Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 137: Ceasefire...

Title: Ceasefire...


When I suggested executing all 3000 of the Kumo ninja. Hiruzen was shocked, and he said. "No, there will be no need for that. We will be negotiating a deal with Hidden Cloud now... I would like you Yami to be part of it."

C'mon now old man. When you say the talk, you must also walk the walk. This is why people view you as a weak Hokage.

"Of course Hokage -sama." I answered. After all, even while thinking all of this I  had a calm look in my face. There is no need to aggravate  the Hokage. I know that he is already mad at me for killing Danzo, so I don't need to give him another reason to try and undermine. Because unlike Danzo I can't just go to the Land of Fire's Nobles and the Daimyo and 'suggest' to them that I would like the Hokage killed. 

But it doesn't really matter anyway, Hiruzen is an old man and in a few years he will step down as the Hokage. By then, not even his clan will have his back after the little stunt he pulled with Danzo's Clan, by uniting both clans under the Sarutobi banner. Hiraishin is truly useful, I have had my clones go back and manage the clan, so even though I am at the battlefield, the Inuzuka Clan can continue advancing. Especially now that all the others are more concerned about the war, I can take advantage of this.


Three days later and another three thousand ninja were sent from Konoha.

So now that everything was in place, we set off, with me and the Hokage leading our army. 


After some time we got all of our army to move to the borders of the Land of Frost and the Land of Hot Water. There we were, meeting with another one thousand soldiers, all of them having the headbands of the Hidden Cloud Village. Signifying their allegiance, and in the midst of them all... I saw it... the man who one made me so scared that I had to literally use every trick in the book to even be able to run away from him... The Third Raikage...


-3rd Raikage POV-

Seeing the face of that pushover Hokage was a pleasant sight, since it means that at least my sons haven't been killed or tortured to insanity... yet that is... I have no doubt that if Yami Inuzuka was the Hokage, Konoha would be a really scary existence to all the other Villages. Thankfully he isn't Hokage and he never will be, because Konoha isn't rational enough to get leaders like Yami, the Hokage are mostly chosen by the Nobles or the people of power... what do they even know of how a ninja village should be run or anything like that. They simply choose the one who seems nicest and who can talk good enough to convince them... Konoha has a lot of resources but it can't use any of them well enough to make them something special. Currently the only thing they have going for them is their high population inside Konoha.

Also another reason why Yami Inuzuka won't be Hokage is because... I will kill him within one month. This time I will make sure to go all out and plaster his brains, and be done with the brat. I give the signal for my army to stop, and so does the Konoha's Army.

They come for the meeting, and only I go forward. From the opposite side, comes the Hokage and the brat, Yami Inuzuka. 

We all intensely meet up in the middle, our armies ready to tear at each other's throats.  We all looked at each other with serious looks on our faces.

None of us said anything for a couple seconds,  I was the one to break the silence as I asked. "Where are my sons?" 


-General POV-

"If you are asking if they are safe. Then yes they are alright." Said Yami with a calm look on his face.

The Raikage frowned a little and asked. "I didn't ask you that brat, I was asking the Hokage."

Yami just shrugged at what the Raikage said. "Sure whatever I don't care. I just thought that you would be worried that I might have. Tortured them to insanity while trying to get them to say Kumogakure secrets. Or that I could have used a Yamanaka on your successor and learned your secret Lightning Armor Jutsu. But sure, do go on, I guess you better talk to the Hokage."

When the 3rd Raikage heard Yami say this, he just clenched his fists and held his anger. After all, it would raise more problems that it would solve if he plummets the brat here.


The Hokage didn't indicate his opinion on what Yami did. After all, to the enemy they must present a unified front.


The Hokage and the Raikage continued their negotiations while Yami just looked from the sidelines. At the end Kumo would pay 1.8 Billion Ryo for the return of their 3000 Ninja with Killer B and Unruly A (the 3rd Raikage's son).

It was also decided that every week the transaction of 100 Kumo ninja will be let free to return to Kumo. Because releasing all 3000 of them at once wasn't  a good idea.

After Killer B and Unruly A were returned, Kumo will pay upfront and the rest of the transaction will be overlooked by Yami as the Hokage needs to return back to Konoha.

Also a two year ceasefire was signed between the two parties. And that was the end of the deal.

So they each separated and returned to their own camps. When he turned his back the Raikage got his sons and started walking back to his army. He had a dark smile on his face. Planning Yami's demise, he would surprise attack Yami with his full army within a month.

True they signed a deal and the Hokage was happy about the cease fire... but... that is all just paper... they are ninja after all. Why wouldn't they attack them, just because they signed a piece of paper... No.. they are ninja, so why should they keep to their word.


But that day, what no one noticed, was Yami's own hidden... dark smile... 


A/N: While Hiruzen doesn't necessarily like Yami, he won't throw him at his enemies. I have seen some fanfics where Hiruzen is against the MC and then he acts irrationally. I HATE THAT. Hiruzen is a kind person and a little soft... BUT HE IS NOT DUMB. He is a born and bred killer after all.

So they still portrayed a united front against the Raikage.

ANNOUNCEMENT: For every 1000 Power Stones in this story, this will get +1 extra chapter that day.

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