Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 119 Tea and Bomb-tailed Snails

Following the crowd to the foyer, it was packed with people waiting to eat.As soon as they stood at the end of the line, a harsh voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Weasley! Hello, Weasley!"

Aaron, Colin and Green turned and looked.Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle were seen standing in front of Harry, Ron and Hermione, as if they were extremely happy about something.

"What?" Ron asked angrily.

"Your dad is in the paper, Weasley!" Malfoy said, waving a copy of the Daily Prophet in his hand and speaking loudly so that everyone in the hall could hear, "Listen to this. Go!' There is new trouble in the Ministry of Magic - it seems that the Ministry of Magic's troubles are not over yet, our special reporter Rita Skeeter wrote. Recently, the Ministry of Magic failed to compete in the Quidditch World Cup. The Ministry of Magic has been criticized for its effectiveness in maintaining order and its continued failure to explain the disappearance of one of its wizarding officials. Yesterday, the Ministry of Magic was thrown into trouble again due to the bizarre behavior of Arnold Weasley of the Department for the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts. A new embarrassing situation.'"

Malfoy looked up and gloated loudly, "Just think, Weasley, they didn't even get your father's name right. He's just a nobody, isn't he?"

By this time, everyone in the foyer was listening to him.

Malfoy held up the newspaper like he was acting and continued reading: "Arnold Weasley was accused of owning a flying car two years ago and was involved in a dispute with several Muggle law enforcement officers (police) yesterday. , caused by a large number of extremely offensive bins. Mr. Weasley appears to have come to the aid of Mad-Eye Moody, a former Auror. When Mad-Eye Moody could no longer distinguish between a regular handshake and He retired from the Ministry of Magic when he realized the difference between deliberate murder. Sure enough, when Mr. Weasley arrived at Mr. Moody's heavily guarded residence, he found that Mr. Moody had made another false alarm and mistakenly sent a false alarm. . Mr. Weasley had to modify the memories of several police officers to escape from them. But when a reporter from the Daily Prophet asked him why he wanted to involve the Ministry of Magic in this senseless and possibly very dangerous incident, Mr. Weasley refused to answer the question."

"There is another photo, Weasley!" Malfoy turned the newspaper over and held it up high. "A photo of your parents standing at the door of your house, and you actually call it a house! If your mother You can lose some weight and look pretty good, right?"

Ron was shaking with anger.Everyone in the hall looked at him.

"Go away, Malfoy," said Harry. "Don't be angry, Ron."

"Oh, by the way, Potter, you lived with them this summer, right?" Malfoy said sarcastically, "Then please tell me, is his mother really that fat, or is the photo a little distorted? ?”

"And where is your mother, Malfoy?" Harry said as he and Hermione grabbed the back of Ron's robes to prevent him from jumping towards Malfoy. "Look at the look on her face, she looks like It looks like there's big shit under her nose! Does she always have that expression, or is it just because she's with you?"

Malfoy's pale face turned slightly red.

"How dare you insult my mother, Potter."

"Then shut your fat mouth," Harry said, turning away.

Just then, Aaron saw Malfoy take out his wand and point it at Harry's back.

"Harry, look out!" Aaron shouted, reaching into his robes for his wand.

But before he could touch the wand, he heard another loud noise.


A white light shot from Malfoy's wand and flew past Harry's cheek.

Aaron took out his wand and was about to take action when he heard another loud noise.


Then a roar echoed through the foyer: "Oh, don't do that, boy!"

Aaron looked up and saw Professor Moody limping down the marble stairs.He held the wand in his hand and pointed it at a snow-white stoat. The stoat was shivering on the stone paved ground, where Malfoy had been standing just now.

There was an eerie silence in the foyer.No one but Moody dared move.Moody turned to look at Harry, at least his normal eye was looking at Harry, and the other eye was boring into his head.

"Did he hurt you?" Moody asked angrily, his voice low and hoarse.

