Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 19 Duel Club Part [-]

Aaron successfully cast the disarming spell.

However, apart from Aaron, no one else at the scene successfully disarmed his opponent.Some of them are still trying, but others have decided to use other means to deal with their opponents.

Not far from Aaron, Draco Malfoy hit Harry Potter hard on the head with his wand.

Harry Potter staggered, pointed his wand at Malfoy, and shouted, "Grinning!"

A ray of silver light hit Malfoy's stomach, and he bent over, gasping for air.

"I said, just disarm!" Lockhart shouted in horror to the fighting crowd from above.

Malfoy knelt on the ground, panting desperately, pointing his wand at Harry's knees, and said with a smile and breath: "Tarantella!"

Harry's legs immediately began to twitch uncontrollably, as if he was dancing a quick dance.

"Stop! Stop!" screamed Lockhart.

But no one listened to him at all

"Curse to stop immediately! Curse to stop immediately!..."

Snape then took over the reins.He used the universal breaking spell to break all the ongoing curses.Harry's legs stopped dancing and Malfoy stopped laughing.

At this time, a green smoke filled the sky over the entire auditorium.A Gryffindor student lay on the floor with his Hufflepuff partner, panting.Ron Weasley pulled a Gryffindor student to apologize. It seemed that something unexpected happened during practice just now.Hermione Granger's head was clamped by a tall and strong Slytherin girl, screaming in pain.Both of their wands were forgotten on the floor.Harry Potter was struggling to pull the Slytherin girl away from Hermione.

"Oh my God! Oh my God!" Lockhart walked around the crowd, watching the result of everyone's duel, "You stand up, Ernie... pay attention, Miss Fawcett... pinch hard, the blood will be drawn soon. Stop it, Butt..."

"I think it's best for me to teach you how to stop unfriendly magic." Lockhart said, standing in the middle of the auditorium with a panicked expression.

He glanced at Snape, and when he saw the cold light flashing in Snape's eyes, he immediately looked away.

"Does anyone volunteer to come up?" Lockhart looked at a round-faced Gryffindor student and a Hufflepuff student next to him, "Neville Longbottom and Justin Finch-Fletchley, you How about it?"

"This is not a good idea, Professor Lockhart." Snape glided across the stage like a giant bat. "Longbottom can wreak havoc even with the simplest of spells. We are going to take Fin-leary. The remains were put in a matchbox and brought to the hospital ward."

Neville Longbottom immediately turned red.At school, Neville Longbottom had a reputation for being slow and forgetful.Even someone like Aaron, who had been in school for less than half a year, had heard of his reputation.

"How about Malfoy and Potter?" Snape said with a grin.

"How wonderful!" said Lockhart, motioning Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy to the center of the Great Hall.

People stepped back to make room for them.

"Okay, Harry. When Draco points his wand at you..." Lockhart spoke to Harry in a low voice, as if giving him instructions.

Lockhart also raised his wand and waved it left and right, as if trying to perform complicated tricks, but accidentally dropped it to the ground.He quickly picked up the wand and said awkwardly to the people around him: "Ouch, my wand is a little too excited."

Snape on the side immediately sneered when he saw this.Approaching Malfoy, he lowered his head and whispered a few words to him.Malfoy also sneered.

After a while, both Lockhart and Snape finished their instructions.

But Harry didn't seem to understand what Lockhart taught him.He raised his head nervously, looked at Lockhart and said, "Professor, can you show me the method of stopping the spell again?"

Lockhart slapped Harry on the shoulder cheerfully and said, "Just do what I just did, Harry!"

"What? Dropped the wand?" Harry asked anxiously.

But Lockhart didn't listen at all. He shouted: "Three... two... one... start!"

Malfoy quickly raised his wand and roared, "Oolong out!"

A long black snake sprang out from the tip of Malfoy's wand, landed heavily on the floor between Harry and Malfoy, raised its head, and prepared to attack.Seeing such a big venomous snake, people immediately screamed and backed away.

Harry and Viper looked at each other and stood motionless, seemingly petrified.

Snape seemed happy to see Harry frightened.Just listen to him lazily: "Don't move, Potter. I'll get him away..."

"Let me come!" Lockhart shouted now.

He raised his wand and pointed it at the snake.

There was a loud "bang", and the snake not only did not disappear, but jumped up 10 feet high, and then fell heavily to the floor.The black snake was immediately enraged. It hissed and swam straight towards Justin Fin-Leary.It raised its head, exposed its fangs, and assumed an offensive stance.

At this moment, Harry Potter suddenly walked forward and started to hiss at the snake.His voice sounded sinister and cold, as if he was encouraging the snake to attack quickly.

