Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 120 Moody

The next two days were uneventful, without incident.The time soon came to Thursday, and Aaron's first Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson of the semester would be today.

Ever since Moody turned Malfoy into a ferret, Gryffindor students had been curious about his lessons.However, Gryffindor's third-year Defense Against the Dark Arts class only takes place in the afternoon, and they have two consecutive Potions classes in the morning.Today Professor Snape taught them a new potion: the shrinking potion.

This is a potion invented by Zygmunt Bache, a famous pharmacist in the 16th century.It can cause the drinker to shrink or regress to a more youthful form.Of course, like ordinary potions, this shrinkage and regression are time-sensitive. Once the effect of the potion wears off, the drinker will return to its original state.This is of course, otherwise this potion would become an elixir of life.

Just imagine, if the shrinkage potion has no timeliness, people can become young again by drinking this potion when they are old, so that people who know how to prepare this potion will never die of old age.This is of course impossible.The only thing known to create the elixir of life is the Philosopher's Stone.But unfortunately, the last Philosopher's Stone in the world was destroyed two months before Aaron entered Hogwarts.

If the shrinking potion is made correctly, it will appear a bright and dazzling green, but if it fails to be made, the potion will turn orange and be obviously toxic.

Aaron's grades in potions class have always been very good, so at the end of get out of class, he successfully made a green shrinking potion.

After lunch, the Gryffindor students began to line up outside Moody's classroom early before the bell rang.

They hurriedly sat down in the four seats directly in front of the podium, took out their respective copies of "Dark Power: Self-Defense Guide" and waited. The atmosphere was extremely solemn.Soon, they heard Moody's distinctive thumping footsteps coming down the corridor.He walked into the classroom looking weird and scary as usual.They could just see his claw-like wooden foot peeking out from under his robe.

"Put these things away. You don't need these textbooks." He said in a rough voice, and walked to the podium with difficulty with crutches and sat down.

The students put their books into their schoolbags.

Moody took out the roster, shook his head, shook his long gray hair away from his twisted, scarred face, and began to call the names.His normal eye moved down the list, while his magical eye kept turning around, staring at each student who answered.

"Okay." When the last student finished answering, he said, "I received a letter from Professor Lupine, introducing the situation of this course. It seems that you have mastered how to deal with dark magical animals. You learned a lot of basic knowledge. You learned how to deal with boggarts, red hats, hinkpunks, grindylows, Cabba and werewolves, right?"

The students murmured their approval.

"But in terms of how to deal with spells, you haven't learned enough...very little." Moody said, "Therefore, I am going to let you experience the art of spell casting among wizards. I have one year to teach you how to deal with black magic." Magic...yeah, I'll only teach for a year. Do Dumbledore a favor...just teach for a year and then go back to my peaceful retirement."

Moody laughed hoarsely, then clapped his rough hands.

"Okay, let's get down to business. Spells, they have many forms, and their magic power is different. Now, according to the regulations of the Ministry of Magic, I should teach you various breaking spells, that's all. Logically speaking, you are not in the sixth grade. , I shouldn't tell you what illegal dark magic spells look like, because you are still young and cannot deal with this set of things. But Professor Dumbledore greatly praised your courage, and he thought you could deal with it. And In my opinion, the sooner you understand what you are dealing with, the better. If you have never seen something, how can you protect yourself from it? If a wizard wants to recite an illegal spell to you, will he? He will tell you his plans. He will not recite spells to you frankly, fairly, and politely. You must be prepared and alert. So...does any of you know which spells will be punished the most severely by wizard law? Woolen cloth?"

Several hands were raised tremblingly, including Aaron.But instead of calling Aaron, Moody named Ginny to answer.

"My father once told me a curse called the Imperius Curse," Ginny said.

"Yes." Moody said appreciatively, "You are Arthur Weasley's daughter. Your father must know that spell. I think back then, the Imperius Curse caused a lot of trouble for the Ministry of Magic."

Moody stood up with difficulty on his prosthetic legs, opened the drawer of the podium and took out a glass bottle.Three big black spiders were crawling inside.

Moody reached into the bottle, grabbed a spider, and held it in his outstretched palm for all to see.

Then he pointed his wand at it and murmured: "Out of Body!"

The spider jumped away from Moody's hand, hung on a thin thread, and began to swing back and forth as if it were sitting on a high swing.It straightened its legs stiffly, then turned around and turned somersaults. The filament was broken, and it fell on the table and began to turn somersaults in a circle.Moody flicked his wand, and it stood up on its hind legs and danced a kind of tap dance.

