Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 18 Duel Club Part [-]

When Aaron got up the next day, he found that Colin had not returned last night.Aaron expected to see him at breakfast.But until the end of breakfast, Colin was nowhere to be seen.

Aaron then realized something was wrong.Whether Colin was caught by Filch or spent a night hiding in the hospital, he should be back by now.Even if Colin liked staying with Harry, he wouldn't want to skip breakfast.

In order to confirm Colin's condition, Aaron planned to go to the school hospital to have a look.As soon as he arrived at the door of the hospital, he saw Harry Potter coming out of it.

"Hello, Harry." Aaron greeted Harry immediately, "Have you seen Colin? He said he was going to see you last night, but he hasn't come back yet."

"Hello, Aaron." Harry said with an ugly expression, "Colin was attacked. Like Mrs. Norris, he was petrified. Professor McGonagall found him on the stairs."

"Colin was also petrified? Like Filch's cat?" Aaron said in surprise.

"Yes." Harry said, "Okay, I have to go. If you want to see Colin, he is lying on the bed in the hospital now."

After saying that, Harry hurried away.

[I didn’t expect things to be like this. ] After Harry left, Aaron thought to himself, [Is the legend of the Chamber of Secrets true?If so, then I should make some preparations. 】

It can be said that Colin was attacked and petrified, which was completely beyond Aaron's expectation.He originally thought that what happened to Mrs. Norris was just a student who wanted to take revenge on Filch, but now it seems that is not the case.A petrified cat is a bad prank.But if a student is petrified, it is a serious attack.

Aaron was not only sad about what happened to Colin, but he was also worried about his own situation.According to legend, Salazar Slytherin left the Chamber of Secrets in order to rid the school of those he deemed unworthy of learning magic.And Aaron felt that according to Slytherin standards, he was undoubtedly one of the objects that needed to be cleaned up.So he felt he needed to prepare for a possible attack.

Aaron originally wanted to visit Colin in the hospital, but Madam Pomfrey refused his request.According to her words, "Talking to a petrified person is a complete waste of effort."

After leaving the hospital, Aaron went to search the scene where Colin and Mrs. Norris were killed.

To respond to an attack, you must first know what is causing the attack.The attacker is likely to leave some clues at the crime scene, which may be useful in identifying the attacker.

Aaron found nothing at the scene of Colin's murder.But at the scene of Mrs. Norris's murder, Aaron discovered that some spiders were hurriedly climbing up a window next to the wall where the writing was written along a silver thread, and crawled through a small crack in the top piece of glass. Got out.

This is a very abnormal phenomenon.Spiders are very ferocious insects and have the habit of killing each other, so you usually see only one spider alone.It is theoretically impossible for a group of spiders to get together like this.

[Maybe the things in the secret room are related to spiders. 】

Aaron made this judgment.

On Monday morning, news spread throughout the school that Colin Creevey had been attacked and was now lying dead in his hospital room.Suddenly, rumors were flying in the school and everyone was suspicious.The first-year students now always move together in small groups, as if they are afraid that if they act alone, they will be attacked.During this time, without the knowledge of the teacher, everyone exchanged various amulets, amulets, and other things that were said to protect them.

Aaron did not join the ranks of exchanging amulets, but responded to possible crises in his own way.

He spent almost all day in the library, reading various books related to petrification magic.Combined with the results of the previous search, Aaron guessed that the things in the secret room should be related to spiders, so his investigation direction was also biased towards this aspect.

Time passed in the second week of December, and Professor McGonagall began to register the list of students who would stay at school for Christmas.Because of the two attacks, the vast majority of people feel unsafe at school, so only a handful are prepared to stay at school over the Christmas period.Although Aaron was worried about his safety, he didn't want to go back to the orphanage, so he signed the list.While signing, he saw that the names of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger were already on the list.

Soon another week passed.

One day, as Aaron walked through the foyer, he saw a small group of people gathered around the bulletin board, reading a piece of parchment that had just been nailed up.

Aaron walked over and saw that it was a notice for the opening of the Duel Duel Club, which said that the first party would be held tonight.Aaron heard a Gryffindor student next to him say: "I'm not opposed to learning some dueling lessons. It will come in handy one day..."

