Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 139: The Battle Breaks Out: Clash of Colossi!

Title: The Battle Breaks Out: Clash of Colosi!

〚Story by ?????????  ║  Edited by ?????_???〛



The sounds of a certain spine cracking and breaking in terrible ways, still echoed all across the brumal valley that divided the Land of Frost and the Land of Hot Water.

Yami's body lay there limp... lifeless... No response whatsoever... 

His pulverised head underground, while the rest of him leaned against the hard frosted rock... The hot blood had started to melt the thin ice sheet that covered the chilly ground...

But the 3rd Raikage was a cunning old fox... 

He had most positively learned from his mistakes during the 2nd Ninja War... He had been too 'lenient' towards the little boy... He would be absolutely ruthless this time and make sure that nothing of the now-grown Yami, remained... 

Almighty A immediately goes out of his way to completely annihilate the young shinobi's cadaver... 

<One Finger Hell Stab!>

**Phoom* *Phoom* *Phoom* *Phoom**

Without holding back one bit, he starts using his infamous technique in a relentless barrage of strikes, leaving Yami's body full of bloody giant holes... His entire corpse had been cut, burned, and almost down-right disintegrated...

Yami had now become a mushy paste of blood, tissue, and powdered bone... With only small parchments of what once was his Commander battle suit...

As experienced in battle as he is smart, the Raikage, while looking at this own brutal handiwork, immediately felt that something didn't add up... 

There was definitely something wrong here... Yami Inuzuka couldn't be taken down this easily, regardless of his surprise attack being successful... 

He literally hadn't even been able to react, let alone counterattack... 

Had the boy that escaped him that one time with only 12 years of age, really fallen prey to his own arrogance and carelessness...? 

Almighty A wasn't convinced of this at all... 



And he was proven right just seconds later, as Yami's remains shattered like mirrors simultaneously... 

'Genjutsu...!!' -Instantly deducted the 3rd Raikage. 'But when did he use it?! I didn't perceive any signs at all...!' 

Then another Yami appeared...

The Raikage was right about to engage Yami again, when suddenly... 

The world around him had started to crack like a mirror...


As if a thick glass barrier was broken all around him, a new picture, completely different from the previous one, took place in front of his eyes that were now open in mild shock... 

He was being held by Killer B's Hachibi tentacle, as it kept transferring chakra in order to break him out of the Genjutsu he had been put under...



In the real world, the Konoha and Kumo ninja armies were already engaging in an intense battle... 

The chaos and straying Jutsu blasts all around were killing countless shinobi left and right... 

The sky had been painted red and blue, by the hundreds of fire and lightning bursts that constantly shook the earth as they dropped down like artillery shells on the firing lines of both armies... 

The smell of crispening flesh and blood... cries for help... desperate screams of pain... 

There was an all-out battle all around them. Their men were dying. But neither commander paid attention to them... 

Yami, Almighty A, and Killer B... Naturally, they knew what was going on; that their people were falling by the hundreds without any of them to help them... 

Yet they also didn't dare get distracted by it... Not even for an instant...

One small mistake and the Raikage's frightening speed would overwhelm Yami in tandem with the fierce onslaught of the Hachibi's Jinchuuriki... 

But the opposite was also true... One wrong move and Yami's Flying Thunder God (Hiraishin) could easily overwhelm the Raikage and Killer B... 



The Raikage was the first one to make his move. As the ground under him fractured from the pressure that the Raikage was putting into it as he kicked forward in a shocking display of speed... He dashed forward faster than any lightning Jutsu could!

As Yami sensed the Raikage coming towards him (as he looked like he had disappeared to the untrained eye), he had an absolutely calm face... His eyes move at unimaginable speed as they analyze the Raikage's muscle movements and try to predict his next move and trajectory.

His weren't just any pair of trained eyes; they were Sharingan trained to perfection... 

'Analyse beyond the limits and surpass them!' -Thought Yami, while trying to predict the Raikage down to the movement of his eyebrows...

However, that proved too hard of a feat for him to accomplish... Even his thought process and training, coupled with his battle instinct, he simply couldn't keep up with the 3rd Raikage's speed... At least not at 100% accuracy... 

A testament of just how outrageous the Raikage's speed and agility were. 

A monster in his own right... Almighty A... 


His <One Finger Hell Stab> was now ready to obliterate Yami's head with a fast and harsh piercing motion... If one could catch a glimpse of the Raikage's expression, it's likely that it would be calm and the only thing that would show what he might be feeling is his sadistic look in his eyes that would be present...

Nevertheless, something weird had happened as Yami donned a slightly teasing smirk on his face. 

The moment the Raikage's <One Finger Hell Stab> was within arm's reach of his body, Yami's hand went to stop the Hell Stab...!


People would consider this the height of humanly possible stupidity given that this technique could inflict considerable damage to even the Hachibi... 

What it could do to a mere human being is a completely different thing. One that had been previously been delivered to Yami's illusion not more than a few moments ago...


By the time the crackling finger of the Raikage is about to enter contact with the hand of the Inuzuka... Yami's hand also got filled with chakra in less than a split second...

<Wind Style: Chakra Scalpel!>

Yami was about to use that technique to contend against the Raikage's! 

