Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 20 Suspect: Harry Potter


With a clear cough, Harry Potter suddenly walked out of a bookshelf.Apparently, he heard what Ernie just said.

The Hufflepuffs were all stunned with fear, and Ernie's face was completely drained of color.

"Hello," said Harry, "I'm looking for Justin Finch-Fletchley."

The Hufflepuffs' worst fears had come true.They all looked at Ernie in horror.

"What are you doing with him?" Ernie asked in a trembling voice.

"I want to tell him what happened to the snake in the Dueling Club," Harry said.

Ernie bit his pale lips, then took a deep breath and said, "We were all there at the time, and we saw what happened."

"So did you notice that after I spoke to the snake, it moved back?" Harry said.

Although he was shaking with fear, Ernie still summoned up the courage to say: "I only saw you speaking in Parseltongue and urging the snake to attack Justin."

"I didn't urge the snake to attack him!" Harry seemed very angry. He trembled and said loudly, "The snake didn't even touch him!"

"Just a little bit," Ernie said stubbornly.

At this time, Ernie seemed to have thought of something and said hurriedly: "If you want to take advantage of me, I might as well tell you that my family has been wizards for nine generations, and my bloodline is as pure as anyone else's, so... "

"I don't care what kind of blood you have!" Harry interrupted angrily, "Why should I attack Muggles?"

"I hear you hate the Muggles you live with," Ernie said quickly.

"It's impossible to live with the Dursleys and not hate them. I really hope you give it a try."

After Harry finished speaking, he turned around suddenly and walked out of the library angrily.

After Harry left, all the Hufflepuff students could not help but sigh in relief, and Ernie even slumped down in his chair.

Hannah said to Ernie: "You are so brave. How dare you talk to Potter like that."

"Honestly, I'm scared to death," Ernie said. "I hope he won't target me for this. But the more dangerous thing now is Justin. Porter is really coming for him. We have to remind him , let him hide it carefully."

All the Hufflepuff students nodded in agreement.

Aaron, who had witnessed the whole process just now, disagreed with the Hufflepuffs' inferences.

When Harry came to Justin just now, it didn't look like he was trying to harm him, but like he was here to explain to him what happened at the club yesterday.According to Harry, he didn't ask the snake to attack Justin yesterday, but he told the snake not to attack him.And judging from Harry's behavior just now, it didn't look like he was lying.

However, although Aaron did not agree with the inferences of those Hufflepuffs, he did not intend to refute them.

Firstly, it was because Aaron was not a companion of the group of Hufflepuffs. As a stranger who was listening in, Aaron felt that he had no room to interrupt.Secondly, it was because it was Aaron's personal feeling that Harry was trustworthy, and there was no proof to guarantee this.Maybe Harry has outstanding acting talent, and he came to Justin just to get rid of him. Maybe everything just happened was Harry's performance.If that was the case, wouldn't Aaron have harmed those Hufflepuffs by telling them that Harry was trustworthy?

"It's going to happen! It's going to happen! It's going to happen again! No matter humans or ghosts, no one is immune! Run for your life! It's going to happen!"

At this moment, a high-pitched shout suddenly came from outside the library.That was Peeves' voice.

Including Aaron and the group of Hufflepuffs, everyone in the library heard the sound and rushed out immediately.At the same time, the doors in the corridor were pushed open one after another, and people poured out of the classroom, following the sound of Peeves' shouting.

When Aaron followed the flow of people to the scene of the incident, many teachers and students were already at the scene.

Through the crowd, Aaron saw Harry Potter standing against the wall in the middle of the corridor. In front of him, Justin Finch-Fletchley lay stiffly on the floor.Justin's eyes were staring blankly at the ceiling, with a frightened look on his face.Next to him, nearly headless Nick was suspended motionless six feet above the ground.Nick's body should have been translucent and milky white, but now it has become pitch black, with black smoke lingering around him.Half of his head was also missing, and he had the same frightened expression on his face as Justin.

Ernie turned pale and squeezed out of the crowd, pointed at Harry and shouted, "Caught him red-handed!"

"That's enough, Ernie!" Professor McGonagall, who was maintaining order, said sternly.

Peeves floated above everyone's heads, looking down at the entire scene.Peeves has always been afraid of chaos in the world.

