Chapter 8: chapter eight

putting on my composed face, I turned to the person, my heart raced against my chest as our eyes met. the challenge now was to hold the stare, not falter like the leaves during autumn

"hey, Tony Izaegbegbe, am I right?" I asked in my most composed voice, surprisingly I sounded funny to myself

"funny how people go to parties without knowing the celebrant, but it's alright, it's a free invitation" he added with a warm smile, his wine glass still in his hand

"I'm sorry, happy birthday " I wished him

"thank you" he said, attaching a wide smile to it. it had me melting already. wasn't it funny that just a smile can make you feel you are turning to mush.

"you're literally sixteen now, how does it feel?" he furrowed his brows his face contorted in confusion

"how?" he asked

"being sixteen makes one a new young adults. people talk about it a lot and sweet sixteen birthdays are normally most specially celebrated like it's a age you'll finally get freedom to do what you want "

he snorted "I didn't feel anything I just woke up to a day just like any ordinary day. and instead of been delighted about it, I'm just upsetting by the fact that I'm clocking older by the year. I hate old age".

"I understand, I love my parents and soon I'll be leaving them, that kinda freaks me out " I said, the thought itself sending shocks running through my body.

he laughed softly, my heart elated by it "but that should make growing up bearable, the fact that soon you'll be leaving them parents. they're so annoying like heck"

"well we don't relate too well in that area then. they can be so annoying but still I so much adore them"

we talked like that for almost an hour without a single boring moment. the moment was short-lifted because my curfew was calling at me

"waiting for someone?" he asked when he caught me frequently checking my phone.

"no not someone actually. I'm on a curfew, so few minutes from, my driver will be here to pick me up" I answered running my hand down my hair

"see what I was talking about? curfew?" he laughed, causing my face to burn

"c'mon it's not funny" I smiled despite the mocking reply. my phone buzzed in my hand I took it and on the screen displayed 'bro' with silly face emoji, its tongue sticking out unequal eyes sizes. I frowned, answering the call and placing it to my ear

"excuse me" I said to Tony

"where are you? I'm outside, don't keep me waiting" with that he hung up. my eyebrows rose in surprise, he didn't even let me say anything. sometimes his attitude got me upset.

Turning to Tony, I put back my phone into my purse. "my brother is here to take me. happy birthday Tony"

"I'll walk you out" he offered politely

"thank you" I smiled and made my way to the other hall with him beside me, his height making me feel smaller. I bade my friends bye before leaving. I spotted my brother leaning against the car, his face buried in his phone.

"I guess this is where we say goodbye. Thanks for coming anyways", he said his eyes piercing in the light.

"you're welcome. have a nice night... bye" I said turning to leave when I had already reached the third step, I heard him ask "wait I didn't get your name"

"I'm Taliana"

"good night, Taliana" I nodded in response, making my way to my brother who now was pocketing his phone. his eyes were over my head before landing on me.

"why pocket your phone when you're sitting in the car" I suggested my eyes strained on him as I got in.

he started the car and soon we were out on the street. "you went to that guy's party? an Izaegbegbe? Tch" he scoffed.

"and what's wrong with the guy?"

"was surprised not to find his nose in the air, those people and always over-do. they flaunt everything they have even to their parties like it's something people can't afford. but did he bore you with details about how many gold furnitures they have in their house or how they own the world's most expensive dog?"

I laughed at his childishness over his annoyance with the family. "I think they are not that bad seeing From how cool their son is. and no he didn't bore me with those stupid details"

" good for him. but it's like you are crushing on a guy yourself" he chuckled

"no I'm not "

"you are "

"I don't wanna talk about that anyways"

"hopeless crush" he mocked laugh. it settled with me that if indeed I was crushing on him, it was a hopeless one. never again we're we going to meet, I just didn't see it in the future.

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