Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 46 Procurement

"Here you go." The clerk wiped the sweat from his head and handed the book to Ron.

Ron carefully took the trembling book, scratched his head in distress and said, "How do I open this book?"

"I don't know either." The clerk shrugged, "If I were you I wouldn't open it. Believe me, if you don't tie it up with a rope, it will tear all the books in your bag."

After saying that, the clerk spent a long time and took out a copy of "The Monster Book of Monsters" from the iron cage and handed it to Hermione.

"You don't need one too, do you?" the clerk looked at Aaron and asked.

"No," Aaron replied, "I don't need this book."

"Don't you need it?" A look of relief immediately appeared on the clerk's face, "That's great, I've been bitten eight times today. I hope we never buy these books again, never! It's just What a fuss! We've gone through two hundred Invisible Books before, and I thought nothing could be worse than them. Now, do you want any other books?"

"Oh - we also need "Beyond the Mist and Seeing the Future" by Cassandra Wabraski." Ron said and glanced at Hermione, "We also need two copies."

"Ah, it's time to learn prophecy, right?" The clerk said as he took off his gloves and walked towards the back half of the bookstore.

Aaron, Ron, and Hermione also walked over.There is a corner there filled with books on divination.Aaron saw many books placed on a small table, such as "Predicting the Unforeseen: Protecting Yourself from Blows", "The Wrecking Ball: When Fate Is Unfavorable"...

Aaron randomly picked up a copy of "Omen of Death: What Do You Do When You Know the Worst is Coming?" on the small table. 》Look at it.

"This is it." The clerk climbed up the ladder and took out two thick books with black covers. ""Looking at the Future through the Fog" has all the basic divination methods for you - palm reading, crystal balls, bird entrails... Very useful guide.”

At this time, he saw the book in Aaron's hand and said easily: "Oh, if I were you, I would not read such a book. If you read this book, you will see that the signs of death are everywhere. This book will scare people to death.”

Then he asked Aaron, "What book do you want to buy?"

"Oh." Aaron quickly put down the book in his hand and took out his book list and said, "I want a copy of "Standard Spells (Level [-])" and a copy of "Dark Power: Self-Defense Guide."

"The book you want is here." The clerk said, walking to the bookshelf in front and giving Aaron the book he needed.

After that, Ron and Hermione also bought their textbooks respectively.In addition to "The Monster Book of Monsters" and "Looking Through the Fog to See the Future", Ron also bought "Intermediate Transfiguration" and "Standard Spells (Level [-])".In addition to buying the same books as Ron, Hermione also bought a lot of books such as "Number Divination and Shapes", "Family Life and Social Habits of British Muggles", "Magic Phonetic Chart", etc.It took her three schoolbags to put all the books she bought.

"Where should we go next?" Hermione said while standing at the door of the bookstore. "My robes are a little short. I want to go to Madam Malkin's to buy two new ones."

"I need to buy a new wand," said Ron.

"I've run out of ink and parchment and need to buy some," Aaron said.

"I've also run out of ink and parchment. We can buy them together later." Hermione said, "We can go to Madam Malkin's first, then buy Ron's wand, and finally buy ink and parchment together. .”

After a good discussion, the three of them went to Madam Malkin's robe shop.Aaron had bought his robes last year in a second-hand robe shop, so this was the first time he'd ever walked into Madam Malkin's robe shop.Madam Malkin is a short, fat witch with a nice smile and dressed in purple.

"Are you going to buy Hogwarts school uniforms, dear?" She said before Aaron and others could speak.

"Yes." Hermione said, "My robes are a bit too small, so I want to buy two new ones."

"Yes." Mrs. Malkin said, "Little wizards of your age always grow up very fast, and their clothes will become smaller after two years." She turned her eyes to Aaron and Ron, "You too Want to buy a new robe?”

Although Aaron and Ron's current robes did not fit well, they obviously did not have the money to buy new robes, so they had no choice but to shake their heads together and said: "No."

"Okay then. Come with me, my dear." With that, Mrs. Malkin stopped caring about Aaron and Ron and took Hermione to the back hall.

After a while, Hermione came out from behind holding her new robes, and then the three of them left Madam Malkin's robe shop.

After leaving Madam Malkin's robe shop, they went to Ollivander's and bought Ron a new wand.It is worth mentioning that this is Ron's first wand of his own.The wand he had been using was an old wand used by his brother.