"No," said Harry. "It didn't hit."

"Don't touch it!" Moody yelled.

"Don't touch...what?" Harry asked inexplicably.

"It's not you... it's him!" shouted Moody, raising his thumb and pointing over his shoulder at Crabbe. Crabbe was about to pick up the ferret, but was too frightened to stay where he was and didn't dare to move.Moody's rolling eye seemed to have magic power, allowing him to see what was behind his head.

Moody started limping toward Crabbe, Goyle, and the stoat. The stoat gave a frightened cry, ducked away, and ran toward the basement.

"Don't try to get away with it!" Moody yelled, pointing his wand at the ferret again.

The stoat suddenly rose ten feet into the air, fell to the ground with a thud, and then rose again.

"I hate people who attack others behind their backs the most," Moody said gruffly. "This is the most filthy, despicable and cowardly behavior..."

At this time, the ferret jumped higher and higher, leaping into the air, its four legs and tail swinging desperately, screaming in pain.

"Don't...do...this...again." Every time Moody said a word, the ferret fell to the stone floor and jumped up again.

"Professor Moody!" said a startled voice.

Professor McGonagall was coming down the marble staircase with a stack of books in his arms.

"Hello, Professor McGonagall," Moody said calmly, making the stoat jump higher.

"You...what are you doing?" Professor McGonagall asked, her eyes following the stoat jumping in the air.

"Teach a lesson," Moody said.

"Lesson...what, Moody, is this a student?" Professor McGonagall exclaimed, and the books in her arms fell to the ground.

"That's right," Moody said.

"Oh my God!" Professor McGonagall yelled, hurried down the stairs and pulled out her wand.

A moment later, with a loud crackling sound, Draco Malfoy was restored to life.He curled up into a ball and lay on the stone floor, with his slippery blond hair spread over his face, which was now dazzlingly red.After a while, he stood up, trembling.

"Moody, we never use transformation as punishment!" Professor McGonagall said weakly, "Professor Dumbledore must have told you, right?"

"He probably mentioned it," Moody said, scratching his chin nonchalantly, "but I think it needs a good scare..."

"We can put him in detention, Moody! Or report it to the dean of the college where the person is located."

"I will do that," Moody said, glaring at Malfoy with disgust.

Malfoy, whose light eyes were still watering with pain and shame, looked up at Moody viciously and muttered something, a few of the words clearly audible, "My father."

"Oh, really?" Moody limped a few steps forward, and the sound of his wooden leg hitting the ground echoed in the hall, "Yes, I knew your father before, kid... ...You tell him that Moody is paying close attention to his son... Just tell him for me... Well, the head of your house is Snape, right?"

"Yes." Malfoy said resentfully.

Moody growled: "An old friend too. I've been looking forward to a good chat with my old friend Snape. Come on, boy." As he said that, he grabbed Malfoy's arm and dragged him towards the basement. Go.

Professor McGonagall looked at their backs uneasily. After a while, she pointed at the books that fell on the ground with her wand, causing them to rise into the air and return to her arms.

Afterwards, people walked into the auditorium. Everyone sat at the dining table and talked excitedly about what had just happened.

"Moody! He's so cool, isn't he?" Fred said, sitting down next to Aaron.

"It's more than cool!" George said, sitting down opposite Fred.

"It's so cool!" The twins' friend Lee Jordan sat in the seat next to George. "We took his class this afternoon."

"How was it?" Aaron asked.

Fred, George and Lee exchanged meaningful glances.

"I've never had a class like this before," Fred said.

"He really understands it, man," Lee said.

"What do you know?" Colin leaned forward and asked.

"You know what it's like to work outside." George said solemnly.

"What work?" Aaron asked.

"Fight the Dark Arts," Fred said.

"He's seen it all," George said.

"It's amazing," Lee said.

Colin rummaged through his schoolbag for the class schedule, and then said in a disappointed tone: "We won't have his class until Thursday!"

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