But then...! 



In a black flash, before anyone including the Raikage could notice... Yami was behind him!

He teleported to a Hiraishin-formula kunai that he had secretly buried in the ground.

Yami then swings his Wind Chakra Scalpel at the Raikage's back. The Raikage couldn't see behind his back but Yami was already known for his use of the Hiraishin. Predicting a flanking attack, the Raikage just jumped forward to dodge Yami's attack.

Yami was about to chase after the Raikage, but then he sensed an attack from Killer B... He too was careful and jumped out of the attack range with relative ease, as it was just Hachibi black ink that he threw him... 

As he looks at the Jinchuriki, Yami clicks his tongue... Killer B is in his full Hachibi Aspect transformation!

The giant Hachibi had now opened his jaws, and while yin and yang chakra were rapidly gathering there in a pulsating dark purplish sphere... Killer B had already taken aim at Yami as he finished charging a 'small-sized' Bijudama...

And although it looked to be no bigger than 4.8 m (15.7 ft) in diameter, it was still more than enough to level half of the battlefield in an instant!

Yami frowned at this scene and immediately started performing several hand signs at a fast pace; he was getting ready to create a barrier to contain that dreadful technique... 

However, the Raikage wouldn't allow this, so he again moved in to engage Yami and provide support for the Hachibi-clad Killer B... 

He returned the favor by appearing behind Yami and...!



Almighty A had landed a clean heavy punch on his back, making Yami stop performing his hand signs as his face grimaced in pain...! 

He could feel the lightning chakra running through him, tearing through skin and muscle... Paralyzing his body and scrambling his chakra... The pain not allowing him to even teleport away with Hiraishin...

He didn't have enough time to turn off his pain receptors... And as the Raikage blitzed away just as fast as he came with his punch, the <Bijudama> was at that same moment fired by Killer B...

The two goliaths of Kumogakure had established just how overwhelming an assault in perfect coordination by them can be...!




Differing from an ordinary bomb-type attack, the explosion wasn't like that of a ball of fire and more like a blinding flash of pure chakra being set free in a violent rampage, destroying any matter that stood in its way!

Everything around the zone of impact had seemingly seized to exist...



There were countless casualties from both sides of the conflict... The attack had, as expected, caused immense devastation all around... 

Trees, water, rock... metal... flesh... No matter. Anything in range of the giant blast had succumbed before the terrifying power of the second strongest Bijuu...




-Yami POV-


I can feel it... Everything burning right off, a catastrophic amount of pain hitting me like a train... This is simply too troublesome... I could have killed the Raikage ever since the fight started... Regardless of how fast he is... 


I would have taken one single attack, for me to end him and paint the ground red with his insides...

Nonetheless I require his body to be as intact as possible for it to be useful to me... It is quite harder to win right out of the bat when you need to take care to not obliterate your opponents in the process...


Abruptly, I look at my hands... Trembling from the shock of pain... 

And by hands, I mean my calcined hand bones... 

I could feel that all of my hair and half of my face had been burned off as well... Including half of my skull... 

Thankfully I saved the Sharingan inside my eye socket... I could at least protect my vital organs and my Jiongu hearts in that decisive moment... 


It seems like... I will have to get serious! 

I get up, and move my hands... Not by the use of the nerves or anything like that. My dark bony hands move by the use of the Dead Bone Pulse (Shikotsumyaku) from the Kaguya Clan... 




-General POV-

The Kumo shinobi were happy that this attack had paid off. Their hefty sacrifice had been worth it. The Konoha ninja were now trying to scatter in despair... 

But then...




The dust quickly cleared off, and in the pits of the crater... There it was... 

A true monster... 

The Kumo ninja were absolutely frozen by the terror crawling up their bodies... Even the Konoha ninja, on top of their morale being low; after looking at the scene in front of their eyes, they were scared senseless... 

What they saw... 







He had half of his face and body burned off. Most of him was now charred meat or blackened bone... With both of his arms as calcined skeletal limbs... 

But what had truly shocked and scared them... Were the flesh and muscle on the young man's body, being restored out of nothing and at an alarming rate... 

As if it was the work of a Genjutsu of some kind... Maybe it was...? They couldn't know for sure...

His face had also regenerated, even faster than the rest of his body... Tattoos of different linear shapes started spreading all over Yami's body like water rolling down a cascade...

<Yin Seal: Release...!>

All of his body had regenerated in the blink of an eye. Yami's hair had also turned completely white. His body couldn't possibly keep up with the Jutsu and produce enough pigments to dye his new hair roots.

Yami had a cold demeanor that looked like you would be frozen if you got too close... 

He clasped his hands together, and a golden light radiated from where he Yami stood... No... More like from his entire physique...

It was as if Yami himself, had become a miniature sun, emitting a blinding flash similar to that of the Bijudama...




A/N: Yami truly is a monster now... I am not going to nerf him. In this chapter I showed his terrifying regeneration... next will be his power.

ANNOUNCEMENT: For every 1000 Power Stones in this story, this will get +1 extra chapter that day.

P.S: I will post again soon I know...?... but that doesn't mean that I am happy baka?.. tsuntsun...???

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