When the snake heard Harry's voice, it immediately lay down and stared at Harry.

Harry grinned and looked at Justin with a smile.Coupled with what happened just now, it makes people feel horrified.

"What kind of trick do you think you are playing?" Justin shouted in horror, turned around and rushed out of the auditorium.

Snape stepped forward at this moment, waved his wand, and the snake disappeared in a plume of black smoke.Then he turned to look at Harry, his eyes full of curiosity, surprise, cunning and many other emotions.The people around him also looked at Harry and whispered.

Aaron was a little confused about the change in the atmosphere around him. He happened to see Green not far away, so he leaned over and asked softly: "What's wrong?"

"Parseltongue," whispered Green. "Harry Potter is a Parseltongue."

At this time, Ron walked to the center of the field and pulled Harry out of the auditorium.Hermione left with them.When they went out, people stepped aside to make way for them, as if they were afraid of getting contaminated.

"Okay, this event is over." Lockhart jumped out and said, "Everyone, please go back to sleep."

As if too many accidents had occurred, Lockhart ended the club's activities in a hurry.

Everyone left the auditorium and returned to their dormitories.

On the way back to the dormitory, Aaron asked Green: "What is Parseltongue?"

"It's the ability to talk to snakes." Green explained, "This is a very special ability."

"But, even if the ability to talk to snakes is somewhat special, there's nothing to be afraid of, right? I think everyone seems to be a little afraid of Harry." Aaron said still a little confused.

Green lowered his voice and said: "Parseltongue is Salazar Slytherin's famous skill, so the symbol of Slytherin House is a snake."

Aaron immediately realized the meaning: "So, Harry Potter is probably the heir of Slytherin?"

"Yes." Green nodded, "He is probably Slytherin's great-great-grandson or something."

[Harry Potter is the heir of Slytherin, or even his descendant?Well, it's not impossible.After all, Slytherin was a figure more than 1000 years ago. Who knows how his blood descendants have been passed down over the past 1000 years.Maybe one of his descendants is Harry Potter's ancestor.And when Mrs. Norris was killed, Harry Potter and his two friends were the first to arrive at the scene.Colin was also killed on his way to see him.Although these can be said to be coincidences, Harry Potter is still highly suspicious.In short, until the truth comes out, it's better to be careful with Harry Potter. 】

Various thoughts were running through Aaron's mind.Suddenly he thought: Since the symbol of Slytherin is a snake, are the things in the Chamber of Secrets also related to snakes?

When Aaron investigated the monsters in the secret room before, he mainly focused on investigating things related to spiders.The fact that Slytherin was a Parseltongue made him think of another direction of investigation.

The next day, Aaron had no classes in the morning. He came to the library early in the morning and began to look up relevant information based on his guess yesterday.After finding the relevant books, he sat down at a table in the back row of the library and started reading.

Not long after he opened the book, a group of Hufflepuff students came to sit on the chairs next to him and started talking to each other in low voices.

Aaron didn't pay much attention to them at first, but what they were talking about seemed to be related to the secret room, which couldn't help but attract Aaron's attention.

A tall boy said at this time: "So, anyway, I asked Justin to hide in our dormitory. I mean, if Potter is sure to kill him, he will eventually So I could hide it for the time being. Of course, Justin had been expecting something like this to happen ever since he accidentally revealed his Muggle heritage to Potter. Justin actually told Potter that he had been raped by Eton College Admission. Is it allowed to say such nonsense to a descendant of Slytherin?"

"So, Ernie, are you sure it's Potter?" a girl with a blond ponytail asked eagerly.

"Hannah, he's a Parseltongue." said the big boy named Ernie. "Everyone knows that this is the sign of a dark wizard. Have you ever heard of any decent wizard who can talk to snakes? And... Letling himself is a Parseltongue.”

Hearing this, everyone started talking in low voices.

Ernie continued: "Remember the writing on the wall? 'Beware of enemies of the heir!' Potter had a quarrel with Filch, and soon we learned that Filch's cat Killed. That first-year Creevey, who pissed off Potter during a Quidditch match and took a picture of him while he was lying in the mud. We then learned that Creevey was also killed."

"But he always seems so friendly." The ponytail girl named Hannah said hesitantly, "Also, he was the one who made the mysterious man disappear back then. He can't be that bad, right?"

"No one knows how he escaped death when he encountered the mysterious man. I mean, he was still a baby when that happened. He should have been blown into pieces. Only those with truly unlimited power can Only a dark wizard can escape such a spell." Ernie lowered his voice and said, "Probably because of this, the mysterious person wanted to kill him first. He didn't want another 'devil' to appear to compete with him. I don't I know what other spells Potter has that he is hiding from everyone."

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