Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 118 Divination

While everyone was filling their tea cups with water, Aaron found Professor Trelawney.

"Professor Trelawney..."

As soon as Aaron was halfway speaking, Professor Trelawney interrupted him and said, "What you want is in the locker in the corner. Go get it yourself."

Aaron was stunned for a moment, then followed Professor Trelawney's instructions and walked to a storage cabinet in the corner. He groped inside for a while and took out a tattered copy of "Parting Through the Fog to See the Future".

Because Aaron had many courses to choose from and the financial aid was limited, it was not enough for him to buy all the textbooks. Therefore, Aaron did not buy all the textbooks he needed this semester, and many of the textbooks he needed were not purchased.The divination class book "Pull Through the Fog and See the Future" is one of them.

Fortunately, before the start of school, Aaron had already reached an agreement with Professor McGonagall, and the school could provide him with some old textbooks.He just asked Professor Trelawney to ask her for an old textbook, but Professor Trelawney seemed to know what he wanted before he said it, and asked him to get it from the storage cabinet.

After getting the textbooks, Aaron and Colin went to get tea together.After the cups were filled, they returned to their tables and managed to drink the scalding tea quickly.They swung the tea leaves around as Professor Trelawney had taught them, then dried the teacups and exchanged teacups.

"Okay," said Colin, "what do you see in my teacup?"

Aaron tried his best to look into the tea cup: "There is a ball here, like a bowler hat. Maybe you will work for the Ministry of Magic..." He turned the tea cup to the other side, "But it looks more like this. Like an acorn... what is that?" Aaron opened the fifth and sixth pages of "Looking Through the Fog to See the Future" and compared the contents in the book, "Windfall, unexpected gold. Great, you can lend me some. There's something else here." He twirled the cup again, "It looks like an animal. Yeah, if that's a head... it looks like a hippopotamus. ...No, like a sheep..."

"Let me see, dear." Professor Trelawney quickly came over and snatched the teacup from Aaron's hand.

Everyone fell silent and looked at Professor Trelawney.

Professor Trelawney stared at the teacup and turned it counterclockwise.

"Falcon...my dear, you have a mortal enemy."

Professor Trelawney continued to turn the teacup.

"A big stick... an attack. Honey, honey, this is not a lucky teacup..."

Colin became uneasy

"Skull...the future is in danger, dear..."

Everyone stared at Professor Trelawney, who turned her teacup one last time, gasped, and screamed.Professor Trelawney sank into an empty armchair, her shining hand on her heart, her eyes closed.

"My dear child...my poor, dear child...no...it would be better not to say it...no...don't ask me..."

"What's the matter, Professor?" Ginny Weasley said immediately.

Everyone stood up and slowly gathered around Aaron and Colin's table, closer to Professor Trelawney's armchair to get a better look at Colin's teacup.

"My dear, you are in trouble." Professor Trelawney's big eyes opened dramatically.

"What do I have?" said Colin.

He wasn't the only one who didn't understand the word, Aaron shrugged at him, and a few others had confused looks on their faces, but most of them covered their mouths with their hands because they were horrified.

"Ominous, my dear, ominous!" cried Professor Trelawney, shocked that Colin didn't understand. "That big ghostly dog ​​that roams the cemetery! My dear child, this is a bad omen... the worst omen - a harbinger of death!"

Everyone looked at Colin in horror, as if he was going to die the next moment.Colin opened his mouth in shock, his face full of bewilderment.

"I think that's the end of today's class," Professor Trelawney said in her vaguest voice, "Please pack your things..."

The entire class silently returned the tea cups to Professor Trelawney, closed their books, and packed their bags.No one dared to look at Colin.

"Good luck to you all until we meet again," Professor Trelawney said weakly.

Aaron and Colin walked down Professor Trelawney's stairs and spiral staircase in silence.Colin's face was full of frustration. After all, no matter who it is, it will not be easy to hear someone say that you are going to die soon.

However, because he knew some of Professor Trelawney's deeds in advance, Aaron was not worried that he would lose Colin as a friend.So, he comforted Colin: "Don't worry, Colin. As far as I know, Professor Trelawney predicts the death of a student every year, and so far, no one has died."

"How do you know?" Colin asked doubtfully, "You don't know the people who were prophesied, how do you know they are not dead?"

"Of course I know," Aaron said. "She predicted Harry's death last year. But you see, he is still alive and well now."

"You mean Harry was also prophesied by Professor Trelawney?" Colin said in surprise.

"Yes." Aaron said, "If you don't believe it, you can ask Harry. I think he will be willing to tell you about it."

Hearing that Harry had received the same prophecy, Colin felt much better and was even a little happy.Colin couldn't help but be a little excited to receive the same treatment as his idol.

