Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 138: Of Treacheries & Sharingan

Title: Of Treacheries & Sharingan 

〚Story by ?????????  ║  Edited by ?????_???〛




With everything about the ceasefire treaty already settled upon, including my assignment of overseeing that Kumogakure held their end of the bargain and whatnot, I was returned the full command of the camp and troops.

Good ol' Hiruzen decided he was no longer needed and, as per the general war strategy (mostly my general war strategy), he had already made his way back to Konoha along with his personal Anbu Guard...


All according to my calculations, I have been left to my own devices, which are the same as always. Doing whatever is necessary for me to obtain what I came here looking for… 

On the road to perfection there's a lot of sacrifices (of other people) to be made. And I'm willing to do so…

Now... about my first true 'cash-in' in this war…


Taking advantage of the almost real-time intel I get from my spy network, mainly coming from my thousands of insidiously attentive mosquito spy summons, I have started to receive the most interesting reports...

I have thus been able to determine, with almost 100% certainty, that the 3rd Raikage Almighty A will go back on his word and try to increase his chances of killing me by launching a surprise attack... 

He sees this situation as his best chance to try to get his oh-so-yearned-for revenge against me, and maybe strike a decisive blow against Konoha... All in one fell swoop...

Emphasis on the word 'try'...

And while it is indeed true that both the Raikage and his Kumogakure would lose quite a lot of credibility by pulling such a sneaky and dishonorable stunt -even to the point of hindering any future dealing with another Hidden Village- it nonetheless seems like the 3rd Raikage considers me a bigger threat that whatever could come out of becoming unable to negotiate with the other Great Ninja Powers...

He's not stupid, I'll give him that...

Now, here's the thing. Allowing such a move from my enemy is certain to bring many risks to me...

For a good example, there is the (very) latent risk of the 3rd Raikage leading a tandem formation together with the Jinchuriki of the Hachibi... That (could) become a problem...

I might even have to draw upon my Mangekyou Sharingan if that happens... But that would also give me a good reason to use it again since I haven't had the need to use its power as of late... 



On another note about the Sharingan though... I am still annoyed about the fact that I can't use the Susanoo... 

I've done some casual thinking while preparing my disgusting tea, and came up with an answer eventually... 

My theory regarding such an intriguing conundrum is that this is an exclusive power of the Uchiha themselves, and not the Sharingan per se... 

But what is the meaning of such profound words Yami? -Some may be asking themselves... Well, that just means that Susanoo is an innate power residing inside the soul of an Uchiha, indicating that it exists at birth, and technically not through the unlocking of the Mangekyou Sharingan, or any form of dojutsu for that matter... 

BUT that doesn't suggest that the Mangekyou Sharingan has nothing to do with the Susanoo... 

I know about the strong emotions that trigger the Sharingan's evolution into the MS… But it goes without saying that they -also- shake the soul of the Uchiha to the core with all kinds of emotional energies colliding the ones against the others (love, rage, sadness...). 

This event, then, acts as the catalyst for the awakening of the Cursed Guardian of the Uchiha bloodline... The Susanoo is thus activated and is unconsciously called upon by the Uchiha, at the same time that the MS provides to the Susanoo the conduit that links both body and soul, enabling it to manifest itself around the user and into this world in a material expression of the soul...

So, in mortal terms, the MS is only the key for the Uchiha to be able to tap into the power of the Susanoo for the first time, without the MS being the source of the power itself... 

My theory grows increasingly feasible if judging by what happened in the anime... 

During the 4th Ninja War, Madara Uchiha was able to channel Susanoo without even having his eyes on his sockets, let alone having the MS activated. Then there is also Shisui Uchiha, who was able to use it (although in a weakened version) with only one eye...

Of course, if we take into account that they were both geniuses, that there may be differences with what was depicted in the anime and what is true for my world, and many other variables... the horizon turns foggy once more... 

My theory so far is just that... a theory... 

That's why it becomes clear as water that I will need to further study the souls of the Uchiha in order to unravel the truth behind the Susanoo... 

If I was reborn as an Uchiha, by now I would have already got my pair of flawless Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan... Along with the Full Body Susanoo... but no use crying over spilled milk I guess.



Anyway, with the endless experiments I've run so far on my dead Uchiha comrades (bless them for keeping their eyes intact when dying), I have also learned how to determine what Mangekyo Sharingan Skill one gets from their pair of Sharingan, with a certain degree of success of around 53.7% which is acceptable... for now... 


So, if the Mangekyo is obtained through extreme torture (the streamlined method), the person being tortured to insanity would want to get away from these dire circumstances by whatever means available, so he would get Teleportation-oriented skill... Just like the first Mangekyou I had... 


Now, just like I did with the Susanoo, I have come to a conclusion by using the anime for reference... 

When Rin died by the hands of Kakashi, Obito refused this reality where his friend killed the girl he was in 'love' with.

Hence, what did he get? His own pocket dimension. That Kamui...  truly an amazing ability that one.

Anyhow, moving on. Sasuke had great hatred towards Konoha and the people who had made his brother go through all that pain and self-sacrifice...

Hence, he got The Eternal Black Flame, Amaterasu. He had already been led astray by Orochimaru giving in to his anger. But most importantly, he used to look up to his brother, only to then hate him, only to later kill him. Therefore it was to be expected that his MS would replicate his brother's Skill reflecting the inevitable insecurities of Sasuke when he compared himself to Itachi.

