said to Aaron: "We are going to Diagon Alley through the Floo powder network. You probably haven't used Floo powder to travel before, I will teach you how to do it. Wait. You have to throw the floo powder into the fireplace. After the flame turns green, you have to say your destination and then walk into the fireplace. Remember, you must say the words 'Diagon Alley' clearly. Otherwise you might fall out of the other oven door. Okay, now let's get started."

As he spoke, Professor McGonagall stretched the flowerpot in front of him.

Aaron looked into the flowerpot and saw that it was filled with a kind of sparkling powder.

Although Aaron had never seen a Floo fan, he knew that this was it.He reached for a pinch of Floo powder, walked to the flames, and sprinkled the powder in. With a "hoo" sound, the fire immediately turned green and jumped as high as a person.

"Now, walk into the fireplace and call out where you want to go." Professor McGonagall guided him.

Aaron took a deep breath and walked forward, and green flames immediately surrounded him.The flames were not as hot as expected, and the surrounding temperature was about the same as normal temperature. This was presumably due to the floo powder.

Because he didn't know the duration of Floo powder's effect, Aaron didn't dare to delay and quickly shouted: "Diagon Alley!"

For a moment, he felt as if he was being sucked into a huge water pipe.His body seemed to be spinning rapidly... The whistling in his ears was deafening... He desperately tried to open his eyes, but the swirling green flames made him feel dizzy. He could only see a series of furnace doors flashing vaguely, and he could vaguely catch a glimpse of the fire outside the fireplace. Room... He quickly closed his eyes, praying to stop quickly... Something hard hit his elbow, and he clamped his arms tightly, but his body kept turning and turning... Then, it seemed A cold hand slapped his cheek, and he fell face down on the cold stone ground.

Aaron was now dizzy and covered in soot.He climbed up carefully and looked around, finding himself in a small, dirty bar.Aaron recognized this place as the Leaky Cauldron.

While Aaron was observing his surroundings, Professor McGonagall also walked out of the fireplace.

"Clean up!" She used a magic spell to clean away the soot from herself and Aaron, and then said, "Okay, let's..."

"Professor McGonagall!"

Suddenly, a greeting from the side interrupted Professor McGonagall's words.

Aaron and Professor McGonagall looked back and saw the Weasleys and Hermione Granger and her family walking in from the door.The Weasley family all wore robes and turbans that they would only wear in the desert, and they were very strangely dressed.The Grangers were dressed normally, but Hermione's skin was tanned. Apparently she went to the beach or something like that this summer.The Grangers and Mrs. Granger who were following Hermione kept shrinking and looked around cautiously, appearing to be out of tune with the surrounding environment.

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