In terms of time, Aaron's next class should be the Transfiguration class.But Aaron's class schedule is different from that of ordinary students. He also has an arithmetic and divination class to take.So, after leaving the north tower, Aaron separated from Colin on the pretext of going to the bathroom.

Aaron found an empty bathroom, took out the time turner hanging around his neck and turned it once, and then Aaron felt the feeling of traveling through time again.Coming out of the bathroom, Aaron came to the arithmetic and divination classroom.

The so-called arithmetic divination refers to a kind of divination that uses numbers to explain a person's character and destiny, or to predict the future.The teacher teaching this course is Professor Victor.

Aaron listened to Professor Victor's lecture and found that arithmetic divination and divination were completely different.Divination is a prediction of the future by interpreting vague images such as crystal balls, tea leaves, or palmistry, or by deducing the inner meaning of things from random graphics or random words.Arithmetic divination establishes a series of rules and then uses rigorous mathematical operations to predict the future.

In comparison, divination mainly relies on the subjective guesses of the diviner, while arithmetic divination relies on the objective interpretation of numbers, which is more like doing math problems.

After taking the arithmetic and divination class, Aaron went to the Transfiguration class.

Professor McGonagall taught them about Animagi today. Aaron was studying in this area and listened carefully immediately.Professor McGonagall transformed into a tabby cat in front of everyone, much to everyone's amazement.

After lunch, Aaron left the castle for his first Care of Magical Creatures lesson.

Since last year, Rubeus Hagrid has been the Professor of Care of Magical Creatures at Hogwarts.Regarding Hagrid's teaching level, everyone has mixed reviews.However, most of the Gryffindor students still liked Hagrid's class.

When Aaron and other students in class arrived at Hagrid's cabin next to the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid was already standing outside the door of the cabin, holding the collar of his huge hunting dog Fangya in his hand.There were several open wooden boxes on the ground at his feet. Yaya whined and struggled with his collar, apparently wanting to carefully investigate the contents of the boxes.As Aaron approached, a strange clicking sound reached his ears, and there were occasional faint explosions.

Hagrid smiled and said, "Good afternoon! Everyone, come over here and take a look at this." He pointed to the box at his feet.

Following Hagrid's instructions, everyone gathered around the box and looked inside.

What I saw in the box was a group of creatures that looked like deformed and shelled giant lobsters. They were white, gray, slimy, and looked very scary. Many legs were sticking out in a haphazard manner, and no head was visible.There were about a hundred of them in each box, each about six inches long, crawling on top of each other and banging against the walls of the box in a daze.They also emit a very strong smell of rotten fish and shrimp.Every now and then, a few sparks would shoot out from the tail of a squid, and with a soft pop, the snail would advance a few inches.

Someone in the crowd suddenly muttered: "Oh! How disgusting!"

"These are blast-ended snails that have just been hatched." Hagrid said proudly, "You can raise them yourself! We can start a big project!"

"Why do we raise them?" a Slytherin student asked at this time.

Hagrid seemed stumped by the question.

"I mean, what can they do?" asked the Slytherin student. "What are they used for?"

Hagrid opened his mouth and seemed to be thinking hard.After a pause for a few seconds, he said gruffly: "That's for the next lesson. You just feed them today. Okay, you're going to try feeding them a few different things... I used to I have never raised them, and I am not sure what they like to eat... I prepared ant eggs, frog livers, and green snakes... I tried a little of each to see if they would eat it."

Aaron hesitated for a long time before grabbing a handful of greasy frog livers and putting them in the box to lure the snails.Aaron couldn't help but wonder what the significance of this was, since the squid didn't seem to have a mouth at all.

"Ouch!" About 10 minutes later, Green Abbott screamed, "It hurts me!"

Hagrid quickly walked over to him, looking a little panicked.

"His tail exploded!" Green said angrily, showing Hagrid a burnt patch on his hand.

"Ah, yes, that's what might happen when their tails explode," Hagrid said, nodding.

"Disgusting!" a Slytherin girl complained, "It's so disgusting. What are the sharp things on it?"

"Ah, some of them have thorns on their bodies." Hagrid said excitedly, "I guess the ones with thorns are males...the females have sucker-like things on their bellies...I think they probably suck blood."

After about an hour, the class ended.Aaron and others were walking on the way back to the castle.

"Fortunately, at least these snails are still small." Colin said thankfully.

"They're small now," Aaron guessed based on his knowledge of Hagrid, "but once Hagrid figures out what they eat, I guess they'll be six feet long in no time."

"To be honest," Green said on the sidelines, "I think the wisest thing to do is to nip the Explosive-Ended Skrewts in the cradle before they attack us."

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