So... he got Amaterasu and the ability to control the Amaterasu... Representing his desired and final victory against his anger.


In overall conclusion, the Mangekyou Sharingan Skill is the way the Uchiha unconsciously overcompensate for their own flaws... At least in battle...

It is so, that with the help of the people who were so… kind as to donate their bodies to me tacitly, that I now possess the knowledge about these matters and am ready to construct my very own customized pair of Mangekyo Sharingan... The ones I have on currently are simply not enough to reach the apex...

I have already set my eyes on one distinct specimen for the base of my Custom Mangekyou... 

Yes... it seems like Obito's will have to do. Now THAT is an ability that allowed Kakashi for that small amount of time that he had Obito's Mangekyo, to surpass both Sasuke and Naruto with the Sage Of Six Paths power... Which pretty much made them demigods...

A smile appeared on my face, thankfully I was inside my tent and alone so no one noticed it... 





Nonetheless, I have to be patient about this... Luckily I'm good at playing the long game...

I have to let some events play out first before acting, otherwise, Obito could get another Mangekyo and… that would be an undesirable outcome for me.

I (already) have DNA from Obito, that was too easy to get. But I still need some more things before everything falls into place...

But now... I have a bigger fish on my plate... The 3rd Raikage... 

He has to die in this 3rd Ninja War… there is no other way around it.

And he will definitely die… 


-Time Skip. Two Months Later-

I am at another dealing with the Raikage, for the weekly prisoner exchange. 

I am currently waiting for the Kumo Ninja to arrive, I was here to stop them from setting some type of trap or something like that. Hiraishin is difficult to counter, after all, I could literally be in Konoha and out of any danger in seconds... But give me a week and I could create a barrier made especially for my Hiraishin Mark...

Obviously, though, I know that the Raikage sometimes coming late to these meetings might seem like a power play by the bastard. But why should I care... 

I would easily beg for my life if it meant I would live, after all, what is dying with pride really worth...? 

Let me tell you: Dog sh*t... That is what it's worth... No one will remember you, no one will even recognize you, after which you have become maggot sh*t...

So, in reality, it's worth a sh*t's sh*t...


I also have my army of two thousand ninja behind me and another one hundred prisoners from the batch that we have been exchanging every week... 

I have made sure that the prisoners were underfed, to maintain them in a malnourished and emaciated state... I have also been secretly inoculating a special parasite I concocted on their intestines by tampering with their limited food rations... 

After all, the thing I hate most is having an unnecessary enemy... So they will all die within a year from some nasty infection or disease. Their bodies will weaken gradually so it won't be traced back to me... 

This 'prisoner-killing parasite' is particularly tough and most importantly, discreet. It becomes apparent that the victim is infected only when it's too late and there's organ failure present... Only the best medic-nin could detect it on time, but even then, the antidote is one only I know how to make. I don't like leaving behind loose ends.

And in the extreme event that they traced it back to me, they have no proof of me doing anything... Plus this is war, no use crying over a couple of thousand shinobi dying...


I see that, as usual, the Raikage comes with his army flanking him from a distance. Another one of his meaningless 'power plays', trying to show me that he's enough to take me and my army alone... it isn't though… and I don't need power plays or something like that. I know because it is a fact...


The Raikage's face is calm, his body shows nothing strange... But from the corner of my eye, I saw a Kumo Ninja swallow nervously. 

I act like I didn't see anything like that, and just calmly walked forward and met with the Raikage in the middle of the battlefield. 

Our armies both facing each other... deathly still.... the Konoha Chunin level ninja are a little relaxed since they have already done this a dozen times and have built an instinctive reaction to drop their guard at something like this.

I still have no reaction on my face as I extend my hand towards the Raikage doing the unison sign to represent no harsh feelings after this. He nodded calmly... and took my hand in a firm handshake...


-Third Person POV-

As soon as the Raikage shook hands with Yami, he immediately squeezed hard. He had done this before to express his 'resentment'... 

But the real reason why he had done so, was so Yami wouldn't be alarmed when he did this for real. He wanted Yami to instinctively drop his guard, even for one split second... That is all he needed...

As his squeeze got even harder... The Raikage then immediately swung Yami by the arm, entered in his Lightning Armor mode, and...


He slammed Yami on the rock-solid ground, headfirst. Yami saw what was happening but had no time for his body to catch up with his Sharingan that he keeps activated during these meetings... 

Thanks only to the Jiongu, he was able to manually control his body to an absolute level and had created a one-way mirror-like membrane in front of his eyes so when he had the Sharingan active it wouldn't show.

Then the Raikage swung Yami around again like an enraged gorilla, but then...


Yami's skull hit the ground again, even harder this time, creating a crater of considerable size under it. As his head was stuck underground. 

His body on the outside had suddenly gone limp…






*Author's Note*

I had this plan for the MC about when he would learn about how the Mangekyo works. That is why his first Mangekyou gave him a Teleportation power. Because it was created during torture.

P.S: I like to plan these things so I don't leave any loopholes.?✌

ANNOUNCEMENT: For every 1000 Power Stones in this story, this will get +1 extra chapter that day.



*Editor's Note*

Hello everyone, Chili_Dog here. 

First of all,  I just hope everyone's doing well and staying safe. I wanted to take a little space under the chapter to publicly thank Joker once again for letting me resume my editing of his work. 

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