Naruto: Dream to Immortality

Chapter 140: Changes in a split second...

Title: Changes in a split second...


Yami just regenerated and looked towards the Raikage. His body still shinning like he was a miniature sun.

"It seems like I will have to start getting serious now." Said Yami with a creeping calm voice. The Raikage frowned at what Yami said but he didn't let his emotions take the better of him and attack Yami immediately.

So Killer B in his eight tails form was the one to attack. It threw another giant tailed beast bomb. Yami just waved three handsings and the Tailed Beast Bomb got absorbed by a giant Fuinjutsu seal that appeared mid air and far away an explosion was heard.

This technique is very chakra consuming... if Yami was the average Ninja that is.... but he had the Tsinade's seal that stored chakra together with five hearts and each of them are at S Rank chakra amount. So truly Yami didn't even feel the drain. Plus his chakra was already regenerating at an alarming rate. He was sucking and purifying the huge amount of Dark Chakra that was produced by all of the negative emotions around the battlefield. Where Dark Emotions are overwhelming...

Suddenly as the Raikage was about to attack again, Yami just dropkicks the ground.


Creating a huge earthquake, destabilizing the Raikage's footing. Obviously the Raikage was only destabilized for a split second... but that was enough time as a giant golden fist that seemingly came out of nowhere 

punched him...


And threw him away... 


The Raikage was punched very hard. 

Going through many trees and rocks before his body halted. On the outside the Raikage didn't have a scratch on him but he still had a frowning face as he touched his chest.

'That was shock wave damage.' Thought the Raikage, as he analysed what happened... he didn't see it... but... 


He went back at the side of the Eight Tails B, he looked at his opponent and he saw Yami who now had white silver hair, with a smile on his face. 

Yami just clapped his hands again... and the Raikage was able to see what had hit him... a transparent buddha like golden statue with a hundred arms.

<100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva>

A monk technique that had been modified by Yami to suit his needs. The statue was gigantic, easily matching the eight tails in size. The eight tails got ready to shoot another tailed beast bomb but before it even had time to gather the chakra to do that. The giant statue behind Yami opened its mouth, and....


It fired a laser beam towards the eight tails. The speed of the attack was too fast for the eight tails giant body to dodge, but it still decided to bring his hand forward to defend itself. 


As soon as the giant golden laser beams and the Eight Tail's palm collide a burning feeling fills the air as the hand of the eight tails is clearly burning from the laser who is spreading around and hitting people all over when the beam made contact with the eight tails hand. Killer B just winced a little and it held the beam back and he was still able to form a tailed beast bomb of the smaller variety and threw it towards Yami, simply waved another handsign and...

<Summoning Jutsu: Mountain Leech Stomach>

A giant flesh substance wraps all around Yami...


As the mini tailed beast bomb hit him and even the Raikage went on top of the head of the eight tails and waved through handsigns as he dropped his lightning armour. Suddenly black lightning appeared on his hands...

<Black Panther>

The lightning transformed inti two panthers made out of electricity. So he sent the black lightning towards Yami's fleshy defense. Yami of course wasn't affected, even by the lightning shock. The meat ball around Yami burned and got electrocuted but it simply regenerated. 

Yami waved through another sequence of handsigns. 

<Earth Style: Swamp of the Underworld>

All around Yami, the land turned into a swamp. He also put a full on Kage level chakra into the jutsu, making a huge and deep sinkhole all around him. Even the Eight Tails got stuck into it as the mud was infused with chakra to make it stick more to its opponents. 

The eight tails struggled but it was only sinking deeper into the swamp. Then suddenly all around the eight tails body, black ink was secreted from his body and into the swamp. Giving itself even more time for something. But it took this time to form a giant Tailed Beast Bomb towards Yami and his fleshy shield. 


Completely obliterating it, but... Yami had already teleported out of there.

'That was a distraction all along. He had moved away from his meaty shield.' Both Killer B and the Raikage came to the same conclusion. 



A purple square barrier is formed all around the Raikage and Killer B and... the Raikage used his lightning armour to help his perception and see if he could find any weakness in the barrier.


The eight tails disappeared from under its feet. The Raikage was worried for B for a split second as he was falling down. Yami took that opportunity as he appeared from underground. The Raikage was mid air so he couldn't dodge so he used his attack <Hell Stab> again, to attack the technique Yami threw at him.

The Raikage frowned and it looked for any weak spots in my defense. But then...


Three normal looking kunai were thrown behind the Raikage. He looked around to see who did that and saw... it was Yami's shadow clones. The kunai had his Hisraishin mark as he...

Appeared behind the Raikage... and...


Yami used his super strength as he used <Wind Style: Chakra Scalpel>...and...

....the Raikage's body was pierced from his back... but due to the strong defensive properties of the lightning armor, the pierce wasn't too deep. But it definitely pierced the Raikage on his back, giving Yami a chance. Then Yami does a slashing motion and...


...a large cut appears in the back of the Raikage. 

While still midair dark wings appear on Yami's back with all of his strength he grabs the arm of the  Raikage.


And due to using all of his strength on it the Raikage's arm is completely broken. Yamo tugs it away... and rips the arm of the Raikage's body.

When the Raikage sees this he immediately understands that Yami hasn't been going all out.

'This kid will kill us all, if I am injured,  me and B won't be able to hold him back.' Thought the Raikage, while clutching his stump and using the heat of the electricity in the wound, burning it which stopped the bleeding. As soon as he does so, he screams to the top of his lungs...


And he finally touched the ground... in a split second the battlefield had changed. The Kumo ninja were the ones in peril now....

Yami had a calm look all along as he looked at the Raikage. With the Eight Tails teleported out of the way… he could easily handle the Raikage….


A/N: Here it is... the bonus Chapter...?

P.S: Yami is not nerffed or anything like that. He is simply trying to not kill the Raikage in one shot. He wants the Raikage's techniques.

P.P.S: The technique, is a Monk Technique, like the one that Monk that was Asuma's friend and was killed by Kakuzu. The technique was just supercharged with Yami's chakra.??

ANNOUNCEMENT: For every 1000 Power Stones in this story, this will get +1 extra chapter that day.

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