He grinned with a wicked smile on his face, and when the professors bent down to check on Justin and the nearly headless Nick, they suddenly sang: "Oh, Potter, you nuisance, look what you did Good thing. You killed the student and you thought it was funny——"

"Cut it off, Peeves!" shouted Professor McGonagall.

Peeves stuck out his tongue at Harry and quickly ran backwards.

Justin was carried to the hospital by Professor Flitwick and Professor Sinister, who taught astronomy.But no one seems to know what to do with Nick who is almost headless.Finally, Professor McGonagall conjured a large fan out of thin air and handed it to Ernie, asking him to fan Nick, who was almost headless, up the stairs.I saw Nick being fanned by Ernie and floating forward, like a silent black hovercraft.

After ordering the students who were still in class to return to their respective classrooms, Professor McGonagall said to Harry: "Follow me, Potter."

Harry quickly explained; "Professor, I swear I didn't..."

"That's out of my hands, Potter."

After Professor McGonagall finished speaking, she took Harry and left with her.The few remaining students who had no classes also dispersed.

[Is Harry Potter really the heir to the Chamber of Secrets? 】

Watching Harry Potter follow Professor McGonagall away, Aaron thought to himself.

Originally, what happened in the library before had basically eliminated Aaron's suspicion of Harry, but the attack that just happened in front of him undoubtedly increased Harry's suspicion.Judging from the scene just now, it is obvious that Harry Potter attacked Justin and the nearly headless Nick, but was accidentally hit by Peeves, thus being exposed.

[When Lady Norris was murdered, Harry Potter was the first to arrive at the scene.Colin was killed on his way to visit Harry.Now that Justin was killed, Harry was at the scene again, and he had just looked for Justin.The three attacks all occurred not far from Harry.Once or twice can be said to be a coincidence.But if it happens three times in a row, it's not just a coincidence.What is happening in the school now must have something to do with Harry Potter.I just don’t know, is Harry Potter the murderer, or...]

"Hagrid, what are you doing here?"

Suddenly, a voice from the front interrupted Aaron's contemplation.

Aaron raised his head and saw Professor McGonagall and Gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid talking in the corridor ahead.

"I'm here to find Dumbledore." Hagrid raised a limp dead rooster in his hand. "This is the second chicken that has died this semester. Either a fox or a weasel. I need the principal's permission for me to Put a spell around the chicken coop.”

"Then you may need to wait a while," said Professor McGonagall. "Dumbledore is talking to Potter now."

"What happened?" Hagrid asked.

"Another attack occurred." Professor McGonagall said with a gloomy face. "Justin Finch-Fletchley and Nearly Headless Nick were also petrified. And Mr. Potter was at the scene of the incident. Now the students all think that Potter was the one who opened the Chamber of Secrets."

"But it can't be Harry." Hagrid said eagerly, "I know him. He wouldn't do such a thing. I was talking to him just now, and he never had time... No, I I need to go to Dumbledore and explain!"

After saying that, Hagrid hurried upstairs.

"Isn't it Potter?" Aaron whispered softly and turned back to the library to continue reading.

Justin and the nearly headless Nick are both attacked, turning the tense atmosphere into a real panic.Oddly enough, compared to the situation of Colin and Justin, it was the experience of nearly headless Nick that made people more panicked.People couldn't help but ask each other: What kind of terrible force can harm a dead person?

Students are rushing to book tickets for the Hogwarts Express, looking forward to going home for Christmas.And the vast majority of students already regard Harry Potter as the heir to the Chamber of Secrets.Whenever he walked through the corridor, people would hide and point at him and whisper, as if they were afraid of being stared at.

The Weasley twins, however, seemed to find it all quite amusing.They always specially run in front of Harry in the corridor, walking with their heads held high, shouting: "Make way for the heir of Slytherin, the most evil wizard is coming..."

Percy was very dissatisfied with this behavior. Once when the twin brother did it again, he said coldly: "This is not something to be laughed at."

But the twin brothers didn't buy their brother's account. Fred said: "Hey, get out of the way, Percy. Harry is pressed for time."

"Yes, he is going to the secret room to drink tea with his fanged servant." George also laughed.

And their little sister Ginny didn't think it was funny at all.Whenever Fred asked Harry loudly who he planned to attack next, or when George pretended to block Harry's attack with a garlic, Ginny always cried out sadly: "Oh, don't do that!"

However, Harry himself seemed not to care about what Fred and George did.Maybe he thinks this is better than treating him as a monster that can grow fangs and spit out poison at any time.

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