Everyone laughed, but Moody didn't laugh. He asked in a rough voice: "You think it's funny, don't you? If I do this to you, will you still like it?"

The laughter disappeared almost immediately.

At this time, the spider balled up and began to roll around.

Moody said softly: "It's completely under my control. I can make it jump out of the window, or drown itself, or jump into the throat of any of your classmates... Many years ago, many wizards were under the Imperius Curse. Under control. The Ministry of Magic was really busy at that time. They had to distinguish who was forced to act and who acted according to their own wishes... The Imperius Curse can be resisted, and I will teach you how to do it. But this requires a lot of mental strength, which not everyone can master. You'd better try to avoid being hit by it. Stay vigilant at all times!" He suddenly yelled, startling everyone.

Moody grabbed the somersaulting spider and threw it back into the glass bottle.

"Does anyone else know any spells? Illegal spells?"

Aaron raised his hands again.

"Go ahead," Moody said, staring at Aaron.

"And the Cruciatus Curse," Aaron said clearly.

"Are you Elf?" Moody lowered his magic eye to look at the roster.

Aaron nodded, and Moody didn't ask anything else. He turned his back to the class, took out the second spider from the glass bottle, and placed it on the podium.The spider was motionless, looking frightened.

"The Cruciatus Curse. You need to zoom in a little more so you can see clearly." Moody said, pointing at the spider with his wand, "Get bigger quickly!"

The spider suddenly swelled and soon became larger than a wolf spider.

Moody raised his wand again, pointed at the spider, and said softly: "Crush the bones!"

Immediately, the spider's legs all retracted and pressed close to the body.It flipped over, while its body twitched violently, shaking from side to side.It made no sound, but Aaron believed that if it had vocal organs, it would be screaming at the top of its lungs at this moment.Then the spider began to tremble all over.After a while, Moody removed his wand. The spider's legs immediately relaxed, but it was still twitching.

"Shrink quickly," Moody muttered.

The spider shrank back to its original size, and Moody put it back in the bottle.

Moody said softly: "Excruciating pain... If you knew how to recite the Cruciatus Curse, you wouldn't need thumb clamps or knives to torture people... This spell was also very popular at one time. Okay... Does anyone else know what the spell is?" "

Aaron raised his hand a third time.

"Go ahead," Moody said, looking at him.

"And Avada Kedavra," Aaron said.

Suddenly, several classmates turned to look at him uneasily.

"Ah -" Moody's crooked mouth twitched, revealing a smile, "Yes, this is the last and most powerful spell. Avada Kedavra... the death curse."

He put his hand into the glass bottle. As if knowing the impending doom, the third spider crawled around the bottom of the bottle desperately, trying to avoid Moody's fingers, but he still caught it and placed it on the podium. .The spider began crawling desperately on the wooden table.

Moody raised his wand and shouted, "Avada Kedavra!"

A dazzling green light flashed, piercing people's eyes so hard that they couldn't open their eyes. At the same time, there was a chaotic sound, as if an invisible giant was flying through the air.At the same time, the spider turned over and lay on its back on the table. There was no scratch on its body, but there was no doubt that it was dead.

Moody swept the dead spider off the table onto the floor and said calmly, "It's not pretty. It's unpleasant."And there is no breaking spell.There is no way to defend against it.As far as anyone knows, only one person has escaped this spell, and he is currently in this school. "

Aaron knew who he was talking about, the only known person to have escaped the death curse, the savior - Harry Potter.

"Avada Kedavra requires very powerful magical power as its foundation." Moody continued, "You can take out your wands, point them all at me, and recite this spell, and I probably won't even have a nosebleed. But. That's okay. I'm not here to teach you how to use it. So, since there's no unspelling, why am I showing you this? Because you have to understand. You have to be fully aware of what's worst. You don't want to Find yourself in the situation you are facing now. Stay alert at all times!" He yelled again, startling the whole class again, "Okay... these three spells-Avada Kedavra , the Imperius Curse, and the Cruciatus Curse are all known as the Unforgivable Curse. Using any one of these spells on a human being is enough to be imprisoned in Azkaban for a lifetime. This is what you have to resist. This is what I want Teach you what to resist. You need to be prepared. You need to be on guard. But most importantly, you need to be vigilant and never let down. Get out your quill... and write this down..."

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