Aaron was very interested in this notice. Thinking of the current atmosphere in the school, he thought it would be good to learn something related to dueling, so he planned to go and have a look at it at night.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Aaron rushed to the auditorium on the first floor.The original five long dining tables in the auditorium were gone. Instead, a glittering golden stage was placed against the wall where the faculty and staff tables were originally placed.Under the velvet-black ceiling, hundreds of candles floated in mid-air, illuminating the stage dazzlingly.

Almost all the students in the school came, holding their wands with excitement on their faces, huddled together, and chattering non-stop.

"I wonder who will teach us." Aaron heard Hermione say not far away. "Someone told me that Professor Flitwick was a dueling champion when he was young. Maybe he will teach us."

As soon as Hermione finished speaking, Aaron saw Gilderoy Lockhart walking onto the stage resplendent in a purple robe.Beside him was Professor Snape, who was wearing black robes.

Lockhart waved everyone for silence, then shouted: "Come around! Come around! Can everyone see me? Can everyone hear me? ... Great! That's right, Dumbledore The professor allowed me to open this small dueling club to fully train everyone. In case you are in danger one day, you can protect yourself in the way I have said countless times. For details on this, please see my publication s work."

"Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape." Lockhart said, grinning widely. "He told me that he himself knew a thing or two about dueling. He was also generous. He promised to help me with a small demonstration before class. Don't worry, after I finish demonstrating with him, I will return your Potions Professor to you intact. I don't want you little guys to be sad. "

Aaron noticed the corners of Snape's mouth curling up.Snape was obviously unhappy with Lockhart's words.

"In a formal duel, both wizards must bow to each other as a courtesy before the duel begins."

Lockhart and Snape turned to each other and bowed.As he bowed, Lockhart moved his hands in many circles at his sides.Snape just nodded impatiently.

Then they each raised their wands to their chests.

"As you can see, we hold our wands in the normal dueling posture," Lockhart said to the silent crowd. "On the count of three, we will cast the first spell. Of course, neither of us will take the other's hand. life."

"One...two...three!" The two of them raised their wands above their shoulders at the same time.

"Expelliarmus!" Snape shouted.

A dazzling red light emitted from Snape's wand and struck Lockhart. Lockhart was immediately hit and became unstable.He flew backwards off the stage, crashed into the wall, then slid off and curled up on the floor.

Several Slytherin students began to applaud their Head of House.Some female students covered their mouths with their hands and stood on tiptoe to look at Lockhart worriedly.

Lockhart stumbled to his feet.His hat was off and his wavy hair stood on end.I don't know where the wand fell.

He staggered back onto the stage and said: "Okay, did you all see that? It's a disarming charm. As you can see, I lost my wand. Ah, thank you, Miss Brown (A female Gryffindor student returned Lockhart's wand to him.) Yes, Professor Snape, it was a great idea to show them this move. But, I say so, don't Mind you, your intention to do this was very obvious just now. If I wanted to stop you, it would be effortless. But I think in order to increase their knowledge, I might as well let them see..."

At this time, Lockhart probably noticed the murderous look on Snape's face, and quickly changed the subject: "This is the end of the demonstration! Now I need to divide you into groups of two to practice the disarming spell just now. Professor Snape, If you are willing to help me..."

They divided everyone into groups while walking through the crowd.In the same group as Aaron was a Slytherin student named Philip Kent.

After everyone was sorted into their groups, Lockhart returned to the stage and shouted, "Face your partners! Take a bow!"

Aaron bowed slightly to Phillip opposite him, and Phillip also bowed slightly to Aaron.

"Raise your wand! Get ready!" Lockhart shouted: "When I count to three, I will cast a spell to disarm the opponent. The spell is 'Expelliarmus'. Note, it is just to disarm. We don't want that to happen. Accident. Okay, one...two...three!"

Aaron immediately waved his wand and shouted, "Expelliarmus!"

A dazzling red light shot out from Aaron's wand and hit Phillip.Philip immediately flew out like Lockhart had done before, and his wand flew out at the same time.

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