Chapter 7: chapter seven

Earlier on, I received a text from chima saying that the dress code for the party was formal and that there was no need for an invitation. the party was open to everyone interested.

I had slipped into my navy blue gown which clung closely to my body, the waist well defined. touching my braids, I remember that I couldn't go to the party looking that immature. taking one of my very few wigs off the mannequin head, I placed it on mine. my wigs were not as costly as mum's ownbu I respected what was hers so I didn't take it.

I examined the image staring back at me at the mirror, not bothered too much that I was bare. females at the party sure where going to put on makeup but I was not ready to look like an adult that I wasn't. the only thing I did was to dab my face with light white power, lipstick and nothing else.

putting on my red bottoms, I picked up my clutch and left the house, glad my elder brother wasn't home to say stuffs or ask me were I was going to.


It was a really punctual party. I told the driver when to come back to pick me up which was ten minutes to 6:30. My luck was that late comers were still coming in. I made my way up the huge entrance stairs. the clothe around me felt like a sister's gown on me as I got into the room smoking with lots of people. My gown was lengthy exactly stopping below my knees even though it hugged me well to the curves. other girls wore clothes whose hems were close to the panties and I was here being the odd one out. how?!

As I walked farther into the crowd, some girls I recognized waved at me which I waved back as well. from the far Conner, I found three out of five of the girls all sitted excitedly in one place on a couch. all of them looking at one direction they were looking at.

the first to spot me first was Evelyn who tapped the girls to my direction. they all scream which was typical of them was they made way to me with open arms. we grouped hugged ourselves, they weren't looking bad themselves though chima wore a skirt as short as my shortest bum shots.

"how do I look?" she asked like wasn't enough. I said nothing but to smile and nod.

"not looking bad yourself. never doubted you had those curves by the way" she said, slapping the side of my hip. I got it from my mother's side of the family. my aunt was huge, same with grandma. as we moved back to the couch. I sat together with them to listen to what they were laughing about before but found nothing serious. just a guy with an awful sense of dressing trying to chat up girls who constantly get bored with him.

bored with the constant senseless giggles, I excused the girls and moved to the main hall where there were no seats except bar stools. down here, I felt more free but alone. the Dj wasn't disappointing with his strong jams vibration through the room. there were a lot of balloons and ribbons and poster wishing the celebrant a "happy sweet sixteen", hanging over our heads

"excuse me miss, care for a drink?" the waiter asked but I refused it "no thanks"

I wondered how I was going to spend the birthday without doing anything, well until someone surprised me from behind me.

"wish for a dance with me?" I turned to the voice of the stranger and was grateful he asked. I placed my hand on his and he led me to the dance floor.

I swayed my body to the floor of the jams, the stranger's eyes on me with mine on his as well. I smiled widely and he did same, his hand slowly finding it's way on my waist. I had nothing against him so I let him but I knew when to say no when I found something not normal. luckily for me, we danced till I was tired without him trying anything funny. I excused myself, making my way away from the dance crowed. I went to the bar and grabbed a glass of wine for myself. wine contains alcohol but I was tasty and a sip won't hurt.

As I took a sip, my tongue instinctively rolled the liquid I'm my mouth in soft euphoria. just standing and staring around with a glass of wine in my hand made me feel like a boss to my greatest amusement. well not for long as my eyes rooming through the crowd suddenly come to a halt in front of a pair of inquisitive eyes staring my way.

unsure I took a quick glance behind to make sure I wasn't flattering myself. sure now that it was actually me been stared at, my heart somersaulted in nervousness. I recognize him to be the celebrant, Tony Izaegbegbe. he was dressed smartly in his one piece suit. he looked handsome as expected but I had expected him to be on a thrones Infront with his nose in the air like I saw him once. but instead he stood alone close to the doorway with a glass of wine in his hand.

noticing him staring without shame, I took away my eyes in self consciousness, I cleared my throat, lightly scratching the side of my face that itches me because of nervousness.

feeling his eyes on me still, I took the glass to my lips with my arms shakily crossed. due to trembling, somehow the drink spilled a small quantity on my chest "shoot" I exclaimed, dabbing the stained area with my fingers.

My pupils took quick careful glance at his way to see if he had captured my unfortunate situation, but I noticed his surrounded by some people. Even with the crowd, I still spotted him. they all were smiling cheek to cheek but his was a little restrained. just when I thought I was free to stare at him to my satisfaction, his eyes flicked back to me, caught by surprise and in the act, I pretentiously at another direction.

I took that as my cue to leave, I was uncomfortable with the whole new situation. there was no way I was getting shy because just one guy stared me down. I was an O'Neil after all I shouldn't be afraid of anything. though my mind was physically strong,my body wasn't if I decided to walk in my heels down to the door with his eyes on me it would decide that it was time to disgrace me by breaking.

for ten minutes, I calculated how I was going to leave without turning to broken skeleton before I even reach the entrance. as I heard a voice beside me, I froze, praying that it was not who I feared it was.


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