Finally, the three of them went to Changing Ink Stationery Store to buy some ink and parchment.

It was almost noon, and the three of them were thinking about where to eat when Aaron suddenly saw a familiar figure in front of the Quidditch boutique next door.

"Look, it's Harry!" he said, pointing to the figure.

Hermione and Ron looked along Aaron's fingers and immediately saw Harry's figure. They quickly waved and shouted: "Harry! Harry!"

Harry turned around when he heard the sound, and immediately saw Aaron and the three of them.

Aaron and the other three came to Harry, and Ron grinned and said, "I saw you after all! We went to the Leaky Cauldron, but they said you had left, so we went to the bookstore and to Malkin Madam, there’s still——”

"I bought everything I need for school last week," Harry explained. "How did you know I lived in the Leaky Cauldron?"

"My dad said it," Ron said briefly, "What are you doing here?"

"Let me see this." Harry said, pointing to the window of a Quidditch boutique nearby.

"Wow!" Ron exclaimed immediately.

I saw a surprisingly beautiful flying broomstick placed in the window.A sign on the side reads the instructions next to this broom:


This type of broomstick represents the highest level of craftsmanship at present. The handle is made of ash wood. It is streamlined and exquisite. It is treated with polish as hard as diamond and has a hand-engraved registration number.Each broom twig at the end of this product has been screened to achieve streamlined perfection, resulting in a product that is unparalleled in terms of balance and precision.The Firebolt can accelerate to 150 miles per hour in ten seconds, and its brakes are amazing.Price negotiable.

Aaron had to admit that this Firebolt was indeed very charming.Even for someone like him who wasn't very interested in Quidditch, he couldn't help but feel a desire to get it.

Ron was already lying on the display window, staring greedily at the Firebolt.

"It's so beautiful. How much do you think this broom costs?" Ron asked Harry who was standing aside.

"I don't know," Harry replied, "but it's certainly not cheap."

"Didn't you ask about the price?" Ron asked.

"No." Harry said, "I already have the Nimbus 2000. Why buy a Firebolt when I already have a good broomstick?"

"But the Firebolt is obviously much more powerful than the 'Nimbus 2000'." Ron said.

"But I rode 'Nimbus 2000' and never failed in a Quidditch match." Harry said.

"You're right, man," said Ron. "A good player can win no matter what broom he uses. But I still hope to get a broom like the Firebolt. I don't think anyone can resist it." charm."

Then, Ron and Harry had a heated discussion about the Firebolt.Soon their discussions expanded to other Quidditch-related aspects.Aaron and Hermione, who were not very interested in Quidditch, were completely speechless.They stared silently at the broom in the window, admiring the work of art.

After a long time, Aaron, Harry, Ron and Hermione finally had enough of seeing Firebolts. They left the Quidditch boutique and sat down in front of the Florin cold drink shop opposite.

As soon as she sat down, Hermione asked: "Did you really inflate your aunt, Harry?" Her voice was extremely serious.

"I didn't mean to do this," Harry said. "I just lost control."

At this point, Ron chuckled.

"There's nothing funny about it, Ron," Hermione said sharply. "To be honest, I'm surprised Harry wasn't fired."

"Me too." Harry admitted, "I forgot about the expulsion. I thought I was going to be arrested." He looked at Ron, "Don't your dad know why Fudge let me go? He Do you know anything?"

"Probably because of you, isn't it?" Ron shrugged, chuckling, "The famous Harry Potter or something. If I inflated my aunt, the Ministry of Magic would definitely They're not going to let me go. Listen, they're going to dig me out first, and my mom's going to kill me. Anyway, you can ask my dad tonight yourself. We're spending the night at the Leaky Cauldron tonight, too! So you can come with us to King's Cross tomorrow! Aaron and Hermione will be there too!"

Hermione nodded and said with a smile, "My mother and father left me and all my stuff at Hogwarts there this morning."

Aaron also nodded and said with a smile: "I was thrown there by Professor McGonagall."

"Great!" Harry said happily, "So, have you bought all the new books and everything?"

"Look." Ron took out a slender box from his schoolbag and opened it. "A brand new wand, fourteen inches long, wicker, with a unicorn tail hair. And we bought all the books -" He pointed to a large schoolbag under his chair, "Huh? When we said we wanted two copies of "The Monster Book of Monsters," the clerk almost cried."

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